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  • barbjaylilly
    barbjaylilly Posts: 9 Member
    Saturday: Breakfast @ our diner this morning! Wahoo.

    Yesterday was a cool-ish day. But a wonderful time w/a friend @ lunch yesterday. Nice time catching up and just gabbing!

    Today is going to be another cool day, and it looks like it’s going to maybe reach the lower 50’s for a high. It’s Fall!


    BIGD: Thanks. We're 'friended' again.
  • bigdrunner
    bigdrunner Posts: 1,181 Member
  • PotterNana
    PotterNana Posts: 748 Member
    We made it home yesterday around 3, after having a nice breakfast with friends. It was a really nice restaurant and reasonable too. We were really surprised how quick they were to bring the food!

    Our cabin was right on Hwy 17 next to Laura's Cafe. We were centrally located to Three Lakes, Rhinelander, Eagle River, and St. Germain. We visited both Snowmobile museums in St Germain and Eagle River on Thursday, and the winery in Three Lakes on Friday. We cooked most of our food in the cabin. We really didn't want to pay the touristy prices of the supper clubs. The guy we rented the cabin gave us a lot of recommendations, but we just were not interested.

    Today, we are recuperating and getting things done around the house. I made some breakfast burritos for breakfast and and an icebox cake for dessert. I intended on making the dessert while up North, until I realized it had to chill for 5 hours..... Just easier to make at home. And it's a WW recipe :) Except I use regular Cool Whip. I've never been one to use light or Fat Free products. They just put too much other garbage in them to make them taste good... I just use less of the good stuff!

    It finally cooled off, but enjoy the sunshine when it peaks out anyway!
  • bigdrunner
    bigdrunner Posts: 1,181 Member
    You have a recipe for ice box cake sounds amazing
  • PotterNana
    PotterNana Posts: 748 Member
    Line a 9 x 5-inch loaf pan with plastic wrap, making sure there is overlap over all edges. Spread 1½ cups whipped topping into bottom of lined pan. Arrange 2½ graham cracker sheets over whipped topping, breaking crackers as needed to fit into pan.

    In a medium bowl, stir together ½ cup whipped topping, pumpkin, sugar, and 1 tsp pumpkin pie spice. Spread half of pumpkin mixture over graham cracker layer in pan. Top with 2½ graham cracker sheets, breaking crackers as needed to fit into pan. Spread remaining pumpkin mixture over graham crackers. Top with remaining 3 graham crackers, breaking crackers as needed to fit into pan. Spread remaining 1 cup whipped topping over graham crackers. Cover loosely and refrigerate at least 4 hours or up to overnight to soften graham crackers.

    Freeze cake for 1 to 1½ hours before serving to firm it up. Remove from freezer, uncover, and invert onto a platter; discard plastic wrap. Dust cake with remaining ¼ tsp pumpkin pie spice. Serve immediately.

    Serving size: 1 (1-inch-thick) slice
  • PotterNana
    PotterNana Posts: 748 Member
    Back to work this morning! One of us girls called in, so we were short handed. But, with the food shortages.. We had an easy day. No buns for the hamburgers, so we had pizza for all. What kid doesn't like pizza?!

    I have the start of a seasonal cold. Just a little stuffy, but I guess it's to be expected when you go from 70 degrees to 45 degrees in a day!

    I actually dragged out my afghan to crochet the other night. Maybe I'm getting the creative bug again! I've been working on it for a couple of years, just not making much progress..

    Try to stay warm! It's supposed to rain tomorrow!
  • bigdrunner
    bigdrunner Posts: 1,181 Member
    Thank You ,so that regular pumpkin pie filling i know some is regular pumpkin puree
  • PotterNana
    PotterNana Posts: 748 Member
    Yes, it is
  • PotterNana
    PotterNana Posts: 748 Member
    My cold seems to be getting worse. I even got light headed at work yesterday and almost passed out. I sat down to hand out trays to the kids and took my mask off. Halfway through lunch, I was feeling back to normal. Today, I worked 7 hours since I went in at 6:30 to help with the truck delivering the food shipment. I actually ended up working at the elementary school most of the day, and had fun doing it. I wouldn't tell the girls I work with, but I would rather work at the elementary school. My lead is very political, and I am so not political. There are two things you don't talk about - religion and politics.

    One more day, and I can rest this cold. I have Friday off.
  • bigdrunner
    bigdrunner Posts: 1,181 Member
    Feel better soon :)
  • PotterNana
    PotterNana Posts: 748 Member
    Easy day at work today, and we had a fun day. No school tomorrow, so we wore head costumes. I had a deer headband and painted my nose black. It was fun. My truck run consisted of only one box. They could have sent more, but opted to give me an easy day after my busy day yesterday :)

    My cold is just kind of hanging on, not worse or better. Glad I'll have the three day weekend to rest as needed.

    Relaxing tonight.
  • PotterNana
    PotterNana Posts: 748 Member
    Hubby slept horribly last night, but I slept in. The only thing planned for today is to take the camper in to be winterized. Tim should be home before 1, and they do winterizations until 3. Luckily, they are only about 6 miles away.

    Otherwise, I am taking a day to rest. I'm trying to nurse this cold. Making some chicken breast for dinner. Nice and Easy.

    Looks like rain this morning. Tis the season!
  • PotterNana
    PotterNana Posts: 748 Member
    Woke up with a horrible migraine this morning, to the point of my ear hurting. Got up for a while, but the lights and noise were just too much. Took some ibuprofen and went back to lay down. Feeling a bit better. Ready for coffee and a migraine pill to get me through the day!

    Tim drove to Oshkosh this morning for a Scale Model Car Show. They are fun to look at, and he can usually get some good deals. I usually get bored after awhile so he opted to go solo. With the way I'm feeling, it's probably a better choice.

    I'm going to do some cross stitch and watch tv for a while. Then organize another drawer. Tonight is Spaghetti Casserole. I don't make pasta very often, so this is a treat :)

    Sun is shining here. Enjoy it if you can!
  • bigdrunner
    bigdrunner Posts: 1,181 Member
    Busy day for our family first my Uncles funeral then my sister celebrating tonight there 50TH Wedding Anniversary party in Superior ,have a great weekend everyone
  • PotterNana
    PotterNana Posts: 748 Member
    My migraine is much better, just a headache here and there. It's just from the shift in weather. It will even out..

    A scale model show is for plastic models that people build. My husband has been building car models for years. He paints them, glues them together, and displays them in a case. It really is quite a process. Unfortunately, it is a dying art. Most of the kits you see now a days are metal kits that just need to be repainted. But, kids today, don't have the patience to do the tedious work. And the plastic model kits today are much more expensive due to lack popularity.


    We drove up to Fleet Farm this morning for a large tarp to cover the camper. I ordered the Pesto on Friday, and plan to disperse it into some mesh organza bags and distribute around the camper. We used two tarps last year. We'll use one of those tarps to cover the underside this year.

    Tim worked on outside work when we got home, and I organized a drawer. I'm making progress. I even found some capris that are too big, so they will go to Goodwill! I'm making good progress on my eating plan too. I even had coworkers mention that they could see the difference in my face. Great NSV!!



    Enjoy your night!!
  • bigdrunner
    bigdrunner Posts: 1,181 Member
    Nice Pics
  • PotterNana
    PotterNana Posts: 748 Member
    Easy day today. Only half the kids as usual since 4k - 5 had off today. It worked out. I have a neurologist appointment later this afternoon for a recheck. No real concerns, just want to be sure we can keep refilling my prescriptions :)

    Had a quiet Halloween night. We live on a highway, so we don't get trick or treaters. That keeps the treat out of the house. The grandkids had a blast!


    It's getting colder out there. Time to dig out the jacket...
  • PotterNana
    PotterNana Posts: 748 Member
    Found out last night that Anastasia's class is going virtual. Half the faculty and 2/3 the student body is out for Covid (including her girlfriend that sits right next to her :# ) Anastasia has some pretty big feelings right now, but they'll get through this too.

    Feeling pretty tired today, but we're missing the girls like crazy. We haven't seen them in over a month, with no end in sight. It's just hard in this Covid world we live in. :'(

    Looking forward to an early night. Stay warm! It sure was cold this morning!!
  • PotterNana
    PotterNana Posts: 748 Member
    Woke up yesterday feeling pretty cruddy. Called the doctor before work and they squeezed me in. The headaches and all were leading up to a sinus infection... They did a Covid test to rule it out, but it came back negative. I had today off, and slept the day away. I'll go back tomorrow, but I'll be taking it slow. I just need to give the antibiotics time to kick in.

    Been putting off grocery shopping all week. I think we will go tomorrow night, and pick up pizza for dinner. We are running out of food, and I'd like to pick up some fresh fruit and veggies.

    My daughter is leaning towards getting Anastasia the vaccine. She just isn't sure she wants to do it right away.

    Enjoy your evening and stay healthy!
  • PotterNana
    PotterNana Posts: 748 Member
    Feeling a little better today, as the headache is subsiding. I did make it to work today, but plan to rest over the weekend and let my body heal.

    I've been postponing grocery shopping since Tuesday, so tonight is the day. We are officially running out of food... Tonight's dinner will be pepperoni pizza with black olives for Tim, and a veggie pizza for me. Easy peasy. And leftovers!

    Time to make out that grocery list! Enjoy the weather this weekend. It's supposed to be nice!