Food inspiration, or what's for supper?



  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 13,872 Member
    I am sitting here with a "crappy" clif bar while reading about beautiful chia, tofu pudding & pizzas?!?!? :wink: "whipped yogurt with pudding also works... and just unsweetened cocoa (just a bit)... maybe even chia seeds or all bran buds (I figure chia seeds and all bran buds occupy the same role in the ecosystem!)

    Sigh... maybe I should just get on with taking the girl out!
  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 13,872 Member
    edited August 2021
    Back from girlie take out... had a couple of hours of much less intense hills than the one's Laurie is playing at!


    And then replenished with an amazingly "filling" fall/wintery combination:

    I am protecting sensitive eyes from some other, let's say not very filling, expenditures that MAY have taken place when some hamsters were left unsupervised *but if the cadbury has fruits and nuts, it's healthy, right?* More calories than dinner--but... healthy? :lol:

    Alexandra... trail mix for protein concerns my hamster a bit... sounds... "healthy" :lol:
  • lauriekallis
    lauriekallis Posts: 4,717 Member
    Oh my - just about to head out for our innercity morning walk - and this trail looks amazing from the bird's eye. We are so jealous. (the hamsters too).
  • Athijade
    Athijade Posts: 3,269 Member
    Made one of my favorite simple dinners last night (and will have the same tonight).

    Costco has these chicken skewers that are so good. I get a pack and freeze them in bags of 4 each (2 skewers per meal). I thaw a bag and throw the skewers in the oven for about 11 minutes. While those are cooking I make a salad (this one was simple with romaine, cherry tomatoes, cucumber, feta cheese, and a sweet dijon dressing). Serve all of that will mini naan and tzatziki.

    It is so good and so simple.

    Also, I was craving salad. Who am I? LOL
  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 13,872 Member
    Salad craving monsters join rainbow free-falling Garfields and midnight skinny dippers! More news at 11! :lol:
  • Bella_Figura
    Bella_Figura Posts: 4,099 Member
    How can two measly slice of pizza, an Aperol Spritz and two small scoops of sorbet/gelato cause me to retain a WHOLE KILO in water?!?!? 2.2lbs gained overnight! My rainbow-loving hamsters are dancing the I-told-you-so-mambo. You don't gain a kilo of water overnight from eating veggies!
  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 13,872 Member
    edited August 2021
    Uh-oh, garfield had a bunny hop! RELAX Bella... it's called glycogen replenishment and sodium balance... and it is VERY EASY!!!! In your case... 1000% guaranteed to happen on your first two slices of pizza and scoops of gelato even if they don't exceed your total energy spent during the day! :wink:
  • lauriekallis
    lauriekallis Posts: 4,717 Member
    PAV8888 - is it correct then, to expect, once shifting from a deficit to maintenance, you will gain whatever glycogen supply your body needs to be ready to roll? This is my assumption. And for me I'm starting to think it is around 7 pounds(ish). It is quite the ride though.

    Here is a link that I liked as far as clear explanation goes - for everyone else trying to get a handle on this.
  • conniewilkins56
    conniewilkins56 Posts: 3,391 Member
    Under no circumstances am I cooking tonight….I am hot, tired and cranky…..I bought an oven roasted mojito seasoned chicken and that is dinner with leftover salad, cottage cheese and pineapple….I might have a glass of wine with it and I might have iced tea!…..
  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 13,872 Member
    edited August 2021

    -low(er) carbs during weight loss both during total calories or deliberately = glycogen down
    -high(er) activity or exercise during weight loss = glycogen down, though it gets replenished with carbs
    -"watching" food/what's eaten and preparing own = much less sodium than normal especially when dealing with take out / commercial food or prepared items
    -more food in digestive track when eating at maintenance as compared to at a deficit

    Can all this add up? Absolutely.

    Exactly how much? Depends on too many conditions. And your own observations are the best guide. In my case 1lb is trivially common, 2-3lbs happens, 5lbs has been very rare. Based on past posts by Novus, I would expect his numbers to be double or triple, if not quadruple mine. And we're both guys without girl monthly cooties to throw in the mix! :lol:

    Glycogen AVERAGE is about 580g (range 300-700 in muscle and 0-160 in liver, source some ncbi article that popped up on search).... so about 2kg, or 4.5lbs on average from zero to hero, though it definitely obviously varies per person.

    Most people on deficit but not on keto would be getting some of that effect; but not too much I would think. People on keto or low carb substantially more.

    Sodium (hidden or overt), alcohol, exercise... random cadbury bars on sale (bad PAV)... all play a role :blush:

    If you're "all good" eat EARLY, relatively low carb, go for a nice long walk (but not too vigorous), and weight yourself in the morning... you're likely at a diet low. Eat pizza or a nice noodle package soup or Tim's chili at midnight, throw in a bunch of veggies for some bulk, and wash it all down with some Cadbury's or gelato or apple juice... even if you're within your calories... chances are good you're up on the scale in the early morning!
  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 13,872 Member
    edited August 2021
    So... downstairs Sawsan has threatened BBQ today! (Possibly I am at fault for incentivizing vaccine participation by rewarding recent jab by asking her to do me the favour of keeping safe for me AND testing on a daily basis that it functions, a brand new 2021 Moto G Power I bought off a friend! It took her a while to figure this out. Her hubby whose English and communication ability remain well below par was on board well before her and that's not common! I think she only figured it out when I told her that the red cover/wallet will arrive on Thursday!) Anyway... BBQ has been threatened... so I am SAVING CALORIES!

    riced broccoli, zucchini, kale 200g nuke to warmish but not warm.... 0% cottage cheese layer... garlic powder layer... classico tomato basil sauce layer... lemon pepper.... nuke.... mix.... mmmmmmmmm!

    (effing hamsters caved and threw in some cadbury... say NO to *kittens* "buy 10 chocolate bars get 30% off" sales... just NO... *baby felines* hamsters!!!)
  • Bella_Figura
    Bella_Figura Posts: 4,099 Member
    PAV8888 wrote: »

    -low(er) carbs during weight loss both during total calories or deliberately = glycogen down
    -high(er) activity or exercise during weight loss = glycogen down, though it gets replenished with carbs
    -"watching" food/what's eaten and preparing own = much less sodium than normal especially when dealing with take out / commercial food or prepared items
    -more food in digestive track when eating at maintenance as compared to at a deficit

    Can all this add up? Absolutely.

    Exactly how much? Depends on too many conditions. And your own observations are the best guide. In my case 1lb is trivially common, 2-3lbs happens, 5lbs has been very rare. Based on past posts by Novus, I would expect his numbers to be double or triple, if not quadruple mine. And we're both guys without girl monthly cooties to throw in the mix! :lol:

    Glycogen AVERAGE is about 580g (range 300-700 in muscle and 0-160 in liver, source some ncbi article that popped up on search).... so about 2kg, or 4.5lbs on average from zero to hero, though it definitely obviously varies per person.

    Most people on deficit but not on keto would be getting some of that effect; but not too much I would think. People on keto or low carb substantially more.

    Sodium (hidden or overt), alcohol, exercise... random cadbury bars on sale (bad PAV)... all play a role :blush:

    If you're "all good" eat EARLY, relatively low carb, go for a nice long walk (but not too vigorous), and weight yourself in the morning... you're likely at a diet low. Eat pizza or a nice noodle package soup or Tim's chili at midnight, throw in a bunch of veggies for some bulk, and wash it all down with some Cadbury's or gelato or apple juice... even if you're within your calories... chances are good you're up on the scale in the early morning!

    All that makes sense but it's still a bummer! I've cycled 160 km in 6 days, walked a further weight should be dropping like Garfield in freefall if there was any justice in the world! Now I feel like eating 5 MORE slices of pizza out of sheer bloodyminded frustration! Instead I've eaten my rainbow veggies and chugged my water and reminded myself that slow and steady wins the race...
  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 13,872 Member
    edited August 2021
    Cauliflower pizza is a thing Bella! And it is part of the rainbow (possibly)! Remember: sustainable stuff. Pizza is OK too! Weight TREND not scale weight!!! :wink:
  • Bella_Figura
    Bella_Figura Posts: 4,099 Member
    Cauliflower does not a pizza make.

    Sigh, I know it's trend that's important...does that mean I have to stop sulking? I'm quite enjoying my pity party!
  • Goodgollygee
    Goodgollygee Posts: 102 Member
    Well ... you're both troopers if you ask me.
    Bella.. give it a day or two. It will come off. 160 km in 6 days?

    Pav.. the yogurt pudding sounds good too. 11,000+ steps in a hike? In my dreams!!!
    Inspirational I tell ya!

    Connie... have the wine!!! Unless there is no sugar in the tea and you want the tea. Then have the tea. Or have both. Or.... Who am I to make suggestions?

    Today's supper.. Kale and nappa cabbage salad, 3 oz bbq steak, turnip, tomato and zucchini muffin for dessert. How many more things can one make out of zucchini?
  • lauriekallis
    lauriekallis Posts: 4,717 Member
    Kale x2 - I love it! You okay, PAV? Kale and cottage cheese!!!!

    The glycogen system still feels like a mystery - I think there are extra secret things that effect it. Honestly do - though I was kind of joking. Heat seems to. But I swear I'm thinking like where the moon is at or how many bees are in the garden that morning? I'm mostly past the monthly cooties - but I think the body still remembers and throws some extra water retention into the mix just for the hell of it - but that would be in addition to glycogen stores?

    Anywhich way, tonight I had a bit more sodium and a mini blast of refined carbs. Son came for dinner. So nice. Just him because his wife and son (the Boy) are away still. So rarely do I get to actually speak with him because he tends to be the quietest of the trio so only gets the rare word in.

    Didn't go crazy - but picked up some falafel from the local Lebanese place, made hummus and made a few different "dressed" salads (gotta make sure the lad will come back again :) ), a few cheeses, a mojito (mojito flavoured chicken Connie??? that is a bit crazy!??) and the ridiculously delicious frozen tiramisu cups that just appear at my local grocery store now and again - not bad, only 230 calories - the whole dinner didn't add up to anything really crazy, but I've been on a really tight regime the last two weeks so I imagine there will be some kind of scale hell to pay tomorrow.

    So worth it though <3
  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 13,872 Member
    Sounds like an awesome dinner Laurie!

    Yes, these other things would be in addition. And for the average person, "other" is not a small percentage of daily scale swings.

    Low(er) carb people more so than most would play in the glycogen swing world. Especially when they exit/enter ketosis.
  • lauriekallis
    lauriekallis Posts: 4,717 Member
    The more I read about glycogen stores - it seems that it is a really good thing - but from what I've read I also don't think it is possible to keep them while losing fat? Because your body will use up all the glycogen before it will burn fat? Or did I miss something?

    Something to think about while waiting for the scale number to drop :)

  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 13,872 Member
    Good they are. Reduced they are. My understanding is that they do not totally disappear and do not impede fat use.

    Most activity that is not in the cardio range is predominantly fueled directly by fat stores. Cardio range activity would be fueled by glycogen and ready carbohydrate reserves that would then replenish.

    In the absence of sufficient calories and extra available carbs the replenishment may be partial. But you're rapidly going above my pay grade after that!

    All I needed to know is that in a net deficit the calories would eventually come out of stored fat (as long as I was not doing something silly that would make them come out of muscles).

    Whether that happened in the morning or at night... the net result still will fall inline with the net deficit achieved