Summer Buzz Around the Airport Lounge
Happy Tuesday everyone. Looking forward to our Summer challenge!
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good afternoon everyone! it is a cooler, windy, mostly cloudy day here today. the sun shone for a while this afternoon. earlier in the morning it was raining here. my daughter says hello to all! she works at her part time job today after school. both budgie birds are doing well and say cheep, cheep! i have been for a walk and i feel great! i will be doing some dancing after supper today. have a great day, everyone! Take care and stay safe.4
Had a good stroll at Fraser River Park last night, dogs jumping on me, they love me, I dunno why, I am a cat person LOL The wild roses are in bloom and the scent is very pleasant. Although no sunset.
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Hi everyone!8
Good Evening Everyone!
I am still in a lot of pain when the meds wear off. May have to go to the walk in clinic to check for infection tomorrow. Scale at home had a dead battery so walked to get one. The scale was not happy with me at all this week. But as I am taking somewhat of a break I am try not to stress about it. Got more paperwork done. Had a great visit with some friends and brought them chocolate chip cookies.5 -
@Dianedoessmiles1 - That looks like a lovely place to walk! Enjoy the GGS!
Looking for a bit more sun - and heat - tomorrow after a couple of dreary, rainy days around here. We're well watered now so it can stop. It's putting our plans to stain our deck railings and pickets on hold - looks like it could be next week before we have a long enough stretch of dry sunny weather to tackle that job.5 -
Love the photos Linda and Dian, as well as hearing what's all happening. Today I spent about five hours outside crawling under cedar trees, cutting down unproductive blackberries, and spraying poison ivy.
@gloriawrightcook: I am so sorry about you getting bit by a brown recluse. I don't need to tell you how awful their venom is. Be gentle with yourself as you keep healing.
@CSEGUIN2: Sorry that you are under the weather, too!. Maybe it is fortunate that jury duty was cancelled.
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Awww I certainly did enjoy the little guy!
Getting WAY TO BIG He certainly IS!!
Izzy was so horribly JEALOUS!! LOL When he left I swear I saw her nailing the door SHUT!!! And than she came up on me, and stayed up on me from 11 until 9 Tonight! I could hear her saying "MY MOMMA!! MY MOMMA!!"
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I’m so happy to have finally found some SP people. Hoping everyone is doing great!6
Good Morning Airport Friends:
This morning has been so weird. I woke up and felt odd. Like almost dizzy but not quite dizzy. So I am relaxing this morning and just did about a half hour of stretching as I am not sure what else to do. I am so out of it this morning. I am not sure why either. IT is weird. Anyways today is going to be a good day. I am sure of it. It has to be. It is Wednesday. Meaning half the week is over with. There isn't much left to do for the week. I do have a Pride Planning meeting tonight and then I volunteer at the Resource Center tomorrow night so that is all I have going there. That is always a good week when I have those things.
@Mango1960 - Totally agree with your post.
@cormierannie - It was a bit chilly here too after the rain. Not so much windy, but cool
@LindaMaeP - I think the dogs are trying to convert you to a dog person. That is I am sure their plan anyways. Love the photos
@CSEGUIN2 - Sorry you are still in pain. I do hope you are able to get that taken care of soon.
@Retired_Sue - That happens alot. I am still waiting to be able to mow my grass as it is not good to mow it while it is wet.
@NovemberGail - I agree that it is a good thing jury selection was cancelled. Being in pain is no fun
@Dianedoessmiles1 - Glad you enjoyed your time with your GGS. He looks like he could be a handful
@grandmababa1 - Welcome. I think all of us are from SP originally.
Well it is time to get ready for work. I hope you all have a great day.
Tabatha6 -
Good morning everyone2
Good Morning Everyone! It is so hot and humid here. But it is normal so I just need to get used to it. I did a short run, then walked for a bit. Had rheumatologist today as well. Thankfully don't need to see her again until July.4
@LindieMaeP - Lovely pics of the flowers!
@NovemberGail - You are keeping busy with your outside work there!
@Dianedoessmiles1 - Your GGS is very cute. I know about GS getting too big. My GS is nine (will be 10 later in the fall) and is at least up to my shoulder! I'm close to 5'7" so I'm not too short! Cats can be really funny when they aren't the centre of attention - on their terms of course!
@grandmababa1 - We're glad that you found us.
@Tabatha_Cain - Haven't you had problems with vertigo before. It almost sounds like that's what was bothering you. I hope that it passes and you feel better but it's wise to take it easy.
The sunny warmer weather is here today - so nice after a couple of days of dull, rainy weather. The deck will need a day or do to dry out before we can think about doing any staining. Hubby wants to venture out today to get some potted plants. I think I can disguise the remains of my black eye enough with makeup to make myself presentable and not have to wear sunglasses the whole time we're out although I'd be wearing them anyway. Coles notes version on how I got the black eye - I took a tumble (misjudged the first step) down our breezeway steps (just four of them_ scraping up my left shoulder and arm and bumping my head just above my right eye. Five hours spent in ER getting checked out, including a CAT scan that was clear, but my right eye has been very colourful since. It's now more yellow than purple so I should be able to cover up the worst with concealer.
Have a great day!6 -
@Retired_Sue -I hope you get the dry weather you need. Rained yesterday here, supposed to rain again tomorrow. Hoping tomorrow night is decent, my older one has a concert with our town community band1
@Retired_Sue I hope you are feeling better after that fall and really glad it was not more serious then the bruise around the eye! Thank you for your comments on my pictures. I get weather reports from a friend in Amherstburg ON every day - she has such a way to describe even blah weather! Here in BC we are cooler then normal and that makes me REAL happy lol I am not a heat person !
@bookieNJ I hope the weather cooperates and your older one has a lot of fun with the concert!
@everyone I sure hope you all are doing ok and gearing up for the next 5% challenge. Oddly enough I was reading a medical poster in my dr's office this morning that stated loosing 5% or 10% of weight is beneficial, I thought, ya that's why I am participating in a 5% challenge LOL6 -
Good Evening Everyone!
I am not really under the weather. I think my body just said STOP you're trying to do to much at once. So I am concentrating on things that have been causing me stress that needs to be done. While I am on this somewhat break I am taking time to find my why and my motivation. Once I figure that out I will find my new path and be on fire.
My hip and knee have been good most of the time. I just do my best to walk through it as I know it actually helps it feel better.
Today was a nice day. Went to the clinic to get antibiotics and pain killers for my tooth issue. He couldn't tell where the issue was but knew by Monday when they open again I would have been in trouble. Enjoyed my short bike ride and my morning walk. Pulled some more creeping charlie as well today. Every time I mark a project off that has been needing done it feels like a weight has been lifted. Hope you enjoy my picture of my zucchini plant.
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Good Evening Everyone!
I am not really under the weather. I think my body just said STOP you're trying to do to much at once. So I am concentrating on things that have been causing me stress that needs to be done. While I am on this somewhat break I am taking time to find my why and my motivation. Once I figure that out I will find my new path and be on fire.
My hip and knee have been good most of the time. I just do my best to walk through it as I know it actually helps it feel better.
Today was a nice day. Went to the clinic to get antibiotics and pain killers for my tooth issue. He couldn't tell where the issue was but knew by Monday when they open again I would have been in trouble. Enjoyed my short bike ride and my morning walk. Pulled some more creeping charlie as well today. Every time I mark a project off that has been needing done it feels like a weight has been lifted. Hope you enjoy my picture of my zucchini plant.
The plant is beautiful! Pretty enough to frame!4 -
Love seeing Spark friends and all! Wishing all a good Summer with lots of fun!
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Good Morning Airport Friends:
I hope everyone is doing well. I am feeling a little better today other than now I just feel extremely exhausted. Not sure why though. I think it will pass. I have been super busy this past couple of weeks and it is finally catching up to me I think. I will be sleeping in this weekend.
@Retired_Sue - Yes I have had vertigo in the past. I did vertigo physical therapy and realigned the crystals in my ear and it fixed the major dizziness but now I have weird feeling like I am dizzy but not quite there yet. I just feel off balance. I guess that means I will probably have to do the therapy all over again. I hope not.
@bookieNJ - Good luck with your older one with their concert
@CSEGUIN2 - I am glad you got some antibiotics and pain meds. I feel the same way about checking off an item I needed to get done. It feels so accomplishing and good.
Well it is time to get ready for work. I hope you all have a great day
Tabatha3 -
Good morning3
@LindieMaeP -thx! Unfortunately it’s exam week and she has marching band today so it’s gonna be crazy
@Tabatha_Cain -thx!3 -
Good morning, and it is beautiful! I’ve been “practicing” eating less, and am getting better at it. Have a very good day!4
Hey! It only took me four days to get here (I walk very slow). I signed up for the summer challenge in a panic - it was 8pm my time (I'm in AK), and I thought it was Saturday for some reason, even though right there on my computer screen it said Sunday. Whenever I get the wrong date, I blame DD - she's out of school so I have no idea what day it is.
And the scary part is that she goes to college this year, so I'm never going to know what day it is! Guess I'll have to come up with a new routine. The horrors.
Gotta check on the garage cats after getting the soggy dogs in. We got a really good rain overnight - YEA! - which is something we desperately needed. All our signs around town said that the fire danger is very high. There is one higher - extremely - but hopefully we won't go there. If AccuWeather is correct, eight of the next fourteen days are going to be rainy. Fine by me as it saves a half hour a day where I don't have to water.
I'll be back! I hope I remember.....5 -
I downloaded the update of the My Fitnesspal app on android, not bad, and esier to find the newsfeed and things this way, course I still have to check out the other features too , all in good time. I am waiting for my mushroom soup to cool some before I have it. I have cheesie garlic bread to dip in it - love bread and mushroom soup - and a small slice of pizza - has to be eaten and might as well before the challenge starts and I buckle down.
I have also been diagnosed with meralgia paresthetica so I have been researching safe exercises I can do OFF the floor because I can not get on hands and knees at this time, maybe never for now. I found a couple of good stretches I can do but it will take time. Walking and standing aggrevates it, well I have to do both - bike is out of commission, enough of me, lets see how you all are doing.
@catnurse1 I never look at a calandar much any more being retired I do not need to and I put appts in my smarter then me phone which lets me know. I do have 2 calandars on the wall and I always get the date wrong. The computer tells me what day/ time it is when I log on or it goes in sleep mode. Isn't rain wonderful when the land is so dry ? So glad you are getting rain that will maybe keep some of those fires at bay, our area too is suppose to be high risk for forrest fires this year, as if there was anything left after last yer ! Did you get the garage cats taken care of ?
@Marileighea good morning, how are you doing ? I see you are learning to eating less, I need to learn to do that too and I will be starting the "dash" diet when the challenge begins. I have to plan for it and be prepared.
@bookieNJ the last weeks of school are always crazy busy eh ! I am sure you will both get through them all and then wonder what to do next on your 1st or 2nd day of no events !
@Patti241 good morning and how are you doing today ?
Time for lunch have a good day everyone !!3 -
Good Evening Everyone!
Today was a beautiful day. We even got some evening rain with rainbows 🌈🌈.Cleaned some of my kitchen. Got my new shelf today and got it put together and put in its spot. It looks soooo much better. Went to the dentist found out I have a cavity and my tooth with the root canal is normal as there was some nerve left. Have to wait till next Thursday to get the cavity fixed. Ran a couple of errands and visited with my friend for several hours. Can't wait for tomorrow. IT'S MY BIRTHDAY!🎉 My goal for my next birthday is to be at goal. Same goal as the last 2 years but that's ok. One of these times I will reach that goal.
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Good Evening Everyone!
Today was a beautiful day. We even got some evening rain with rainbows 🌈🌈.Cleaned some of my kitchen. Got my new shelf today and got it put together and put in its spot. It looks soooo much better. Went to the dentist found out I have a cavity and my tooth with the root canal is normal as there was some nerve left. Have to wait till next Thursday to get the cavity fixed. Ran a couple of errands and visited with my friend for several hours. Can't wait for tomorrow. IT'S MY BIRTHDAY!🎉 My goal for my next birthday is to be at goal. Same goal as the last 2 years but that's ok. One of these times I will reach that goal.
Beautiful rainbow! Happy Birthday! Hope you have a wonderful time celebrating!1 -
Good Morning Airport Friends:
I hope you are all doing well. Today is Friday. My last day of work yesterday. I am so ready for a day off. I really am. I want to be able to get some time in at my second job today. That would be nice. I think anyways.
@Marileighea - That is great. You are doing great.
@catnurse1 - I hope you get enough rain that you are no longer in fire danger zone. Atleast for a couple days. Hope the cats are ok
@LindieMaeP - Sorry about your diagnosis. I hope you find some workouts you can do. I know the date only because my computer tells me what it is.
@CSEGUIN2 - Happy Early Birthday! Hope they can do something about the root on that tooth. I would be so worried about it starting to hurt in the future again.
Well it is time to get ready for work. I hope you have a wonderful day
Tabatha3 -
Good morning everyone3
@LindieMaeP -so true! The Friday we have no plans (yay) but Monday early morning eye appointment for my daughter and Tuesday is my 2nd booster. Then we will figure it out.
@CSEGUIN2 -happy early birthday!2 -
Good Evening Everyone!
Today started out good the got rough for a bit. In the end it was a great day. Got lots of gifts. Clothes, Tim Hortons gift card, cash, Madagascar kartz wii game and more to come. Oh yeah also got bottle of wine and a chocolate bar. Tomorrow we are going to continue celebrating with a BBQ at our friends. The cards I got from my Son and Hubby were so wonderful.3