Mission Slimpossible Team Chat - MAY 2023



  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,067 Member
    @DJill68 Oh no! I'm sorry you are sick. Feel better soon!

    @19shmoo69 It's hard to stay on the path when you go on a business trip, that always undoes me. Make your next bite of food a healthy one and go from there. You've got this.

    @Jactop Way to go!

    Hi all. There will be more housework this morning (we are getting ready for an appraiser to come to assess our condo this morning). We aren't selling, we are trying to get rid of our PMI (private mortgage insurance) and have to prove we have at least 20% equity in our home. This is really just a formality as our place has increased quite a bit since we bought it in 2019. I have been tracking lately, yesterday was day 3. I've also started weighing myself daily again. My weight is really sensitive to carbs and I just have to keep in mind the once-a-week number is what matters.

    My phrase for the year: "Every choice is another chance to change my health for the better."
  • tfelts147
    tfelts147 Posts: 45 Member
    Username: tfelts147
    Checkin: Thursday
    PW: 227.6
    CW: 226.2

    I lost a little of what I gained the previous week. Unfortunately, I've not been able to workout like usual. I messed up my knee again and have been in quite a bit of pain when walking.... it is slowly getting better.
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,708 Member
    @DJill68 Did you have the interbody fusion? I had those same levels fused and had a previous disc excision that left a lot of scar tissue so the first day they went through the abdomen and removed the discs and put the rods in screws in via the back two days later. Those surgeries weren’t fun, I’m sorry you’ve been through that. I’m thinking now I couldn’t go through another year recovery. Oh no, I hope you feel better fast! You’re going to start fasting then? I don’t eat breakfast but like creamer in my coffee or I’d be able to do it too, I may have to try to kick creamer again.

    @19shmoo69 It’s not square one because you know what to do, get back to it now that you’re home and don’t beat yourself up, you got this!

    @BeMyBestby60 You got this!

    @trooworld Good news on the price increase, I hope everything goes well today.

    @tfelts147 You’re going in the right direction, you could always be a little up because of knee inflammation as well.

    Hi team! I had two friends over yesterday for dinner so didn’t get on last night, calories were over with dessert and wine. My neighbor left the cheesecake too, I tried to get them to take some. I didn’t work out yesterday aside of cleaning and am real stiff right now so I’m going to at least stretch today. I’m getting my roots touched up later and am not looking forward to the drive but really like him so it’s worth it. Think things with Bill have run their course but we’ll see, I’m not sure if he’s going downhill again or just being a jerk.

    No Zero Days
    - Great water
    - Good times with friends
  • laurelfit57
    laurelfit57 Posts: 507 Member
    @vegan4lyfe that tea versus coffee video is hilarious!

    @katmary71 I am so truly very sorry to hear the results of your MRI, I am sending huge hugs your way♥️. I’m glad that you like your pain doctor, I am hoping that he can come up with a realistic treatment plan for you that will help. I am sure thinking about you and sending many many good thoughts, your way. I think you totally deserve to go over with the wine and dessert! I am sorry that Bill is going downhill/being a jerk that is not what you need right now.

    @trooworld so glad you are feeling better. I love love love those windchimes! Good for you on the tracking! I find if I don’t weigh myself daily, that is definitely when I can get into trouble, I am also sensitive to carbs, it’s super annoying because I love carbs 🤣🥴

    @gjaholy33 your dinner looks delicious!! What is a garlic mash? Good for you that you did 30 minutes of weight training that can be super challenging to do!

    DJill68 sorry you’re not feeling well, hopefully it won’t last long!

    19shmoo69 oh, I hope that the food was at least good, travelling is tough on the meal plan! Every day is a new day to start over again.

    The beginning of the week was crazy here, the wind shifted, and we had the smoke settle in from the wildfires, the air was a 10+ rating, (which is as high as it gets). I am not typically really that bothered by the smoke, this time was different, at times it had sort of a chemical smell to it. I would just take Vannie for a walk around the block and it got me coughing. Yesterday morning we started out with it being so smoky, but by the evening it was actually beautiful outside, and the smoke cleared off. We were definitely all out, enjoying the clean fresh air, there was so many people out walking lol. I have been to the gym three times this week, got in 2 spin classes, did weights twice and did a yoga class! I am really taking it easy, but so glad to be back at the gym!
    I can’t remember who it was who got the stretching thing started, but I am thankful that they did. I am continuing to stretch every day and then trying to get into yoga stretch classes a week, it is really helping. I have been tracking all week and stayed within limits, I really want to get off these last few pounds.
    Yesterday I went out with a girlfriend to a small town about an hour away from here that has a really cute ladies boutique. I’ve got a super cute summer dress that is reversible and it has pockets, what more can one ask for in life?? I wasn’t going to get any new summer clothes until I was that goal but I couldn’t resist
  • DJill68
    DJill68 Posts: 63 Member
    Feeling worse. Covid negative but can’t smell anything. My head is so plugged up my eye balls, teeth and ears hurt. I have a fever now too. Quarantined anyway, just in case.

  • DrewsAnna
    DrewsAnna Posts: 323 Member
    Weigh in Thursday
    PW 159.3
    CW 161.1

    I've been way off track. I'm trying to get back, taking it slow, baby steps.
  • micaroo4
    micaroo4 Posts: 3,223 Member
    @DJill68 - sorry you are sick. When I had covid, I had symptoms for 3 days before it showed up as a positive test result. My latest cold-like illness is RSV. The nurse told me that in older people :/ (thanks) the cough can last for 2-4 weeks. She also told me that I'm contagious for the entire time that I have symptoms. I've had the cough for 2 weeks now. It's much better than it was on week #1, but it just lingers on and on.

  • AmbersWay
    AmbersWay Posts: 284 Member
    @DJill68 I hope you feel better soon. I lost my sense of taste and smell too. I didn’t test, I just stayed quarantined for 2 weeks. But what a weird feeling, I hadn’t gotten Covid before and didn’t know how losing those senses would feel so weird. I pray you recover quickly and easily 💐

  • Cornanda
    Cornanda Posts: 1,023 Member
    Friday weigh in
    PW: 172.8
    CW: 172.6

  • GabiV125
    GabiV125 Posts: 3,126 Member
    Username: GabiV125
    Check in day: Thursday
    PW: 123.1
    CW: 122.7
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,067 Member
    Username: Trooworld
    Weigh-in day: Friday
    PW: 229.2
    CW: 229.2

  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,067 Member
    @tfelts147 Congrats on the loss! I hope your knee feels better soon.

    @Katmary71 Thanks, it did! I hope you had fun with your friends. Good luck with the drive. I'm sorry about the Bill situation.

    @laurelfit57 Thank you! I love carbs, too, it IS a bummer! Wow, that smoke sounds dangerous. I'm glad it cleared up. Great job with the gym and stretching! A dress with pockets = GOLD!

    @DJill68 Oh gosh, I'm so sorry that sounds awful!

    Hi all. I maintained this week. Not what I wanted but at least it wasn't a gain. I have to go in to work today for half day, usually I work from home on Fridays. I'm just really behind and it's stressing me out.

    My phrase for the year: "Every choice is another chance to change my health for the better."
  • txcritter69
    txcritter69 Posts: 229 Member

    Sorry, I have been missing MIA. It is getting harder to jump in to see what is going on with having more time to get outdoors in the morning before it gets too hot.

    I have not had time to read any posts for a while. Will try to catch up somehow.

    Things are good, right now. I'm trying to get back in the habit of morning walks with Diesel. So far, we are on a 3 day streak. 😆 I have been struggling with my eating still, but I think all in good time is going to work out.

    So I am back with my Samsung Galaxy active watch after my Fitbit sense charger broke for the 3rd time. I'm going to order more, just not right away. I'm waiting to see what Google has in-store for fitbit. I also canceled my subscription. It is going to take some getting used to Samsung Health.
    I am hopeful that I am going to get to liking it.
  • davors19
    davors19 Posts: 293 Member
    Weigh in day: Friday
    PW: 239
    CW: 240
  • DJill68
    DJill68 Posts: 63 Member
    Hi Team, don’t give up on me. I am feeling miserable and not been able to stay on top of the comments. Spent all day in bed yesterday. Had to get other family members to take FIL to the DR. Of course he lost 5 lbs and now I am under attack for feeding him diet food! I am not feeding him diet food! We are just limiting carbs. I even fix him extra sides with carbs. I’m pissed, but feel too crappy to argue.
    Had a telehealth visit a few mins ago and got an antibiotic and steroid. Hopefully I will be feeling better soon!
  • AmbersWay
    AmbersWay Posts: 284 Member
    Congrats to everyone who has had a loss this week! And to those of us hanging in there.

    @trooworld glad you’re feeling better. Maintaining is great 😊

    @txcritter69 glad to see you back more. Enjoy exploring Samsung. My friend loved hers.

    @micaroo4 I hope you feel better soon. 💐

    @Katmary71 reading about both of your ladies backs blows my mind. I really send my best wishes for you both to get relief. I’m sorry about things with Bill. Dinner with friends sounds fun.

    Hi all!

    Well, it’s been a slow week. Up and down energy. Random drowning feeling in my chest although I’m feeling much better. So I am taking things slowly. No workouts, walking in my room a bit.
    I did go out with my eldest to a jewelry exhibition and ended with with coffee and dessert last night. Ate half a brownie and brought half home for my youngest. It was a nice treat.
    The exhibition was put of this world. The first necklace my daughter looked at, was gorgeous. Full diamonds, detachable pieces, a knock out. Asked how much, $700,000!!! I choked and dragged her away. I ended up on the events social media. I’m donating my dress, it has a nice flow but isn’t flattering from behind! Thanks to the event for showing me that!! 😂 I swear they always get me in the worst positions and then friends send me the pics. In other news, I need a job with jewelry, how fun!

    I’m back to taking my youngest to school and my doggies are so happy. Morning snack time is back. They walk me to the car, then wait for me to get back to get snacks. It’s all love and cuddles. I love them 😍
  • shaunarlr83
    shaunarlr83 Posts: 374 Member
    ⚖️WEIGH IN⚖️

    Weigh day Monday
    Previous weight - 167.8
    Current weight - 171.4

    I have no idea where this week went! It was stressful and y’all know I deal with stress by sleeping, work has been crazy too so it flew by and I’m truly sorry for being so late again with weigh in. I’ll get with the program soon.

    Mother’s Day was a bust also, I had a migraine all night the night before and just slept all day, didn’t see either of my kids but my daughter dropped off a basket of goodies the day before, I did hike 14 miles Monday but the rest of my time was spent eating every morsel of candy she left me (4 bags) plus an entire box of vanilla wafers for dinner one night and then I slept and slept and slept. I’ve been doing a bit better since going back to work Wednesday but I haven’t resisted the treats in the snack room very well.

    Daughter wants to get back to the gym and I’m hiking with my brother this weekend so I’ll have a better weigh come Monday I swear! I’ll catch up more soon!
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,708 Member
    @laurelfit57 Thank you, I appreciate your support. I’m so glad the smoke cleared up by nightfall, it can affect our health more than we think having smoke around (I’m in Northern CA). You’ve done awesome with the exercise this week, woot woot! I’m not sure either who started stretching but recall @Coranda and @micaroo4 also being in on it I believe but I’m still stretching too and doing my side situps and planks from that time period, thanks for being part of that since it worked for us! I’m so glad you got the dress!

    @DJill68 Smart to still quarantine, I hope you’re feeling better fast! We aren’t giving up on you, you’re part of our family now! I hope the antibiotic and steroid work fast for you.

    @DrewsAnna Give me your hand so I can yank you back up here! Anything we can do to help you out? A challenge perhaps?

    @trooworld Thank you. I hope you’re able to get caught up soon, I get stressed when I’m behind as well.

    @Ttxcritter69 Great to see you! Way to go on the walks!

    @AmbersWay What an awesome night with your daughter and jewelry, coffee, and brownies! A job with jewelry would be amazing, I want to come work for you then! I watched this seminar by a metalworker who makes chunky gemstone jewelry and had an email for another class starting today, they're so fun to watch but I don't have $1000 to be one of her students!

    @shaunarlr83 Great to see you tonight! That was sweet of your daughter to drop off a basket, your celebrations this month aren’t going well are they? Have a wonderful time working out with the family, I’m sure you can’t wait for that hike and I’m looking forward to the photos!

    Hi team! I planted seeds at the greenhouse this morning for about 2 hours with the food bank farm manager. I'm glad he has that position, he's a lot of fun and has great ideas and enthusiasm, I liked the last manager but his heart wasn't in it whereas this one is a blast plus we're similar in a lot of ways. I’d put money aside and spent it forgetting it was for the handyman staining the fence and had to run out and take all my recycling in and go to Coinstar with coins to get some money for it (what’s worse is I’m getting marijuana tea with it that I just ordered and am picking up Sunday but that's our secret!), I need to go with my neighbor to get the stain tomorrow then the handyman is coming next week to do it. Luckily my micro current is on it’s way back thank goodness, I could use some relief soon! This new medication is exhausting me and makes me real hot, I’m going to try cutting back my sleeping pill so I’m not so tired tonight. I hadn’t gotten in all the squash/cukes/melons/winter squash as I’d planned to do them in storage bins with bottles in the bottoms to use less dirt but don’t think I’m up for getting more bags of dirt to the backyard now so I’m throwing them where I can and will take the rest to the farm or plant stands. Bill’s back in the hospital and I don’t feel like talking about it. I’m going to try to go to the farm tomorrow for a little bit but plan on mostly resting and getting the rest of the flowers in, somehow I planted over 50 calendula seeds. Have a great Saturday!

    No Zero Days
    - Great water
    - Leg strength, stretching, greenhouse/gardening
    - Healthy food under calories (aside of cheesecake and a coffee drink)
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