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  • PotterNana
    PotterNana Posts: 748 Member
    Today was my busy day. I do a lot of lifting on Wednesdays, so I am very wore out. I spent the evening cooking bacon wrapped stuffed chicken breasts for dinner. Mine was a Colorado style with onions and peppers in it. Yum.

    I spent the evening working on the menu for our next trip next week. We are going towards Rhinelander for a few days to celebrate our 10th wedding anniversary. We were together 18 years before getting married though. We thought we should do something special for our 10th anniversary :)

    Have a good evening!
  • 1crazydog
    1crazydog Posts: 590 Member
    Thursday: Have to make a grocery run. Tha’s the ‘big outing’ for today. We’re sill just a little tired, but it’s a good tired.

    Rained yesterday. Hope that today we see a little sunshine!

    Caught up now with laundry and other things, so that feels good!

    Hard to believe it is AGAIN Friday EVE. Lord.


    Michelle: I bet you're worn out after lots of heavy lifting.

    How lovely! Have a great upcoming anniversary and trip! 🥂

  • PotterNana
    PotterNana Posts: 748 Member
    I finally felt as if I caught up from my lack of sleep the other night. I take a short nap every day after work, but set the alarm for 30 minutes. The last few days, I really had to drag myself awake. But, today, I woke up before the alarm did.

    Watching a coaching session tonight on plateaus. That's always a challenge for anyone losing weight. I hope to learn some tricks, or mindsets to help keep me going. I can't complain. I've lost 31 pounds since June :)

    Tonight was leftover night. The bacon wrapped chicken breasts are pretty big, so we cut them in half for two meals.

    It's supposed to cool down here to lower 50's tomorrow. Stay warm!
  • bigdrunner
    bigdrunner Posts: 1,181 Member
    Have fun in Rhinelander we made allot of trips there when our friends lived there they had since moved to Superior ,we loved the legend of the Hodag,if you go to Rhinelander try out the mexican resteraunt there very good its called Casa Mexicana
  • 1crazydog
    1crazydog Posts: 590 Member
    Friday: Well, we have gotten to FriYaY! Fabulous!

    Jason has hand PT this afternoon. That’s our outing for today.

    HOPE it’s a wonderful Friday for all.


    Michelle: Glad you feel more rested.

    Hope you get some good pointers watching the coaching session about dealing w/plateaus.

    Your leftovers sound great!

    Yes, cool here .. . . 52 right now.

    BIGD: Glad you had a good trip to Rhinelander!

  • bigdrunner
    bigdrunner Posts: 1,181 Member
    Its been awhile but plan another trip soon ,even if its just for the mexican :)
  • 1crazydog
    1crazydog Posts: 590 Member
    Sunday: Blessings on this Sunday.

    Cool weather, but it’s Fall. Crisp. Loving it.

    Made a trip to Walmart. Lots of empty shelves. **SIGH** But did get sink mats and slippers that I needed.

    Will take Miss Lilly to the park so she can burn off some energies.

    Have a good day!

    BIGD: Some places are just worthy of repeat visits! When we go to Rochester MN (Mayo Clinic) we always go to Hollandberry’s Pennekoeken. Dutch food. Sooooooo delicious! Wet there as a student nurse back in the 70’s. They moved to a new, larger location. Never disappointed when we eat there!
  • PotterNana
    PotterNana Posts: 748 Member
    We spent yesterday running to Madison to shop at our favorite meat market and Costco. We had hoped to visit with my daughter, but the whole family is sick. Nope, not going near that!

    We stopped at Rock N' Wool Winery for a tasting and went out for pizza for dinner last night. All in all, it was a very nice day.

    Working on another drawer in my organization project today, laundry, and my grocery shopping list for our trip. I'd like to do our shopping tomorrow so that on Tuesday, we can focus on packing.

    Enjoy the sunshine today!!
  • bigdrunner
    bigdrunner Posts: 1,181 Member
    1crazydog Dutch Food sounds interesting,i willhave to look this place up online :)
  • PotterNana
    PotterNana Posts: 748 Member
    Had a productive day yesterday. I accomplished lots of small tasks, so it felt like a putzy day. But, it felt great to get it all done. Tim worked outside taking the flower pots to the shed, and taking the canvas covers off of the screen porch and grill gazebo for the winter. It is time. Depressing time of year...

    Going shopping after a quick dinner tonight for our food supplies for the trip. I hope to focus tomorrow night on packing clothing.

    It was pretty chilly this morning, but it turned out to be a nice day! Enjoy it!!
  • 1crazydog
    1crazydog Posts: 590 Member
    Monday: Jason has a 3 hr. Zoom meeting today then PT so he’ll be a busy boy!

    Cool continues, b ut sunshine. Beautiful!

    Wrapping up outside work.

    Have a good Monday.


    BIGDRUNNER: Yes, their food is outstanding. We love their Dutch Pot Pie. It is a pannekoeken (dutch pancake) that is filled with chicken, mettwurst, lots of veggies and is served with either soup or salad (I always get the split pea soup), and corn bread and cranberry sauce. It is so good.

    Michelle: Glad you got a lot of small asks done. I know . . . I hate ‘winterizing’. **SIGH**

    Yes, our morning started off @ 42, but we got up to 66. Wonderful!
  • 1crazydog
    1crazydog Posts: 590 Member
    Tuesday: Survived yesterday’s busy-ness. PHEW.

    Today . . . just house chores. That’s fine by me!

    The weather has been gorgeous. And it’s supposed to be a repeat today. I’ll take it.

    Here’s to a terrific Tuesday!

  • PotterNana
    PotterNana Posts: 748 Member
    Long day today.. No sleep last night. My arthritis acted up and kept me up half the night. Then, I couldn't fall back asleep after Tim's alarm went off at 3. I took the whole day off tomorrow, so I will be resting up tonight. We are not leaving until 1:00 tomorrow, so I'll have time to pack up in the morning.

    Quiet day in here. Hope all is well.
  • PotterNana
    PotterNana Posts: 748 Member
    I only get arthritis flare ups once in a while when I do a lot of repetitive work. I wiped down the tables in the lunchroom the other day. The wringing out of the rag constantly did it. Thankfully, it doesn't flare up often.

    I called my girlfriend the other day. I used to work with her at the printing place. After I quit, she moved to Three Lakes. I asked if she wanted to meet for lunch on Saturday before we head home. She was so thrilled I made her day. She had been feeling pretty depressed lately since she hasn't met any new friends yet, and missed her old ones. It's all in timing. I'm so glad I called. We are meeting at Friendship House in Eagle River around 11:00. We have to check out at 10, so we thought an early lunch would be the perfect way to go.

    Have a good weekend. Not sure if I'll check in or not. Depends on what our schedule is. They have WiFi. The only plans we have as yet is to check out the Snowmobile Hall of Fame in St Germain.

    Enjoy your weekend!
  • 1crazydog
    1crazydog Posts: 590 Member
    Wednesday: 3rd day of beautiful weather, but . . . not going to last. So, will enjoy it today.

    Wow, it is astounding how quickly this week is passing. But have to make the best of each day.

    Wishing you a wonderful Wednesday.


    Michelle: Sorry you had a bad sleep! Arthritis pain is just unbearable sometimes! Glad you have the day off. And wishing you a quiet day.

    Oh goodness, yes, repetitive movements are VERY hard on arthritis. I have osteoarthritis in my hands, knees (but those have been replaced), and shoulders.

    Awwwww, so glad that you’re meeting up with your friend for lunch. It is a spirit lifter.

    Have a safe and wonderful trip!
  • bigdrunner
    bigdrunner Posts: 1,181 Member
    What a difference a day makes close to 70 on Tuesday ,Yesterday the big airconditioner we call lake Superior turned on winds off the lake exceeding 40mph this morning they finally died down hoping for a little better day out there today,have a great day everyone :)
  • PotterNana
    PotterNana Posts: 748 Member
    Made it up yesterday around 4:30. Beautiful small cabin. Perfect for a getaway. Relaxing with coffee for a bit before making some Strawberry Almond Cream Pancakes for breakfast.

    Not sure what is on the agenda today yet. We'll see how we feel after showers and such. It's only supposed to be in the high 40's today. Have a great day!
  • 1crazydog
    1crazydog Posts: 590 Member
    Thursday: Rain and storms last night. Looks like the meterologists were right this time. This morning, it is 53F and the temperature is dropping. Ah, the 70’s were nice while they lasted!

    No appointments today! That’s a treat!

    Have a terrific Thursday!


    BIGD: OH we have the Lake Michigan air conditioner! And it’s on today! 52 and rainy right now. Far from the 60’s we had yesterday and the 70’s the previous days! Oh well, it’s Autumn, better than snow!

    Michelle: Glad you made it safe and sound. Stay warm! 40’s is a bit chilly, but . . . do-able! Enjoy your get-away.
  • bigdrunner
    bigdrunner Posts: 1,181 Member
    Feeling rather sad this morning I lost my only Uncle left to Alzheimers ,and two other Aunts in the same family in less then two years also to Alzheiers my dad also past in 2010 to it now no uncles or Aunts in his family left ,awful disease, :'(
  • barbjaylilly
    barbjaylilly Posts: 9 Member
    edited October 2021
    BIGD: So sorry for your loss. HUGS and prayers. My Mom passed from Alzheimer's and it is an evil thing.

    News: I apparently have had my 1crazydog acct. deleted. Back as barbjaylilly. Sad!

    If we were friends, pls. feel free to send me a friend request. **SIGH**