Senior Golden Sneakers



  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    Yes, happy 4th of July!

    Our heatwave starts today to celebrate. It rained all morning yesterday but the sun came out in the afternoon for MJs birthday. They went to a posh restaurant in vineyard country to celebrate. I stayed home still struggling with what on earth to eat. Quite a problem as I peer into my almost empty fridge. Better than the alternative though. I rather be on a restricted diet than suffer the results of eating something I once enjoyed. It was a holiday because Canada Day fell on the Saturday.

    Not much point in reporting on the pound a week club because I’ve lost 6 lb so far. All not bad though, now I know what causes the problem I can start getting out and about again.

    I think I will have new neighbours again soon. Much activity going on in the form of various vans connecting things up, cable etc. The poor lady who ended up with Harry’s house can’t seem to sell it to some other poor soul.

    One thing for sure I no longer feel ready for a senior home as my health improves and especially as the home I was interested in appears to have a Mexican day for food! Beans definitely not in my future, lol.
    So life is good here in Canada and hopefully will get better. Last of the summer “whines” from me.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,293 Member
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,293 Member
    Happy Tuesday/ 4th of July! 😀. Heading home today and hope I don’t hit too much traffic but will just take it easy.
    Enjoy your day,
    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,384 Member
    edited July 2023
    Happy day everyone!


    Drive safely Sandy.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,293 Member
    Home safe and sound and I think I was right to choose this day because there wasn't a lot of traffic. I however messed up with my navigation but still got home in pretty good time.
    Happy 4th! I am exhausted as I woke at 6am and couldn't go back to sleep and drove 6 hours. Rob asked if I wanted to come for a BBQ but I declined because I am tired of driving and too tired.

    Will check in tomorrow.
    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,384 Member
    edited July 2023
    Glad you’re home safely Sandy.

    It has been a sorting, listing, and selling day for me. Yippee! And I am tired even though I haven’t done much of consequence. 😄

    Bit by bit.

    Take care everyone.


  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,897 Member
    Hello! Last night I posted a chatty comment or two but it seems to have disappeared. You’ll never know because I can’t repeat it all, except to say Les was of good cheer, looked remarkably well and steady on his feet. He hates his walking frame so refuses to use it because being tall, it makes him stoop. It’s his birthday next week when I think he will be 96!

    It remains cooler but feels pleasant to me and the occasional rain shower is just what my beans and peas need. I’ve been sneezing and snuffling for a couple of months because the pollen count has been so high. It’s unusual for me to react to this extent but the good news is that the bees won’t go hungry. When I opened up my greenhouse this morning I found a small bumblebee crawling across the floor so picked her up and sat her on a Crocosmia flower in the garden. There were droplets of rain for her to drink before she put her face into the pollen. No sneezing from her though!
    I’m determined to get some housework done this afternoon and that requires me ignoring the Wimbledon tennis tournament. I see the Williams sisters are still playing in their 40’s. Me? I would sit back and enjoy the millions I earned!

    My lunch snack and coffee are finished so time to drag out the vacuum cleaner. Hopefully this post won’t whiz off into the ether!
    Jackie 🥰

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,293 Member
    Happy Wednesday! :) I got a good night's sleep and feel good. I plan of going to pool today before the rain comes. I had a great time in Ohio and being with my son and his finance, next time I will stay longer. Bryanna coming to do my hair tonight, trying to get ready for the reunion next week.

    Anne, I self diagnosed myself with IBS and ordered some IBS pills from Amazon which helped but now take Align. I have to stay away from dairy, caffeine and some veggies. I have better days than others but for the most part it all seems to help.

    Have a great day everyone.
    One Day at a Time
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,165 Member
    :) We made it through the night of fireworks. Bessie heard them starting at 8PM and moved to sleep on the floor on my side of the bed. I played music on my phone until the fireworks ended about midnight. She slept soundly once I started the music but I was awake until after her regular 12:30 AM walk. I'm a bit sleepy today but it's no big deal.

    :) We found the car we want to buy. Now we have to wait for the woman who is buying our car to get her money and pass it on to us. The dealer is holding the car with a thousand dollar deposit. We are very excited.

    <3 Barbie
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,293 Member
    Happy Thursday! :) Meeting today but that's about all. Bryanna came and did my hair and vacuumed for me. She is going to Mexico with her mom and sister Saturday until next Friday. She will join us at the reunion Sunday to Monday. Should be a fun week as long as no politics are brought up.

    Barbie, congratulations on the car is it all electric or a hybrid? My son has a 9 month old German Shepard girl named Liebe which means love. My son's neighbors had a big party on July 3 and they were shooting off fireworks from their back yard from firecrackers to roman candles. I was sitting on double wide recliner chair and Liebe was laying next to me. All of a sudden it seemed the whole house shock and what sounded like a bomb scared us all. I jumped, my son jumped and Liebe jumped and ran around the house terrified. She wanted nothing to do with me because I think she thought I made the noise.
    She went to the bedroom and hid almost behind the bed, Gwen went in and held her and put a pillow on her head. I told my son to close all the windows turn the A/C on and blast the TV. Finally Liebe got on top of the bed and they put a cricket nose maker on as loud as they could and laid with her until she fell asleep. She wouldn't even go out to go potty. I have never seen a dog so terrified as she was. They did call the police but all they did was drive by and did nothing. The good thing is that she did like me again the next morning and gave me my kisses.

    Have a great day everyone, I think our storms are over for a few days.
    One Day at a Time
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,165 Member
    :)Sandy We really didn't need a car at all. Our 2017 Subaru has just over 20,000 miles and is in exceptionally good condition (kept in a garage and driven carefully by old people) so the only reason I could stop replace it was to buy an electric car and be pioneers in helping the environment. We had long hand wringing discussions, Jake watched lot of YouTube videos and searched car dealers on the internet before we found what we wanted and could afford. Then my Sunday walking friend asked if she could buy our car. She and Jake agreed on a price and got her commitment to drive us to Seattle to pick up the car we wanted. So next Thursday she'll have the cash to pay for our Subaru and on Friday she'll drive us to Seattle to pick up the 2018 Tesla Model 3 that found online and agreed to buy

  • virruth
    virruth Posts: 169 Member
    edited July 2023
    Well here it is Thursday and the last week has flown by. Lo has a cleaner come every two weeks and she came a week ago but it seems like yesterday. We worked on the planting bed, trimming dwarf palm trees, weeding, deadheading, etc. did laundry, groceries, etc. we were planning a very quiet long weekend over our Fourth Holiday. Then my son and DiL decided to drive down, which was a surprise because they hate hot weather and we are experiencing triple digits.😲. They live in Silicon Valley and were here in a couple of hours. They brought their pool chairs, los of sun screen and fresh pineapple. Deb had on hand ingredients for her salsa and 7 layer dip. We ended up spending all the time we could in the refreshing pool. I even did my water aerobics and closed my rings. We enjoyed the jacuzzi without warming it at all, just turned the jets on. It helped Chas back. We played progressive rummy with a special deck of cards - in the house, with AC on and ceiling fans going full on. Ordered pizza. So my heart doc appt is next month and I must have eaten my sat fat goal for the whole month. So now back to doing better.
    Barbie, big congrats on your HOT new Tesla…good for you.
    My other SiL bough an all electric I think it was a Hyundai
    Sandy, what a night with Liebe! I sure hope your reunion is all the fun it shoulf be and politics talk is taboo….our family has that situation….we have to be very careful not to utter anything that will turn unto political discussion. Difficult cuz we are very opinionated and luv debate!
    Well sipping my unsweetened iced tea. Going to the library - online. I am in between books. Since I read ebooks on my Ipad, its istantaneous and I luv that.
    Hi to all, Anne, Barbie, Diane, Jackie, Lin, Patsy, Sandy
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,293 Member
    Barbie, love your new car!! Enjoy! <3
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,165 Member
    :)Joy there are lots of electric cars and we spent more than a year researching and debating what car manufacturer to choose 😀 I am a fan of e books. I check them out from the library and love that if I finish a book in the middle of the night I can return it and get a new one immediately 😺
  • virruth
    virruth Posts: 169 Member
    Barbie, I love that middle of the night stuff too. Its really great if I cant go back to sleep after my pee break. I prop up the pillows again and go back to the library. Plus, I am one of those that look up cities, museums, etc with one touch of my finger. I go to word definitions, Google Earth, or if its a song, to Apple music, Wiki, etc. I feel so immersed in the story.
    My BFF loves the feel of actual books. But I will never go back.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,384 Member
    edited July 2023
    Good evening. Nothing of interest here. A trip to the grocery store, some correspondence with friends and once again, sorting out things. I have many binders full of materials assembled in each class I have attended. Coloring, alcohol markers, how to use digital stamps, and many many more. I am keeping very little of this material. I have two binders of projects colored with colored pencils, markers, or gel pens. I haven’t thrown out any of that yet. I am sure their day will come.

    Barbie, exciting car news. I hope it is everything you you want. The color is beautiful.

    Joy, it sounds as though you are remaining comfortable regardless of the temperature. Excellent.

    Sandy, where is the upcoming reunion?

    Jackie, we have more pleasant temperatures right now and we were told the air would no longer smell like smoke with this change in the weather. Lies! I was out sneezing this morning, just the same as the last few weeks. I did get everything watered and picked green beans again.

    Hello to everyone I have missed. Be safe.



  • virruth
    virruth Posts: 169 Member
    Lin, luv the tea set
  • OhDD65
    OhDD65 Posts: 184 Member
    Where did time go ? That weekend quickly flew by. Many neighbors in the surrounding areas went all out with fireworks this year. Our community had their usually barbeque and firework display, plus the golf cart parade where many decorated their carts. Down a road there was a fire of 50 acres before it was put out. The FD was Johnny on the spot as were the Police Depts too. With what seemed like more fireworks than usual it was no surprise some illegals got set off too. No homes burnt so thankful for that.

    My husbands appt for some new hearing aids was yesterday and he is really happy with them. I made my trip to the lab for more blood work. On the way home we stopped to see some old neighbors from 3 houses ago. It was really nice to catch up with them as it had been quite a while. Being dinner time we stopped at our favorite Chinese food place; it had been quite a while going there. Now I am pushing water to get this salt out of my system.

    We had our meeting at the clubhouse with the committee that approves our paint colors for the upcoming paint job. Many things got instantly approved. Ours was the last one, which because we wanted to paint our shutters the color of our front door created an issue. Not just 2 people had to approve it like they did with the others, but there had to be a major vote on it by 20 people. Such a relief when they all approved it. The painters are due here next week and there wasn't going to be another approval meeting for a month.

    Hot, hot, hot here in the 90-100s this week. Other than the above fire so fair so good with no fires around here. I feel for you Lin. I know exactly what you are dealing with with all of your smoke from the northern fires. are those fires affecting you ?

    Love your car Barbie. Very popular in our area. It seems every yuppie has to own one now. Now if they would only drive the speed limit.

    Hello to Jackie, Sandy, Joy and anyone else I may have missed.

    Take care everyone

  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,897 Member
    Good morning. I was up early to visit our Aldi supermarket and as i walked through the doors heard a call out for the manager to attend the self service section. That’s new! Last week there was a row of 8 checkouts manned by staff so oh dear, more machinery taking over people’s jobs. With a trolley full of items I headed for the last of the regular checkouts but wonder when they will disappear!
    Sheila visited me yesterday for a coffee and we chatted about all sorts. Compared notes on the unexpected rain that had dampened our washing hanging on our lines! The sun did appear later so all the towels I had out did dry and I’m guessing Sheila’s bedding did too. We are going to meet at the post office tomorrow for our usual treat.
    I have begun to find spots to plant my selection of perennials bought last week and will continue that pleasant task later today. I’m now going to take George and Betty for a late walk. It is bright and shouldn’t rain so I have more washing out to dry.

    Green beans Lin! You are way ahead of me. 👩🏻‍🌾

    Happy Friday everyone. I haven’t weighed Sandy! 🙃
    Jackie 🥰
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,293 Member
    edited July 2023
    Happy Friday! :) Meeting Lisa's mom at Lisa's and taking them to lunch with the kiddos. Her mom leaves for Florida tomorrow as Lisa's dad is having a kidney procedure done on the 11th. His kidney cancer came back but they caught it early and he should be fine according to the doctors.
    My daughter and I are trying to get all the food and drinks needed for the reunion next week. Everyone is taking a night to make dinner for all but we still need breakfast and lunch supplies. She is such a good organizer that all I will have to do is pay. Since my SIL is paying so much for the Airbnb I don't want her to have to pay for anything else. Kristy and Carl had to pay for airfare so I don't expect them to pay for supplies except for their dinner for the group.

    Jackie, I will weigh in tomorrow as well.

    Where is our dear Anne? Have I missed her posts?

    Have a good day everyone.
    One Day at a Time
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,165 Member
    :)Lin, I have several boxes and a huge binder labeled "Crafts" All I'm doing now is knitting so I should discard a lot of the stuff, but I have resisted.

    :)Diane, it is so dry here that I worried about fires with the fireworks. I didn't hear about any fires, but there were too many fireworks. Poor Bessie has had three nights disturbed by the booming sounds. Glad you got your paint color approved. We had to deal with that with our house.

    :)Sandy, You are such an asset to any event you assist. Everyone benefits from your participation.

    :)Jackie, We use grocery pick up primarily so we don't have to deal with the self service checkout.

    <3 Barbie

  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,897 Member
    It’s bedtime for me and I’m sure I will sleep well after a busy afternoon in the garden. I even managed to get all the grass cut in spite of the temperature suddenly taking off into high figures. Peter, the man I contacted about giving a quote for repointing the stonework on the front of my cottage, turned up to measure and see exactly what’s needed. Sometimes you just know you can trust someone and he seems honest and certainly knows his subject so fingers crossed, I can afford him.

    A funny thing happened when I was driving yesterday. My car is a French Citroen but configured to drive in the Uk but suddenly, as I drove, it had a patriotic brainstorm and switched to French language and from miles on the speedometer to kilometres. There are no instructions in the handbook so I checked on the internet and apparently it’s happened to quite a few Citroen drivers but thankfully I found an explanation to reconfigure the engine and for now am back in England!

    Wow Sandy, you are organised and busy. I seem to have missed what the reunion is about and would love to hear more.

    Off to bed for me.
    Jackie 😴
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,293 Member
    edited July 2023
    Jackie, it is a family reunion requested by my ex SIL who I call my SIL. She is 87 (I think) and lives in Arizona. She wanted to get as much as the family together as she could so she rented an AIRBNB at a lake about 1 1/2 hours from my house. She is financially well off and spent 10K for the house for a week and is charging no one. She is also flying my granddaughter to Arizona to fly with her to Chicago first class and then return with her back to Arizona. Not everyone is coming and they will be coming and going but she really wants to see the little kids and most of them will be there even if just for a day.
    She is very generous and that is why I want to help with the other expenses as I am the next oldest.
    It should be a great visit with lots of activities and game nights. The house is beautiful, take a look.
    It is near the lake and we have two events we are going to, one a dancing horse and the second a two hour boat tour around Lake Geneva. I am sure a lot of swimming as well especially with the kids.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,384 Member
    edited July 2023
    Good evening. I am left speechless after viewing that house at Lake Geneva! Sandy, it is wonderful! I have never stayed in such a lovely home. I hope everyone enjoys the get together!! If they do not have a good time, the setting cannot be a factor.

    So back in poor town, I worked on sorting things again today and did some looking closely at my DVDs as I have purchased collections of various TV series over the years during Amazon Prime Day(s) and/or Black Friday. I was especially keen on purchasing these as you may remember I had horrible Internet connection was unavailable quite frequently over a number of years.

    I signed up for 2-months each of BritBox and PBS Masterpiece. At 99 cents a month, I couldn’t pass that up. But I don’t want to spend hours of my subscription time on programs that I own. And I did a bit of rearranging, Morse and Lewis are now side by side on one of the shelves. Someday, I hope to purchase Endeavor as well.

    It was cool here today and we actually got enough rain to get the downspouts wet. 😂🤣😂

    Sleep well everyone.



  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    edited July 2023
    Hello. Well it’s been all go here for me what with vet visits, doctor and tests visits and most exciting of all me, the family and of course Jilly are going to view a couple of apartments in the independent retirement home I’ve fancied for years. It has great reviews and it’s built sort of in a square or oblong with many of the apartments opening onto the most beautiful well established large private garden. I’ll try and post a picture if I decide it’s the place for me and Jilly Bean. We’d prefer a ground floor outer apartment though so Jilly can get out through the French windows early in a morning. It’s only two stories and has only 90 residents at full capacity. I’m quite enthusiastic about this hopeful change in later life and can’t wait to get painting awful pictures in the craft room. No cooking either after all these years. My mom hated cooking so I was introduced to baking at quite a tender age. Anyway wish me luck girls because I know the gardeners in the home can do a bit of weeding and plant annual window boxes etc. Of course my scant savings and pension will only last a few years but the boys tell me not to worry if this is what I want. Oh my, what if I live to be a hundred plus, lol. At that age the boys will be joining me.

    The young can’t afford to buy homes here in the Toronto area so I’m hopeful grandson Derek and Bev will move into the old homestead because I love this little house so much. She’s a hundred this year and come to think of it, we’ve been in Canada for 50 years on the 27th July.

    So ladies if all is quiet on the Annsie front right now I haven’t snuffed it, just a little preoccupied with what furniture I can take as I’m sure Derek won’t want anything, me being old fashioned in taste!

    We are having a heatwave here. Enjoy your Saturday,
  • virruth
    virruth Posts: 169 Member
    Oh, Anne, I much enjoyed the update on your housing. Fingers crossed it all works out for you.
  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    Thank you JOY. I’m crossing everything as well!
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,293 Member
    edited July 2023
    Happy Saturday! :) Cloudy day for the pool so I am going to run a few errands. I had my family zoom call at noon and now waiting for the pharmacy to open after their lunch break. Trying to get everything done for the reunion next Friday. I will also go to 4:30 Mass so I can enjoy the pool all day tomorrow, they are promising a beautiful day.

    Anne, the place you are talking about sounds wonderful. I do hope you can get accepted and will adore the new home. Your boys are very good to you and take good care of you, you should be so proud.
    Did you get any answers from your tests?

    I got up very early today to drive Lisa's mom to the airport so it is a lazy kind of day for me other than doing some laundry.

    Have a great day.
    One Day at a Time
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,897 Member
    Wow Sandy, the pictures of the home you will be staying in are wonderful, like something out of Southfork or Dallas! Spoil yourselves and have a brilliant time.

    This morning I didn’t walk far with George and Betty because it was hot and humid, then drove to the post office on the moors to meet Sheila except she didn’t arrive. I phoned her and discovered she had left a message on my landline while I was walking to tell me she had a terrible night with back pain and thought it unwise to drive. Instead I visited her on my way back home and when I left an hour later she seemed more cheerful. Lots of gardening this afternoon that left me requiring painkillers for my back by the time I finished but my first batch of homegrown mange tout was a treat!

    Gosh Anne, you are becoming a veritable will she, won’t she but I’m sure everyone will make the right decision for you in the end.

    It looks like tomorrow will be rainy but apart from dropping off a birthday card and some pulled rhubarb for my friend Christine, I’ve no other plans.

    Enjoy the rest of the day.
    Jackie 🥰
  • virruth
    virruth Posts: 169 Member
    Sandy, I just was able to look at your rental…..its astonishing. Very generous aunt you have. Hope its a grand old time for all.
    Jackie, glad you had chance to cheer up your friend in pain. So you grow rhubarb…do you make pie. My aunt made them with strawberries.
    Have a good weekend.