WaistAways Team Chat - OCTOBER 2021



  • ashleycarole86
    ashleycarole86 Posts: 6,162 Member
    @jugar You sure are! Thanks

    Way to start our week with green @YinxFed

    Chinese food last night = gain on scale today. I was still happy with how I conducted myself under the circumstances.

    Thanksgiving dinner 1 of 2 today.
  • DD265
    DD265 Posts: 651 Member
    Those look amazing!

    Friday was a bit rushed - I ended up working a full day, then OH decided he was going out for a run meaning I was left with the cooking, cleaning and getting the spare room ready all at once - whilst still ideally needing to be working. Luckily it was just Mom and she was happy to lend a hand, plus the house was fairly decent anyway. The parent-swap would always have meant there were these things to do, but it would've been easier without work.

    Yesterday we went into Nottingham and did some shopping, plus went to a convention where I caught up with old friends and Mom enjoyed the cosplay. When we were shopping I bought mostly house stuff, but also got myself a new jacket as I have a feeling I got rid of my ski jacket thinking it'd be too big this winter. We had lunch out (fish and chips - I only ate 2/3 of it) then tea was Five Guys again! I got a small burger this time... Small loss on the scale this morning which I was pleased with.

    Done some more chores, went for a 15 min walk with Mom, had a cooked breakfast for lunch (just over half my daily calories there) then she left and I did more chores. Honestly, they never end. Now in limbo waiting to confirm what time we need to go pick family up. I'm wondering if I can squeeze my second HR training session in beforehand...
  • micki48
    micki48 Posts: 2,274 Member
    @ashleycarole86 Weekly steps and stuff 😉


    10/4 Pilates 13 minutes
    10/5 Pilates 15 minutes and aerobic workout 15 minutes
    10/6 Pilates 21 minutes and 25 min balance ball (this was steps too so it may be a duplicate)
    10/7 Pilates 16 minutes
    10/8 Pilates 19 minutes
    10/9 Pilates 10 minutes and 60 mins gardening
  • ashleycarole86
    ashleycarole86 Posts: 6,162 Member
    Thanks @micki48 - excellent work, wow! You did great
  • KellyBgetsfit
    KellyBgetsfit Posts: 1,713 Member
    Sun 13,060
    30 min intervals
    Mon 14,288
    Tues 13,862
    Wed 11,519
    Thurs 16,828
    Fri 3,919 (seriously?!?)
    Sat 13,526
  • happimess01
    happimess01 Posts: 9,072 Member
    @jugar @micki418 @ashleycarole86 thank you all, your kind words and support means a lot <3
  • EvMakesChanges
    EvMakesChanges Posts: 549 Member
    Thanks for the good wishes re: flat tire. The man who came to tow the car had a running commentary about tire wear, masks, Covid restrictions, Leaf Peepers, and the not-so-common cold (which he hopes to give to said L.P.s).
    I spent 4 hours in the sling sans-pillow and I can’t believe how tired my arm and shoulder got just from the angle of pull shifting towards the back a little more! Wow. This will take a long time to get strong and resilient!
    I took a long walk with an aging couple who are long time family friends, and I found myself moving ahead of them instead of keeping my old pattern of keeping the slowest one company. It actually felt pretty good!
    My eating habits have slipped since OH returned from Wyoming. Sometimes, food is my go to when I can’t communicate my needs very easily. Sigh. At least I’m more aware of that pattern and getting ready to share more often before I try to “eat my feelings”.
    Have a lovely Sunday night, y’all!
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,180 Member
    As usual, I am off my nagging game on Sundays!

    Here is the reminder list for today and Monday:

  • ashleycarole86
    ashleycarole86 Posts: 6,162 Member
    @micki48 Your granddaughter is SUPER cute.. love the curls. Oh, and the puppies too of course! What a fun surprise.

    @conleywoods Love the symbolism of a new program FINISHING on New Years Day considering how many will be starting something then! Hope it ends up being a real winner for you.

    @KellyBgetsfit LOL'ing at your "seriously" day.. I had one of those myself, by like 8 p.m. I had only taken 700 steps... oops.

    And speaking of which.. today's exercise:

    20 minutes yoga + 3264 steps... (good thing I did that yoga)

    @Kali225 My goodness your heart must have almost stopped today with that Packers field goal craziness.. but in the end the right team won ;) Hope you didn't get buried too badly under work stress the other day.

    Thanksgiving dinner #1 went well - had a reasonable and later breakfast and the supper was early so I didn't have lunch. The only thing I didn't do as well as I'd like is getting in more exercise before we left, but the morning got away from me. Tomorrow is another day! Have one more bigger family meal and then it's back on the road home Tuesday.... this vacation has been a little of this and a little of that, that's for sure!
  • YinxFed
    YinxFed Posts: 1,071 Member
    Happy Monday, Friends!

    Seeing your gorgeous pictures of your sweet granddaughter and the adorable puppies just melted my heart, @micki48 - thank you for sharing them.

    @conleywoods I'm intrigued by the Mind Pump program that you're starting. I agree with @ashleycarole86 it's inspiring to start a program that ends at New Year.

    I'm really looking forward to starting Epic 2 next week. But I don't feel brave enough to commit to an end date yet.
  • YinxFed
    YinxFed Posts: 1,071 Member
    Greetings Team Waistaways!

    Here are my step and exercise stats for the last 7 days:

    03/10 - 10,583 steps
    04/10 - 3,541 steps / 98 mins Leg Day Dumbbells & Bodyweight (Epic 1 Day 47)
    05/10 - 4,503 steps / 56 mins Bodyweight & Dumbbell Upper Body (Epic 1 Day 48)
    06/10 - 5,958 steps
    07/10 - 6,249 / 67 mins Full Body Strength & Stretch (Epic 1 Day 49)
    08/10 - 13,099 steps
    09/10 - 4,255 steps / 68 mins Full Body HIIT (Epic 1 Day 50)
  • DD265
    DD265 Posts: 651 Member
    PW: 77.9
    CW: 78.1

    Just a bit of water weight from THREE meals out this weekend, and a salty cooked breakfast yesterday. All very tasty, but not ideal just before weigh in.

    We have the house to ourselves again now, and I should have the afternoon off work but I have to prepare for this training course. It's such a pity because it's sunny and there is so much to do in the garden as well as the rest of the house. I've got my fingers crossed for good weather over the weekend. I need this training session out of the way though because it's really stressing me out, so I'll be glad to have completed it tomorrow.
  • Kali225
    Kali225 Posts: 609 Member
    @ashleycarole86 HA I was LOSING MY MIND. Most frustrating, insane football game I've watched in a while. And I was trying to get work done the whole time!

    steps & exercise for last week:
    Sun: 17,867
    Mon: 17,741 +47 min upper body strength (Epic Day 48)
    Tues: 15,998 + 51 min lower body (Day 49)
    Wed: 14,958 +65 min HIIT (DAY 50!!!! @YinxFed we finished the program within days of each other!! it was really something... I originally wanted to slide right into Epic II as well, but I think 10 weeks is just too far out for me to plan for/stick to. You go girl!)
    Thurs: 16,449
    Fri: 13,543
    Sat: 11,299 +105 min dance cardio, hiit, bodyweight strength (this was the workout event I went to with my friend - it was SO fun and the weather was great).

    Feeling eh about weigh-in tomorrow. I think I may have a small gain. The morning routine has been working and now I think I need to implement a solid night routine, too. Difficult with work how it is right now, but I need more structure in my day to stop the snacking and binges from coming on.

    I am also absolutely desperate for new running shoes, mine are completely shot. I used to love Mizunos but I have heard universally bad things about their new wave inspire (which was always my go-to). Anyone have a training pair they really like?

    @conleywoods the houses are awesome!!! what a fun activity.

    @micki48 THOSE PUPPIES!!!!
  • micki48
    micki48 Posts: 2,274 Member
    Good morning everyone! Glad you liked the puppies and my granddaughter. I think she's pretty cute too. Curls are from her daddy. :)

    Started the day with 16+ minutes of pilates. It was a good one and made me sweat a bit. Or is that my age? LOL. Hoping to get out for a walk.

    Happy Thanksgiving to all of our Canadian friends!
  • ashleycarole86
    ashleycarole86 Posts: 6,162 Member
    Thanks for the step updates everyone and a big congrats to both @YinxFed and @Kali225 for finishing Epic I... I've never mustered up the energy to try it yet, but I know that's a big accomplishment!

    @evangsimmons170 Just in need of your 10/03-10/09 steps... thanks in advance!
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