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  • AlexandraFindsHerself1971
    My first wedding, when I was 23, I had the big white dress.

    Even this is to make our parents happy, but it's much simpler as befits two people who are each on their second marriage and are introverts from a family of introverts and people with disabilities, who don't want to mess around. So we can all come together, be witnesses, and then eat together and get home at a decent hour.
  • AlexandraFindsHerself1971
    And just in case you think I have it all together, I'm sitting here unable to do much because it seemed a good idea to take my muscle relaxant in the middle of the night and now at quarter to nine in the morning it has not worn off. So I am very....relaxed. Which isn't helpful for getting on with the laundry, you know!
  • Athijade
    Athijade Posts: 3,249 Member
    Fell off the wagon and got trampled by the horses last night. BUT I think I know what happened. I am doing some deep cleaning around the apartment and yesterday was a lot of work. Plus I ran (well walked lol) errands. So a lot of activity... and I did not spread out my food well. By the time dinner came around I was famished and I ate all the food after that. Nearly a whole frozen pizza... a bowl of cereal... chocolate... ugh.

    Trying to do better today cause I am still cleaning like crazy. Right now all I have on my list left are to do the floors in the living room. I also have the sheets and blankets from the daybed (which I use as a couch) in the laundry downstairs. So will need to remake the daybed when they are finished. Almost done!

    Tomorrow is the bedroom including more laundry for the bedsheets. Then Monday is my normal laundry day but that is it.
  • Yoolypr
    Yoolypr Posts: 2,882 Member
    What is it about housecleaning that makes me crazy hungry? It’s boring, repetitive work that needs to be done - so I comfort myself with a good meal (or two!) as a reward. The fatigue makes me lose all control.
  • lauriekallis
    lauriekallis Posts: 4,663 Member
    Yoolypr wrote: »
    ...What may have helped is having healthier meals at home. Also less cheap snack food and desserts brought into home. As a kid you can pretty much only eat what’s in the pantry or fridge...

    I halfway experienced this with my sons. When they were young I was probably too much of a healthy food fanatic. Younger son took it upon himself at a very young age to find his foods of choice out in the world. Chips. Turned out his milk/juice money went to chips. Lots of chips.
    His dad and I were going through a divorce - not a nasty one but still not easy on kids - and his "drug of choice" was food. Once he was in school I lost control of what he ate.
    Older one has never had any issues with food or weight - except losing too much with his terrible job where he was frequently overheated and dehydrated. But not disordered eating patterns.
    Who really knows why/how it all goes wrong on the eating front.

  • lauriekallis
    lauriekallis Posts: 4,663 Member
    Congrats on your good cardiologist report, Yooly! (lost that in this flurry of posts) If you chill right out you might be able to make those 50,000 more miles last 50 years!!!

    So excited to hear from you, Alexandra. Really looking forward to seeing your dress(es).

    Everyone's house sounds so clean! I've given myself a pass card on floors until the knee is feeling better. It is starting to - but I'm not going to blow that on vacuuming and mopping.
  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 13,729 Member
    What is this house clean you guys speak off? Y'all get to see your floor? 🤣🤯🙀😹😹😹😹
  • Yoolypr
    Yoolypr Posts: 2,882 Member
    PAV8888 wrote: »
    What is this house clean you guys speak off? Y'all get to see your floor? 🤣🤯🙀😹😹😹😹

    Try it - who knows? you might like it!
  • lauriekallis
    lauriekallis Posts: 4,663 Member

    I've taken to throwing sheets down on my floor... Two dogs and disgusting raw bones everyday as a bribe to keep them happy when I'm not walking them (other than getting them all psyched up letting them out one door to the backyard and calling them in through another.)
  • lauriekallis
    lauriekallis Posts: 4,663 Member
  • lauriekallis
    lauriekallis Posts: 4,663 Member
    They have found a way to entertain themselves a little bit though... Using the two doored room to call each other's bluff 😂
  • lauriekallis
    lauriekallis Posts: 4,663 Member
    Apparently that video doesn't want to be seen.... :(
  • Athijade
    Athijade Posts: 3,249 Member
    Finished all the cleaning that is gonna get done this weekend. Ended up doing the bedroom today instead of Sunday. I woke up Sunday in pain and with so much fatigue. So it became a very lazy day where I watched a bunch of YouTubes and slept on and off. Got it all done though so that is what matters.

    The weekend was also really rough food wise, but I am working to get back to doing better.
  • conniewilkins56
    conniewilkins56 Posts: 3,391 Member
    I had a doctors appointment this morning ….it was ok….of course I had gained a ton of weight back but he did give me hope….also started me on a new med to take with the antidepressant I already take….this new one is supposed to help curb addictions to various substances; hopefully food lol…it is also a mood enhancer!

    I guess we all have various reasons why our moods change…post partum depression, changing seasons, addictions, financial problems, family problems, arguments, the list goes on and on….it is hard to pinpoint exactly why we are sad, depressed, anxious, lose motivation or have no energy…right now I have little time for myself and I feel completely overwhelmed by everything….I have no energy and no motivation to do anything…some days I feel used up….hopefully this will pass because right now I feel like he$$…
  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 13,729 Member
    Connie you have a lot of things going on your house all the time. I get tired just thinking about your list! Connie personal time suffers as a result! 🤯
  • Yoolypr
    Yoolypr Posts: 2,882 Member
    Good going Athijade! Nothing like relaxing in a clean house hopefully with less pain. A clean house makes me feel like a clean start.

    Hope the meds work Connie. You’d think by the time you get to this point in life you could just have time to enjoy some worry free days. Unfortunately that isn’t a true picture of the fabled golden years. The tribulations of life go on.......

  • AlexandraFindsHerself1971
    I spent too long in a hoarded up house to feel good when things get cluttered and dusty.

    Put a chair together today to replace Fiance's desk chair, which broke. And I'm working on the waistband of a pair of underwear, having figured out how I want to fasten them, which affects how I make them.
  • scoutmom1981
    scoutmom1981 Posts: 302 Member
    Sounds like an adventure this weekend too! I hope you son is not too engaged in the idea of "dieting" - I honestly think that is where things start to go seriously wrong on the disordered eating front. I started dieting when I was 8 or 9 ... I have never in my life just been able to "eat" when I'm hungry - not eat when I'm satisfied. I didn't realize until relatively recently that it isn't normal to be know the calorie counts of most foods. I figured everyone that isn't the case. Some people can eat relatively intuitively. Imagine that!

    Nope he isn't dieting at all. He is training for his Philmont. We are not counting his calories he is just not eating as much. We are not exercising to loose weight we are exercising to prepare his body for a 12 day backpacking adventure. He knows he needs to shed some pounds ("mom all the fun activities I have to be under 200lbs. I need to loose a few pounds to get there") I am trying to teach him healthy portions and healthier ways to look at food so that when he gets older he has a good foundation
  • scoutmom1981
    scoutmom1981 Posts: 302 Member
    This weekend was a whirl of activities. Food choices suffered a bit but I was moving a lot more. I was also very conscious of the amount of food I was eating. Scale didn't move so I was happier. I am starting my Hogwarts Challenge this week and so I hope with the daily accountability to earn points and stuff it will help to keep me in check.

    I am finding that unstructured time is hard for me this time. I do great all week and then the weekend comes and I want to snack and eat all the peanut butter cups! It doesn't help that my stick thin husband has to have all the sugary snacks and such in order to survive. We are all working to move one day at a time. I am going to rock it this week and see some downward movement on the scale!
  • Yoolypr
    Yoolypr Posts: 2,882 Member
    What’s a Philmont?