Trimstones - Team Chat SEPTEMBER 2021



  • Pupowl
    Pupowl Posts: 1,794 Member
    edited August 2021
    Monday, August 30
    • Exercise: gym
    • Net calories: 1052
    • Water: 3500 ml
    • Steps: 10.329 / 7.500
    • Vitamins: yes
    Ramblings of the day
    Good morning team. Had a good time at the gym. Napped in the afternoon as usual, but I also needed to do this because I went to the choir in the evening! It was the first time they started singing together again since Covid. They start at 20:00 until 22:00 which is a bit rough for me. I usually go to bed around 20:30. But I think it's worth it! The group seems fun, they sing nice songs (pop mostly) and I really do love singing. I also moved to this town in March, when basically everything was still locked down, so I am happy to meet new people, regardless of the energy it costs me. I already sort of planned this is my weekly schedule because Tuesday is my restday. If I have the energy to do something, that's fine, but I am not planning to move my butt much today.
  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member
    Tomorrow starts our 30 DAY
    If you are looking to go completely sugar-free or just want to cut out the extra added sugar from your diet then this challenge is for you. JOIN TODAY!! :)
  • angmarie28
    angmarie28 Posts: 2,817 Member
    Every time I thing I have myself together, life comes at me again. I had a litter of newfoundland puppies 2 1/2 years ago and one was returned to me because their other male dog became aggressive, causing this dog to not like other male dogs. and being as I have a large male myself, I have to make arrangements for my dogs in order to keep this dog long enough to find him a good home. as of yesterday I found him a home that seems super promising, and the dog instantly loved them, so thank goodness all worked out, but that is all I have been doing the past 3 days is getting this dog and finding his new forever home.
  • angmarie28
    angmarie28 Posts: 2,817 Member
  • Yukie_OP
    Yukie_OP Posts: 276 Member
    Yukie86, step goal:5k
    8/30 - 6,437
  • amydandy40
    amydandy40 Posts: 12 Member
    Hi everyone! My name is Amy. I am a single mom to 3 beautiful girls and a puppy! I am a school nurse. I have recently lost about 60 pounds but would like to lose another 40 or so. The weight is definitely not coming off as easy now. I love to walk and walk for about an hour every morning. I struggle with portion size and not drinking enough water (because i LOVE iced coffee!). I excited for this journey and for the motivation and support. Question- do I need to log my weighins on a spreadsheet or just post it here on my weigh in day? Thanks!
  • izzyred9400
    izzyred9400 Posts: 945 Member
    The last August step days
    8/29 30,721
    8/30 13,962
    8/31 17,745
  • jessicakrall8
    jessicakrall8 Posts: 5,220 Member
    amydandy40 wrote: »
    Hi everyone! My name is Amy. I am a single mom to 3 beautiful girls and a puppy! I am a school nurse. I have recently lost about 60 pounds but would like to lose another 40 or so. The weight is definitely not coming off as easy now. I love to walk and walk for about an hour every morning. I struggle with portion size and not drinking enough water (because i LOVE iced coffee!). I excited for this journey and for the motivation and support. Question- do I need to log my weighins on a spreadsheet or just post it here on my weigh in day? Thanks!

    Hi @amydandy40 Just post your weigh ins here in the chatroom using the following format:

    Monday Weigh in
    PW: (previous weight): 150
    CW: (current weight): 148
    LTD: (loss to date): 2 lbs

    You must have missed my welcome message...make sure you go back to page one of this chatroom thread and read up...lots of helpful information...

    Jessica :smile:
  • ellie3285
    ellie3285 Posts: 33 Member
    Completely forgot to post my weigh in yesterday
    Monday weigh in
    Pw 197
    CW 195
  • jessicakrall8
    jessicakrall8 Posts: 5,220 Member
    ellie3285 wrote: »
    Completely forgot to post my weigh in yesterday
    Monday weigh in
    Pw 197
    CW 195

    Nice loss for your first week @ellie3285 WTG!!! What did you learn during your first week? What do you wish you'd done better?

  • jessicakrall8
    jessicakrall8 Posts: 5,220 Member
  • Pupowl
    Pupowl Posts: 1,794 Member
    edited September 2021
    Tuesday, August 31
    • Exercise: no
    • Net calories: 1180
    • Water: 3450 ml
    • Steps: 8.087 / 7.500
    • Vitamins: yes
    Ramblings of the day
    Good morning team. Had a fairly quiet day at home. I did do some gardening which was still plenty exhausting. I really dislike mowing; so much effort! But it looks nice again. Otherwise not much to say about the day. Food was all fine, my weight has been slowly going down every day, so I hope that continues.
  • amydandy40
    amydandy40 Posts: 12 Member
    amydandy40 wrote: »
    Hi everyone! My name is Amy. I am a single mom to 3 beautiful girls and a puppy! I am a school nurse. I have recently lost about 60 pounds but would like to lose another 40 or so. The weight is definitely not coming off as easy now. I love to walk and walk for about an hour every morning. I struggle with portion size and not drinking enough water (because i LOVE iced coffee!). I excited for this journey and for the motivation and support. Question- do I need to log my weighins on a spreadsheet or just post it here on my weigh in day? Thanks!

    Hi @amydandy40 Just post your weigh ins here in the chatroom using the following format:

    Monday Weigh in
    PW: (previous weight): 150
    CW: (current weight): 148
    LTD: (loss to date): 2 lbs

    You must have missed my welcome message...make sure you go back to page one of this chatroom thread and read up...lots of helpful information...

    Jessica :smile:
    Thanks for the info!
    I will reread it now!😊

  • napattack9558
    napattack9558 Posts: 52 Member
    edited September 2021
    Pupowl wrote: »
    Tuesday, August 31
    • Exercise: no
    • Net calories: 1180
    • Water: 3450 ml
    • Steps: 8.087 / 7.500
    • Vitamins: yes
    Ramblings of the day
    Good morning team. Had a fairly quiet day at home. I did do some gardening which was still plenty exhausting. I really dislike mowing; so much effort! But it looks nice again. Otherwise not much to say about the day. Food was all fine, my weight has been slowly going down every day, so I hope that continues.

    @Pupowl Mowing.. well done! I absolutely hate mowing and continuosly having to do it. I'd just prefer fake grass instead 😹 good on you, that takes some will power 👍
  • angmarie28
    angmarie28 Posts: 2,817 Member

    and I forgot today was wednesday, so I forgot to weigh in, I will do that in the morning
  • amydandy40
    amydandy40 Posts: 12 Member
    Hi all- started back to school today (school nurse). Very stressful with Covid. Walked for an hour before work. Managed to eat pretty well. I am enjoying the accountability of this group. I hope everyone is doing well!
  • Yukie_OP
    Yukie_OP Posts: 276 Member
    yukie86 - step goal 5k

  • Pupowl
    Pupowl Posts: 1,794 Member
    edited September 2021
    Wednesday, September 01
    • Exercise: gym
    • Net calories: 1173
    • Water: 3250 ml
    • Steps: 8.844 / 7.500
    • Vitamins: yes
    Ramblings of the day
    Another day at the gym. Had a good food day as well. This morning my weight went up by 0.2 kg. It's a tiny bit, but I still don't like it! :smiley:
    I know that's what happens when you weigh daily though; it never goes down in a straight line.
  • Yukie_OP
    Yukie_OP Posts: 276 Member
    Yukie 86 / Step goal 5k
    9/1 -5,663

    I enjoy reading how everyone keeps up with their goals. So helpful and inspiring.
    Currently keeping my goals small to build those habit/consistency muscles

This discussion has been closed.