Daily Eating on a Budget Chat



    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,646 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    Today has been another great and productive day. All exercise completed, did dishes, laundry, dusting, yard work, and played Skipbo with Hubby. Also did some reading and got my check list ready for tomorrow. Tomorrow will be a busy day and it will be interesting to see if I get most of what I planned done.

    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,646 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    Didn't make it in last night as my phone was being silly. Yesterday was a more relaxed day than planned. Went to Church, did a little strength exercise, went to my meeting and did some reading. Today was better. Got all my workouts done, did dishes, laundry, reading played Skipbo with Hubby and visited with a friend.

    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,646 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    Today has been a cooler beautiful day. The scale at TOPS was kind to me today and recognized my hard work this week. I am down 2.5 lbs! Back below 200 again. Also went for a walk to and from the grocery store, did laundry, played Skipbo with Hubby, read and did some step-ups. Got frustrated by the neighbors upstairs but not much I can do about them taking over the backyard with a huge trampoline. Also had a little drama at TOPS. But I vented and feel better about it. It is what it is. Ready for tomorrow.

    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,646 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    Today has been a great day! Completed all my workouts, did dishes, laundry, yard work, played Skipbo with Hubby, and I even did some jogging in place even though it was only for just over a minute.

    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,646 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    Today started out beautiful. The rain moved in late this afternoon so had to run out and take the second load of laundry off the line before it was dry. At least they weren't dripping anymore. Went for my walk this morning. Then went to Son's Dr. appointment, dollar store, bank and grocery store. By the time I got home I was tired and talked myself out of my workouts. Also did dishes besides the laundry and played Skipbo with Hubby.

    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,646 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    Today has been a great day! All workouts done, did dishes, laundry, dusting, read and played Skipbo with Hubby. Also did some creeping charlie weeding in the front lawn. We are in a sever thunderstorm watch and warning for the night. Tomorrow will be another busy day as I have to walk to the farmers market for grape tomatoes and have to make pasta Greek salad for my family reunion on Sunday besides my usual scheduled programming.

    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,646 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    Today has been hot and humid. Didn't sleep well last night with tornado warnings in Michigan and storms here. Went for my walk and then walked to and from the farmers market. Did some laundry, dishes, played Wii sports with Hubby for multiple hours and started my Greek pasta salad for tomorrow. No strength today.

    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,646 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    This week has been busy. Sunday was my family reunion and had a great time even in the heat.tst4zapno53l.jpg I am the one in the pink and black tank top. Helping my little cousins and nephew play hot potato. Monday went with Son to doctor appointment in the morning. Then went to my own doctor appointment. Was put on muscle relaxer for my shoulder as I am still struggling with some pain, have to get blood work, and booked an appointment for ECG and echocardiogram. Also had a volunteer information night for the Harrow fair. Tuesday went to TOPS. Gained back most of the weight that I lost the week before. In the afternoon was my ECG and echocardiogram. Wednesday was exercise and visiting friends. Today was exercise, food bank, and working on catching up on chores. Tomorrow should be more normal I hope.
  • the_frugal_chef
    the_frugal_chef Posts: 431 Member
    Hey strangers!

    I started a new opportunity at the end of June and have been quite productive. I can work from home. However, I do not get lazy.

    I began a new sandwich obsession! Black beans and mayonnaise on toast! The other day, I ate 2 1/2 pieces!


    Have a good evening and be good! Hugs!
  • the_frugal_chef
    the_frugal_chef Posts: 431 Member
    I prepared yet another batch of Spaghetti Salad! A very frugal meal! Simply, a pound of spaghetti, vegetables and Italian dressing.

    I had alot of Spaghetti Salad for lunch today.


    For dinner, a roommate prepared some mac and cheese.

    It was a pasta day!

    I have been drinking Arnold Palmers all day to quench my thirst.


    Now, I need a few mochas!
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,646 Member
    Good Morning Everyone!

    Life has been crazy. Life has mainly consisted of eat, sleep, school and TOPS rally. Now it's just consisting of eat, sleep and school. I am doing really we in class so far. But will get a bit tougher soon. Made some new friends there as well. The intervention didn't go as planned as no one but myself and my friend where we were holding it was there. He did stay clean for a bit but then got back into it. Sunday was the day he got caught. I gave him an ultimatum to either give me the drugs or leave. He chose neither. So I am done trying to get through to him. I have more or less checked out of the relationship. But unfortunately have to stay there for the foreseeable future as I can't afford to be out on my own at this time and refuse to couch surf. He thinks everything is fine between us LoL. I have no problem letting him believe it as it keeps the peace in the house.

    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,646 Member
    Good Morning Everyone!

    Making a quick stop in to say Hi before class. Not getting home till late tonight as I am going to a night TOPS group since unable to be at my own group for now. I know several of the members and am looking forward to it even if I am a little nervous.
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,646 Member
    Good Morning Everyone!

    Sorry I missed checking in yesterday had to study for a quiz on the way to class.

    Really enjoy the TOPS group I am visiting for several weeks. Was highest loser runner up which I was not expecting. I know several of the members from other events so it feels like I am part of the family already. I am carrying a 93 in class right now and very proud of that. Have a pretty busy schedule this weekend. But stayed up late last night hanging with friends.

    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,646 Member
    Good Morning Everyone!

    Yesterday completed homework, and spent the afternoon and evening with friends. We have one friend that has shown me some interest. I enjoy the attention but not ready to go past that stage. Need to get myself figured out. A 14 year relationship that's been only done for a week is a lot to go through expecially since we still live together and he acts like we're still together.

    Today went to Church and had a retired teacher review my math homework. This afternoon hanging with friends and the ex is going.

    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,646 Member
    Good Morning Everyone!

    Checking in a little early this morning as I want to be able to study on the bus to school. This morning's quiz is about the 5 mother sauces. I know most of it but it never hurts to review till the last second. Forgot to mention I dyed my hair violet on Saturday morning. Getting lots of compliments so far. Can't wait to see what reaction I get in class today. Yesterday as I said was Church and yes I always find solace when I am there. Did dishes and laundry before heading out to hang with friends. Ended up staying longer than planned but that's ok I had a great time. Also got a couple ouchies from my friends 9 month old puppy who looks like a full grown dog. But it was a great workout none the less.ry2c69oub1vc.jpg

    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,646 Member
    Good Morning Everyone!

    Quiz on pasta this morning and this afternoon is an exam for one of my certifications. It's the last week of in class. Next week we start in the kitchen. Trying not to get to nervous about it as it's just a kitchen. Anyways hung out at my friend's last night for a bit before going home to get ready for another day of school. Back again today after class as it's my way of limiting how much time I am at home. Need them to decompress after a mind numbing class.

    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,646 Member
    Good Morning Everyone!

    For those that don't know I am taking a Cook Pre-apprenticeship program. 3 weeks in class which ends Friday with a final exam. 6 weeks in the kitchen which I start on Tuesday due to the Canadian Thanksgiving. Then I will have a placement for 12 weeks which I hopefully will gain a job from. As of last Friday my grade was a 93. The last 2 quizzes I took I got perfect! The big test I was supposed to take yesterday afternoon we got pushed to this morning. But I am feeling really confident about it. It's 60 questions of stuff I know.

    Yesterday chilled at a friend's for a couple hours after class. Then went home to a hot apartment because the ex didn't turn on the air. Anyways after class today I have to come straight home and prep most of my salad fixings for the salads I am taking to class on Friday for our potluck. Don't have time to do it all on Thursday as I have TOPS after class.

    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,646 Member
    Good Morning Everyone!

    I am confident I passed my test for a certification yesterday with flying colors. I wish I could share all my dishes with all of you. No we're not getting marked on our potluck dishes.

    Yesterday went well as I wrote above. Today we have a quiz on sandwiches and then start studying for smart serve certification and reviewing for our exam for tomorrow. I also have TOPS tonight after class. Could be a late night as I have to finish up my potato salad and do my bean salad ready for school tomorrow. Just writing out what's happening between today and tomorrow makes my head hurt LoL. Also need to fit some studying in this afternoon and tomorrow morning.

    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,646 Member
    Good Morning Everyone!

    Yesterday went well got perfect on my quiz but it was easy. Weigh-in at TOPS last night was not good with a gain. But it is what it is. Got my salads done for the potluck and went to bed at a decent time. Today is my final day of in class and am going into the exam with a 94. I haven't studied much but definitely confident I know more than I think I do. That's been proven the whole time. Will do some review on the bus and before class as a refresher. The teacher will see me doing that and say "It's not that big of a deal" as she always does. I know she is right but it helps to keep me calm before hand as it keeps my mind from freaking out. It's been raining here since yesterday afternoon but hope doesn't run much this afternoon as I have some errands to run before stopping by my friends.

    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,646 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    I am truly sorry for being MIA so much. I do feel bad that I have not been able to make it in as much as I normally do. Life has been busy with school and other responsibilities. My weight is definitely suffering due to it as well. I definitely need to find a better life balance. But so far has not happened. I find myself tired and not wanting to do anything during my rare down times. Today I planned on going for a walk but went to Church, made cabbage soup, did dishes, laundry and then slept most of the afternoon. On Friday I left class an hour early fir a hearing appointment and found out that I have traumatic hearing loss. Not sure what caused it as to my knowledge I have never experienced anything to cause that issue. Now my hearing will be monitored yearly. Also had a birthday party Friday night for my cousin and drank to much but did have fun. Saturday morning was rough from the night before but kept my commitment to my foster TOPS group and helped with their bazaar. Purchased a few things and also received something's as gifts. Tomorrow I will miss part of my class as I have a dentist appointment and couldn't make it work for after class.
