Mission Slimpossible Team Chat - MAY 2023



  • DJill68
    DJill68 Posts: 63 Member
    @19shmoo69 that pie looks divine!

    @vegan4lyfe2012 such adorable baby pics!

    @trooworld I’m sorry you are so sick! Is it the Rona? Sending prayers your way!

    Just got home from Taking FIL to doctor, he is doing a little better.
    Had an Ok Mothers Day, but missing my kids and grandkids. ( My family all lives in FL) I was a little miffed that I still had to cook, clean, and care for everyone on Mother’s Day, but I guess I’m not their Mother so they didn’t see the need for it to be different from any other day.
    It appears I have hit another plateau as the scale did not move this week. It’s hard not to feel down about it. Increasing my water and gonna try some intermittent fasting to see If it changes anything.

  • 19shmoo69
    19shmoo69 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Yes I did find a walking partner from another group. I'll holler at you next time @Katmary71.

    Thank you all for the compliments on the pie. I made it Saturday night. Went to bed while it was in the oven. My wife took over watching it as I was out the door at 2am to catch a flight. Only one person tried the pie at the potluck. I've made it before and like it. Then again I like cheese and apples

    Before my gluten free days we would frequent a pizza buffet place that made apple pie pizza. I would ask for a special one with cheese on top. The waitress would always look at me funny and tell me she'd make it but i would have to take the rest home if it does move off the buffet. Literally every time it would be gone in 5 minutes of hitting the buffet.
  • gemwolf110
    gemwolf110 Posts: 1,409 Member

    Tracked yesish
    Calories no
    Exercise no
  • laurelfit57
    laurelfit57 Posts: 507 Member
    @katmary71 I have a cousin who makes sourdough bread, as well as other types of homemade bread. It is a real art form! I could never do that, I would never be able to resist eating it all!! How very kind you are to give bouquets of flowers! Your flowers are beautiful!!

    @Ambersway good for you doing a 30 minute bike ride! Wow! That was so kind of your neighbor! Are your kids planning on taking a trip somewhere?

    @trooworld haha well I really enjoyed the munchies at my daughter and son-in-law‘s place as we watched our team go down in flames. We are now out of the finals, no more Temptations of late night munchies for me.🤣 I’m glad you are starting to feel a little better. Wish you were really on the road to recovery!

    @vegan4lyfe2012 sounds and looks like you had a wonderful Mother’s Day! Love all the pictures, it is so lovely when a new generation comes along♥️

    @DJill68 I am glad that your father-in-law is doing a little better! I’m sorry you did not see a change in the scale this week, I know it can be frustrating! Fingers crossed for you on the intermittent fasting. More water is some thing I am always working on this year it seems.

    19shmoo69. I grew up on a farm where our community used to have big community dinners at different times through the year. Pies were a big part of the summer and fall dinners and I always remember with the apple pie, you were offered either ice cream on top or a slice of cheddar cheese. I think cheese on pie is a very good thing :-), although I do admit, I do prefer ice cream on my apple pie lol

    It was a great day today! I got to the gym early and got my upper body weight work done and then I did spin class! I actually lasted for the full hour 😁. I definitely modified some parts, after three weeks away I was getting very fatigued. After that we did at agility class and I had to have a few lab test done. I have been basically been on the run since 8 o’clock this morning, it is now 5 PM, I am exhausted but in a good way! Hope everybody had a great day!!
  • vegan4lyfe2012
    vegan4lyfe2012 Posts: 1,157 Member
    @19shmoo69 Oh my goodness I really hope you're able to access this link! This is me versus you :D
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,707 Member
    @AmbersWay Thank you! Oh boy sourd
    ough daily would be hard to resist! Sounds like you were spoiled yesterday, I’m glad!

    @trooworld I hope you’re better soon, I hope you show us updates of the Aerogarden with everything.

    @micaroo4 Thank you!

    @vegan4lyfe2012 Sure I’ll send you some, I’ll probably mail it this weekend, just put it on my to-do list! You have a beautiful family, everyone looks so happy aside of maybe Baby Sophie who doesn’t get this camera stuff! She DOES look very happy with you! Sounds like you had great control and the family’s learning on the gifts thank goodness, I know that’s hard.

    @DJill68 I hope your changes help with the plateau, I know even though we know it happens it still stinks when things don’t work according to the math and is extra annoying when we’re trying hard.

    @19shmoo69 I’m going to have to try that pie combination sometime. Apple pie pizza sounds fascinating, have you tried the new Indian/Italian pizza fusion combos? I think that would be pretty good. My nephews loved going to this kid pizza place called John’s Incredible Pizza and they had one with peanut butter that was SO GOOD. I should’ve never tried it! I haven’t tried the hot honey on pizza yet either.

    @laurelfit57 Thank you! Yes I’d be in trouble with sourdough around too, sounds like heaven for a little while though. Wow you tore it up in the gym, wtg! Glad you’re good exhausted, you had a great day.

    Hi team! I had trouble sleeping (pain and stress). Did a short workout then headed to the yard to get stuff done. I'm trying to plan some of my next steps but feel like I can't get to a stable point between all the things to do around the house and yard and my pain, it's pretty frustrating. Tomorrow I see an actual pain doctor at the clinic and am nervous, going to have to channel my inner zen not to lose my temper over all of this. Just got out of the tub and am going to read for a bit, have a great Tuesday everyone!

    No Zero Days
    - Healthy food under calories
    - Seated leg cardio/strength, stretching, gardening/yardwork
    - Chose yogurt with fruit as a middle-of-the-night snack instead of popcorn
    - Great water
  • AmbersWay
    AmbersWay Posts: 284 Member
    @vegan4lyfe2012 I love the family pics. A beautiful family. Your post, I can feel the happiness. You’re making me want to start telling the kids, I need grands. 😂

    I’ve known this neighbor for a good 20 years. I taught her sister in law, and met her at my students wedding. We’ve kept in touch all these years.

    @19shmoo69 cheddar and apple is a must. People missed out, not trying it. Glad you found a partner. I wanted to join but I was worried since I was still not feeling good.

    @DJill68 I feel you on still taking care of everyone. Been there doing that. You are on the right track with upping water this week. I need to do that too. I need to move more too. 😩 I’ll be cheering for both of us.

    @laurelfit57 wow you did great at the gym! An hour is brutal! I made 30 mins and was sliding off the bike like a drunk snake. 😂

    @Katmary71 sorry you’re having pain and truly hope your appointment is beneficial. You’re doing amazing though. I can’t stress enough how much your gardening posts inspire me to get moving. I hope today is a better day.

    @trooworld I hope you’re feeling better. 💐


    Yes, the kids are traveling, we all are. My son has an invitation to Houston with his professor for some research they’re doing in something to do with microbiology. So he has to update his documents. Not sure he’ll make it in time though and finals are coming. Then we’re off to Istanbul, and hopefully somewhere else fun. I think this is the last summer I may have the kids all together. I want to make the most of it. Friends and family will be coming and going too. I’m so excited!

    Have a great Tuesday!

  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,067 Member
    @vegan4lyfe2012 Thanks, I am feeling a lot better! It sounds like you had a great Mother's Day. What cute little families your children are making! I love that Ashley and Baby Sophie's outfits match! Yes, your mom does look good for 80. You look positively smitten with Sophie! <3 Oh my, vegan SPAM? You will have to tell us how you like it! My husband likes the regular SPAM. Congrats on the loss! That Facebook reel was hilarious!

    @DJill68 Thanks! No, no Rona here (I already had it but that doesn't mean it couldn't be. I took a test and it was negative!). I am feeling better though, thanks for the prayers! I'm glad your FIL is doing a bit better. I'm sorry your Mother's Day was disappointing. I'm not a mother (except to 2 doggies) but mine was disappointing too, I was left alone at home and my husband didn't even bring me any leftovers. :( I hope the scale rewards you for your efforts next week. Hugs!

    @19shmoo69 I like cheese and apples, too. I would have eaten the heck out of that pie! :D Apple pie pizza sounds interesting.

    @laurelfit57 Well...sorry about your team but I'm glad you enjoyed the munchies! I guess it's kind of good that they aren't in the finals so you don't eat more munchies? I am feeling much better today, thanks! Yay for a great day! It sounds like you were really active.

    @Katmary71 Thanks, I am feeling better! I was able to plant my Aerogarden yesterday but nothing is supposed to sprout for another week at the earliest. I will definitely post some pics! I'm sorry you didn't sleep well. I hope the stress goes away. That's good you are going to see a pain doctor, I hope they can give you some answers/suggestions.

    @AmbersWay I am feeling better, almost back to myself! Thanks. I love your traveling life! Yes, enjoy the time with your kids.

    Hi all. I am feeling much better today but still have a sore throat and a bit of fatigue so I will take one more day to recover. I pretracked my day yesterday but had something different for dinner so now I have to go back and change what I had and I'll be at peace with myself. I got 3 sets of the windchimes you see below. I hung them across my walkway in front of my condo. They are solar-powered. I love them, they make me happy!

    My phrase for the year: "Every choice is another chance to change my health for the better."

  • 19shmoo69
    19shmoo69 Posts: 1,133 Member
    @vegan4lyfe2012 that could so be us except I wouldn't be doing the choo choo train to a metal song. I bet that guy drinks decaf. Bwahahaha
  • gjaholy33
    gjaholy33 Posts: 2,626 Member
    Praise'm Praise'm Happy Tuesday evening

    I hope everyone had a productive day. I just finished eating my dinner that I meal prep last week. Utilizing the WW technique trying new foods 😋 very delish.
    Also got in a 30 min workout this morning even though AC was out and legs are swollen. Food for thought: JUST BECAUSE OBSTACLES GET IN THE WAY IS NO REASON TO STOP find a different pathway.

    So I couldn't do 50 min workout strength training but I did 30 min CAN'T STOP WON'T STOP but baby steps wins the race.


  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,707 Member
    @AmbersWay Thank you!

    @trooworld Oh the excitement of waiting for the sprouts, I seriously squeal with delight when I see something’s sprouted! I love those windchimes!

    @giaholy33 That dinner looks amazing, that’s a lot of food for 500 calories! I like the motivational food for thought, I’m dwelling on that right now.

    Not many responses today, hope you're all out there enjoying the later sun and good weather. ! I got up and did arm weights and stretching then had the pain clinic. I was there for 2.5 hours, so frustrating, thank goodness I brought my walker too. I like my new pain doctor and am glad I saw him today especially after the PA got my MRI results and I have a bunch of new herniations. You’d think I’ve been doing belly flops out of planes without a parachute versus chair cardio and gardening while seated, I’m so frustrated. Since my fusions each MRI is shocking, it was just as bad each time when my blood sugar was 450 and I stayed in bed all day and was 222lbs so I’m feeling pretty defeated, I went from 4 bulging a few years ago to 13 herniations (2 are normal and the other two are fused, cervical wasn’t done but have a feeling it’s more of the same) and most have stenosis or narrowing of the spinal canal. He wanted to deal with my pain first and wants more data on me like labs so I’m starting a med that I tried years ago to see if it helps this time. Spinal cord stimulator is out of the picture for now. I knew I was getting worse but now I’m feeling lucky I can walk at all. I’ll need to make some plans for the future and make some changes but would like to get back to the holistic group if I could find money to do it though obviously their bone supplement isn't doing it's job.

    No Zero Days
    - Great water
    - Healthy food, didn’t get lots of ice cream like I wanted since it was $8 a pint!
    - Weights, stretching, watering plants
  • FushiaKat
    FushiaKat Posts: 523 Member
    Username: FushiaKat
    Weigh-In Tuesday
    SW: 245
    Maintenance Goal 135 - 140

    PW: 136.2
    CW: 138.2

    See what chocolates and extra popcorn did. Still below the magic number of 140. I have a Wellness Exam on Friday I'm dreading. And I just scheduled my next Mammogram for early next month.

    I just learned how to cook corn on the cob in the microwave. I had an ear with my Taco Lettuce Wraps for lunch, it was delicious.
  • Cornanda
    Cornanda Posts: 1,023 Member
    @Katmary71 - sorry you got such bad news about your back. I think of you often and pray for your health.
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,067 Member
    @gjaholy33 Good job trying something new and meal-prepping! Dinner looks yummy.

    @Katmary71 Ha! I loved when I saw the last batch sprout. I can't wait! Thanks, I love those chimes! I'm so sorry that it wasn't good news at the pain clinic. I hope the new doctor can come up with a plan for you. You continue to be an inspiration to me! Hugs!

    Wow, it is quiet around here! Hi everyone. I'm back to my old self. I am going to work today. I've been tracking the past few days. Need to work on my water. I got a lot of exercise in yesterday via housework. Have a great day!

    My phrase for the year: "Every choice is another chance to change my health for the better."
  • DJill68
    DJill68 Posts: 63 Member
    @Katmary71 I’m literally still processing your back results! I can’t even imagine the pain! I had a spinal fusion of L4-S1 and I was in so much pain prior to surgery. I literally cried all the time. Surgery was no joke either. They went throw my belly to get to my back! Praise God it worked! They said the discs above it would be next, but hallelujah not yet. I’m sure by now you’ve had facet injections. They didn’t help me. I’m have you in my prayers girl! You deserve a medal for continuing to exercise!
  • DJill68
    DJill68 Posts: 63 Member
    I’ve got the crud. Sore throat, ears hurt, cough, muscle aches and fatigue. Strangely no fever. Being lazy but still watching my food and water. Other than my morning coffee, I guess I was already doing intermittent fasting and didn’t know it. Now I am just waiting a little longer in the morning before having coffee.
  • 19shmoo69
    19shmoo69 Posts: 1,133 Member
    I had the opportunity to take a business trip. I've been eating so terrible. I can tell I've undid all my work.
    Back to square one. Smh
  • Jactop
    Jactop Posts: 696 Member
    Username: Jactop
    Weight in day: Monday
    PW: 200.8
    CW: 198.8
  • Bemybestby60
    Bemybestby60 Posts: 1,688 Member
    Jactop wrote: »
    Username: Jactop
    Weight in day: Monday
    PW: 200.8
    CW: 198.8

    Congratulations on your weight loss.
  • Bemybestby60
    Bemybestby60 Posts: 1,688 Member
    May 10 weigh-in was 186 lbs
    May 17 weigh-in is 187 lbs.
    I have definitely been distracted on my caloric intake along wih tracking. No excuses. My blood pressure readings 3 times in the morning for 3 months. And ✔️ ✅️ it has been done.
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