Daily check-in for keto friends... volume 4



  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 6,961 Member
    Nothing to report. Scale dropped .8lb. Still not back down to where it was last week. All the dumb. Ugh! :unamused: Anyway. Just chugging along LC. And maybe looking for a LC dessert that actually tastes good for my higher calorie day on Saturday. Single serving so I can behave. Failing to plan is planning to fail.
  • cjsunnyside
    cjsunnyside Posts: 136 Member
    Good Morning. No movement on the scale this morning. It's been a month now officially as I started this Dec 26. Total so far is 18 lbs, MFP only shows 16 but I didn't want to put the starting numbers haha. The games we play. Anyway, just enjoying my first coffee of the day before I run my pup over to the vet to get a little growth removed. Have a great day all!
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 6,961 Member
    Good Morning. No movement on the scale this morning. It's been a month now officially as I started this Dec 26. Total so far is 18 lbs, MFP only shows 16 but I didn't want to put the starting numbers haha. The games we play. Anyway, just enjoying my first coffee of the day before I run my pup over to the vet to get a little growth removed. Have a great day all!

    We do play ridiculous games with ourselves, don't we?
    Good luck to pupper! Hope it goes perfectly.

    Well my scale is back down now at the weight it's had been derping around for almost 2 weeks before whatever blew it up. Just counting cals and carbs and working out. KCKO.

    I've been trying to look for a delicious LC dessert that is one serving that I can have that will appease my snackiness on Saturday to keep me from munching up up and away on the calories too much. I don't usually do many bc all my attempts have been trying recipes that were just disappointing. Unfortunately, I forgot to order myself some low-carb choc chips so the thing I was looking at won't work. I have some dark choco squares but they are still too much. Maybe a pb shake, but that needs cream cheese and our stores have had empty shelves on that front lately. Anyway. Onward and hopefully downward
  • ymeoru
    ymeoru Posts: 10 Member
    Hey BaconSlave! I am new and looking around the site for Keto group/activity. I am a 52 year old woman 5’5” and over 200 lbs. I would like to get to 150lbs but my goal is to be healthier and have less joint pain (I have been prescribed and trying cbd as well) and of course lose the weight. In short, Look good feel great. I have started with a Keto plan because I know that just getting started I need to abstain from my addiction; sugar. I am open to transitioning to a more balanced but carb conscious plan but I think is the best kickstart at least for me. I was also learning about fasting and decided skipping breakfast is kinda my thing and my worst eating is primarily in the evening snacking on anything and everything. So I have been doing IF along with for two weeks. I am drinking black coffee in the morning but break my fast around noon and try to have dinner on the table between 5-6. I am tracking cals and macros on myfitnesspal. I am feeling pretty good, sleeping well other than to get up and pee. Yes I am drinking WAY more water as well. It’s going well I’ve lost 13lbs in the first 19 days and I have not been hungry. Yay me. I know that’s water but it’s a great start! My first issue at this point is my calorie intake. I’m finding it difficult to eat enough some days in this time frame of noon-6pm to meet my calorie goal. It’s probably just better planning required. I’m not really hungry. In addition to these initial results I really am sleeping better and not having any heart burn and the like. Definitely interested in connecting with other Keto friendly friends!

    Hello! You can do it. I'm 51 (5'3), but I started Keto and Intermittent Fasting last March 2021, and I've lost over 100 pounds. I weighed 255 this time last year. Today I weigh 146. My long-term goal weight is 130 pounds. My short-term goal weight is under 141, so I'll no longer be considered over, by the people who think up these ranges (LOL). My only exercise is walking. I no longer have problems with my knees. I have a lot more energy as well. So, less joint pain has been a real benefit for me. Good Luck!

    PS. What did you mean by not being able to eat enough during the time frame?
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 6,961 Member
    Scale went back up to 182. :rage:
    So I checked what few measurements I made at the beginning. I have lost a half-inch in the 2 places on my waist that I measured. So....BOOM. KCKO for awhile longer before changing my calories. Though I do wish I'd lose actual weight. I'm certain my knees would cheer.

  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 6,961 Member
    Not anything new to say. Doing the thing. And the scale is still being an idiot. KCKO
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 6,961 Member
    Scale back down to 181. But I just ate some salty bacon. Making plans to cut intake more starting Monday. Boo, but since my body insists on being a jerk, so be it.
  • cjsunnyside
    cjsunnyside Posts: 136 Member
    Happy Saturday! Keep going @baconslave I’m sure you are on the threshold of a break through! Measurements are a great alternative to the scale. I took initial ones. Not sure how often to do that? @ymeoru inspirational results so far! Nice to meet you. My comment about not eating enough was in reference to mfp macros. I have 1200 cals as my goal but rarely get even 1000 cals with OMAD and 2MAD which is what I have been doing. Feeling great so less worried about it than I was at first.
    Have a great weekend all!
  • trekkie123
    trekkie123 Posts: 251 Member
    Hi All, just started out trying keto. Been about 10 days so far. Hoping to lose 10-15 lbs before buying a dress for my daughter's upcoming wedding. I have been low carb for several years, but hope that being strict will get me to goal. Wishing you all a successful week!
  • cjsunnyside
    cjsunnyside Posts: 136 Member
    Welcome @trekkie123! Good luck you’ve got this!
    This is my check in. Good weekend and on track. That scale annoyed me this morning haha I really wanted to be a number that starts with 1! I’m sure I’ll be there tomorrow or the next day. That was my first mini goal (scale wise). I’m just into second month so I know the wins, aka losses will be slower now so not to be discouraged! Have a great week all!
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 6,961 Member

    Well at least the scale has stayed at 181. I have successfully done (with the exception of New Year's) a full keto, no-carb-cheat month! So proud of myself!

    Now I need to chill on the intake on the weekends so I can't actually lose some weight. Which may mean banning nuts. Because I love those hateful wee calorie bombs so much and can stuff so much of them in my face so fast. We'll see if I can do something like premeasure in baggies a serving and then grab it and flee the canister's resting place while I'm hungry with the munches.
  • cjsunnyside
    cjsunnyside Posts: 136 Member
    @baconslave perhaps you need to update your name...nuttybaconslave haha! I love nuts too! I am trying to stay away from them completely, not only because of the points you made but also I am endeavouring not to snack. I have thrown a few almonds into my yogurt on a couple of occasions this week. Probably a bad combo carb wise but it felt like a treat. coincidently or not i have been up and down.5 the last new days instead of celebrating a number that begins with 1! Maybe tomorrow. Good Monday, took a day off the bike because I did 6 days in a row! That's my check in. Have a great week!
  • ketowoman
    ketowoman Posts: 1 Member
    Hi count me in on this thread :) IO have lost 82 lbs in about 14 months and have stalled out, looking to change things up and some accountability!
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 6,961 Member
    ketowoman wrote: »
    Hi count me in on this thread :) IO have lost 82 lbs in about 14 months and have stalled out, looking to change things up and some accountability!

    Nice job!
    Stalls can (most aggravatingly) happen after you've lost a bunch. You've got this.
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 6,961 Member
    @baconslave perhaps you need to update your name...nuttybaconslave haha! I love nuts too! I am trying to stay away from them completely, not only because of the points you made but also I am endeavouring not to snack. I have thrown a few almonds into my yogurt on a couple of occasions this week. Probably a bad combo carb wise but it felt like a treat. coincidently or not i have been up and down.5 the last new days instead of celebrating a number that begins with 1! Maybe tomorrow. Good Monday, took a day off the bike because I did 6 days in a row! That's my check in. Have a great week!

    Sorry. Scale being the turd that it is. :unamused:

    I need to get a grip with the nuts. I even grab an non-recorded handful and have it in my mouth while I'm portioning out. Stop. It. Fat & salt & a widdle bit of carb. Evil combo.
  • NYPhotographer2021
    NYPhotographer2021 Posts: 510 Member
    Hi! I was a member in the past under a different user name, then I forgot my password and started another account. I joined this group a few months ago, but it was deader than dead in here! So I hopped back out, then joined again to read past posts for tips and advice. So I'm glad to see some life come back!

    I'm Judy, age 58. Restarted my Keto journey on August 26th at 214 pounds. I had previously gotten down to 187 lbs from 225lbs back in 2017-18. Then I moved, and lost my motivation. I had moved to a town that had a pizza joint on every corner it seemed, and my son and I made it a mission to try each one! We did it and discovered the best pizza in town was a gas station pizza! Go figure!

    Anyway, gained back a few pounds because of our "mission" and moved back to my old town in February 2020. Right before Covid really hit. I went to a free session for kick boxing, was thinking of joining and then the whole world shut down. Fast forward to August 2021 and I had gained a bit more. So I decided Keto was my best bet to lose again and here I am!

    I lost 10 pounds by the end of September, another 10 pounds by the end of October. However, Thanksgiving got me, so not as much lost but I did manage to lose another 8 pounds. Then between Thanksgiving and Christmas, all bets were off. But I still managed to lose 5 more pounds by the end of December and another 5 pounds by the end of January. So weight loss slowed down, but it's still going down! So yay for Keto! Today, I'm at my lowest in years at 172.8! Hoping to get down to 150 or less by the end of August this year!

    Good luck to everyone in Fabulous February! <3
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 6,961 Member
    Hi! I was a member in the past under a different user name, then I forgot my password and started another account. I joined this group a few months ago, but it was deader than dead in here! So I hopped back out, then joined again to read past posts for tips and advice. So I'm glad to see some life come back!

    I'm Judy, age 58. Restarted my Keto journey on August 26th at 214 pounds. I had previously gotten down to 187 lbs from 225lbs back in 2017-18. Then I moved, and lost my motivation. I had moved to a town that had a pizza joint on every corner it seemed, and my son and I made it a mission to try each one! We did it and discovered the best pizza in town was a gas station pizza! Go figure!

    Anyway, gained back a few pounds because of our "mission" and moved back to my old town in February 2020. Right before Covid really hit. I went to a free session for kick boxing, was thinking of joining and then the whole world shut down. Fast forward to August 2021 and I had gained a bit more. So I decided Keto was my best bet to lose again and here I am!

    I lost 10 pounds by the end of September, another 10 pounds by the end of October. However, Thanksgiving got me, so not as much lost but I did manage to lose another 8 pounds. Then between Thanksgiving and Christmas, all bets were off. But I still managed to lose 5 more pounds by the end of December and another 5 pounds by the end of January. So weight loss slowed down, but it's still going down! So yay for Keto! Today, I'm at my lowest in years at 172.8! Hoping to get down to 150 or less by the end of August this year!

    Good luck to everyone in Fabulous February! <3

    You're doing great, Judy! Glad to see you over here.

    Scale played nice and am down to 180.6...but we all know what's going to happen tomorrow. *insert epic eyeroll*

    Anyway, still KCKO and making plans to not eat so frickin' much this weekend so I can drop some weight. I did take more measurements. I've lost another half inch on another part of my waist. So the scale can say what it wants for the time being. Stuff is changing.

    About to snoop about to see what's going on here at MFP and then make a LC meaty-cheesey wrap. :yum:
  • cjsunnyside
    cjsunnyside Posts: 136 Member
    Yay the group is growing! Welcome @ketowoman 84lbs!!! Sounds like you know what to do I’ll be watching and cheering you on! Glad you are back @NYPhotographer2021 Judy! Thanks for sharing your recent slow but steady results progress. That’s what I need is to remember I’m past the lb a day losses and 2 lbs a week is the goal but even one down in a week is the right direction. So this morning I finally at a number that starts with 1! By .5 haha. I hope tomorrow isn’t one of the days it bounces up 1 or .5 like it has been doing lately! So 20.5 lbs down and 49.5 to go! @baconslave congrats! And you’ll kill this weekend!
  • trekkie123
    trekkie123 Posts: 251 Member
    Ughhhh , just learning that Keto is messing with the effects of medication that I take Warfarin AKA Coumadin. Now what????
  • NYPhotographer2021
    NYPhotographer2021 Posts: 510 Member
    trekkie123 wrote: »
    Ughhhh , just learning that Keto is messing with the effects of medication that I take Warfarin AKA Coumadin. Now what????

    Oh no! I'm sorry! What does your doctor say? How high are your protein macros? Maybe switching to low carb instead of strict keto might help? Like stay under 100 grams? But whatever your doctor tells you, that's what you should go with. Or see a registered dietician who knows keto diets. Maybe they can guide you.