WaistAways Team Chat - OCTOBER 2021



  • PlaneMonkey
    PlaneMonkey Posts: 568 Member
    The long weekend threw me off, I thought I had an extra day to flush out all of that salt. Ohh well. It will come back down after I sweat it all out at hockey again Thursday night.

    CW 197.6

  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,183 Member
    Well done! Below 180 is great! Keep up the good work - and don't forget about the refined flour in those crunchy frogs... :grimace: It is good you will be at Emily's and keeping on the rails, celebrating the 170s in style.

    There is quite a bit of red in the spreadsheet so far this week, though - if you need a boost, head over to this month's challenge and work on those CRAPpy ingredients in your daily fare :smiley:
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,183 Member
    Here are some more numbers for you -

    Sunday - 11,697 steps
    Monday - 10,252 steps, 45 minutes moderate exercise bike
    Tuesday - 11,068 steps, 30 minutes Pilates, 45 minutes exercise bike

    Out for more steps today - lots of sunshine!
  • ashleycarole86
    ashleycarole86 Posts: 6,162 Member
    @EvMakesChanges I second the congrats... great week for you. Enjoy your time at Emily's.
  • ashleycarole86
    ashleycarole86 Posts: 6,162 Member
    Today was a good day! Set my alarm, got on the bike and did my ride (working through a Mastering the Basics program for 6 weeks), and then I had an eye doctor appointment and thought "why not walk the dog there?" I am in love with using walking as my mode of transportation. So, me and the little fluff went out and 68 minutes I was at my appointment. Brad had to meet me with the car to take the dog, but he was willing.

    He spent lots of time on the bike today too, so it was a great "back to normal day".

    Only one more day of this VERY long vacation.. while it wasn't the cross-country whirlwind we had originally planned, we had a ton of fun!

    @eggfreak Yes the email inbox surprise is never a fun one is it... I've been kinda taking a peek and it's going to be a busy Friday ;)

    Night guys! Will be back in a bit with my final exercise report.
  • Kali225
    Kali225 Posts: 609 Member
    @ashleycarole86 I may have missed your earlier mention of having a dog, but I feel like I am owed pictures... :D

    @EvMakesChanges way to go!!! 170s! How thrilling to drop into a new decade. And water weight is still weight. It all has to come off anyways.

    @micki48 I am sure my own mother is not always thrilled at my sometimes very late night movement. But I do live in a safe area and my walks take me by a college campus that has a blue light system and a noticeable campus police force. I am with you on the HEAT! As much as I want to see a "7" near the start of the scale, I am SICK of seeing it start the day's temperature. Give me sweater weather or give me death.

    I have to celebrate a very small victory. For perhaps the first time in... a year? I had my meal plan for all 3 meals, I logged early in the day, I did not count on any snacks, I had the prepared [delicious] dinner, and I let myself WAIT to feel FULL and did not want ANY other food. Diary closed. The end. Goodbye, kitchen, see you tomorrow. And I know having just 2-3 days in a row like this sets me up for several more days of less cravings, measured eating, better awareness, and motivation. It's always the first really good day that's hardest.

    Feels good.

    Night all. I was actually able to finish work around 9pm which is a big improvement and I am going to take a bubble bath!
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,183 Member
    Kali225 wrote: »
    I have to celebrate a very small victory. For perhaps the first time in... a year? I had my meal plan for all 3 meals, I logged early in the day, I did not count on any snacks, I had the prepared [delicious] dinner, and I let myself WAIT to feel FULL and did not want ANY other food. Diary closed. The end. Goodbye, kitchen, see you tomorrow. And I know having just 2-3 days in a row like this sets me up for several more days of less cravings, measured eating, better awareness, and motivation. It's always the first really good day that's hardest.
    "A very small victory??" I think not! That is the best description of the perfect day ever. Closing the diary with joy, waltzing right out of that kitchen - and you're golden! Thanks for sharing it - you nailed that one. :smiley:

    MoStacy wrote: »
    I am struggling… lost my support system, knee injury… I am sorry that I haven’t been a strong team member. Trying to shake, shake, shake it off.

    So many hugs flying your way - keep taking the deep breaths, eat the food that nourishes, and hopefully come by here for at least a distance support system. You are going to shake it off :heart:
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,183 Member
    Let's catch up and fly into Thursday:



    Tally ho!
  • conleywoods
    conleywoods Posts: 986 Member
    Happy Wednesday 😊

    @EvMakesChanges Congrats on the great weigh in! Hope your PT let's you move a little more too.

    @Kali225 You are doing so awesome lately! Keep it up

    @DD265 Glad you checked your presentation off the list. Sounds like you put in a lot of hard work. Hope you get a moment to rest and do some things you want to do!

    @ashleycarole86 Love the puppy!
  • DD265
    DD265 Posts: 651 Member
    @MoStacy I know it's not the same, but we're all here for you. You don't need to apologise; weight loss is not linear and if it were easy none of us would be on this site I'm sure.

    I got my gym gear sorted out last night. I still fit comfortably in my winter things from the start of the year (they must've been really tight...) so the only thing I may want to buy is a new gilet as that did go on the 'too big' pile along with some summer tops and bottoms. I'm leaning towards selling some of the items I'm decluttering so to avoid it building up and becoming a chore, I probably need to list as I go. Next categories on the list are nightwear and t-shirts. I tend to wear the same few things all the time and not bother with the rest.

    What's surprised me a little is when I found that I'd kept the ski jacket, it fit really well. (I now have lightweight, midweight and heavyweight waterproof jackets lol). Some of the gym gear now fits really well. It has me questioning how small this stuff was on me last winter, as I've lost over 10kg. I suppose if the weight gain is gradual, you don't always notice (or perhaps admit) how tight clothing is becoming, but I feel like I bought most of this at my heaviest. Anyway, the main thing is not needing to buy more now.

    Spock is demanding second breakfast (yep, the cats rule the roost) so TTFN.
  • kellie_erin
    kellie_erin Posts: 212 Member
    I can empathize with a lot of people here, this has not been a good week for me either. I'm self-isolating, awaiting a negative result on a COVID test. I've been double-vaxxed, but still had some symptoms and did not want to spread anything to my coworkers. That means no gym for me and no good eating schedule (something I'll have to work on when I'm done this contract position). Next week has got to be better!
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