Daily Check In: Are You On Track Today?



  • DW2022
    DW2022 Posts: 302 Member
    HI Everybody! I hope you are all doing well!! I've been busy getting ready for my sister's arrival tomorrow and the electrician on Monday. I've have some finishing up to do tomorrow morning and then all will be as ready as it will get.
    WW isn't going well as I try to adjust to the freedom. I think I would do better if I stick to low carb eating plan. Have a blessed Sunday!
  • atgoal135
    atgoal135 Posts: 149 Member
    DW and Paula and Shari…..Sorry, I have been missing in action. So many personal family issues which I can’t really share. Some stressful times. One stress I will share is DH started coughing Friday during the night. He was feeling quite sick Saturday morning with no fever but yucky cough. We scheduled a Covid test for this morning just in case. He has not lost his sense of smell or taste and has had no fever. His cough seems perkier today (taking Delsym cough med and Tylenol at bedtime) and he says he does feel a bit better. Pedialyte, popsicles, jello, pushing the fluids. I am guessing a cold or flu but with Covid out there we have have to be careful and do the test. He had oral surgery last Tuesday and did not wear his mask for that obviously but otherwise we have always worn our masks in public places. Always something lately and this is just icing on my stress cake right now. (We are sleeping in separate rooms, watching TV and hanging out in separate rooms and I am wearing my mask in the kitchen area or any time I interact to be nurse, lol. Is best we can do.)

    Paula and DW..exciting you are both trying WW!! I hope it is the change up that spurs you on your way to additional weight loss. Sometimes we need a change and I think our bodies need a shake up in eating patterns. I was so veggied-out after years of eating so many on 17dd. I am not eating as many veggies as I should right now but will get that part balanced out soon!🤞😍

    Still doing my IF and down a total of 8.6 lbs since Sept 3 start date. I am feeling a bit stalled on this plateau but looked at my weight graph and I do see it is up/down but consistently trending downward…even if very slowly! My mind does know it will be slow (at my age, with my meds and activity level) but have to keep reminding myself so I don’t get discouraged.

    Shari….hope you are “vegging out” in a fun way…laying on the beach in the sun! Have a wonderful vacation!!
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 941 Member
    DW, Sorry that the WW program is not working out well for you. I am quite pleased with my options and choices thus far. I am still learning lots about the plan, but I am staying within my point range with points to spare. I like earning the extra points for drinking my water and eating veggies. I am not earning any points for activity yet however. Have fun with your sister. Hope you find lots of bargains too.

    Diane, Prayers for your DH! So much to deal with these days….you are right….you can’t be too careful. I am applying the new WW program and doing the IF as much as possible. It seems to be workable for me at the moment. I enjoy adding in new foods that I have been avoiding while on the 17DD and even on my modification of the diet. I am willing to give the WW plan a chance and hope for the best. I know I will have to weigh in more often (at least weekly) on WW, so I will be able to keep track of my progress (or lack thereof!). Losing over 8 pounds over just 2 months is great. A wonderful trend to certainly celebrate.

    I did well today, even though my typical Sunday schedule was off a bit due to phone calls interrupting my day I expected this though in light of some issues at my church. All is well, but changes are underway. It will be interesting to see how things play out. Tomorrow I hope to get my haircut, rescheduled from earlier this month. John has his appointment as a follow up to his recent blood work. While there with him I hope to get some direction about my booster.

    Let’s all have a good week!
  • atgoal135
    atgoal135 Posts: 149 Member
    Good news…NEGATIVE…on Covid test. Actually seems pretty much back to normal. Still some sinus cough…needs to keep on flonase for those allergies!🤞

    I was down over 1 lb this morning but had upset tummy yesterday and so may have lost wait running to bathroom, lol. Goes to show me I am close to another real weight drop (I hope soon)!

    Hope everyone is having a good week!👍😎
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 941 Member
    Diane, Glad your DH's Covid test was negative and that he is feeling better. Hope you are feeling better soon too.

    I was up very early today as I had a busy day planned. I accomplished a lot around the house and am quite pleased with it all, but I had little motivation to eat well. I like following the WW program so I logged everything but just wasn't "into it" at all today. So, while I am ok with my WW points, I must admit my choices weren't very healthy today. I expect that I will have more motivation tomorrow.
  • atgoal135
    atgoal135 Posts: 149 Member
    Paula…my choices have not all been healthy lately either. I am sure it’s because I “can” now have things I was deprived of for so long…I am allowing myself to have a little taste of this and that, lol…hope I get more control soon. My calories are pretty much on track which is good. I know you will be right on track as you are so disciplined! I hope the change to WW works well for you and you soon see results! 👍🤞😎
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 941 Member
    Diane, You are right. I am right back on track today and feeling quite satisfied. Not sure what was going on yesterday, but I sure feel better today. I am enjoying the WW program because I find so much more variety and so many more options. The point system makes sense to me. When I tried WW in the past, I found that many times I ran out of points (food) while I was still hungry. This hasn't been the case with me this time at all. I know my eating habits have evolved over the years to a much healthier approach. Being retired and having more time to plan and prepare has helped me a lot too. I gained the bulk of my current weight in a span of about 12 years while I was working in a very stressful and demanding job was raising on my own. I often resorted to convenient less healthy food options in those days out of sheer exhaustion I think. I was also pretty much sleep deprived in those days. I am now retired almost 10 years and definitely struggle with my weight but I have kept off my initial 17DD loss (thank goodness) and now feel good that this WW program will bring me more success.

    Thinking of Shari in sunny Mexico and DW having fun with her sister!! I am off for my ShopRite pick up in just a few minutes!
  • DW2022
    DW2022 Posts: 302 Member
    Hi Everybody! Sorry to have been out of touch for so long! I tried to get to the MFP "Community" section on my phone app but couldn't get to our group/conversations. I returned home yesterday around noon from my shopping trip. We had a great time at the outlet malls and Frankenmuth! Monday is the day I will go through everything I purchased and assess where I am in terms of Christmas shopping. My focus at this time is to complete my shopping for my Alaska family and have it ready to mail in very early December. After I returned home, I gave my dog a bath, took her to class last night, then up very early and headed for a show 2 hours away with an 8:00 AM ring time. I was very nervous because I don't usually do the typical dog show type of activity but I took her in the ring and she got 1 point today. I was very pleased with her attitude and my goal was for her to have fun, so the point was icing on the cake! We will go back to the show on Sunday morning but took tomorrow off from the show. Sunday will be better for me because I will be much more rested!
    I made a 3 month commitment to WW so will keep trying. My time with my sister was a WW points disaster but I tracked them.....looking forward to next Monday when my points start over for the week.
    Diane, I'm glad that your husband is on the mend!! Congrats on your weight loss over the past couple of months! Paula, I'm happy to hear that WW is going well for you! That encourages me to keep at it! Everyone have a great weekend! I'm happy to be back in communication!!
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 941 Member
    DW, Sounds like you did well with your shopping trip. And then on to a dog show...wow...you have been busy!! Congrats for your dog doing so well. Have fun tomorrow too at the dog show! I am sure when she has fun, you have fun! I am enjoying the WW plan. I appreciate the variety available to me and feel must less restricted. I will probably weigh in tomorrow to see how I am doing. I definitely feel good on this plan.

    I am so happy to report that John and I got our Covid booster shots yesterday. We got the shots at the pharmacy at our Giant grocery store, which is where we got our original vaccine back in early April. This time we got Pfizer (our original vaccine was the one shot J & J). It is now almost 24 hours since we got the booster, and we note no real side effects. Today will be a lazy day for me anyway (using the booster shot as a good excuse to take it easy a bit).
  • atgoal135
    atgoal135 Posts: 149 Member
    Paula…so glad you were able to get the booster! Covid cases on rise in MN and somewhat in AZ too. I don’t get why as so many are now vaccinated? Guess all we can do is get our shots and mask up when needed?

    DW…happy you had fun shopping and at dog show! You are very active which should work well with WW points as more flexible tha 17dd. I hope WW works well for you and Paula. One day at a time!😎👍
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 810 Member
    Hey Everyone. Just caught up on all of the posts. I am far too scared to step on a scale so I will give myself until Dec 6 to see where I am at. I haven't eaten too much since we got back. A combination of not being hungry and a bit of stress.

    The trip was wonderful. Covid restrictions/protocols there were the same as here. We masked indoors, got hand sanitizer when entering restaurants and outside we didn't wear masks. We had to get a PCR test before returning home and we were all negative. The weather was a steady 30 degrees C/86 F everyday and the sun felt so good.

    Back to reality and then some! It's very snowy here and there was none when we left. DH did snow removal all day Saturday and we took it easy yesterday.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 941 Member
    Shari, Welcome back!!! So happy that your trip was wonderful and that you tested negative on your return! I heard from my friend Kay that your area had some snow. Makes you appreciate the tropics even more I bet!

    Diane, Covid cases in PA are on the rise to a great extent. Our local newspaper this morning reported that PA now has the highest number of Covid hospitalizations since Feb. 3 of this year. The seven-day moving average of newly reported cases was up 53.8% over the last 30 days, with over 17,000 new cases reported in PA just for the past weekend! I am so happy that John and I got our booster shots. When we were at the grocery store pharmacy to get our shots, I was amazed at how very few people were wearing masks. Of course, the pharmacist and pharmacy tech were masks, but otherwise I noticed that most of the other grocery store employees weren’t wearing masks and very few shoppers were masked.

    Both John and I were very tired (perhaps related to the booster shot I think) yesterday so we took it easy all day and dozed off now and then. This is unusual for John but not so much for me! I was able to stay strong with my WW program and weighed this morning one pound down. That is very motivating to me, especially with Thanksgiving coming up this week. We are having Thanksgiving with our dear friend Nancy and her sister at Nancy’s home. I will make several foods and bring an appetizer (I got cranberry brie from my organic delivery). It will be just the 4 of us this year. Nancy and I decided it is best to keep it limited to just us. Nancy and I and our families and sometimes other friends have been sharing Thanksgiving since 1994, missing only once when John had the flu as a child and missing last year when everyone celebrated at home.

  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 810 Member
    We still have mask mandates here. Last summer we were permitted to not wear masks, but it did feel strange and didn't last very long. I still wore mine. We are recovering from our 4th wave which is great. Time will tell if another variant comes along and we do this all over once again.

    Congrats on the one pound weight loss Paula!!! That is so encouraging. I really hope that I am back on track and losing. My clothes still feel tight so I have a ways to go yet. But I have been doing well tracking and being below my calories. If I am not losing, it is most likely my mindset. Always seems to be stress around every corner.

    No Thanksgiving here! No holiday at all, but that's okay. I feel pretty lucky to have had a week off in the sunshine. Not sure why I live where I do. If I had to do it all over again, I would move somewhere warm. All year round.
  • atgoal135
    atgoal135 Posts: 149 Member
    edited November 2021
    Welcome back Shari! Glad you had a sun filled getaway! Surely the extra vacation weight will work itself off once you are back to your healthy eating routine.

    Paula…WooHoo on the weight loss! So encouraging!! Go WW!!! Enjoy Thanksgiving without strictly dieting (what I plan to do) and then get right back on. Of course, I am not going too wild…just allow myself that piece of pie if I want it? Often I skip dessert…just don’t want to be over stuffed, lol. But just knowing I will allow myself if I want some is a good feeling (even if I choose not to indulge). So glad too you and John have your boosters now. This Covid is especially scary for some of us (age, health issues etc) and Covid sure has changed our lives forever.

    We have booked trip back to MN snow and cold for 3 weeks, yikes! We want to be able to spend time with DH’s sister (who had stroke) and see if anything we can help with to get her more safely situated. She took a bath for instance and could not get out of the tub! Long story but we will be sure she has proper shower transfer bench/chair and hand held shower head etc, etc…many things including getting “life alert” type service. We also have some other family medical issues to deal with which are not mine to share here. So we will be driving to medical appointments etc, having guests with us for 7 days, hosting Christmas Eve. So the time will be incredibly busy and will pass quickly in hindsight I’m sure.

    Our grandson (25) arrives today about 1:00 and will be with us for Thanksgiving until Friday. Lots of cooking in my future starting later today and tomorrow. I hope to cut up my celery and onions ahead of time today to save some of my standing tomorrow. My back can only do so much. Thank goodness for my heating pad, I will need it, lol!

    Happy Thanksgiving to everyone….I likely will not be posting again before the weekend! 🦃

  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 941 Member
    Diane, I am not planning to go too wild tomorrow either. I am planning on a glass of wine at dinner and a taste of everything I enjoy, but will be mindful of portion sizes. My downfall is usually the stuffing, if I make it. But Nancy is making it this year so I won’t be quite so tempted. It will be good, but I favor mine. Enjoy the visit from your grandson, a Thanksgiving blessing for sure! You are so kind to be helping out your sister-in-law! After my father lost both of his legs, we had an OT help prepare us for having him live here. As you know, there can be a lot involved. I hope the MN weather is kind to you while you are there!

    Shari, sometimes tight clothes can add to motivation, I think. I should know as I have many clothes in my closet that fall into that category! Like Diane said, that vacation weight will go away as you return to your “groove!”

    DW, I thought of you yesterday because I had a phone call from Alaska. I have been involved with a recent fundraiser to support a church in Alaska, and yesterday I had the occasion to talk with the pastor of the parish. It was the first time I ever received a phone call from Alaska! I was so excited to talk with him. He was such a delightful, kind, and humble man of Tlingit descent, I think.

    Believe it or not, I am feeling so positive with my WW results that I actually weighed again today. (I am less scale shy these days!) I am down less than a pound so I am not counting it really, especially with Thanksgiving tomorrow. But this weigh-in does tell me that I am at least holding onto my loss so far.

    Happy Thanksgiving!!
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 810 Member
    So good to hear about everyone's Thanksgiving plans. We seem to have adopted Black Friday, but not the Turkey dinner in Canada. Congrats to everyone's weight loss too! That is soooo wonderful.

    I didn't track my food yesterday, and I didn't stick to plan. I was at work all day and there were snacks here and there and I indulged. I am back on track for today. I always eat better at home than being in the office. I was tempted to weigh in, but I am going to hold off until Dec 6...I think. I did see a challenge that I thought I might join on MFP. But that would require a pre Dec 1 weigh in as a starting point. I need to decide soon.
  • DW2022
    DW2022 Posts: 302 Member
    HI Everybody! Shari, it is good to have you back! It sounds like your vacation was wonderful!! Where do you find challenges on MFP? Happy Thanksgiving Paula and Diane!! Diane, I hope you are having a great visit with your grandson!! Paula, it sounded like you had fun Thanksgiving plans, too!! Have you found any challenges on the WW site? I haven't even ventured into the social parts of the site. I think I could use additional motivation!!
    We had a quiet day with my daughter and her husband coming for an early lunch because he had to work at 2:00pm. While they were here, we skyped with our family in Alaska because they don't get to see my daughter and her husband very often. Paula, where is the church in Alaska located? It can be challenging to connect with folks there because of the big time difference. I also have to consider when my family might be working and not call during those hours. When we skyped today, we were done with lunch and they were just having breakfast. I'm involved with another dog event for the next three days. It is an Obedience trial and I will be stewarding all three days (good for getting steps in) as well as showing my dog in the Novice class. I don't have much hope for him to do well-I would need a miracle since he has decided that he wont do "down" on the floor of the kennel club (not cushy enough on his tummy, I guess). If this doesn't go well, I will just move on to other events that he still enjoys, like scentwork. Everyone have a good evening!!
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 941 Member
    DW, the church is in Sitka. It is St. Michael the Archangel Cathedral, an Orthodox church. I checked before making my initial contacts there and found that they are 4 hours behind me here in PA. In addition to our phone calls, we have done a lot by email of course. I haven't looked for any challenges on WW. I haven't done any posts or interactions on the connect sections there. I do enjoy some of the articles and emails they send however. Good luck with your upcoming dog event.

    Shari, I haven’t done any challenges in years, but I remember doing really well with one that had to do with healthy snacking back on SparkPeople.

    Well, I think I will be avoiding the scale for the next few days. We had a very nice Thanksgiving Day. I think I ate reasonably yesterday but of course did have some pie for dessert and some wine with dinner. Nancy always sets a beautiful table. I will include a photo with this post. I found out again that when I stray from my typical food plan, I pay for it at the bathroom. Once again, I ended up with a touch of the runs after dinner. I think perhaps some of the side dishes had too much butter. I am fine today however, though not really eating as compliantly as usual.


  • atgoal135
    atgoal135 Posts: 149 Member
    Happy Post-Thanksgiving to all!! I hope the celebration and family time was wonderful for everyone!
    I took time to be thankful for the many blessings in my life. Including my one piece of pie, I ate too much over the day but fortunately sent almost every scrap of leftovers home with our grandson. We kept a few slices of ham and turkey.

    My weight this morning is back to pre-Thursday. Much of my gain was from sodium I think. We golf today and I hope my back will tolerate it. (I have been recouping from all the standing for cooking and cleaning. DH actually finished cleaning up the pots and baking dishes for me..as I had to quit standing.)

    I enjoyed reading all of your posts! Thankful for all of you being here for me and all of us for each other! Good luck with any challenges you opt into ladies! Go for it!😍
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 810 Member
    Hey Everyone!

    I have had a crazy weekend with a lot of drama dealing with my parents. I will make a counselling appointment today to sort out the impact it has had on me. My parents drank, fought, my dad attempted suicide, my mom wanted to move out and then come the next morning, she won't talk to me. Just my dad. I hurt her feelings while she was drunk and she needs time. My dad did speak with me since. I also found out from my dad yesterday, that my sister has a mass in her brain and one in her belly. She hasn't said a word to me. She is waiting for test results. I have no idea what my next steps should be.

    I know this forum is to talk about our weight loss journey, I hope you don't mind me sharing what is on my plate at the moment. My stomach is carrying a lot of my stress, so I can't eat that much. I have lost some weight because of that. Not the way I wanted to kick start progress.

    I found the challenges on MFP by looking at the variety of discussion groups. There are links on some threads to join the challenges. I didn't sign up. I will have to look again.