Senior Golden Sneakers



  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,051 Member
    What is MRSA nasal?
    What is MRSA? MRSA are types of Staphylococcus aureus, or "staph," bacteria that is present in the nose of about 25-30% of U.S. adults. S. aureus is usually innocuous and asymptomatic, but sometimes when there is a break in someone's skin, or if someone's immune system is weakened, the bacteria can cause an infection.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,099 Member
    edited January 2023
    Anne, “Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) infection is caused by a type of staph bacteria that's become resistant to many of the antibiotics used to treat ordinary staph infections.”

    The error message, you can’t do that usually (for me at least) means I am no longer logged in on community. If I find a place to login, then all is well again.

    Glad your get together with family was good!

    Sandy, I don’t know that you can change peoples’ minds if they are scared of something. And experts do change their minds on a dime. I would say do what you have to do to keep your family placated. I know you would be so upset if they blamed you for something. Shorter days at the hospital sound like just the ticket. And I hope you can schedule a lunch or dinner with your friends soon. 👍🏻👍🏻

    Jackie, my goodness, I would never have guessed of a difference between cream on top or the bottom! Did you watch more than one Bond movie? I loved those movies so much but haven’t watched any of the old ones for quite a while.

    Diane, so you don’t care for your GE appliances? I guess a working appliance is better than none but I understand being dissatisfied. Did Jerry enjoy his birthday meatloaf? Guessing you didn’t put a candle in it. 😅. Did the Kings win last night?

    Patsy, glad to hear some good news. Good for John, writing checks can be time-consuming with account numbers etc., and writing the proper date! 23, 23, 23. 🙃. Did you enjoy those burritos? I would send you some black eyed peas but they wouldn’t get there quickly enough. I thought bout making cornbread today but decided nope, wasn’t worth it.

    So I picked up a few groceries, drove to the post office and dropped some mail in the lobby drop off, picked up a lottery ticket at the convenience store, and returned some books to the library after-hours slot. Crushed boxes, gathered up the trash and took it to the curb.

    Finished another book, working on applying deco gel to colored paper so I can do more foiling and did some coloring. My eyes are tired!

    Be safe everyone.



  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,701 Member
    edited January 2023
    Hello! Hooray, between the days of rain, today was glorious with clear blue skies, mild temperatures and no dreaded wind so a long walk on the moors was followed by hours in my garden. It was wonderfully therapeutic for my mind and body, even knowing the rain will return tomorrow and for the rest of the week… and beyond!
    All that fresh air had me snoozing this evening so I missed the end of a programme I had wanted to watch and I’m now ready for bed.

    Sandy, I’m frustrated for you with those concerns about MRSA now affecting your plans. This bacteria is everywhere and something we live with and you don’t carry it so it seems extremely unfair that some people are wanting to avoid you. If Babe won’t return to rehab, where would he go once out of hospital? Now here I have to reaffirm my often mentioned belief that you are an amazing giving lady but I worry for you. That’s all; just my opinion and you will do what you feel you have to. ❤️❤️

    Oops, midnight and battery dying. Off to bed then up early to do some grocery shopping for fresh fruit and veg.

    Jackie 🥰
  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,312 Member
    Happy New Year to everyone.

    Ed and I are both recovered from COVID and it was mostly like a bad cold. I had a bit of lingering fatigue but seem to be pretty good now. Thank you all for your kind remarks. I’m afraid I wasn’t up to replying when we were sick.

    Lucky for us we had a scheduled week away at a timeshare in Canmore. Canmore is not that far from Banff, right in the mountains We got to spend the week relaxing and having fun. At first we were afraid we wouldn’t be able to go, but we recovered in time to use our booking.

    Sandy - I’ve been reading your posts. You definitely are having a rough time. Big hugs to you.

    I’d scroll back further but I am notorious for losing my posts.

    So instead I’ll say hello to everyone and send big hugs.

    We had a very quiet New Years Day and today was spend fixing computer problems. Not fun.

    Talk more later
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Hello everyone! Here we are…2023! It is cold and a bit “drippy” outside. Not a great day to be outside playing ball. So it is indoor toss and catch today for Katie. This is also her mail clipping day! Holy moly! I have quite a day ahead. This is also bathroom cleaning day. I will attack John’s bathroom as well as mine.

    Sandy: I know you must feel pushed to the maximum these days. I do understand. As you and I know, the only recourse is to smile and think positive. We will persevere and things will resolve eventually. Our guys have huge health concerns!

    Jackie: I agree last year was not my favorite either! But I like the start of 2023. It feels like things could start a turn around. Not being a real Pollyanna, but I know there will be challenges and triumphs in the coming days ahead. I love the idea of giving plants to friends to plant. It is symbolic of a growing friendship.

    Lin: losing friends brings such a strange sense of loss. Friends from your church are a sort of church family. The stalwarts that are normally at all the services and can be counted on to help, are missed deeply. I am sorry for your loss.

    Anne: I am impressed that you planned a family celebration dinner. Complete with your nice dinner service. I know everyone had a wonderful time! I can’t always pull that off.

    Diane: so good to hear from you as always. I have been curious about Australia for years. One of our teacher friends spent two years in Australia on an exchange program. They said it was an amazing experience. Nothing like they had anticipated. They took hundreds of photos and slides. But they never got over all the poisonous creatures there. Spiders and snakes and water creatures!

    Barbie: I can see you and Jake are true morning people. John and I are night owls. I come alive about 9: 00 am. When I lived on the ranch as a little girl it felt like I was sleep walking until mid-
    Morning. Bio-rhythms are built in at an early age I fear.
    Crustless chicken pot pie Tonight.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,935 Member
    :)Patsy, Yes, we are morning people. It is just after 6 PM and I'll be brushing my teeth and going to bed in the next 30 minutes.
  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    edited January 2023
    And here’s the other morning person! I get up around 5:30, do my half hour walking tour of the house (3000 steps), prepare and eat my porridge, chop up Beans chicken and then she goes back to bed whilst I totter off for a shower. I manage to stay awake until between 9 and 10 pm unless there’s a VERY good programme on the box which is rare these days. I love early mornings when all the world is still asleep and the air is fresh.

    Thank you for explaining what MRSA stands for! So I knew all along after all, just didn’t know what the letters meant. I live and learn!

    Nothing much going on here. I’m doing a bit of research on dog ramps you place against the bed. Jilly is so short she can’t jump off my mountain of a bed, takes me all my time if truth be told. I’m not pessimistic by nature but at my age one never knows, and I don’t want her stranded until someone realizes they haven’t heard from me for a while.

    I’m poking my nose in SANDY but if I was in your shoes I think I’d persuade Babe to go into rehab and for much longer than the last time.

    Good to know JERI that you and Ed recovered from Corvid to enjoy the mountains.

    DIANE, good to read your post as well. So far my cousin who lives in a suburb of Sidney has had to call “pet control” three times to remove snakes from her garden. She worries about her puss Sao.

    At least we don’t have to worry about Katie and Jilly on that score PATSY. My favourite cat Becky once brought in a garter snake. Dangling from her mouth she looked as if she had a moustache. I think garter snakes are harmless?

    Ah JACKIE, weathering the rain just like we are across from you. I shall look like a prune if this keeps up. “The gentle rains of heaven” - bah, humbug!

    BARBIE, up like the lark like me.

    And that leaves LIN, lover of pretty teapots and creating her beautiful cards that make a lot of people very happy.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,051 Member
    Happy Tuesday! :) So far I am not liking 2023. The hospital social worker just called and said she talked to Babe about rehab and he is saying he wants to go home. She said if he goes home he will probably return to the hospital. She said he needs to go to a skilled nursing facility which is different than the last one. I agree with her 100% and will have to convince Babe this afternoon when I go. He is not ready to be discharged but I think it takes a while to get this set up. I am his Power of Attorney over his health and I will probably have to threaten him with that. He would have to come home with oxygen and even she said he wouldn't make it up the stairs so I don't know what he is thinking.
    I did send an email to Joe's daughter and explained that even though the doctor said it would be fine I wanted her to know I was exposed to nasal MRSA. She sent me a very nice return email asking me not to come as there are others with immune diseases. Her words to me about her father were more than sweet and actually brought me to tears. She told me that if I were there she would have personally introduced me as Joe's angel. I completely understand and as I told her I would just say a prayer for Joe and his family Saturday during the service.
    Two of the three friends now have colds so no dinner this week.
    Not sure about Max's birthday yet, but my gut says I will be staying home and making it up to him at a later date. It is his golden birthday 6 on the 6th.

    Sorry I am not a bearer of good news, but at least I have my mornings and nights to relax. This too I will get through with the help of my Higher Power.
    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,099 Member
    edited January 2023
    Hello. A dreary, drippy day today. Very pleased that the temperature stayed above freezing last night so we didn’t have any ice on the roads. We did get more than a half inch of rain with more expected. Sunshine by Friday perhaps?

    Just playing with card designs, doing laundry and reading. I did call a friend and talked for a little while. Her hubby is having surgery on Friday. She is a bit nervous.

    Sandy, so far NOT so good. I do not understand the way things work now. Not long ago, you were not able to make your own decision on leaving the hospital to go straight home if the doctors thought you weren’t capable of decent mobility. You would always end up in some type of skilled nursing or other rehab center until they thought you could handle life on your own. I have many friends who longed to be home but they could not discharge themselves. As far as medical power of attorney, I couldn’t use any power of attorney until my father’s doctor said he was incapable of making his own decisions. And mine is set up in a similar manner, it cannot be activated without the agreement of my doctor that help is needed. I think everything has gone quite wonky.

    Bugs abound my friends. I talked to my banker at one institution this afternoon. She said she’s been ill since early December when she went on a trip. Her doctor doesn’t know exactly what she has but not Covid. It may be bronchitis or a sinus infection. Really interesting that they don’t know.

    Anne, I used to be an early bird but somehow I have switched things up and get started on projects and don’t go to bed that early these days. Then I lounge about in the morning, no hurrying. Maybe as spring approaches again, I will switch back. 😉

    Patsy, you do a lot of interesting cooking. A friend mentioned today that she and her hubby are having chicken pot pie tonight but they are starting with some commercial brand and she cooks lots of extra vegetables, puts them in bowls and covers the veggies up with some of the chicken pot pie. They like veggies more than chicken.

    Jeri, I am happy to hear you and Ed are recovered from Covid. Yeah! I am glad you were able to go on your planned trip. But ugh, computer problems. 🥺

    Jackie, did you find some good fresh fruits and vegetables? And did you have another wet day? Kerry had a video of the boys staying in by the fire, ripping dog toys apart. 🙃

    Be safe everyone. It is really dark and I need to go to get my mail. Must hunt for a flashlight.



  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,701 Member
    edited January 2023
    As I had thought would happen, it was pouring with rain when I got up this morning so I decided to go shopping early for groceries. I’m guessing most households still have plenty of supplies after the New Year celebrations because it was very quiet, just as I like! We didn’t rush to go for a walk, in fact Betty would have preferred to stay home but I wrapped them in their raincoats and took them round the block. After that a quiet time at home, so much so that when I sat to watch a late afternoon tv show with a large mug of tea I fell asleep only to be rapidly woken by the tea pouring into my lap! By the time I had changed my clothes and cleaned the sofa seat I had missed the end of the programme!
    My energy App was updated to show my bill for December and wow, I know we had some freezing weather but still it was a shock! I had built up a healthy amount of credit in the summer months, thank goodness, so it didn’t hurt my bank account and it is unusually mild again so I’m surviving but certainly feel for the many who can’t afford to keep warm.

    I’m definitely not a morning person unless it is midsummer and hot! Generally I’m not in bed until after midnight then struggle these dark mornings to get up.

    Patsy, I feel there is no alternative but to feel positive about a new year with a sort of wait and see attitude. At least the gifted Wallflowers I planted yesterday are sitting up in the rain.

    Keep safe and well.
    Jackie 🥰
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,099 Member
    Jackie, speaking of utility bills, there was a story on this evening’s news. Apparently a number of the specialized batteries used in the water meter reader went bad during the pandemic. A large number of people are now having to catch up on real bills as the prior bills for a year or more have been estimated. The guy they interviewed has a monthly bill of over $3,000. His usual bill has been less than $200. He was shocked. He took it quite well and said, at least I can pay it. And he recommended everyone read power and water bills closely!

    Have a good night’s rest.


    P.S. 🙃😉 a happy surprise would be nice wouldn’t it??
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,051 Member
    Lin, you are right and my daughter also explained that to me about the power of attorney only if he was unable to make his own decisions. Luckily he agreed he needs skilled nursing care as he knows he can't get up the stairs and knows I would not be able to care for him. There is no mention of discharge yet so until then he will remain in hospital. He still feels awful being week and out of breath. One Day at a Time.
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,701 Member
    A grey but mild start so I skipped breakfast to take George and Betty to the moors. I found a car parked badly across my garage and knew it to be the usual culprits but as I unlocked the door and pulled it up, my not so pleasant neighbour opened her entrance door and out rushed her aggressive dog. George and Betty were hooked on my side gate and even with my back to the dog, knew it was heading in my direction before George once again intervened. Screaming from my neighbour but I kept calm and ignored the kerfuffle until she had grabbed her dog, then turned and glared at her. Her visitor who had parked badly drove away and I collected my hero George with Betty and off we went to the moors. My New Year’s resolution is to not get drawn in to conflicts with people who are never going to change because a good friend I’ve known for over 40 years reminded me recently that I have enjoyed an interesting life, travelled and worked in amazing places so one parking area is nothing of importance. She’s right of course!
    It was blowing a hooley and as the only other dog walker brave enough to be there returned from his walk he told me he had struggled to stay upright on the top area I normally walk across so I took his advice and kept to a lower section, still very windy but not dangerously so.

    After some housework pushing my Shark around to collect Betty’s fur balls, I’m going to visit my friend Les. I had hoped to go yesterday but he was dog sitting his daughter’s Jack Russell and Chihuahua, both of whom don’t stop barking at visitors!

    Happy Wednesday everyone. Positive thoughts! 🤗
  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    Morning everybody! JACKIE you are so right in your new year resolution not to get drawn into conflicts with unchangeable people. That goes for me as well and my other resolution is to walk 3000 steps every morning after a drink of water and before breakfast. So far so good! Like you, I too have had a most interesting life not originally of my own choosing, but in the end thoroughly enjoyable. My personal motto is “Be IN the world, but not OF it.”
    After a balmy but very rainy few days temps are about to plunge. From wellies to snow boots.
    All for now because the shower calls,
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,701 Member
    Quite right Anne!

    What day is it?” asked Pooh.
    “It’s today,” squeaked Piglet.
    “My favorite day,” said Pooh.”
    ― A.A. Milne

    Off to visit with Les.
    Jackie 🥰
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,051 Member
    edited January 2023
    Happy Wednesday! :) I am going to do the errands I have to do no matter how long it takes me. I need gas, have to go to the bank for Babe to deposit a check then go to Macy's to return the coat I bought that is too small. Will look at others to try on to see if I find one I like. I am also calling my doctor because she had me keep a daily blood pressure reading for a month and my blood pressure is too high. I know I am under stress but I really don't want a stroke or worse, so hopefully she can put me on a pill.
    I went on a zoom meeting last night since I am not going in person tomorrow. I know I am fine but will wait another week. I asked Lisa to ask her parents how they feel about being with me for Max's birthday because I don't want anyone feeling uncomfortable around me.
    Cheryl recommended a skilled nursing facility that her mother and brother in law have gone and Babe liked that choice. In fact as I was typing the social worker called and I asked her to find out if they have private rooms and if so that is where he will go. It looks more like a hotel than a nursing facility which he will like better and hopefully stay until he is strong enough. One Day at a Time.

    Jackie, I just saw that cartoon on Facebook and love it. I like your new resolution and think we should all be kind even though sometimes it is really hard. I admit I lose my patience with Babe when he raises his voice and shouldn't because I know he just wants to get home but I don't think he realizes how hard this is on me as well. It would also help if the sun came out instead of all the gloomy days we are having.

    Anne, wow, 3000 steps is a lot before breakfast, good for you. Your dinner sounds like it was a big success I am happy for you.

    Lin, they cannot make you go to rehab, you could have the choice of home care but the nurse was telling Babe and I there was a patient that said they were leaving without being discharge by the doctor and if that happens insurance will not cover your hospital stay. So once the doctor discharges, you have options but things are so different now than when we were younger, mostly because of no help.

    Patsy, I am glad John is having some good days. Take all the good you can get because the hard days are hard. I am so glad your children are there to help you, that means a lot.

    Barbie, Diane, Jeri and anyone else I missed, I read your posts and glad you are still with us.

    One Day at a Time
  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,312 Member
    Hello Everyone,

    A nice day here in Calgary. Fairly warm and sunny. Today is the day our housekeeper comes. (Every 2 weeks). Of course, I straightened up before she came. LOL. But mostly I appreciate the dusting, vacuuming, appliance cleaning and cupboard wipe downs. The house always feels nice when she leaves.

    I started physio and acupuncture for my back. Using a heating pad and doing my stretches. I don't know why I have to force myself to do stretches, but I do.

    I grinned when I read about being an early bird. I used to be one. Up very early and enjoy the quiet of the day before it started with a nice cup of coffee. However since retirement, Ed seems to want to sleep in and that has worn off on me too. But as a result we don't go to bed until 11:30 - 12 pm.

    Anne - that is a great goal. I'm usually looking at the clock at 9 am and then getting in a 20 to 30 minute walk. These day's with my sore back I have to watch myself so 20 minutes is often the case. I'm still striving for my 10,000 steps a day. But with my back, I have missed a couple. But my word for 2023 is DETERMINATION.

    Jackie - your walks on the moors sound so good. Ed and I did a bus trip to Scotland 4 years ago and I loved it.

    Lin - nice to hear you are still doing your card designs. A good hobby and you are obviously very creative.

    Patsy - I agree about 2022 but I'm almost cautious about hoping 2023 is too good. I've been disappointed the last two years for sure. But I feel comfortable visiting family again. Hurray and we hope to go to Nova Scotia this fall. That's where my husband grew up.

    Sandy - Things sounded a bit more positive for you in your last post.Definitely go get your blood pressure checked. You need to look after yourself first.

    Hope you all had a great day. It's one step at a time, isn't it.


  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,099 Member
    Good evening. Annoying and unsolvable computer problems today. I expect to be busy for the foreseeable future trying to figure out what to do. My main, used for most accounts, email address has totally stopped working for incoming and outgoing mail in the Apple mail app. I can still use a bit of it through a web browser on the company’s secure server. I have decided I need to start cleaning out all the emails and folders on that account and start converting all of my hundreds of accounts away from that address but the only thing that seems to be reliable is my old AOL and I am afraid at about the time I move everything, that will shut down. Anyway, all of my accounts from Social Security to credit card accounts to banking are all contacting me through this now barely functioning email. I will be busy I guess.

    Jeri, I am sorry that you are having problems with your back. Please take care. A friend of mine walked every day for lots of miles and kept pushing harder and recently sustained a bad leg injury and is now unable to walk. It may be weeks before she will be able to walk again. She is a bit heartbroken because she didn’t get that far over 2,022 miles for this year when she had to stop.

    Sandy, did you get all of your errands taken care of today? We had a bit of snow here today as the temperature dropped. Morning rush hour was a slow crawling event as the wet roads froze overnight and they hadn’t put out any salt. I was happy to stay home.

    Jackie, yes, today is my favorite day. Love that! How was Les? And good for George, an excellent defender.

    Anne, same here, time to suit up for the cold weather. Argh!

    I hope everyone is having a safe and healthy evening!




  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,935 Member
    :) Lots of high wind today so Bessie has spent most of the day under the dining room table next to my chair.

    :)Lin, have you ever used gmail? We have had good luck with it for years.

    :)Jeri, I have trouble getting in stretches. I do lots of other stuff but not the stretches.

    <3 Barbie in NW WA
  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    Hello all. I’ve just done my morning walk about for half hour and my joints are all unknotted.

    So after breakfast JACKIE I glanced at the BBCs news and see a certain man is airing the family’s dirty linen yet again. Oh dear, not much family loyalty there and I expect the next chapter will be a divorce in the offing. Oh no! If that happens books with more words than War and Peace from the couple in our future “literary” choice at the library.

    I’m wondering, and hoping, Maria has come home! The house looked so forlorn without her. Her car has been on the drive overnight for two nights and when I closed my blinds last evening I noticed the light was on in the room she keeps her washer and drier. I’m hoping she just needed time to adjust to life without Tony and is back for good. I really like her, she is a really nice person.

    Oh LIN I do sympathize because as you know I have my own problems with computers. They are a blessing in disguise. They allow us to communicate and then drive us up the wall when we can’t for some unknown reason. Some days I wish they had never been invented and yet when all is smooth sailing I can “talk” to my cousin, my boys and our little group so easily. Good luck anyway.

    Poor Bessie confined to under the table living BARBIE.

    My youngest son has been having physio for his back for over two years now JERI. He’s changed their mattress three or four times and had to take early retirement because he couldn’t sit huddled over a computer all day. I sincerely hope the treatment works for you. Backache is miserable. He is renovating the basement but can only manage about one hour before he has to give up for the day. At least the walls are finished! Just the floor to be relaid, painting, and then I can have a decent furnished apartment downstairs again. Not that it worries me, I’m comfy upstairs and at least the stairs and hall are done, plus the deck. I’m still trying to show the photo.

    Grocery delivery day, must scoot.