Food inspiration, or what's for supper?



  • lauriekallis
    lauriekallis Posts: 4,717 Member
    @Goodgollygee ... lol - not so modest! But how can a person follow that act?! :D
  • lauriekallis
    lauriekallis Posts: 4,717 Member
    dcshima wrote: »
    @lauriekallis @PAV8888
    Hold your hats my friends on hot breakfast front
    Can mix in shredded zucchini into oatmeal for zucchini bread-esc portage or carrots for carrot cake, can doctor it up accordingly with seasoning or toppings
    I have been putting collagen peptides in mine lately too with success.

    There is also Big Man's World (IDK why he picked this name, it's not smut I promise) cinnamon bun oatmeal that uses egg whites, protein powder for higher protein (more cal) version that I do a hybrid of...he has lots of variations. Egg whites change texture in creamy delicious way. Then mix in above shredded veg in parallel.

    There is always savory oatmeal too if that is your thing. have me thinking.

    I'm not doing any normal type of porridge - avoiding grains or grainlike things altogether at the moment.

    But I wonder about some kind of "carrot pudding" - like the Indian carrot pudding? But less sweet and with the addition of some extra protein - egg whites/cottage cheese ????

    Woah! That could be some fun.

    I might try playing with this idea in the next few days. I'll report back.
  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 13,872 Member
    edited August 2021
    A while ago I moved to cream of wheat as a quick to make option especially the whole meal one.

    I did / have used, and it worked fine, egg whites with oatmeal.Also fruit flavored yogurt. but you know what? I've never tried zucchini or carrots and I bet you they would work good❣️

    Problem of course being that if it tastes too good... that can also cause trouble in paradise 😹🤷🏻‍♂️

    Goodgollygee you can claim leftovers, but time will tell if we will be moving to your place once we finish freeloading at Alexandra's!😹

    I've had "a bit" of coffee (1.7 litres water / 60g claimed Costa Rica grounds) by the looks of it so far; I think I'm almost awake 😹😇)

    And 49g dried strawberries, so at least I've got a fruit portion in for today❣️

    Slow poke puppy is still sleeping after last night's 2+ hour post midnight stroll (including a stretch of forest where she still tried to snack on mice 🐾🤬)
  • AlexandraFindsHerself1971
    It took me two hours but I hand-breaded in three stage breading (milk, seasoned flour, back into the milk, into breadcrumbs) two onion's worth of rings. The nice thing is that that's enough that all I have to do next weekend is pull them out of the freezer and fry them up. And probably the weekend after, too.

    Tonight we had them with piggy grilled cheese sandwiches. That's a grilled cheese sandwich with a layer of pulled pork in the middle. And I was happy with three onion rings. I could have eaten more, but that was fine.

    Here's next week's menu, for those following along.

    Monday: Chicken and Jalapeno Quesadilla
    Grilled pork chop with optional bbq dip, baked potato/rice pilaf, broccoli with cheese sauce.

    Tuesday: Hot Italian Beef sandwiches
    Taquitos con carne, rice and beans, salad.

    Wednesday: Hamburgers to order, chips.
    Pizza to order or grilled fish with pan seared asparagus.

    Thursday: Pulled pork on bun or in wrap, chips or mac and cheese.
    General Tso's Pork with white rice and mixed Asian vegetables.

    Friday: Patty melts, chips.
    Carnitas, rice and beans, salad. Tortillas.

    Saturday: Chicken patty sandwich, chips.
    Peanut pork, white rice, Thai spinach.

    Sunday: Mexiwrap
    Leftover cleanup or Piggy Grilled Cheese sandwich with onion rings.

  • conniewilkins56
    conniewilkins56 Posts: 3,391 Member
    Laurie, do I really want to know what Indian pudding of any kind is?…( shuddering here )

    Alex is my “ wanna be “ with her organizational skills!

    PAV I love you, I really do but I am never eating the things you think up!

    GoodGollyGee and Bella and a few others have fit right in to this wacky eating bunch!…can you all imagine what a pitch in dinner of ours would look like?

    I love you all in this Loser group!…what would Novus think of us?…lol
  • lauriekallis
    lauriekallis Posts: 4,717 Member
    Actually, Connie - the Indian carrot pudding isn't too bad - closest I could compare it to is pumpkin pie filling? Except is is finely grated carrot rather than mashed pumpkin.

    My day of eating is close to a replay of the past several.

    For lunch I finished the left over half serving of chili, with the last 3 veggie hotdogs, on a bed of riced cauliflower (that was way more delicious than it sounds)

    For dinner - scrambled eggs on a bed of sauteed kale with a nice sprinkle of feta cheese. Some grape tomatoes. A few baby new potatoes. Filling and quick!

    Had room for my lovely cottage cheese, blueberry and almond snack again today.

    After we get back from our walk tonight my lovely yogurt snack will round out the day!

    Worked all day today - took on a few too many projects while the Boy was away - so I'm glad to have these fall back meals that require very little thinking.

    Hoping tonight to paint a bit - I'm working on a community mural type project in my spare time (lol) - for a local day care. It will feature the Boy himself and I hope to have it complete and installed before they return. Can't wait to see his face! I'll post a picture when it is done.
  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 13,872 Member
    Connie almost made "Connie's egg salad" again today (sweet green relish, jalapeno pepper, dijon grainy mustard, 0% yogurt, eggs... I think I will see about adding a bit of curry powder next :wink: )

    But, since you're having a birthday I decided to spare your sensibilities and just eat one of the eggs I boiled last night JUST BY ITSELF (with a bit of garlic powder, salt, and pepper!)

    Went off the rails a bit with a gratuitous clif bar. Sawsan downstairs was BBQ'in egg plants (to make baba ganoush) and baby potatoes.... so I attacked the BBQ and threw in a small bag of baby potatoes and when she took the egg plants away threw on 7 pieces of crispy breaded haddock fish fillets (walmart)... kept 2... and slipped the rest to Sawsan for making her clean the BBQ :blush: She retaliated though by sending the plate back with TWO kinds of baba ganoush... one plain eggplant and spices (and olive oil :anguished: ) and one with yogurt and similar spices... and I would say the second one was the best one!

    And that's it!

    Off with the pupper to go visit the bushes! :smiley:
  • conniewilkins56
    conniewilkins56 Posts: 3,391 Member
    It was my husbands birthday today not mine….I just had one in July!….he was 67…. PAV I like younger men….( wink wink )
  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 13,872 Member
    Birthday in the house with lots of cake from public 😇
  • lauriekallis
    lauriekallis Posts: 4,717 Member
    Homemade baba ganoush sounds wonderful - two kinds?! - over the moon wonderful. You have a fine downstairs neighbour! It was very kind of you to skip the "Connie's Egg Salad" when Connie had a birthday in her house.

    Those doctors better get your husband's back in order soon, Connie. You are becoming a smokin' hot momma - AND you like younger men - he is going to have to be running around with a big straw broom to sweep and chase them away!
  • conniewilkins56
    conniewilkins56 Posts: 3,391 Member
    The shots last week brought some relief but nothing wonderful….hoping the surgery does more for him….he is on so many meds, not sure how he functions but his body is wearing down too fast…the cardiologist found another shadow on his heart, too….told him to get the back fixed first so must not be overly concerned….this getting old is Hell!

    Meanwhile, I am eating blackberries like a crazy person!…on sale right now for 99 cents to $1.25 and I am buying them daily!…dinner is salad, turkey kielbasa,some left over potatoes put in the oven to roast, birds eye steamer veggies and maybe a snickerdoodle cookie I got at the produce market this morning!…
  • Goodgollygee
    Goodgollygee Posts: 102 Member
    Laurie: "lol - not so modest! But how can a person follow that act?! " How can a soul come close to your lovely sounding mural project? I bet you are very talented. I can hardly wait to see the pic!!! .

    "Goodgollygee you can claim leftovers, but time will tell if we will be moving to your place once we finish freeloading at Alexandra's!" Hahahaha!! You crack me up!! I like Connie's idea best:

    Connie: "GoodGollyGee and Bella and a few others have fit right in to this wacky eating bunch!…can you all imagine what a pitch in dinner of ours would look like?" Oh!!! Glorious I bet!! But no younger men invited!!! Wouldn't want your hubby puttin' his back out again by the old broom swing thing!

    Pav: "sweet green relish, jalapeno pepper, dijon grainy mustard, 0% yogurt, eggs" Connie's egg salad sounds delish! Gotta try it. "TWO kinds of baba ganoush". Yum! (PS- you can lie about your age so you can get an invite to the wacky bunch dinner --right?)

    Does anyone have a good recipe for making tofu chocolate pudding? I am thinking of being brave and giving it a try. Advice much appreciated.

  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 13,872 Member
    edited August 2021
    I think Connie is still trying to disavow her ownership of "Connie's egg salad", which, of course, started from her description of her deviled egg recipe somewhere way way up-thread!

    It is very "fall-like" over here today. Other than coffee (still under consumption), I actually fired up a bag of zucchini noodles in the nuker (350g). I actually find them tasty and "interesting" sort of like glass noodles as compared to the more "meaty" beet noodles. But a lot of water to dump. Overall I would say I prefer the beet noodles; but the color is more interesting with the zoo ones when paired with tomato based sauce. Red on red... is very red!!! :lol:

    Anyway. Fired up the zoo noodles. Dumped 125g of Classico Tomato-Basil sauce on top of each batch. Some garlic powder (or a lot). Some hot sauce (not a lot). And I have to say it was quite tasty and has hit the spot for very few calories.

    Does anyone know of a spiralizer that actually works? The startfrit ones... don't... or, more likely, it is the operator who doesn't!
  • Athijade
    Athijade Posts: 3,269 Member
    Alex, I LOVE seeing your menus! I also wish I could come over for lunch and dinner. It gives me great ideas for meals and for things to toss in the freezer.

    And Pav... homemade baba ganoush? I wish I could have some brought to me. That's really the only way I like eggplant (but that might be more how it has been made otherwise then a problem with the vegetable itself).

    Now I want egg salad... on toast. Been craving toast with butter all weekend. Had some today but still want more. Such an odd thing to crave.
  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 13,872 Member
    edited August 2021
    Yeah: Sawsan was grilling the eggplants on the BBQ for over half an hour, turning them and turning them! Then she pealed them and hand smashed them but I didn't watch the rest of the preparation because I had left the BBQ plus, ya, know, having BOTH Skylar and myself starting at her cooking in her kitchen is probably not too polite! :lol:

    Depending on time I might get them back today. I got six extra large corns on the cob yesterday. plus a 5lb bag of tiny tiny red and white baby potatoes (smaller than normal). Plus I have another box of that Walmart Haddock... So I can load up the BBQ and if I offload 2/3's+ of it it is always good for reducing the calories I have to consume, right?!?!?!?! :wink:
  • conniewilkins56
    conniewilkins56 Posts: 3,391 Member
    MY egg recipe was for DEVILED eggs, not egg salad…’s 2 boiled eggs, 1T. Lite Hellman’s Mayo,
    2 tsp. Grey Poupon, 1 T. Sweet Pickle Relish, salt and pepper….205 calories total…….. it was PAVs idea to add the other “ stuff” to it!….for egg salad I would add diced celery and onion and dice the eggs….I VERY seldom eat any kind of an egg…..

    I know I won’t like the answer but what is baby ganoush?…..

    Why make Tofu pudding when you can buy pudding already made?

    Does anyone else love the Sabra Chocolate Hummus?…I love it….I am trying new foods thanks to some food inspiration ideas!….I wish I liked avocado and salmon but I don’t….but I do love all the varieties of hummus….and I like all kinds of beans….the refried black bean enchiladas are so good….
  • Goodgollygee
    Goodgollygee Posts: 102 Member
    Hey Connie: "Why make Tofu pudding when you can buy pudding already made?" It's not available where I shop. Plus I just bought an immersion blender with a "turbo" setting on it and I'm dying to give it a whirl!
    Never heard of chocolate hummus. Sounds interesting. I have made bean brownies before and they were good.
  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 13,872 Member
    Hey Connie: "Why make Tofu pudding when you can buy pudding already made?" It's not available where I shop. Plus I just bought an immersion blender with a "turbo" setting on it and I'm dying to give it a whirl!
    Never heard of chocolate hummus. Sounds interesting. I have made bean brownies before and they were good.

    You have to "learn" our Connie, Goodgollygee!

    She wasn't talking about chocolate TOFU pudding that was already made... she was talking about NON TOFU pudding that was already made :wink:

    However, it is funny in that she then "falls" for the hummus/chocolate combo, which, let's face it, is WAY stranger than TOFU/chocolate, AmIright or amIright?!?! :wink:

    You COULD test the immersion turbo blender by using chickpeas and unsweetened chocolate powder and... what else is in that hummus Connie?!?!?! :smiley:
  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 13,872 Member
    They struck first :angry:

    How does she do it? Her cookies and breads are actually just about 30g each (just over 1oz). No breads and cookes today... but some very lightly breaded (and unfortunately deep fried) chicken breast chunks which totalled... 101g in the plate. The lightly deep fried kale was 30g. to the gram. She doesn't use a scale!

    licking my wounds, and chops... and contemplating how in the blazes to log these!
  • conniewilkins56
    conniewilkins56 Posts: 3,391 Member
    Hey Connie: "Why make Tofu pudding when you can buy pudding already made?" It's not available where I shop. Plus I just bought an immersion blender with a "turbo" setting on it and I'm dying to give it a whirl!
    Never heard of chocolate hummus. Sounds interesting. I have made bean brownies before and they were good.

    Sabra has come out with a dessert hummus and it is really almost too good to keep in the house!…where do you live that there is no pudding?….I had an immersion blender and never used it…now I wish I had it back!…I also had a food processor that was never touched…I keep using my old regular blender….I have had rice cookers, bread makers (2), pasta maker, George Forman grill (3), Hobart mixers, hand mixers, slow cookers, and electric skillets, waffle makers, chaffles makers, a panini press, a meat grinder and slicer!….thank goodness I had storage space but I eventually got rid of them lol