Mission Slimpossible - Team Chat AUGUST 2021



  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member

    @TheglwUp Thank you! And yayyy for joining the exercise challenge. :grin:

    @TwistedSassette That is good news about the nurse. I’m sure your hubby will be ok too. Yeah, I HATE being sick and I’m praying it goes away today. I got stuff to do! Wow, what a bummer that your whole state is doing stay-at-home orders. It looks like we are never going to be done with this virus. :/

    @askewcr Yes, it’s just a season and you know how to turn your struggles around. Make a plan of action and work on being consistent. Also, be kind to yourself. We all need a good dose of grace from time to time, don’t we? <3

    @Jactop Hang in there! We are here for you! <3

    @Cornanda I will share what I learned. But not today, because I did what I am NOT supposed to do. I’m blaming me having a cold. :grin: I can only imagine the chaos of getting your kids settled. Just keep doing the best you can this week and keep your eye on next week when you can regain more control. :)

    Hi Team! I have had a low-key day as I nurse this stupid cold and pray it doesn’t get any worse. This is a terrible week to not feel good with Wednesday night church and Thursday women’s Bible study starting this week. And next Sunday we have a kick-off potluck breakfast for Sunday school that I’m in charge of organizing. I went to Walmart, wore a mask, and got in and got out. The rest of the day has been my puzzle and mindless TV. Hubby decided to spoil me by getting me Chic-Fil-A and I let him. Totally ate off plan but I tracked it all so that has to count for something, right? :#

    Target Goals—Cal: 1350, Pro: 95 gm., Total Carbs 50 gm., Fat 85 gm.
    Tracked I pre-tracked today
    Target Goals Cal 1981, Protein 106.9, Total Carb 145.3, Fat 112.8
    Squat Challenge Day 16 done! 40 regular squats and 20 curtsy on each side
  • askewcr
    askewcr Posts: 367 Member
    Target Goals—Cal: 1,520, Pro: 76 gm., Carbs 190 gm., Fat 76 gm.

    August 11
    Cal 1,434, Carb 88, Protein 93, Fat 80
    August 12
    Cal 1,766, Carb 114, Protein 130, Fat 86
    August 13
    Cal 1,697, Carb 166, Protein 66, Fat 80
    August 15
    Cal 2,000, Carb 204, Protein 76, Fat 99
    August 16
    Cal 1,879, Carb 139, Protein 93, Fat 102
  • TwistedSassette
    TwistedSassette Posts: 8,683 Member
    @askewcr Sending you hugs as you work through this.

    @jactop I hope you're back to full health now?

    @Cornanda Sounds like you have your hands very full this week, but I like your plan about being intentional. You got this.

    @TeresaW1020 I hope your cold isn't too bad. It's nice that hubby is looking after you.

    I overate yesterday, but did play Audio Trip for a whole hour which burned a tonne of calories. Still ended the day with a good deficit!
    Hubby is STILL waiting on his test result, which is frustrating but I know they're inundated at the moment with the number of tests happening.
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,610 Member
    @TwistedSassette What is Audio Trip?

    Just a quick check-in, my post earlier was too negative so I erased it. Dentist appointment didn't go well and a rock in the never-ending construction around here a car kicked up hit and cracked my windshield on the way home. That lane has been under construction since I moved here, it's ridiculous yet we pay some of the highest gas rates in the country for the roads. Not much else is new, did my workout, stomach's been shaky so I'm not eating much, it's been going on for awhile but I'm not sure why, maybe the supplement or something with my pain I don't understand.

    Have a great Tuesday!
  • krea4
    krea4 Posts: 1,814 Member
    PW: 68.95kg 152.0lbs
    CW: 69.65kg 153.6lbs

    Back off holiday and the weight gain wasn't as bad as I thought it would be.
    I've got some work to do and I need to stay dedicated. I tend to be fine for a couple of weeks and then let it slip.
    I'm going to be 50 in November and I want to be back to a healthy weight.
    Next week I'm going back to couch to 5k. 2 years ago I was running 5k three times a week. Then I got shin splints, then lockdown, then an extra 14 pounds. I've bought new trainers and so I start next week when my schedule goes back to normal.
  • bgame4
    bgame4 Posts: 94 Member
    Sorry this is so late...
    Username: bgame4
    Weigh In Day: Friday
    PW: 138 lbs
    CW: 137 lbs
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 5,948 Member
    @Jwhitegarcia @digger61 @bgame4 Well done on the losses!

    @TheGlwUp It's never too late in the week to get back on track. Thank you re: the boxing class. Yeah, it's a lot of work but I feel great afterward.

    @TeresaW1020 I was! You are doing awesome and getting really close to your goal. I'm excited for you! Thank you and yes, I did have a fantastic weekend celebrating my anniversary! At least you tracked the Chic-Fil-A. Hang in there, I hope your cold improves!

    @TwistedSassette Yay for your negative COVID test and the cold going away! I hope your husband's test is negative, too. Sorry about being stuck in lockdown. Great job with the exercise.

    @apple852hk I didn't manage it last week, either, but I am going to try again this week, too. Let's do it!

    @Cornanda That's a great take-away. Good luck with moving the kids. I hope it goes well.

    @Jwhitegarcia @Lulu_jo Congrats on getting on the leaderboard!

    @askewcr You can do this, hang in there. Can you go back and track what you had?

    @Katmary71 I'm sorry about your challenges yesterday. I hope today is better.

    Hi all. I had a great weekend celebrating. Now back to business.

    TRACKING CHALLENGE: Tracked 100% yesterday, not pre-tracked yet today.
    My phrase for the year: CHANGE HAPPENS
  • renaegry
    renaegry Posts: 1,256 Member
    Morning all. Tried to catch up on posts but to many. lol. Yesterday was another killer hot day 34C. This weather is not normal for us. And hopefully yesterday was the last day of it. But has also been extremely smokey due to the forest fires. So needless to say we had the same ole weekend at the lake.

    Well today is a new day. It is my 44th birthday and I am not happy where I am with my weight at all. Pretty much back to where I started before summer. So today is day 1 of getting back on track. Still have 2 weekends camping and a wedding this weekend so my weekends won’t be great but I can stay great during the week. My goal is to finally get down to 140 and be toned by my 45th bday. I need to stay focused on the working out. My son starts morning football practices this week and kids start school Sept 1 so we will slowly be getting back into routine. So this will help.
  • Cornanda
    Cornanda Posts: 1,015 Member
    Only time for a quick post today.....

    @leonadixon - glad you are doing better.

    @renaegry - Happy Birthday!
  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member
    @TwistedSassette Thanks, the cold is getting better and for that I’m thankful. It is frustrating that getting the test results back takes so long. We have that issue here too. :)

    @Katmary71 You poor thing! Hang in there as best you can. <3

    @krea4 Your weight gain from vacation isn’t bad at all and you will get that off in no time. Have fun with the couch to 5k but be careful not to push too hard. :)

    @trooworld I’m so glad that you had a great weekend! :grin:

    @renagry Happy birthday to you!! As long as you keep moving forward your weight will catch up. :)

    Hi Team! I’m thankful that I’m starting to feel better but still tired and blah. I took off today from working out but did my squat challenge, which was about all I had in me. I took my hubby to the doctor today too. He has been having a few issues with memory and dizziness. The doctor thinks there is a small chance that he has had a mini-stroke, so he is going for tests tomorrow and then maybe an MRI. I am refusing to think anything other than super positive thoughts. He is 78 years old, and I can accept that his issues are age-related. But that is it!! However, I would appreciate your thoughts and prayers.

    Target Goals—Cal: 1350, Pro: 95 gm., Total Carbs 50 gm., Fat 85 gm.
    Tracked I pre-tracked today
    Target Goals Cal 1234, Protein 112, Total Carb 44.6, Fat 70.3
    Squat Challenge Day 17 done! 45 regular squats and 45 narrow squats
  • TwistedSassette
    TwistedSassette Posts: 8,683 Member
    @Katmary71 Audio Trip is a dancing game on my virtual reality headset. It's a lot of fun, and time passes quickly lol
    Sorry to hear about the cracked windscreen - mine has about 4 chips in it from rocks kicked up by passing vehicles, I need to get it replaced but haven't gotten around to it. Hope your stomach settles down soon.

    @krea4 Awesome plan with the C25K! Let us know how it goes when you start!

    @bgame4 Nice loss :smile:

    @renaegry Happy birthday!! I hope you have a wonderful day, filled with joyous celebration!

    @TeresaW1020 Sending you all the positive thoughts and vibes as you wait to find out more about hubby's condition. I hope there is a simple explanation.

    Not much to update here. Hubby is still waiting on his test results. Hopefully today. The trouble is that we live rurally where there isn't a lab, so they collect the samples and send them off for testing once a day. From what we can gather, they only get sent on weekdays, so any samples collected Friday afternoon through to Monday morning all get sent together. My BIL did his test on Friday around 11am, and just got his result this morning - we think that his sample was probably sent on Monday and my hubby's sample taken on Sunday morning was probably sent the same time. So hopefully it's just a matter of hours now as they work through the batch. He tried calling the hotline that you're supposed to call if it's been more than 72 hours, but it's so busy that you don't even get into a queue, it just tells you some other numbers to call for certain situations, and then hangs up! Frustrating, but hopefully the end of the wait is near!
  • GabiV125
    GabiV125 Posts: 3,116 Member
    Username: GabiV125
    Check in day: Wednesday
    PW: 131.1
    CW: 131.1
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 5,948 Member
    @renaegry Happy happy birthday! I hope you had a great day.

    @TeresaW1020 Thank you! I'm glad you are feeling better. I'm thinking about your hubby and wishing you both the best!

    @TwistedSassette Also thinking of your hubby and wish you well.

    Hi all. I've been doing well with snacking, keeping it to a minimum and keeping it healthy. I need to reel it in on the weekends, though. I'll figure it out.

    TRACKING CHALLENGE: Tracked 100% yesterday, not pre-tracked yet today.
    My phrase for the year: CHANGE HAPPENS
  • Cornanda
    Cornanda Posts: 1,015 Member
    Hello- It's Wednesday!

    @TeresaW1020 - glad you're feeling better. I just said some prayers for your hubby. Keep us updated.

    @TwistedSassette - Hope you get the test result today and that it's negative. Seems likely it will be. You just reminded me that Just Dance on Wii is a fun way to burn some extra calories. Might have to work that into my evening routine.

    @trooworld- you will definitely figure it out! I have faith in you!

    Well, yesterday I baked some chocolate chip cookies for the kids to take with them. It's an annual first day of school tradition since Kindergarten. And even though they are young adults now, it's nice to have something familiar from home when you are settling into your new place. I threw a few cookies in the freezer to for hubby and me. The kids are taking the rest. BUT I did eat a good amount of cookie dough while baking them. So, I added a swim last night to help a bit. Tonight we will load up and tomorrow morning, my daughter and I will head out. She chose to move off campus this year, so her move might require a bit more time than a dorm move. Hubs and son will arrive Friday- he's living in the dorm again and we have that down to a science. Hopefully we will be on the road back home shortly after lunch at our favorite lunch place there. I'm excited to get them settled and then come home and REST!

  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member
    @TwistedSassette Thank you for your good thoughts and vibes! I hope your husband hears back soon with his test results. Is your husband showing any symptoms? :#

    @trooworld Thank you, I am sure hubby will be just fine! :) How are the boxing classes going? Do you still love it?

    @Cornanda Thank you for your prayers. They are very appreciated! :) I wish you all the best in getting the kiddos off to their new homes for the school year. What plans do you have the hubby have once your empty nesters again? Besides eating those yummy cookies. :p

    Hi everyone! I decided to get back to my workout this morning and then did a bunch of housework and I think I overdid it because I am wiped out. Wednesday night church is starting back tonight but the kids are just having a game and pizza night, so I called and bailed on them, which is good because now I won’t be caving and eating pizza. Instead, I made hubby and my mom jambalaya rice with smoked sausage, and I had a bowl of scrambled eggs. Hubby had a test done this morning, but we haven’t heard anything and probably won’t until next week. He looks and feels good. :)

    Target Goals—Cal: 1350, Pro: 95 gm., Total Carbs 50 gm., Fat 85 gm.
    Tracked I pre-tracked today
    Target Goals Cal 1326, Protein 102.8, Total Carb 32.1, Fat 89.3
    Squat Challenge Day 18, I did half of what I was supposed to do and will make up the rest hopefully tomorrow.
  • askewcr
    askewcr Posts: 367 Member
    edited August 2021
    Target Goals—Cal: 1,520, Pro: 76 gm., Total Carbs 190 gm., Fat 51 gm.

    8/18/21 Cal 1582, Protein 45, Carb 145.1, Fat 90
  • askewcr
    askewcr Posts: 367 Member
    I had a pretty good day today. I volunteered at United Way organizing and such. There was a lot of walking and moving so I got lots of steps in. Then we visited my mother-in-law and she was feeling much better. Then we had bible study virtual and at was good. I am the miracle I've been looking for. I am encouraged! It was a good day. B)
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,610 Member
    @Krea4 Birthday is just a few months away, I'm the big 50 at the end of September, feels like a big deal but it really isn't, it's a good time limit for a goal for us though!

    @Renaegry Happy birthday! Sounds like you're setting new goals, just think of where you could be next year and what you can do differently. I hope routine helps!

    @TeresaW1020 Thoughts and prayers for your husband, I hope it's nothing too serious and whatever it is something that can be corrected or helped. I'm glad your husband is feeling good tonight and you two had a good night together.

    @Cornanda How far away is the school your kids are at? Are they at the same one? It must be crazy having both in college at the same time! That happened with my brother and I because I slipped at work right out of high school and first avoided then needed back surgery and recovery so we ended up transferring to Universities at the same time. Definitely keeps you on your toes but then the house must seem real empty all the sudden too.

    @TwistedSassette I hope your husband gets his results soon!

    @trooworld Hope this weekend goes better for you! How's boxing going?

    @askewcr You just gave me my most genuine smile of the day with you being the miracle you're looking for, you're right darnit! I've told you how much I love the spirit you bring to this group and your positive outlook, right?

    Had a super busy day and tomorrow is busy too, I'm about to head to bed as I have to get up early for the food bank watering then have errands and an appointment in the afternoon for lab work. Of course I got to the lab 10 minutes after they closed today because my doctor's office is so slow, I actually stayed calm even though my blood pressure is going nuts again but I sprained my toe today so I'm limping and that's making my pain worse, the actual sprain just blends in with all the other stuff (sounds pathetic but it's true). I was asked to be on the HOA and said yes, I have an idea of what I have to do but I'm getting filled in tomorrow. I had my glasses repaired at Costco and he didn't charge me which was nice. My ex is still here, I'm hoping he'll be gone by the end of next month, at least his Jeep is almost done with repairs and he's starting to work again. I wish I could keep his cats! They adore him so I wouldn't, I'll just really miss them.
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 5,948 Member
    @Cornanda Thank you! Good job with the swim! I hope the move goes well.

    @TeresaW1020 Boxing class is going great. I think I can tell I'm getting stronger. I do still love it. I'm going tonight although I'm a bit tired and tempted to cancel. Luckily, you have to cancel 7 hours ahead of time or you will be charged a fee so that will keep me from canceling. That was good you avoided the pizza. Thinking of your hubby.

    @askewcr I'm glad you had a good day. You ARE your own miracle!

    @Katmary71 Thank you! I'm determined to get a handle on things. Boxing is going really well. As I told Teresa above, I think I can tell I am getting stronger. And I'm definitely punching faster! :) Sorry about your day. I am on the HOA board at our condo. I hate it lol but it's not much work: I just have to go to a Zoom meeting every 4 months and help make decisions. Too bad you can't keep your ex's cats. I bet your cats are bonded with them, huh?

    Hi all. I had a pretty good day yesterday. The only unplanned foods I had were 3 pieces of chocolate that my boss gave me. I made a nice dinner last night: I took chicken breasts and coated them with Everything But the Bagel seasoning and air-fried them. Then we put a mixture of low-fat cream cheese, green onions, and chopped-up tomatoes on top of the chicken. I served it with a Mediterranean tomato salad: https://leitesculinaria.com/333513/recipes-tomato-salad-with-labneh.html

    TRACKING CHALLENGE: Tracked 100% yesterday, 100% pre-tracked today.
    My phrase for the year: CHANGE HAPPENS
  • laurelfit57
    laurelfit57 Posts: 487 Member
    Weekly weigh in
    Username. laurelfit57
    Weigh in day. Sunday
    PW. 158.2
    CW. 157

    Life continues to be very busy, in a very good way! I’ve had quite a bit of company from out of town and continue to spend tons of time with my grand kiddos. I know that once the grandkids are back in school/play school and fall rolls in with less visitors, I will have more time here:). I do find time once a week or so to read through posts and keep up that way.
    I lost just over a pound again this week. Still doing a lot of eating out, potlucks and such, my strategy is to try to take half of what I normally would and concentrate on the proteins. This is definitely rough guesstimate at its finest LOL.
This discussion has been closed.