Senior Golden Sneakers



  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,897 Member
    edited May 2023
    Hello and happy Sunday. It wasn’t my plan yesterday but since the weather was awful in the morning I decided to watch the Coronation. It was low key compared to the late Queen’s funeral but that wasn’t a bad thing. Enough marching bands to cheer us all up, then on to the glorious choirs and solo singers in Westminster Abbey that I thought so moving. Anne, didn’t you think the young chorister that greeted Charles at the beginning just adorable? George is always fascinated by horses on tv Lin, possibly because we meet so many during our walks!
    The King looked overwhelmed at times but I’m sure Camilla and William both conveyed silent messages of strength. Princess Ann is an equestrian Olympic medal winner and hasn’t lost her touch and I particularly loved the large red feather in her cap that blocked sight of the disrespectful prince Harry refusing to sing our National Anthem! The sun appeared late afternoon so I did get out for a walk with the pooches, just round the block, then spent time in my greenhouse potting on seedlings.

    I’ve walked George and Betty on the moors, where we heard the loudest cuckoo in a nearby tree, then home to hang out more laundry to dry, enjoy toast and a coffee and now outside to garden since it looks like the only dry day this week! 😩

    Hello to everyone that drops in. Enjoy your day.
    Jackie 🥰
  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    Morning all. I’m just having my morning coffee and got to thinking about JOYs aching lower back. That’s my main problem these days as well. Probably no good in your case Joy but maybe worth a try? I get back ache from simple chores, changing the bed sheets etc being a good example. I go and sit on the sofa cross wise. That is sitting with my back against the arm and legs stretched out on the seating. I place a sturdy cushion in the small of my back and within 5 minutes the pain is gone and I’m ready for the next chore. Jilly Bean loves this time because she lays beside my legs and has a tummy rub.

    Well coffee almost gone and time for a shower. Rain expected this afternoon, what’s new!
    PS, I’m a princess Anne fan as well LIN. She appears to be all “no nonsense”.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,293 Member
    Happy Sunday! :) The sun is shining and it going to be in the 80's but also some rain is expected.
    It's a do nothing day for me as I have a busy week getting ready for Florida. Bryanna doing my hair tomorrow, sitting Wednesday, meeting Thursday, mani/pedi Friday as well as washing clothes and packing. Also have to reserve a taxi to take me to airport. All worth it though to be able to be with my daughter for a week celebrating Mother's Day and her husband's 60th birthday.
    I may even try to get the latest covid booster shot if I can fit it in, better to be safe than sorry.

    Anne, I have the same problem with my back if I do laundry or do too much. Maybe you have scoliosis like I do. I also take a break and relax and was taking a Tylenol which helped with the pain but now the doctor gave me a low doze of another kind because I don't like taking Tylenol for long because it causes liver problems. Also going back to therapy to see if that helps or I will end up with shots in my back.
    I have had two back surgeries so I am sure there is some arthritis in there as well. Nothing holds us seniors back, we just keep going and going. lol

    Have a great day my friends.
    One Day at a Time
  • virruth
    virruth Posts: 169 Member
    Hello all my Pals. Sunday morning and all I have done is walk on the treadmill because it doesnt hurt my back and sit here reading since 6:30 am with my heating pad.
    Lin…going over cards, ltrs, photos is so hard. Looking at all and the memories they invoke. I cleaned out and tossed alot already, but have more to go thru. One card I saved is extra large BD card from my daughter. She passed away in 2000, so its the last card I have from her.
    Jackie, did you see my post about my granddaughter flying to UK. They planned it long before coronation date was announced. Hotel tried numerous times to buy the rooms back, but they said no. So they were right in the middle of it!
    Anne, thx for the tip a out my lower back pain. One thing I have come to believe is that movement helps better than rest. My Therapist gave me easy stretches to do.
    Sandy, I dont have scoliosis. But I do take Tylenol. I do worry about the possibitity of liver damage, but take much lower doses than recommended….so I should be okay.
    Thanks to all for your thoughts..
  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    edited May 2023
    I had to look up scoliosis because as most of you will all know I need a very wild horse to drag me to anybody wearing a white coat and one of those thingys around their necks. I never take pills either. That’s why I hate taking the half strength BP pill which poor long suffering Dr. Tim finally persuaded me to take. I have to go for a new batch very soon and because I’m very sure I haven’t got “scolly what’s it called” I’ll continue with the cushion on the back “Annsie” remedy. I think my aversion to doctors stems from being a child in wartime Britain when most of the doctors were off somewhere foreign plus not being able to afford a visit to the doctors before NHS was introduced anyway. The only time I can really remember seeing “Dr. Simpson” a very well rounded ginger haired venerable old lad, was when I got stung by a million wasps from climbing the dead willow tree in the back yard. Guess I’m lucky to have come this far! Of course after NHS I had to go to the docs with various broken bones, 6 at last count, all caused by natural clumsiness from being short sighted and an aversion to specs specialists as well as doctors.

    I think I am very lucky actually, and I’m so sorry that so many of us have to put up with arthritis and osteoporosis as we plod on to the end of the road.

    Mike came to visit under ominous clouds and after lunch drove home in pouring rain. Jilly fell asleep after two long walks and left me to write the above which I’m sure bored anyone who managed to read to this point.

    Love to all and may back ache be soon a memory to all sufferers.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,384 Member
    edited May 2023
    Hello friends. Busy day. Laundry, attended online church. Set up the new robotic vacuum and found out it will not work here. It needs to be on a bare surface with 3 to 5 ft of space on 3 sides and the back against a wall. Base cannot be moved to a different location. I downloaded the app to my phone, set all the details and got the WiFi going. It was then I realize it would not dock on my carpet. I tried a few times but it was hopeless. I looked for a different spot but all of my carpet is the same height. So I have spent the remainder of the afternoon printing return labels, boxing the return in the 3 different boxes it arrived in, taped everything and got the very heavy bundle into the car. Ready to drive to the UPS ground return location tomorrow.

    It is very hot outside and severe weather is likely late afternoon through the overnight hours. Hoping for the best.

    Joy, Anne, and Sandy, I am sorry you have chronic back problems. Not a pleasant thing to live with. 😢

    Jackie, did you have another day of less than stellar weather? I apparently missed quite a few of the highlights and details of the coronation but I didn’t really have my eyes on the screen most of the time. I did read that the stitched dogs at the bottom of Camilla’s gown represented her two rescue dogs. That was sweet.

    Oh and Joy, while I was in the basement doing laundry, I discovered more containers of photos. 🤦🏼‍♀️

    Well, back to work.


  • virruth
    virruth Posts: 169 Member
    Lin, sorry about your vac problem. My son had a robot vac when I lived with him and I think….if remembering correctly, that it worked on carpet, tile, and hardwood. He had a three story house in Georgia with different flooring😲
    As for the additional pics……just a little at a time they say. Whoever they are.
    Oh todays teapot is very English looking to me.
  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    Mikes got a robot vacuum LIN and he loves it. Brings it over here occasionally and it wanders around my upstairs terrorizing Jilly. Personally though I love my Shark recommended by JACKIE. MJ loves it as well. Anne.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,384 Member
    edited May 2023
    Joy and Anne, I have an old robot vac which I use upstairs. I was hoping to upgrade to one that doesn’t jam up like my old one. Something will come along, maybe. Oh, and my old one is controlled by a remote control unit, not an app running on WiFi.

  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Hello everyone! We had sun.but it was chilly. Kit was frustrating. Seeing sun but it felt so cold outside.

    Our local libraries have started a seed library. Trays of seeds and starts are waiting for eager gardeners. Take one and deposit one. On the honor system but lit is growing so some people are being very generous. Everyone is excited about it. The library puts racks of gardening books nearby. Copies of gardening tips and info is also available nearby.

    I would love a robot vacuum but alas with my carpet and rug on rug, that is not a good option.
    Off to work on a few chores before bedtime.
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,897 Member
    edited May 2023
    Another Bank holiday for us so after walking the pooches I joined Linda and a friend of hers on another trip to the plant nursery where I purchased a few (!!) annual bedding plants for window boxes and tubs. We are in low clouds with fine rain so on the way home, stopped for coffee and cake and I’ve now lit the stove to take damp air away.

    Yes Joy, I did read your post about your granddaughter’s trip to London but wasn’t sure if it was specifically for the Coronation. Haha, I can imagine the hotel would do their best to buy the rooms back as they could have tripled their prices! What perfect timing to be here. 😁. I too find that movement and exercise is the best way to relieve any back ache because too much sitting, which I’ve been doing during our wet Spring, seizes me up in no time!

    Lin, after a day of Coronation viewing on Saturday I avoided the big show last night although I understand it was highly entertaining. I remember reading some time ago that Camilla and Charles adopted rescue dogs so that was a lovely touch.

    I can just imagine what would happen if a robot vacuum cleaner was let loose around George. He’s aggressive enough if my Shark gets too close! When Linda was here this morning, he bit my foot when I tried to stop him picking up a disgusting piece of chewed treat by stepping on it. Luckily I was wearing shoes and not slippers! Linda was horrified because she hasn’t seen that side of him before, no doubt due to whatever went on in his previous home.

    Time for a cup of afternoon tea before moving the bedding plants to my greenhouse.

    Everyone Take care.
    Jackie 🥰
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,293 Member
    Happy Monday! :) From 80 degrees yesterday to 50 degrees today with rain. I hope this doesn't mean a bad summer. Bryanna is coming later this afternoon to do my hair and have dinner with me. I am hoping she will be able to drive me to airport Saturday morning before she goes to work.
    Nothing else going on today except riding my bike.

    Have a great day everyone.
    One Day at a Time
  • virruth
    virruth Posts: 169 Member
    Patsy…luv you library seed exchange. Never heard of it before. My daughter Lori spent all weekend, trimming and weeding the garden beds. Everything looks so nice.
  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    Gorgeous day here, almost too hot for me. Busy day. Did the washing, cleaned the house, ironed, cooked lunch and went into the garden this afternoon to weed the flower beds at the back. Somewhat whacked, but mainly from the heat, came in to relax and cool off before teatime and the evening news. The apple blossom is starting to appear and it looks like a bumper crop of apples later from two very old trees.
    ANNE. 🙃🐕‍🦺
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,384 Member
    edited May 2023
    Good evening. A sunny hot day after the fog burned off. I did errands this morning. Did some cooking today and after lunch made a trip to Walgreens. I have an online retreat all day Saturday. Found out there is a lot they want you to do to be prepared. We will see. At least I have finally found the 6 PDFs for materials, instructions and layering stencil layout. Now the printer is chugging everything out.

    I have a quite runny nose today (more than usual) and my sense of taste has gone haywire. Everything seems odd. I wonder if it is due to the over the counter nasal spray the doctor has me using.

    Well, time to add paper to the printer. Nothing interesting here today.

    Be safe everyone. And Sandy, I hope you get everything organized including a ride to the airport.

    Lin 🙋🏼‍♀️

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,166 Member
    :) We have had goofy weather here, too. After several days of rain and cold, it was supposed to warm up today and we were looking forward to working in the yard. I went out after lunch and noted that it was cold and windy and the ground was still wet, so we took a nap instead. Two hours later when I got up, the weather had changed dramatically and it was almost too hot to work. I found a place in the shade and pulled weeds for an hour. Tomorrow should be warm and we're looking forward to more yard work.

    <3 Barbie
  • OhDD65
    OhDD65 Posts: 184 Member
    Hi Friends......All you dog lovers there I really need some suggestions. Our toy poodle 8 lbs has decided that he doesn't want to eat his heart medicine, which he must eat 2 x a day. We already cut them in half. Have tried crushing them then mixing with sweet potatoes and peas. Both which he used to eat with no problem. Tried applesauce, peanut butter pill pockets, cheese and yogurt. Any feel or taste of a med and he spits it out. The only thing I can get him to eat is chicken that I boil then cut it up in small pieces. Yes I do rub his throat. No tricks left in my bag of tricks. He is supposed to chew it, but it isn't
    happening. It is getting harder just opening his mouth, tilting it and dropping it in. He is getting wise. His syringe med is done too. Quickly before he is aware of what is happening. Our cuddly dog isn't very cuddly anymore. Sad.....

    Thanks for your help. Shall chat when I have a free moment.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,293 Member
    edited May 2023
    Happy Tuesday! :) It's going to be 70 today, this weather is goofy. Bryanna cut my hair pretty short but it is what I wanted for summer. I might take a ride to the cemetery and/or Kohl's just to get some fresh air. Or maybe just take a walk, as you can tell I don't know what I am doing today. lol

    Diane, you have tried anything that I would suggest. Have you tried putting the pills in the small pieces of chicken? They only way I could get a pill down Daisy was to pry open her mouth and shove the pill in the back of her throat but that wouldn't help you if he is supposed to chew the pill. Maybe ask the vet for a liquid form that you can squirt into his mouth or throat. Wish I had better advice.

    Barbie, I would be napping everyday if I got up at the crack of dawn like you do. lol I got some wild flower seeds in the mail yesterday so I think I am going to try and plant them in the area around our lamp post in front of our building. Not sure how high they will get or if they will grow since I do not have a green thumb.

    Lin, do you have any other symptoms besides no taste? I might test for Covid just to be safe. You have been so busy lately, you need some time to just chill. Bryanna is going out of town Thursday-Sunday so I will be taking a taxi to the airport.

    Anne, you are in great shape to be able to do all that you do no wonder your back tweaks once in a while.

    Hello to everyone else and have a wonderful day.
    One Day at a Time
  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    edited May 2023
    Oh Diane I so sympathize with you and your efforts to doctor your little 8lb doggie pal. My Jilly Bean is exactly the same and it’s amazing how these little dogs are so strong when it comes to shoving a pill down their throats. No advice I’m afraid, especially as I have great trouble shoving a pill down my OWN throat. When it comes to flea and tick pills I’ve just given up and Jilly Bean gets a liquid squirt behind the ears I’m afraid. The vet doesn’t sell liquid meds. Me and Jilly think the vet and the doctor are sadists.

    MJ tells me I am amazing at my lofty age, but if I don’t keep cleaning and gardening I fear MY joints would just give up. Fortunately, I like cleaning AND gardening, but such chores aren’t for everyone. My mother for instance! Lol. She had me dusting and then baking at a very tender age.

    I will probably end up doing a bit of weeding this afternoon. Michael’s promised to bring my ancient but in perfect shape Dell computer upstairs out of storage. One can’t use the internet on it but it and the laser printer are great for writing, and printing homemade cards etc. I like the IPad but I am not at all impressed with my apple laptop.

    In the mood for egg, chips, broccoli and peas. You can take the old lady out of England but you can’t take the old English food away I guess.

    Anne. Best of luck Diane.❤️🐕‍🦺
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,897 Member
    No change in my weather although we did manage a short, dry walk round the block. When I got home I began to weed a flower border but within 10 minutes rain was hammering down and we’ve had thunderstorms all afternoon. I’ve moved my new bedding plants on to a garden bench with slatted seat so the pots don’t become waterlogged and might get an opportunity to pot and plant out on Friday. I was going to visit my 96 year old friend Les but when I phoned he told me he had a bad night because his catheter had become blocked and the nurse had to visit. Tomorrow he has a hospital appointment to check his heart pacemaker and Thursday I have to wait in for two deliveries but might go over if they arrive in good time.

    Diane, the only way I get pills into George Betty and Brady is by smearing them with chicken pate but first I offer a piece just above their head so they have to stretch up and open their throats. Once that one slides down without a problem I offer the rather mucky pill and pate in the same way. It works every time but they don’t have to chew them. I’ve yet to come across a pill a pet is supposed to love that gets eaten without disguising it!

    Time for evening meals all round!
    Jackie 🥰
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,384 Member
    Diane, I cannot really think of anything else. Would you be permitted to crush the pill to near dust and add it to something like pate or ground cooked chicken with a bit of something to hold it together? It is incredibly difficult to administer medications. The dog learns quite quickly that the beloved treat is not what it appears. Liquid sounds easier but I doubt it is.

    Well, a noisy day here. The next door neighbor is getting a new roof today. They started quite early but they just took a long lunch break. Hope they are finished today!

    Jackie, more rain! With some breaks apparently.

    Anne, I hope you get your old computer back and that it works with your printer.

    Sandy, I cut back on the nasal spray this morning. Only half of what I was supposed to use and my lunch tasted as it should! Maybe a coincidence? Happy wandering this afternoon.

    Barbie, I would like a nap this afternoon. I couldn’t sleep last night and was up for a few hours. I hope your weather is good today.

    Joy, I have a question regarding adding video subscriptions through Amazon. Do you have to get through loads of commercials and promotions? I am quite fed up already with the Hulu subscription with ads. Tremendous numbers of ads. 🤦🏼‍♀️. Hallmark Movies plays the movie all the way through without a break. Love that!

    Patsy, oh goodness, that exchange sounds heavenly. And very practical! Be safe my friend.

    Must move along.



  • virruth
    virruth Posts: 169 Member
    Lin. No ads, promos, during the programming. I just cancelled PBS thru Amazon, and I started Brit Box. I look at the programs to determine what i want to watch and add it. The charge goes on my card held on Amazon. I can look under subscriptions to see when it renews and cancel if I choose, its easy and clear to us senior citizens. I am very happy with it. And I dont have a contract to deal with. I hope it works for you.
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Hello sneakers, mild sunny weather ! At last! I will be crying for rain next.

    The new French doors are in downstairs, siding is going up and then painting. Yea hooray! Progress is happening.

    We are hoping to see our son this week. He has been working on a movie special effects. Horrible movie I guess. But he humrumph!

    John is struggling with words and expression of ideas today. The construction guys are so patient and understanding. They consult him on details and wait as he struggles to communicate. He eventually gets his thoughts across and everyone is off and running. Katie understands him and offers herself for an ear scratch or tummy rub at a moments notice. I act as interpreter and I can usually figure out what he wants to say.

    The cleaning person will be coming next week to help rearrange and vacuum as well as help put freshly washed curtains back up. This is chore, no one likes to do this.

    Our daughter, Andrea, is in Portland with her son at the eye doctor. He really can’t see much but there is always so new med or procedure they rant to try. Not really much help.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,166 Member
    :) No nap today. Some work in the yard, made a big pot of chicken soup to freeze for four lunches, then hours of watching "Breaking Bad"

    :) No pill ideas. Bessie will take no pills.

    <3 Barbie
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,293 Member
    Happy Wednesday! 😀 Sitting today, last kiddo just got on the bus, might take a nap as I didn’t sleep good last night.
    A beautiful day with warm temps and sunshine. Meeting tomorrow, then Friday laundry, mani/pedi and packing. Leaving around 7:30 Saturday morning for airport.

    Have a good day everyone!
    One Day at a Time
  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    It’s quite funny really. Last week I ordered on my groceries “dog TREAT mix”. What arrived was “TRAIL” mix”. Decided to eat some last evening and I got my allergic reaction which I normally get with yeast. Guess I’m allergic to nuts as well.

    Anyway, remainder of trail mix was given to the squirrels for a nutty breakfast.

    Some mothers do have them as we used to say. Now excuse me, off to the bathroom.

    ANNE.. 🐿️🐿️🐿️
  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    Breaking news. This you won’t believe. Harry will be gone three years in July. I’ve just spoken to the latest neighbour who moved in last October. She can’t manage it. Up for sale again!

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,293 Member
    Anne, wow just wow!
  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    edited May 2023
    Well you will all believe me when I said it was a disaster three years ago. And Harry’s truck had written on it Artisan Builder. What a joke.
    She will never get her money back. The Afghan people who bought from Harry made it the longest. For a whole year, this lady, Sarah has been in it for roughly 8 months.

    PS. She also told me folks have been photographing my front bed tulips. I do have quite a show of orange coloured tulips.
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,897 Member
    A lovely walk this morning and whoopee, no rain! Just as well because yesterday’s storms caused flooding issues in several areas.
    My list of things I wanted to do in my garden was getting longer and longer but today I’ve finally managed to start. A new idea in England is to make May a no cutting grass month to give pollinators and bugs a place to eat or hide so that’s one less job for me to think about. I’m trying hard not to be concerned about the untidy look!

    Goodness Anne, Harry’s house sounds a disaster, not that you will be surprised. Where have those 3 years gone? Hopefully the next owners will first organise a surveyor so they know what they are taking on. How lovely that your tulips are being photographed and admired.

    An earlier night to bed I think.
    Jackie 🥱😴