WaistAways Team Chat - OCTOBER 2021



  • micki48
    micki48 Posts: 2,311 Member
    Well, I managed to get out for a walk in addition to the Pilates today. My steps are over 9+k today. All food logged and under.

    I read a couple articles about the health benefits of nuts today. They lower bad cholesterol. Also, they are a good choice because all of the fats are not absorbed by the body and the antioxidants. The protein is high and keeps you full. Plus the fiber acts as a prebiotic. How do you all incorporate nuts in your diet? Do you have a favorite? I like nut butters on toast or just a few almonds by themselves. Or in my yogurt. Pretty much any way. 😂
  • ashleycarole86
    ashleycarole86 Posts: 6,258 Member
    Evening! Well, I made it through all the Thanksgiving celebration. Saw tons of family I haven't seen in a while. It was very nice, and while I enjoyed lots of tastes of delicious food, I focused on the company and on enjoying what I did have, and not on eating mindlessly. Felt like a success.

    @micki48 Nuts aren't my favorite thing so I don't have them often. When I do, I would most commonly have them in a nut butter. We also order meal kits quite a bit and they loved toasted almonds as an ingredient to add crunch to savory dishes and I find that really pleasant. Otherwise I would just have a handful here or there... nothing creative here unfortunately.

    Today's exercise:

    20 min bodyweight strength workout + 5619 steps

    See you all tomorrow!
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,273 Member
    Heads up! A few weigh-ins are sleeping late -

    Due Tuesday:

  • conleywoods
    conleywoods Posts: 986 Member
    @micki48 I can really over do things with nuts and seeds. Just tonight I had way to much peanut butter with my apple. My favorite are just plain raw almonds followed by the almonds coated in cocoa powder 😍 Oh, loved the puppy pics with the granddaughter!

    @ashleycarole86 I'm glad you made it through your Thanksgiving marathon! Sounds like you had some excellent strategies for managing all the food.

    I slacked off on my food log and by the time I put everything in I was about 300 calories over. I got in a nice 30 minute walk with the family tonight which felt good. I'm pretty sore today from weight lifting yesterday. Today's workout was all body weight or band stuff. It's only 10 minutes but no breaks between sets. I didn't plan for my program to end on January 1st but it was kinda crazy that it worked out that way.

  • DD265
    DD265 Posts: 651 Member
    @micki48 Cadburys do a really nice bar of Dairy Milk with whole hazelnuts in :D

    In all seriousness, we don't really have nuts as OH isn't a fan. I do have some mixed nuts, and some salted cashews, downstairs but never reach for them, and I really ought to. I'd like to declutter the kitchen cupboards a bit so perhaps that is a good place to start.

    I have allowed myself a couple of minutes to write this update, then I'm getting on with the work thing! I am not sure whether today will be a stress-eating day or an I-can't-face-food kind of day; currently anxiety is making me feel a little sick so we'll see how that pans out.

    Good training session this morning. I almost cancelled, having worked until 10pm last night (I stopped at 4pm for run/chiro/dinner/shopping, started again at 8pm) but decided it would do me good to get up early and take my mind off the work thing plus it was far too late to message my trainer. We did some interval training; a decent warm up, then a minute run up the hill outside his house (not that steep, but hard work) walk back down, then rower (first run through only) and back squat intervals too. I squatted 40kg this morning and looked strong - didn't feel too strong on the first set, but managed 10 or so reps. Rinse and repeat - we did this 3 times, and my runs felt really good after the weight lifting - then did a final 3 minute run. My homework this week is interval training; running 6-7K, and mixing up the pace. I can do that!

    Yesterday the chiro made a comment about how I looked 'healthy', and brighter than normal. This was funny because I was complaining about being tired and anxious! He asked if I'd lost some weight and I have (I last saw him before our long walk) BUT it was probably mostly/all water weight. I am wondering whether I look less puffy/congested - I've definitely drunk more water the past couple of days. It lead us into a conversation about focusing on quality rather than quantity of food, which ties in with this month's challenge about cutting out/down on CRAP. Not eating after 9pm is definitely helping me with that, as this is when I'm most likely to sit down with crisps/chocolate for the sake of it.

    Today we're having chilli for dinner, and there's left over stir fry that I'll have for lunch unless the shop at the bottom of the road has the nice wraps in (usually Tuesdays and Thursdays). I will suggest to OH that we go for a decent walk this evening, and then, assuming I don't need to work this evening, I would like to do some decluttering, and sort through my winter gym gear so I know if I am missing anything.
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,273 Member
    DD265 wrote: »
    ...sort through my winter gym gear so I know if I am missing anything.

    Magic words!

    I'm shopping for boots, or trying to get my favourite snowshoeing (and everything else) boots repaired. Then all I need is lots of snow. Can't wait!!
  • gak71
    gak71 Posts: 192 Member
    edited October 2021
    micki48 wrote: »
    Well, I managed to get out for a walk in addition to the Pilates today. My steps are over 9+k today. All food logged and under.

    I read a couple articles about the health benefits of nuts today. They lower bad cholesterol. Also, they are a good choice because all of the fats are not absorbed by the body and the antioxidants. The protein is high and keeps you full. Plus the fiber acts as a prebiotic. How do you all incorporate nuts in your diet? Do you have a favorite? I like nut butters on toast or just a few almonds by themselves. Or in my yogurt. Pretty much any way. 😂

    I like a nut crust on chicken and fish and I also put them in my skyr (Icelandic yogurt). I use a chopper and chop the pieces fairly small.
  • micki48
    micki48 Posts: 2,311 Member
    Wow! Thanks for all the nut ideas. I loved hearing about how you use them. The cranberry sauce and nut crust on chicken sound delicious. I liked learning that all of the calories are not absorbed because they do t get released or broken down. That’s good news especially because they are so high in calories. Also the lowering cholesterol bit is pretty good for me. My LDL is slightly elevated but so is my HDL (good). So far no meds because one counters the other.

    Today, my steps are over 10k!🎉🎉🎉 I did 16 or 18 minutes of Pilates and then took a walk with hubby. We also ran errands a bit, so yay I left my house. Did I mention I’m trying to do that every day? We have been in our house so much during the pandemic, I really need to get out. I’m as safe as I can be with my booster and all. My husband would sit and watch movies endlessly. I just can’t do that. And it’s not good for us either.

    I did make a deliberate choice to have a Reuben sandwich with curly fries for take out. I know. I know. Sooooo processed. BUT, I was wanting it. It’s been almost two years since I’ve had one and my husband and I split it so I only had half a sandwich and fries. I’m calling that a win as it’s a big improvement. And was plenty. I logged it and now drinking water to clear that salt. Yes. It was good. 🙂

    @Kali225 Sorry to hear you are feeling stressed out. Take five big, deep breaths. You will feel better for sure. And sending virtual hugs. 🤗

    @ashleycarole86 Great job handling challenging eating situations. Look how much you’ve learned! 🎉🎉👏🏼👏🏼

    @DD265 😂😂 Cadbury bar with nuts. Lol You are funny. If only…
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,273 Member
    Well, that was a nutty day! I just had a few hazelnuts in the unsweetened applesauce I made today - yummy. I is very easy to eat too many nuts, but in reasonable amounts, they are great.

    Who's up for Wednesday? Don't forget!

    Late! Let's get those # posted please --
    @mocchaeyes7961 (last chance if you want to stick with the team!)

    Thanks :heart:
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,273 Member
    I'm admiring your combination of chilled and very productive. Getting things done, organised, fixed up and all that can certainly give a sense of relief and accomplishment that it is done. Just like a day of eating right on track feels great. Still, we are often procrastinating and picking up the extra food - thinking we are doing ourselves a favour by resting or having a treat. I'm going to re-read your post when I feel lazy! It is a great reminder of how getting things done feels great.

    A new scale! That is fun but a tad scary. If there is a big jump just from changing your scale, we can make an adjustment to your starting weight this month and last week just to keep things real. Enjoy it :wink:

    Don't worry about being late - that is the great advantage of having a weigh-in at the beginning of the week - I hope things calm down and you have a chance to take a deep breath or two and catch up.
    Kali225 wrote: »
    And wouldn't you know it, the scale dropped a lot. So I have to stop counting myself out. You can ALWAYS turn things around.
    YES! This is great.

    Happy Wednesday!
    There has been a bulldozer here since 7:15 this morning spreading out all the earth that came out of the pond when we had it excavated this summer. It will look all nice and smooth and we can plant some winter rye to keep it all in place. Let's hope the warmish weather holds on for another week or so - then the seeds will have a chance to germinate before the ground freezes. In any case, I'll be glad when the noise stops...

    I had a good surprise on the scale this morning also - I thought it would be static at best after Thanksgiving and all, but it was down a bit more. It feels good to be heading towards the middle of my maintenance zone, and I'm hoping to get closer to the bottom of that zone by a month from now. That gives me more room to fluctuate :smiley:

    Back to the one remaining box of apples I picked the other day. I'm so tired of dealing with them, but I'll sure be glad they're there during the winter when I can just take them out of the freezer and have some applesauce or bake something yummy. Have a good one, all!
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