Daily Check In: Are You On Track Today?



  • atgoal135
    atgoal135 Posts: 149 Member
    edited November 2021
    Shari…So sorry this is all happening. I will keep you and your family in my prayers. Sadly, I know too many people going through so much right now. Please share anything/anytime you are needing to. Remembering to take things “one day at a time” and knowing that “this too shall pass”….along with the Serenity Prayer have gotten me through many tough days. I hope those thoughts and God’s grace may help you too. 🙏🏻
  • DW2022
    DW2022 Posts: 302 Member
    Oh Shari, I am so sorry.....Prayers for you and your family!
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 940 Member
    Shari, like Diane said, we are all here for each other. I consider us a group of good close friends who discuss topics way beyond weight, calories, and carbs!!! I also consider this a safe and supportive place to vent and share. We all need that I think! Please know that we are here for you. I am praying for you, your parents, and your sister. My heart goes out to you with so much stress and serious issues on your plate. Hugs!!!

    Diane, Woo hoo for your weight already back to your pre-Thanksgiving number! I am still in scale avoidance mode as today was really the first day since last Wednesday when my eating was well within my WW points range. I wasn’t way over, but I also wasn’t very motivated till today to get totally back on track.

    This should be a calm and relaxing week for me, I hope. Tomorrow morning John and I are having a zoom meeting with a new attorney to discuss my current documents, including my will, power of attorney, etc. The last time I worked on these John was still a minor, so I think it is time to revisit these documents. This is a free consultation session with an attorney who has a professional relationship with my financial advisor firm. I will have to decide eventually if I want this attorney to revise my documents or to just take his ideas/advice/etc. and return to my current attorney whom I have been with since 1997. He is getting on in years and moved from his solo practice when I first worked with him to a big law firm a few years ago. I love him and trust him but wonder if it is time for me to move on. I will see what I feel after zooming with the new guy. I think John will also have to have some documents drawn up. So much to think about.
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 810 Member
    Thank you everyone for your kindness and support. I was able to book an appointment with my counsellor for today. She is always so wise and I trust she will help me navigate this too.

    My eating has been pretty good since I have got home from my trip. Lots of that is stress. I know that the stress will hinder me with my results, so if I can keep going and not be all wound up, I may see some weight loss before the New Year.

    It's always good to review those end of life documents Paula. We have done it a few times. But now that we have the farm, we should really look to get it done again. Otherwise it will have to get sold and I think one of the boys, if not two would like to inherit it one day. Glad you brought up your zoom meeting with us.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 940 Member
    Hope everyone is having a good week.

    John and I had a very productive zoom meeting with the attorney. We will be going with him to update our documents. He impressed us as being on top of things and being sensitive to our special needs. I think he is an excellent choice for us.

    Guess what! Today I submitted an application at a local animal rescue to adopt a dog. It is the rescue where my friend Kellie volunteers. I have been checking the rescue's website every day, and today I saw a chihuahua that seems to be a good match for us. I understand that there likely will be other applicants on the list ahead of us, but at least our application will be on file for the future. I had to provide our vet as a reference. When I called the vet's office to let them know I was listing them as a reference, a staff member there offered to help us find a dog through a rescue she supports. I checked out the website for this other rescue as well and found another potential option. You can just imagine how hopeful and excited John and I are about this. We need a dog!

    I have had 2 consecutive days of excellent compliance with my WW plan and am feeling very good. Today will be day 3. The WW plan I am on allows me to have whole grain pasta for zero points. That is a welcome addition for me and quite satisfying. I am careful with portion control, but this option seems to really help me stay within my point limit. For my protein I am eating primarily cod, tuna, and salmon. Fruits and non starch veggies are also zero points, and I am doing well with these choices.
  • atgoal135
    atgoal135 Posts: 149 Member
    Paula…I am sooo excited for you about finding a potential new dog! I hope one of the options turns out to be the special new member of your family! Good luck! Nice too that you found a good attorney. Our long time attorney retired a few years ago and his young partner was “ok” but not the same…then the young partner moved out of state. He sent us notice to either come get our files or they would be destroyed. We found an estate attorney here in AZ and now have our end of life documents with him. He is good but almost too good…very busy (I feel it’s impersonal) and I still miss our excellent small town, very knowledgeable and caring attorney from those good old days.
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 810 Member
    Paula- That is exciting that you may have new canine addition to your family. I have been thinking about getting a second dog. Moe is amazing, I think he would be such a good help in training another dog. It just doesn't seem like Covid is going anywhere, so travelling hasn't been a part of our life. Travel is the only reason I wouldn't get another dog. We have the space!

    We have on our to-do list to talk to the boys about the farm. See what they are thinking and update our wills. Should be able to do that early in the New Year.

    My mom still isn't talking to me. My dad does. I am sure she needs to sort things out, but at 85, I am not sure what her end goal will be. If she chooses to isolate, that will be sad.

    My weight bounced back up a bit. I think it's the stress. If it doesn't come down in the next few days, I don't think I can count it as regular fluctuation. My mind set will be the thing I need to concentrate on.
  • atgoal135
    atgoal135 Posts: 149 Member
    Shari…good luck with the temporary stress weight gain!🤞. I know you have said you eat less with stress (whereas I eat everything in site and crave sweets)….but even eating less, I believe when we are truly stressed our body hangs onto its weight with a cortisol connection. Your awareness and actually taking steps to deal with your stress is all good, one day at a time…you will win over the weight in the end.

    Paula, I hope you hear soon on the new doggie! Would be great just in time for Christmas!😍

    DW….enjoy your dogs and dog shows. Busy life!

    We are getting organized to go back to MN next week (for 3 weeks). I have my suitcase out and packed a couple essentials yesterday. We shopped for all our family Christmas cards. I tried on slacks in my closet to take back with me. Happy they are just a bit loose and more comfy around waist. I basically wear capris all year round except at Christmas (if we are in MN). Didn’t travel back last winter because of Covid. Am committed to going but worried about traveling by air this year and MN has extremely high numbers. Our grandson in MN has it right now.🙏🏻
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 940 Member
    Shari, So sorry about your mom’s current attitude. Let’s hope she is able to sort things out reasonably and successfully. I bet Moe would like a doggie companion! We have relatives who have 3 Boxers and 2 young boys (ages 2 & 4). The dogs are best friends and the boys and the dogs are also best friends. I learned yesterday that the 4-year-old recently had Covid, apparently catching it from a grandparent who was vaccinated but still contracted the virus. The grandfather’s break through case was very mild and the 4 yr old’s symptoms were pretty mild too. Still pretty scary in my estimation however.

    Diane, Congrats on the more comfy slacks! Woo Hoo!!! I know you will take the necessary precautions while traveling and enjoying being back in MN. These times are very complicated.

    Well, the good news is that our application for the rescue shelter has been approved. The not-so-good news at the moment is that the chihuahua we want is likely to go to another family who is ahead of us on the list. They are meeting with him tomorrow, and if all goes well, he will be their new pet. The shelter told me to call them on Friday about 4 pm to see the dog has gone with that family. If he is still available we might have a chance. The approved application is good for 8 months. So the shelter rep encouraged me to keep visiting their website and calling immediately if I see another dog of interest. I will be sure to do that. I had another good day (4 in a row now) following the WW plan. There is so much more freedom than on the 17DD. Losing might be quite a bit slower, but if I keep moving in the right direction, I will be pleased.
  • DW2022
    DW2022 Posts: 302 Member
    HI Everybody! Paula, how exciting to be ready for a new canine family member! I look forward to hearing about your progress! Also happy to hear the WW is going well! I do well and then have a night like tonight when a social event totally derailed my efforts.
    Diane, I wish you safe and healthy travels!! Great news about your slacks!!
    Shari, I hope things will turn around with your Mom! Ongoing prayers for you and your family!
    All the talk about wills is interesting because I've really been thinking about that lately. My husband and I really need to get a will done, but I'm the only one who thinks so....we didn't do one when the kids were little because we couldn't agree on who would raise them if something happened to us. My husband also doesn't have a Dr. and I've long ago given up on badgering him about it. I see mine regularly, and, as adults, my children do too, and I am thankful for that!!
    My social event this evening was at the kennel club. Every December (except last year), we have a holiday gathering. In the past it has been a dinner but this year we had appetizers and desserts. We also do an auction of donated items and the proceeds benefit one or two dog organizations. The auction has been a regular one in the past but this year it was a silent auction and, I think that we raised more money this year. The chosen organizations are a medical fund for dogs in need of extensive medical care who are in the county dog shelter and a fund that supports/cares for the pets of women who are victims of domestic violence while they get back on their feet, since many shelters/programs don't allow pets.
    I am hoping to get my Christmas package in the mail to Alaska tomorrow and am hoping to actually go to church on Sunday. I believe that masks are still required as well as social distancing. Have a good evening!!
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 810 Member
    Safe travels Diane! Loose fitting pants will make the air travel so much more comfortable.

    My mom called me last night and we chatted. She said she is doing better but is very upset about having called me. I wish she would see that the call wasn't the issue. It was the state of affairs that were happening to make her call. She will check in with me here and there but won't see me. She said she won't see anyone over Christmas. There is time for her to reconsider.

    DW- the kennel club event sounds like it was a lot of fun and had an even better outcome. Such good charities to support. Tonight I have my work Christmas party. Spouses are invited so that's good. I didn't go last year because it was across town. Over an hour drive. This year it is half the distance. I am going to try and save all of my calories for dinner time. I am working harder to lose weight. If things don't happen on my own, I may have to join you all on WW.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 940 Member
    Just a quick update for now. The chihuahua went to the family who was ahead of us on the list. I will keep checking. It hasn't been a good day. I never go to our basement because of mobility concerns. Today I was going to venture down there but got half way down the steps and discovered water on the basement floor. I called a plumbing company and was told they couldn't get anyone here till Monday! (Even though they claim to provide emergency services.) So I called Craig who came over and found that there is a blockage which caused water and worse to back up into the basement through the basement toilet and shower. Craig has worked as a plumber (though not officially licensed) and had access to a commercial grade snake which he used to try to open up the blockage. He was here about 6 hours and still the blockage isn't opened up. For a while he thought it was working ok, but then he found that was not the case. He will come back tomorrow morning to try a few more approaches, and then I will have to try other plumbing services to see if they can come before Monday, if Craig cannot fix the problem. Always something.
  • atgoal135
    atgoal135 Posts: 149 Member
    😱 Good luck with the water/sewer backup issue Paula. I can only imagine how awful it must be for you to deal with….I hope it gets repaired soon!🙏🏻
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 810 Member
    Oh no Paula! That is awful. Praying you get the assistance you need!!!!
  • DW2022
    DW2022 Posts: 302 Member
    HI Everyone!! Paula, I hope your plumbing problems have been resolved!! Shari and Diane, I hope things are going well for you and your families!! Everything is going well here except that I continue to battle late night eating. I think I have my weekly WW weigh in either tomorrow or Tuesday. We mailed the Christmas boxes to Alaska on Saturday morning, so that is a relief! I've never had it ready to go so early but with all of the warnings to ship early, I focused on that first. I have one more package to mail but it is only to SC, so I have a little time....
    Tomorrow evening, I'm going to a retirement party for a former colleague. Once again, I am so excited to see my former coworkers and appreciate that they include me!! That's all the news from here. Have a good week!
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 940 Member
    Thank you friends for your prayers and good wishes. After an exhausting 2 days, the blockage is finally open (I hope). Craig did the best he could, but the problem remained so I called a company I had never used before. The tech came at 9:30 pm on Saturday. He had it cleared by 11 pm, working outside in the dark and cold. He had been working all day and was exhausted. To my surprise, when he finished he came in and sat and chatted with us for a half hour. I think he was just too exhausted to move right away. I know I was exhausted, and I didn't do the work he did. I found the cost quite reasonable considering everything involved ($275 plus I gave him a tip). Craig is going to come tomorrow to check out the basement again and do any additional clean up that might be needed. I won't feel totally at ease with this until Craig inspects the basement. He was working at another job today (which he missed yesterday to help me), so I didn't want him to come here today to check.

    Today was a very nice day for me and John, such a contrast from the previous 2 days. Today we "attended" our online church service this morning and then a Christmas concert online performed in the afternoon by a choir from an Orthodox seminary here in PA. It was very beautiful and well done. After the concert we had another online church service for the eve of the feast of St. Nicholas. Tomorrow is St. Nicholas day (and we will have church tomorrow morning too). Our custom is for children to either get a stocking of goodies filled by St. Nick or for St. Nick to leave presents in the child's shoe. I was raised with the stocking custom so that is what I kept and still keep with John. I tell him he isn't too old for this as long as I am able to provide something.

    My eating has been very good. Yesterday John and I ate and drank almost nothing because we didn't want to have any bathroom issues till the problem was resolved. Talk about IF! After a while we weren't really hungry at all. Today was a normal healthy eating day. I stayed well within my WW points. I will be looking forward to my next weigh in...soon I think.
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 810 Member
    So glad you got the plumbing issue looked after Paula. Such a relief.

    I had a very good sabbath yesterday. I am learning how to rest and to "be" instead of always doing. I must say it is getting easier. Still learning things and working on myself as I age. I don't think I will arrive, but I won't quit trying to become a better version of me.

    Ate more than I wanted to this weekend, and I didn't track. Back to it today!
  • atgoal135
    atgoal135 Posts: 149 Member
    Hi everyone!
    So glad your plumbing issues are resolved Paula! Yes, not having a working bathroom can cause issues for certain! Makes me even more appreciative of all my years now having “flush toilets”, lol….we had none of those when I was growing up on the farm. 👍

    DW….I surely can identify with late night eating! I had NO willpower over it until starting my IF eating schedule. Now I have been able to not eat after 7:00 since September 3. Why is that? I ask myself that question but don’t have the answer. Certainly a mind over matter because nothing else has changed. 🤔

    Shari….it’s good to hear you are finding ways to let yourself relax at least on Sundays…it’s good to have that stress break. I really put myself through a lot of angst over the years trying to do too much, trying “to do everything”, part of being a perfectionist. Did not serve me well sometimes and I am happier now relaxing those standards and allowing myself some (previously I viewed as lazy), “me times”.

    Golf yesterday and then invited our playing partners over for drinks and snacks. I had water as I have just not had the urge to have wine lately and others all wanted beer which I have not had since I was maybe 16? Just do not care for it. Good news this morning I am down again in weight. I am now a total of 10.2 lbs lost on my IF program. I have quit recording every food I eat. I am so into eating same things over and over that I know I am in the groove calorie wise. But I am sticking to IF and weighing each day!😍
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 940 Member
    Shari, Glad you had such a good Sunday! You are right that taking care of yourself in such a way does get easier and is a good thing to do.

    Diane, I was about 6 years old when my maternal grandparents got their first indoor toilet. I still remember the excitement surrounding this achievement. I would love a glass of wine now and then but just don't make the effort to have it, so maybe I don't want it as much as I think I do. I used to enjoy beer, especially with pizza, when I was in my 20s, but somehow totally lost my taste for beer and now I can't stand it. I don't even like beer batter dipped shrimp or anything similar! Congrats on your very impressive weight loss....no wonder those pants are now loose on you.

    I am finding that doing IF is becoming more natural for me these days. It seems that my hunger is far better controlled. I still track all of my food because of the WW plan. I am enjoying having a much greater variety of foods to choose from, which I think helps keep me motivated and on track. Our plumbing issues seem fine now. Craig was here for over 4 hours yesterday, cleaning up more of the basement. He also helped me get our artificial Christmas tree set up. It is an all-in-one tree (prelit and decorated). Eventually I will probably post a photo. He also helped me with a few other little Christmas decorations. We will do more when he comes back on Thursday.
  • DW2022
    DW2022 Posts: 302 Member
    Hi Everybody! Diane, congrats on the weight loss!! Paula, so glad that your plumbing problems are fixed!! Shari, I'm glad that you are giving yourself some relaxation time!! Well, I had a huge surprise today-both packages were delivered to my son's home today-shockingly FAST!! For the past two days I've been going through storage totes of old photos, photo, albums, etc. My cousin's daughter reached out to me looking for photos of her mom, aunt and grandmother for a Christmas surprise. In many ways it was good-I pulled a ton of photos to send to my son and give to my daughter and I ran into some family tree information to pass on, but it was also sad because most of the people in the photos are gone now. I did come across some photos for my relative's project and am very happy about that! Many of them, I will be able to give her ( vs having her make copies) and be happy to have passed them on!! I am mentally and emotionally exhausted from the project so I will close..have a lovely evening!!