Runners that need some nutritional accountability



  • CMorning99
    CMorning99 Posts: 916 Member
    Good morning!

    Another day and still sniffling. Still don't know if it is allergies or a cold.

    Hopefully we get our soils report back this week for the house. At this rate (it took a month) we will have a house in 2 years <eyeroll> The gas company wont rehook up the gas to the new old mobile home site unless we show it has been inspected and "safe for occupancy". The whole point was to move it on the down low. So the plan B is to trench the existing meter over to the new plot. It is about the same distance. My builder said that usually the gas company does not care what happens after the meter. It sucks only in that the old connection will need to moved when we build which the gas co likes to charge crazy amounts of money to do.

    Yesterday I don't think I met many goals. I got on the scale this AM and it was 172...I have officially gained 20lbs in 20 months. I am hoping with my goals I will start dropping a bit without counting calories.

    Goals Update:

    Vitamins daily (1/14)
    Run 40 miles
    Strength 4X
    Drink my 70oz water jug (0/14) I am thinking this is a dream.
    5K steps a day (0/14)

  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    edited July 2022
    Y'all. I am rethinking the podcast thing. I had a heck of a time recording and editing this weekend. Eventually, I just said *kitten* it and put up what I had despite the ending getting jacked up when I was trying to edit. I was on like the 392573284 recording and 4 hours in (for a 20-minute podcast!) I threw in the towel. 🤣

    I was debating making the track version into reels/youtube shorts/tiktok and the longer version into youtube video (IGTV? Is that a thing still??). For some reason, video is just easier for me to record and edit. I don't make any money on the podcast so I don't want to pay for recording software/website membership. The free software (audacity) that is recommended I have tried several times to figure out and it's just too complicated for me to actually sit down and learn. I tried reading their manual and it was not easy (I'm assuming this is related to ADHD, not me being dumb LOL). The free website I was using kept losing the audio (the first one was on me, I admit that but the other couple of times it showed it saved but didn't actually save it). Or I suppose I could go back to the basic voice recorder on my phone. I just don't have a way to add into/exit music.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,081 Member
    Sorry things are so hard with your house @CMorning99 . And with your weight. It is so easy to gain and so hard to lose. But, you have been under a lot of stress, so I can see why you have gained. I think when things settle down a bit more, you can get it back down. I'm pulling for you.

    @RunsOnEspresso I feel for you. I have enough trouble with my basic internet. :wink:
  • CMorning99
    CMorning99 Posts: 916 Member
    Good morning

    @RunsOnEspresso What software do you use to edit YouTube videos? I want to make short clips for fun (I post them on FB now just for family/friends). I am using just the free iMovie but you can only really do like 3 things. I love YouTube videos but so many times the creators lament about the time it takes to edit...IDK if I have it in me to be consistent.

    @quilteryoyo I am really trying to not care and let things flow as they will, but not my personality. I have 14 weeks till my last AF fitness test and right now I would fail. I need to lose 12 lbs by 15 Oct and get back in to half decent shape...then I can let it alllll hang out LOL.

    Yesterday was a catch up day again at work. My coworker is on leave for the rest of the week so I am pulling double duty. They also rescheduled our base exercise for next week and so I need to prep for that and get the team ready to word if I am still a casualty and will be pulled out. I started off the day pretty productive but by the afternoon I was feeling a bit sniffly and slowed. I planned on leaving early and going to the gym but I ended up just staying at work and working on a project due Friday. I never made it to the gym.

    This morning I woke up feeling good so hopefully whatever that bug was is out of my system. Plan on a 3 mile run this afternoon and DH says he is cutting off my cookie supply...jerk.

    Goals Update:

    Vitamins daily (2/14)
    Run 40 miles
    Strength 4X
    Drink my 70oz water stuff (1/14) I am saying this is a success (12 oz coffee, 10 oz coffee, 10 oz tea, 16 oz tea, 12 oz tea, 30 oz water)
    5K steps a day (0/14) ... started strong and quit at 4K...lameo I have set a phone alarm 2x a day to take a break and walk 1,500 steps.

    Best get to it.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,081 Member
    @CMorning99 I understand about the AF fitness test. I have often said if I had not joined the AF I'd be as big as a house...but they forced me into not gaining too much, and for that, I am thankful. Even though, in the process I tried every fad diet out there. LOL Now I know better. Why can't we be as informed as we are when we get old in our young days when it would count? I hope you are still a "casualty." :wink: Glad you are feeling better and hope the bug has completely left you.
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    @CMorning99 I do the monthly subscription to Adobe Rush. It's 9.99+ tax and much easier than Adobe Premier. Rush has some music and sound affects you can use plus graphics. You can try Rush for free. You can make as many videos as you want for free but they only allow you to export 3 total. After that they want you to subscribe. That's what I did to see if I'd like it/how easy it was.

    I also have da vinci resolve which is free but a bit more complicated. It's much more powerful than Rush (probably closer to Premier) and there's tons of info to help if you can't figure something out. Ive never gotten stuck, I've always been able to google for help. But I don't think it has any sound/graphics included. You'd have to go get stock items thatnoffer free license or pay for to not get a copyright notice on YouTube/Facebook.
  • CMorning99
    CMorning99 Posts: 916 Member
    @RunsOnEspresso Thanks for the information! I am going to see if I can post a video I made a couple weeks ago, it was my first try!

    @quilteryoyo I always tell folks the AF made me fat LOL. Before I joined in HS I was very active and worked on the weight never crossed my mind. Within 6 months of joining I had gained 30lbs from sitting behind a desk and eating out with coworkers. It is the same now. I burn ~200-400 more calories a day on weekends when I am up and moving around the house and working on my store.

    Goals Update:

    Vitamins daily (3/14)
    Run 40 miles (3.2 / 40)
    Strength 4X (.5/4) I am calling a 10 min targeted class as 1/2 a point
    Drink my 70oz water stuff (1/14)
    5K steps a day (1/14) Finally!

    I woke up feeling good this AM. Yesterday after a couple hours my sore throat came back a bit and I was tired. I am 100% sure I had a bug. But today is that first "recovered" day where it feels like a weight has been lifted and I am oh yeah, this is what healthy feels like LOL. I did go for an afternoon run after work and I ran the whole 3 miles but my legs were dead. I also did a 10 min peloton chest/back video. I was a bit aggressive on the weights and have regrets this AM LOL.

    We have a going away lunch this afternoon and I have bag packed to swing by the gym after work for a full body strength and a short walk.

  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,081 Member
    Haha @CMorning99 . So funny that we say the opposite thing about the AF and weight. Glad you are finally feeling better.
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,407 Member
    How did everyone do for the month of July? My weight hasn't gone up any more thank goodness and has actually come down just a little. I really want to see it back under 150 and closer to 140... I think I just need to be more consistent again with my runs and with strength training. I used to run MT-ThF and either Sat or Sunday, so 5 days a week with strength training (w/trainer) on Tues/Thurs and Wednesday was a complete rest day along with one day on the weekend. I can't seem to run that often so I am thinking to focus on running MWF and either Sat or Sun, so 4 days/week with strength training (no trainer just me at home) on Tues/Thurs. My only complete rest day though would be whichever day I didn't run on the weekend. Hopefully that should be enough. We don't have any trips planned in August so that will be my goal for the month.
    After my non-run yesterday I decided to go to bed early (10:30) hoping I could sleep and get up after my normal 7.5-8 hours. I fell asleep immediately but didn't wake up until after 8 this morning! Nearly 9.5 hours of very sound sleep 😳 I guess I was tired. It was already getting warm when I got up but I headed out anyways. I fortunately didn't have any stomach issues on this run but it was a real struggle at times.
    This was Hobbes reaction to my invite to go for even just a walk initially - guess that was a no 😂
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,081 Member
    @shanaber That picture of Hobbes cracked me up! :lol: Sounds like you have a great plan for August. It's great that your weight has gone down a little. And, it sounds like you really needed that sleep. Glad you didn't have any stomach issues during your run. I am trying to get more sleep, but am failing miserably.

    As for how July went, not great. I gained almost 4.5 pounds. I don't know why I almost always do in the summer when I am more active with mowing the lawns, trimming trees, gardening, etc. I was 149.6 pounds this morning. I really don't want to get over 150 and want to get back to at least 140. Ideally, I'd like to get to and stay at 135, but I haven't been able to achieve that yet. I can get there, but it quickly goes back up. I am going to try to do better with my running in August and try harder to eat better and get more sleep.
  • CMorning99
    CMorning99 Posts: 916 Member
    Good morning!

    Monday funday! The weekend was pretty standard with errands and thrifting. I made a big push to get some listings up, I have been slacking on that and just working on my draft bank. Sales were very slow, I think only 2 for the whole weekend. I ended the month at $90 less profit than last month.

    How often does a Monday fall on the 1st LOL...I feel like it just removed all my excuses to start eating and exercising more. 12 Weeks to PT test. I am going to start my challenge over again and go 7 days at a time...week by week. I also reset my smoothing weight app so I can track how much I WILL lose by Oct 15th.

    Vitamins daily 0/7))
    Run (0/12)
    Strength (0/3)
    5K steps a day (0/7)
    Track calories (0/7)
    Weight (0/12lbs) Over the total time based on smoothing app.

  • CMorning99
    CMorning99 Posts: 916 Member
    Good morning!

    Just a quick update. You know how I said the calendar set me up for success for starting tomorrow? Yeah, I showed it. I bought some new bone conducting headphones impulsively. I have the sunglasses version but I need some for in the gym and my AirPod Pros just do not stay in as soon as I get slightly damp. The reason I did no run was 1)I got busy at work 2) Bigger reason, all my sports bras are way too small now and I felt like the girls were in squished to my neck and my ribs were being cracked. All I wanted to do was get home and take the bra off. I think probably 75% of my bras are too small, I have some basic old ones that are stretched out that fit. I swore I was not going to buy new ones, but then I was on Poshmark (used clothing app) and some lady was selling her size 10 Oiselle wardrobe for $10-20 was meant to be. I spent $78 for a shirt (not needed), a running skort (I def don't need and after I looked at them closer they are short short and chaffing prone), and 2 Flyout sports bras (my fave). If I had bought these at the store, the bras alone are $56 would have been at least $225 retail.

    Vitamins daily 1/7))
    Run (0/12)
    Strength (0/3)
    5K steps a day (0/7)
    Track calories (1/7) - Over by 234 (but had to guess a bit on dinner)
    Weight (0/12lbs) Over the total time based on smoothing app.

  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,081 Member
    @CMorning99 Tracking week to week sounds like a good idea. Get score on the bras. I've never heard of Flyout before. My favs at the moment are Handful. Somedays, it is more of a struggle than I care to deal with just to get the sports bra on and off of my body. LOL I don't seem to have that problem with Handful, but maybe because I got them a size larger than the lady at the store wanted me to buy. I would never have worn the smaller size because I was winded just trying to get it on.

    I worked today from 8 - 12, then went to the doctor for my annual physical. I'm fine. No changes to medications or anything. My cholesterol is up a little, but just going to watch it. He is always impressed by my HDL, which was 129. My LDL increased a little to 119, but still within range. I told him it might go down when the tomatoes are gone out of the garden and I quit eating BLTs. LOL

    When I got home, I did a treadmill Foundation Run then went out and mowed the part of my yard that can be seen from the road and up to and including where I used to have a garden. I did have a BLT for dinner. They are so good with home grown tomatoes!
  • CMorning99
    CMorning99 Posts: 916 Member
    Good morning!

    @quilteryoyo My attempts at growing tomatoes have been dismal. I have a lovely self watering planter outside that I have tried 3x to plant herbs in...and they all die. I have decided it is cheaper and easier to a) not eat veggies LOL b) buy them from the store.

    I got my new bone conducting headphones. The packaging is 75% in Chinese LOL. They seem to work well and fit well enough. The sound quality is better in my Bose sunglasses ones but they also are a more stable and snug fit.

    I went for a 3 mile run and set what I thought was an easy pace. I hit it the first mile, hung on for dear life the second mile, and crashed and burned on the last. My legs were non responsive and my quads are actually pretty sore today. My watch said the temp range was 81-88 degrees. This is the watches internal sensor so it measures more actual temp near to my skin. The weather app said it was only 72 but the dewpoint was yuck. I also was thinking about it, I am running on a running trail lately and it has areas of soft dirt and moderately loose gravel so I think that makes it harder too...and my feet feel beat up. There is 1 small part that is paved and it it feels so much easier. I have a track run scheduled for Thurs so it will be interesting to see how that feels. I did 10 min upper body in the gym after and I had sweat pouring down my face it was so muggy.

    I tracked calories, again pretty suspish on how accurate it was. Dinner was a hodge podge so lots of guessing. I think I was still under though.

    Vitamins daily 2/7))
    Run (3/12)
    Strength (.5/3)
    5K steps a day (1/7)
    Track calories (2/7)
    Weight (.5/12lbs) Over the total time based on smoothing app.

  • CMorning99
    CMorning99 Posts: 916 Member
    Daily update:

    Yesterday was 30 minutes of Pilates...I am so weak or those exercises are unreasonable.

    Vitamins daily 3/7))
    Run (3/12)
    Strength (1.5/3)
    5K steps a day (2/7)
    Track calories (3/7)
    Weight (.6/12lbs) Over the total time based on smoothing app.
  • CMorning99
    CMorning99 Posts: 916 Member

    All is going well. DH has a coworker who is moving to Alabama and evidently has a pretty sweet lease. DH offered to talk to him and see if we could take over the lease so we didn't have to find a place. The only "issue" is that it would probably mean we will need to move within the next couple months. He told me this at 9pm and immediately my brain wheels started cranking and at midnight I was sitting in bed wondering how DH and I would move the washer and dryer. I despise moving. We don't have an answer yet. I just need to keep remembering maybe my timeline is not the only or best timeline LOL. T-17 days to mobile home move. OMG, I am terrified LOL.

    DH keeps telling me about jobs for after I retire. IDK if he is trying to be helpful or if he is not fully onboard with me trying to make it on my own with reselling. I don't blame him, reselling is not bringing in the money I thought it would with the effort I am putting in. I just keep watching other resellers and can't figure out what the difference is. It is online so it is not a locality thing and we are selling many of the same things. Last month was my worst month all year, I came in around $950 after taxes. I need to make $2K after taxes or $24K a year average since some months do better than others...I am currently around $8K for the year after taxes.

    Despite the lack of sleep, I managed my run. I did 3 miles with 8X1 min hard efforts w/ 30 second
    recovery. I really tried to do a sustainable hard effort not a crash and burn pace. I didn't look at my watch, just tired to go off of feel. I was pleasantly surprised that even though I felt like I was dying, it was pretty consistent and was within 15 seconds each effort and averaging an 8:50 pace. This morning I did a 1.5 brisk walk. Tomorrow is a 3-4 mile easy run.

    Vitamins daily (3/7) Still in my pocket from yesterday
    Run (6/12)
    Strength (2/3)
    5K steps a day (2/7)
    Track calories (4/7) Loosely
    Weight (.8/12lbs) 1Aug-15 Oct based on smoothing app...How will I fare over the weekend?

  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,407 Member
    Hi Ladies! Sorry I have been in silent mode again for a bit. I think I am in a bit of a funk again, not really sure what is going on but I just haven't felt much like going out for a run in the heat and when I do go it feels terrible. I don't recall the humidity being this bad here, ever. Tomorrow is supposed to be a dryer day bit then we are back to humidity, thunder and lightening and no real rain to cool us off... We went to the beach with Hobbes on Thursday while the housekeeper was here and it was hot and humid there too - over 80 on the beach and hazy/foggy when we arrived.

    The look you get when you say it is time to go...

    Video of Hobbes playing
    Friday I had a very early hair appointment so no chance to get out for a run and we had Hollywood Bowl that evening so we did hike up the hill there (not much but a bit of a workout). The morning after I am always so wiped out from being up well past midnight so I didn't even try to go out this morning but I did make myself do some strength training. My whole body just feels tired. We'll see how tomorrow goes. I may walk or try to run some, we'll see how it feels.

    @CMorning99 - I am not a huge fan of the Oiselle bras. They just hit me oddly where the PM is. I do have one of their Flyout zipper bras that I like a lot. I love their Flyout shirts though. I may have to look at Poshmark for some tops. I like them loose and the resale FB group only has tiny sizes.
    I hope all goes well with the mobile home move and the sub-lease works out. If you can have someone just move you I would highly recommend it. The best thing we did when we moved out for the work on the house was having someone come in and finish all the packing and moved everything for us. Also an 8:50 pace is awesome on those intervals! I find the paved parts of my trail feel much easier than the dirt but the dirt is so much cooler. Do your feet get hot? I guess because it is so hot out the pavement must be super hot and my feet feel like they are on fire.
    @quilteryoyo - have you tried the Handful zipper bras? I have several of them specifically for the summer because they are so easy to get on and off.

    Tonight I went out in the garage to take care of some laundry and I surprised a family of raccoons - looked like a mom and 3 juveniles. They were trying to get the lids off the metal containers we store the dog food and treats in. Made me think about @rheddmobile and wonder how she is doing and how her raccoon buddies are all doing.
  • CMorning99
    CMorning99 Posts: 916 Member
    Good morning!

    @Shanaber It was so humid here last week too, it was gross! No wind, just stagnant moist air. The winds came back this weekend so I hope it cools down. I am such a wuss now with hot weather LOL. I like the flyout bras because they have a lot of coverage and the pocket in the back that I can actually put something in. I have a SheFit zip adjustable bra as well that I like, they are pricey though. My feet don't get hot that I feel...they do sweat and I get some blisters because I walk on my last 2 toes. I have Injini socks and they do great. I might try to see who can help us with the move...the problem we have here is getting folks on can't have any kind of criminal history and the moving companies are not so discriminate. It took us 4 tries to get our washer and dryer delivered because they couldn't get on base. I went down to Pismo Beach this weekend to the vet and it was cray cray! I just wanted to get out of there.

    The weekend went ok. Friday the calories went overboard. I was just so dang hungry! I didn't eat a lot but I did eat very dense foods. Saturday I got up and did a 4 mile steep hill run/walk and it felt pretty good. My knee (patella) is a bit sore.

    I spent a good part of the day working on reselling, I am behind a again. I need to process 125 items a month, which doesn't seem hard but it is time consuming to inspect, steam/stain treat, photograph, research, type a listing. Sunday I went to my honey hole of a thrift store and there were at least 4 other resellers there that I saw. We are obv LOL. One lady filled her whole cart in 45 min, I don't know for sure what she is getting but when she checked out it filled 2 lawn bags. I only left with 13 things, so light day. That is fine since I have a stockpile for now. I had no sales on Friday and then 10 sales on Saturday! and then no sales rhyme or reason to it.

    Grey cat had a rough weekend. Lots of puking and not wanting to eat. He had watery drool just dripping out of his mouth. Not sure if it is a tooth or stomach. I picked up some antibiotics and cerenia that we started on Sunday and this AM he put up a good fight so it must be one of them. He is still feeling ick though. Enjoying every cuddle with him.

    For last week:
    Vitamins daily (4/7)
    Run (10/12)
    Strength (2/3)
    5K steps a day (3/7)
    Track calories (4/7) Loosely
    Weight (.8/12lbs) 1Aug-15 Oct based on smoothing app

    This week:
    Vitamins daily (0/7)
    Run (0/12)
    Strength (0/3)
    5K steps a day (0/7)
    Track calories (0/7) Loosely
    Weight (.8/12lbs) 1Aug-15 Oct based on smoothing app

  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,081 Member
    @CMorning99 Sounds like things are coming along well with the property. I hope the lease works out and I second getting someone else to move you. It's so much easier. I hope Grey Cat has a lot of time left when he feels good. Keep enjoying every day you have with him.

    @shanaber I hope you get out of the funk soon. It's hard but you are doing great. Love the pictures of Hobbes. I wonder about @rheddmobile too. I hope she's okay.