Food inspiration, or what's for supper?



  • conniewilkins56
    conniewilkins56 Posts: 3,391 Member
    Why are ya'll playing around with jello and yogurt? Sounds like 2 things that should never meet in the same dish. :)

    That Philly chicken crock recipe on the other page by callitlikeiseeit sounds yummy. And all the variations too.

    Connie: Your store sounds like a lot of work but very satisfying. Have you ever tried these canned Brunswick Seafood Snacks, Kippered? I think they're mackerel? They come in different flavours and are yummy.

    Today's supper is grilled chicken, turnip, salad with cabbage, kale, mandarins and balsamic dressing, home made pita chips and blueberries.

    No I have never tried any canned fish except salmon and tuna….I might give the kippers a try….not sure I will be able to swallow them lol…

    Our store was a success and that was satisfying!…it was nice to see customers really enjoy the foods we made….I was in retail from 16 to 56 and I was ready to retire when we did!…we were very fortunate to have a few employees we could trust to be in charge when we wanted to actually get away….I am glad we traveled when we could because now my husband is in no condition to travel…for years I went places without my husband and I did enjoy my solo adventures!…many times when we did get away together, our clothing choices looked like we were going to two different locations!…
  • lauriekallis
    lauriekallis Posts: 4,717 Member
    What a sweet looking hamster that is.

    I'm glad yours are trained. Mine usually not so much if there is still some in the pantry/fridge - unless I get distracted.
  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 13,872 Member
    My hamsters remain rebels without a clue! I love these hamsters you're finding 👍.

    The Brunswick kippered snacks are Herring
  • conniewilkins56
    conniewilkins56 Posts: 3,391 Member
    I am holding off on the cans of little fishies….I know I should be eating some fatty fish but how much longer will it make me live? …lol…

    I have been a busy bee today….folded laundry, dusted, cleaned glass on China cabinets, sorted our closet, cleaned the pantry, etc…

    Dinner was a salad with light ranch, slow cooked beef short ribs cooked in a red wine sauce,mashed potatoes and tiny peas….the ribs were good but a lot of work for the amount of meat on them!….dessert was coffee and 2 fiber one brownies… swimming today but I still burned a lot of calories cleaning!
  • lauriekallis
    lauriekallis Posts: 4,717 Member
    Tonight - that last unmarked container of tomato based something in the fridge - Chili! On some riced cauliflower, with sour cream and sriracha :) Gotta get my fat macro up a bit :) (always a good excuse for sour cream.)
  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 13,872 Member
    edited August 2021
    Where is the "laugh reaction" for when someone talks about getting their fat macros up?!?!?!?! :lol:

    Yesterday was a good in terms of calories day instead of pizza in the house... so we all know that today won't be, right?

    It's not even 18:00, so 6+ eating hours left :blush: ... and already logged to within 3-400 Cal of expected TDEE... and all I've got logged but un-eaten is half a tub of mashed potatoes with coleslaw...

    It's gonna be close....
  • AlexandraFindsHerself1971
    Today was chicken quesadillas for lunch (with added jalapenos for those who wanted them) and for dinner chicken marinaded in what is essentially an Italian dressing (White wine vinegar, olive oil, splenda, fines herbes, onion powder, garlic powder, salt, pepper) with either mashed cauliflower or rice pilaf and green beans tossed in a little bacon drippings with sea salt and cracked black pepper. That's about a 300 calorie meal depending on which exact sides you do.

    If I can stop eating now I am within budget, but given that they set my budget down to 1260, I am gentle with myself the nights I go over by 100-200 calories.
  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 13,872 Member
    the green beans sound good, I admit!
  • lauriekallis
    lauriekallis Posts: 4,717 Member
    edited August 2021
    Good to be gentle with yourself...even just reading those words sounds good.

    PAV - I know, eh?! Why is there no "laugh" emoji? You all make me laugh a few times a day - but you may never know.

    I have an idea...
  • lauriekallis
    lauriekallis Posts: 4,717 Member
  • conniewilkins56
    conniewilkins56 Posts: 3,391 Member
    When you said increase your fats, I blissfully recalled eating butter mixed with sugar on toast, butter on English muffins, butter on rolls, butter on bread, butter on just about anything!…god I love butter!
  • Dante_80
    Dante_80 Posts: 479 Member
    edited August 2021
    Speaking of green beans, today is their day.


    Yummy to the max!

  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 13,872 Member
    And you just HAD to add the bit of feta up there didn't ya! So did ya cook them? They're looking good!
  • Dante_80
    Dante_80 Posts: 479 Member
    The photo is from a recipe, it is the exact way we eat them though. I'm cooking a pot today, it's a pretty easy dish (you only need the beans, potatoes, tomatoes and herbs).

    Oh, and feta at the end!
  • lauriekallis
    lauriekallis Posts: 4,717 Member
    Dante - you must tell!!!!! This looks so delicious. Please share the recipe in the recipe thread. Wait til Connie sees it - she will love this COMBINATION! :)
  • Bella_Figura
    Bella_Figura Posts: 4,099 Member
  • Athijade
    Athijade Posts: 3,269 Member
    You all just make amazing food. Gonna try and go back in time on this thread for some ideas.

    I just ordered a counter height folding stool with a back. This should help me a lot on those days my back/hip are bothering me. Now I will be able to sit while I cook.

    I also froze 4 bags of leftover chili! Each bag is either enough for 1 big bowl of just chili or 2 meals worth if I put it over pasta or rice. So a yummy, somewhat healthy, homemade meal for those days of "I just can't".

    I did order in last night. Between the pain from my IC, the pain in my shoulder (I somehow slammed the back of my shoulder into a doorknob as I was getting my clothes out of the hamper to wash them), and feeling the blahs I gave in to my cravings. Oh well. I have actually done really well of late so one slip up is not the end of the world.
  • Goodgollygee
    Goodgollygee Posts: 102 Member
    Connie wrote: "No I have never tried any canned fish except salmon and tuna….I might give the kippers a try….not sure I will be able to swallow them lol…"
    I am not a fish lover but I like these little herring (thanks for the correction Pav). Maybe it's the sauces they are in, though I really like the smoked ones too. Maybe you will give them a try some time, when you want a little change from canned salmon and tuna.

    So glad you had the opportunity to work in your own store, which it sounds like you really enjoyed and it was rewarding. You have plenty of good memories to look back on, I bet. B) I hope your hubby's healthy improves.

    Today for supper, I am making some kitchen sink bean soup.
  • lauriekallis
    lauriekallis Posts: 4,717 Member
    Dante_80 wrote: »
    Speaking of green beans, today is their day.


    Yummy to the max!

    So I open Larger Losers and see that Dante has posted in the recipe thread - go there all excited and what do I find? NOT the delicious looking green bean dish. :'( Was I ever disappointed.

    I guess I just have to wait.

  • lauriekallis
    lauriekallis Posts: 4,717 Member
    Bella - that little guy is my diet nightmare beast. Bread is/hasbeen/will probably always be my healthy eating demon. Though he is kinda cute.