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Runners that need some nutritional accountability



  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    I weighed in on Saturday and the scale gave some interesting measurements. I think it might be because of bloating/water retention. Garmin says its my period time and I have symptoms but no actual flow. It's the last year of my implant so it's usually a bit odd.

    I gained 2 pounds but my body fat went down about 13%. I don't know what to think of that. I was going to weigh in Sunday but forgot. I might hop on tomorrow or just wait until my usual Saturday weigh in.

    I know I didn't eat enough to really gain 2 pounds but workout clothes were tighter than usual on Sat/Sun so definitely thinking more bloat/water retention than actul weight.
  • CMorning99
    CMorning99 Posts: 920 Member
    Good morning!

    Another weekend gone!

    @shanaber I teared up when I read about your run, so upsetting and deflating. So glad though you hopefully have an end / healing in sight!

    I took the ADHD test too... I got zero LOL... I am just unmotivated and lazy LOL

    The weekend wasn't busy at all, I even asked DH if it was TOO lazy LOL. We went up to the ranch and I worked on the trailer, dumping all the tanks and such. No signs of mice, but I parked it on the other side of the property and it often takes them a minute to find it. We discovered we forgot to turn on the mouse noise thing so it on now.

    I cleaned out half the garage and so DH can park the tesla in there away from the sprinklers and we have a cover for my car. I only need it if I am home before 4pm. I also picked an area in the house to deep clean, the hall. I wiped down walls and base boards and scrubbed the floor from all of Grey Cats drooling spots.

    DH and I looked at design stuff for the house. I am surprised at how much I despise it LOL. We started with just picking a room and working on it till it was done. We started easy with guest rooms, just paint, lighting, flooring. He is doing the great room and has some cray cray ideas...this AM it was in floor lighting. I looked like some sort of resort pool ... not a living room. I asked him about his he-shed and he said he still wants it, but I am standing firm on not doing it...I have been working on everything else, he can handle his he-shed.

    We got the BIO report back on the ranch...such a racket of non-sense. They misidentified coyote bush for sage bush (not an issue, neither are protected in anyway). They said we have badgers, we have NEVER had badgers in the area. And my favorite? an "aquatic feature" that needs more evaluation...dude is the water run off from when we dug the dang well. No one has ponds in cali...what would we fill it with?

    Started tracking calories today, got on the scale and .5lb away from my highest weight EVER...even after I just joined the and lived off of take out chinese and pepsi for 6 months. DH is on board, I hope he is strong enough to rein me in LOL. He says we are having salads for lunch...humph.

    Have a great week!

  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,314 Member
    Sounds like things are progressing @CMorning99 . Funny about your "water feature.".

    @RunsOnEspresso I keep thinking my extra pounds are water retention, but after a month... probably not. Sounds like we all need to do a little bit better with intake.
  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    Morning all.

    Well woke up with mild chest pains. Sigh. So cements I over did it yesterday. My best friend, who is a GP, was very unimpressed with me haha. I got a very stern talking to. So nothing strenuous till the end of the month. Then I can slowly get back into things. Not even allowed to strength train. I'm allowed to cycle to work as long as I actually use the E function of my E bike lol.

    I laugh but that's so I don't cry.

    I'm waking up early anyway so got up and cross stitched and watched YouTube. I might keep the early morning schedule so I don't get used to sleeping in. And I can enjoy some quiet before everyone gets up.

  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,314 Member
    I'm so sorry it has hit you so hard @Avidkeo . Can you go out for a nice long walk, as long as you don't go too fast?
  • swenson19d
    swenson19d Posts: 789 Member
    edited May 2022
    Kevin is back!
    10m5juqov6mo.png he looks like a gator when he does this.
    ETA Before training I thought Kevin was a bit thick, but couldnt discern if it was build or puppy. He's trimmed down a bit, but has grown and is about too tall for the doggie door. he has a nice tuck. Do you think he should be lean enough to see ribs on a stretch? I have reservations restricting him too much since he is growing. but he is 9 months now and I expect him to lean out at this point. Thoughts?
    He's defiantly calmed down. He does better with the barking. I went the car to get something, the passenger side seatbelt is buckled cuz Kevin sets off the "buckle passenger" alarm. He climbs in there and tucks himself behind the seatbelt waiting to go. He usually get in, but the seatbelt is new. He just leans back, settling in patiently. Think tomorrow I'll send him to day care. He's great with drop it, and good with stay for about 30 feet. He's not tearing stuff up, Beary's play sheets packing paper, shoes, etc.

    @shanaber can you swim (ish)? Stationary bike? treadmill/walk? use a sling to support the arm?

    @CMorning99 I think you were too lazy to cheat! haha! For real though, I find the increase in dopamine helps with motivation. You have so much going on and you seem to stay motivated, maybe just exhausted rather than lazy, girl. I think I am in a state of burn out. I dun wanna do nothin'.
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    @quilteryoyo my weight (and measurements) have been slowly moving in the right direction and body fat % was staying in line with weight. Not sure it's my intake. Definitely feels like something weird/one-off but I guess I'll see when I weigh in on Saturday again LOL
  • CMorning99
    CMorning99 Posts: 920 Member
    Good morning!

    @swenson19d I don't know what I am LOL

    Nothing too exciting here. Was busy at work yesterday getting our guy out the door next week for their deployment (we had 10 days notice).

    Nothing new on the house. Nothing new on the property. Nothing new on the case.

    Today is day 3 of tracking calories, I am keeping them at 1650 and I haven't starved to death. I haven't done any exercise. I planned on it this AM but my Garmin was at 5% and we all know how I feel about running without my Garmin LOL

    Weight dropped 2lbs...but we all know what was fake LOL

    Nothing exciting today. I do have a "search hack-a-thon" hosted by the reselling platform that is mis-behaving. The hosted a "fireside chat" about 2 weeks ago and everyone said it was useless and they didn't explain any of the changes they are making and they swear that sales are up. I listened to some other much smarter resellers (prior CEOs and business people) and they think that the platform either threw too much money at the programming when they went to public and broke it or it is working and now they are actually making more sales but they are more dispersed among the platform users (aka they removed all the "gaming the visibility algorithm" hacks. So we have no idea what they are going to say.

    Well, best get to work. Finally kinda understanding what I do...just so many data points I need to remember.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,314 Member
    Been reading and liking or hugging as appropriate. I've just not had a lot of time to write when I'm home... plans keep changing. I'm trying on my phone, while the daycare kids are sleeping, but am so slow. And, I tend to hit the wrong button and lose my post, which really irritates me. Doing okay. No news from the neurologist yet. Haven't seen the results on line yet either.

    This is teacher appreciation week, so the board of directors are feeding us to keep us happy. 🤣😂. Today is ice cream for snack.
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    @quilteryoyo Ugh, I hate that part of the app. I wish they would fix that!
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,423 Member
    @avidkeo - hope you are feeling better and taking it easy to get back into things slowly. Are you back to work now?
    @swenson19d - So glad Kevin is home! He looks like he is really happy to be home too! That is so funny about the seatbelt! Hobbes knows with me he has to put his harness on and with dh he doesn't... Will he duck down to go through the doggy door? Hobbes is taller than his door but scrunches down to go through it.
    @quilteryoyo - You have really had a tough time with your internet. I cannot use the app and think I would be considerably less active if I had to do all this on my phone or through the app. It will be interesting to see what the new changes are that they are advertising for the new dashboard. I am not holding my breath for much though.
    Also I hope you are feeling ok. Saw on your newsfeed post that you weren't feeling well and I hope it is nothing more than being tired and working too much without eating much.

    I saw the PT today and he was very encouraging. Basically he thinks much of the pain I am having is muscular. He worked on my triceps today and OMG it was painful but felt better afterwards. He said there are no limitations on what I am doing. I can lift, I can run... My arm may hurt but it is not indicative of the break necessarily. He said I have been protecting my shoulder very well (not a compliment) and that I need to stop it. I have exercises to do multiple times daily and we are focused on relieving pain and increasing range of motion at this point. Next will be restoring strength. He is optimistic that I won't need surgery. Also he is a runner too but now mostly a cyclist and knows all the areas where I run.

  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    Am back at work. I have to take things slowly or I get really breathless and get chest pains.

    I'm working evenings this weekend, and ED has been very nice to me. The nurses are really helping with bringing me patients etc. I have to go very very slow. So far my first night has been fine.

    Thinking of you all.
  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    @shanaber that sounds positive! I hope your arm heals fast with all the exercise.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,314 Member
    @shanaber I'm glad your PT appointment went well. Sorry he fussed at you for "babying" your arm. I would too. Who wants to do something that hurts...and didn't the ortho tell you to stop if it hurt? Anyway, I'm glad you were able to get some relief and good news and hope you are able to do more with a lot less pain!
    Yes, my internet is such a pain in the behind. Lately, it seems okay in the morning, but goes out from about 5 - 7 pm, which is when I like to check in with everyone.
    I am feeling better today and never actually "got sick." I did have a low grade fever last night - like 99F. I know for most people that's not even a fever and doesn't count, but mine is normally 97.5, so it is a fever for me and I can feel it.

    @Avidkeo I'm glad the nurses at work are helping you out. Chest pains sound really scary. I hope you get back to normal soon!

    I did see my MRI results on the patient portal yesterday, or the day before. Anyway, it's very technical, but the best I can tell my eye orbits are "unremarkable" which I assumes is a technical term for normal and nothing to remark about. LOL The brain one showed "White matter findings are very mild and could be from mild chronic microvascular ischemic changes or sequela of from vasospasm associated with migraine headaches." " Few punctate foci of increased FLAIR signal involving subcortical white matter right frontal and right parietal lobes. Largest focus is 2 mm in diameter. There are no other areas of abnormal signal." That's good news....nothing neurological going on - like a tumor or anything. Now to figure out why I am having the visual migraines again, I guess. Even though, they are getting less frequent and I haven't had any double vision since March 24th. Maybe it's all just lingering affects from the heart surgery and CoVID.
  • CMorning99
    CMorning99 Posts: 920 Member
    Good morning!

    It has been busy but mundane here at work. Just still getting all the paperwork done to get our deployers out the door...and they like to argue with us LOL

    I has my dermatologist appt yesterday and it seems I chose poorly. On our insurance provider list you can sort providers by "recommendation" and that is what I went off of...I was early and googled the group and they had 2.5 stars. Most were about how they are understaffed at the front desk and one about the doctor I saw being "rushed". I checked in and the ladies up front were nice enough, although I had to spell it out I needed to sign a release b/c my records needed to go back to my PCM. I saw they had the faxed records from my PCM printed out. I then got rushed to a room without finishing my paperwork and asked about 4 questions and handed me a gown. As I was changing I could hear the doctor outside the door waiting for me to change. He came in quickly asked if I had any history of issues (uh, did you read my records I sent?...Obv not). As he looked at 1/4 of my scalp he went on this generic speech about what moles look like (probably does that so he can charge the insurance for counseling)...he glanced over my arms and legs...didn't look under my bra strap and said he had a mole he wanted to take. I told him it has been there for 10 years with no change (my old good doc just took pictures every visit and it never changed). He seemed surprised I knew what I was talking about and said something about we should check anyway...pretty sure he was padding his bill. He stabbed me with numbing, my old Doc had the magic touch where you didn't even feel the numbing sting and could have a mole off in 3 seconds. This guy fussed and fussed since he didn't get a clean swipe of the razor. The nurse then said if I don't hear anything, the mole was fine and walked out the room. I was left sitting there in a gown stunned and not sure if we were done. I got dressed, left my paperwork on the exam table and walked out.

    Today at work has been a technology thrash...I am so bad with trouble shooting. Not to mention they have everything locked down on admin only so you can't fix anything anyway....and then the IT guy is gone.

    So far I have been successful with staying at 1650 calories a day, today is the first day where I am hungry, not starving, but hungry at meal times. No exercise all week though. Weight is holding steady after the 2lb drop on Tuesday. I am going to give it another week and see if I lose anything at this level...prob should add in exercise too.

    Nothing exciting for the weekend. There is a work BBQ, but doubt there will be much turn-out. They moved from a Friday afternoon to a Saturday so not much incentive for the airmen to go. And the commander did not authorize alcohol so the old timers plans of margaritas were dashed too. I have not committed to going. I should go to "lead the way" but I have not made friends here and it would be me at a table.

    I hope everyone has a good weekend!

  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,314 Member
    @CMorning99 Sorry about your bad experience with the dermatologist. Sounds awful. Sounds like you are doing great with your food intake. Maybe you can make friends if you go to the BBQ? if you want to make friends.
  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    @CMorning99 that appointment sounds awful!

    @quilteryoyo glad you got your MRI results and there isn't anything too scary, though doesn't help figure things out.

    Day 2 of shift. So far the weekend had been OK. Only had 9 patients all shift, got to watch a movie - the eyes of Tammy Faye. I am NOT religious in any way, it was a really interesting watch. She seems like an amazing person. I can absolutely see how she was a LGBTQ+ icon!

    I hope the rest of the weekend continues like this!
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,314 Member
    Thanks @Avidkeo . Glad your weekend is going well! Fingers crossed it stays that way.
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,423 Member
    @quilteryoyo - glad you got your MRI results and everything looks pretty good. Interesting though that they can see markers for/from migraines.
    @Avidkeo - I hope the chest pains go away! That is so scary and would certainly freak me out! I have heard of the movie but not watched it. May need t check it out.
    @CMorning99 - I have had a couple of experiences with dermatologists that are similar to yours. Not sure why they are such a-holes. One women who had come pretty highly recommended sat and argued with me about whether or not my father had melanoma. I finally asked her if she wanted me to get my stepmom on the phone to discuss what her husband's diagnosis was and she backed down. I never went back. I have a wonderful dermatologist now and see him yearly for my check up. I hope the mole comes back fine - sounds like it will.
    I hope the BBQ turns out and you go and enjoy yourself. It may surprise you that others want to come and sit and interact with you. If not, too bad for them and you have gotten a free, hopefully enjoyable meal... Also what about some virgin margaritas? Might still be fun and taste delicious?

    After much hemming and hawing I got out for a run/walk and it ended up pretty good. I am doing the PT exercises for my arm 3x/day and one round is part of my pre-run warmup. Boy do they hurt. I have been doing them on both sides just to be consistent but it also shows me how far I have to go.
    Last night we got dinner from Waba Grill - a teriyaki type chain. It was pretty good but when I went to log it I was shocked at how much sodium it had! Yikes! Not surprisingly, my weight was way up today... Tonight one of our new neighbors is having a 'fiesta' and has invited us over for tacos. Should be fun!

    Speaking of neighbors - while out with Hobbes today I was stopped by some other neighbors complaining about the people who moved into Hilde's house. The guy that bought it has 'short term' renters in it and he hasn't paid the gardener so the gardener hasn't cut the lawn in over a month. Its a mess. I wanted to tell these people who live on other streets that they are fortunate - they don't have to look at it every day, we can't avoid it. I'm thinking about taking some pictures and sending them to the owner and letting him know about the complaints. Why pay so much money for a house and then let it deteriorate so badly. I just don't understand.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,314 Member
    Thanks @shanaber . I thought it was interesting that they could see that I had chronic migraines too. It seems that most restaurant food is loaded with sodium. I was shocked at how much Applebee's low calorie menu items have! I hope you enjoy your fiesta tonight. You probably should take pictures of Hilde's house to send to the owner. He should check on it, but since he isn't, he needs to know what is happening.