Senior Golden Sneakers



  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,135 Member
    Good evening. Busy day and oh my gosh I forgot to get the clothes out of the dryer. 🤦🏼‍♀️ Odds and ends all day. Nothing interesting I guess. More like winter today, lower temperatures, and cold wind.

    Hope everyone is safe and feeling well at least better.

    Lin 🙋🏼‍♀️

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,089 Member
    Happy Sunday! :) Home from Vegas and had a great time. Won some money, lost some money, came home with some money so all is good. Had a wonderful time with my niece and her husband who met us two of our three days. They moved out there last year and love Vegas. Cheryl and I saw Donny Osmond and a Michael Jackson impersonator who was really good. Love the music of both.
    Food and cabs are outrageous but all in all we would go back again. Glad to be home to sleep in my own bed. Going to noon mass today but wanted to check in.

    Jackie, hope you had a wonderful birthday.

    I hope all are well and enjoying life. Have a great day.
    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,135 Member
    edited February 4
    Welcome home Sandy! Glad you had a good time and did come home with a bit of money. Got out just in time, everything will be even more expensive this week with Super a bowl in Vegas right?

    Have finished today’s online exercise classes, attended church, cooked some quinoa, and now I am roasting more sweet potatoes. 🍠🍠🍠🍠

    I do have more laundry to do but not sure if I will do that this afternoon. I am going to get postage on some of the Valentines. Still trying to decide if I should send a few more. I would like to put away all my Valentines supplies and make a start on Easter ideas.

    Anne, are you feeling better? I am a worry wart. ❤️❤️

    Jackie, is there any schedule as to when/if any investigation of the allotment fellow will be completed?

    Joy, where are you? Hope you stop by and tell us how you are.

    Hello Barbie, wahoo. We have sunshine again. 🌞 It makes me smile. Do you have a recent photo of Annie? Is she more mature and following commands now? I hope to see some of the Puppy Bowl next Sunday. So many pups needing homes. I hope they are all adopted.

    And hi Jeri, hoping you and Ed are doing okay…..

    Diane, hi!

    Off to my chores.



  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,723 Member
    Good evening. I’m back! There haven’t been enough hours in the day (or weekend) but the next couple of weeks look quiet, fingers crossed. I’ve been given the phone number of another plumber and will call tomorrow because the toilet I want removed is still here and I think the plastic ball *kitten* I tried to fix a few days ago is still leaking into the bowl of the 2nd loo

    I then fell asleep and it’s now it is way past midnight so back tomorrow! 🥰
  • OhDD65
    OhDD65 Posts: 181 Member
    Well another day with some unusual weather for us. Our winters now seem to bring on the atmospheric rivers or pineapple express if you chose. The winds up and down our state are very strong along with rain that accompanies it. Flooding in some areas, trees down falling on homes, cars and roadways. Thankfully so far we are fine here. Another sleepless night I am afraid.

    Anne..... I am really concerned about you. I sure hope you can get in to see a dr soon. I know all about these doctors that work part time, which makes getting an appt difficult. I have a female dr, who is married to another dr, plus has two preschoolers. I would change, but available drs are in short supply these days. I like mine, but not the hrs she works. Get some rest, but more importantly get checked out. I too tend to get pneumonia if sick, so I am concerned about you.

    Sandy.....Glad you had a great trip to Vegas, plus came home with a bit of $$. Were you dealing with a lot of rain when you were there ? Sounds like the shows you saw would have been good.

    Jackie..... My concern about the allotment is exactly what Anne said. You wouldn't think they would want to push everything under the carpet so to speak and then decide to sell the property that the allotment is on. So unfortunate that your friend has had to contend with this bully. Happy Belate Birthday !! And what is a gammon ? I assume some food, but haven't a clue what you are talking about.

    Lin....Just had to send you the photo of that interesting tea pot. I have never seen one like that. Can you imagine how much money that is worth ? You have had a hard winter there. Be careful when you are out clearing your drive way. I may have nasty weather, but at lease I down have your cold temperatures. Stay warm.

    Joy.....We miss not seeing you on here. Hope you are safe and don't have any trees or excess water to deal with right now.
    Aren't these winds horrendous ? Stay warm.....

    Jeri.....Sorry you aren't able to get out as much as you would like, but it has been quite chilly up your way I see. Just heard they are making apts out of unoccupied business buildings in the downtown area. Don't see much positive coming out of that decision, but like here so many people work out of their homes now or are unemployed. What part of Calgary do you live in ?
    Hope you are feeling better soon.

    I think I had previously mentioned our son and family have moved to Tennessee. They are liking it there. In November they were here for a week, so we made the best of the time we had. Miss not seeing them and our 2 granddaughters. Spending time with my bil while we can. He isn't doing well and is going thru chemo etc right now. We were able to enjoy dinner out together yesterday. He and my husband celebrated their Jan and Feb birthdays. Always something to think about.

    Well it is getting late. Stay warm everyone and safe on your roads. Thinking of everyone.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,089 Member
    edited February 5
    Happy Monday! :) A stay at home day before another busy week. Tomorrow I get an injection in my eye for my macular generation, not looking forward to that. Wednesday and Thursday sitting from 7am to 4:30 pm. Wednesday night dinner with pool friends. Maybe I can lose some of this weight I put on in Vegas. I keep hoping my scale is wrong but I don't think so. Ugh.

    Diane, so nice to hear from you and sorry about all your wind and rain. It did rain in Vegas but nothing too serious and we were lucky to be inside so never got wet. I am sure you do miss your granddaughters which is one reason I won't move out of Illinois. That doesn't mean they won't someday move but until then I treasure my time with them. Sorry about your BIL but glad he could make dinner to celebrate the birthdays.

    Jackie, sorry you are having such a hard time finding a plumber and hope this time you can. You sound tired and need to take some time for yourself to rejuvenate. Taking care of yourself first is a priority.

    Lin, my niece said when the car races were there it was a nightmare and now they are expecting even more chaos with the Superbowl. Private planes will be flying in and out of the airport and so many more people trying to get around. I am glad we are home to our quiet suburbs.

    Anne oh Anne where are thou?

    Hello to Barbie, Jeri, Joy and whoever I missed. Have a wonderful day.

    One Day at a Time

  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    I’m here, and rather upset because I’ve just heard about King Charles cancer. I really like him and his concerns for the environment.
    As for me another night of no sleep and a day gasping for breath. I finally saw a stand in doctor for my Dr Tim and I really took to the new doctor as well. From South America I think. Anyway I’ve got inflammation and infection of the lungs. That means five pills a day for the next five days and he will phone to see how I am on the 7th day. Today is the 19th day since I first became ill with Corvid symtoms but NOT Covid. Mary Jos friend had exactly the same thing and she was ill for 30 days which will be about the same for me. Back later because Mike is texting me.

  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,723 Member
    Here I am again and determined to stay awake until I finish my post tonight. It has been mild and only slightly damp but my garden is far too wet to do much tidying and the lawn now has long grass a rabbit could hide in. I have continued on doing my best to help Rachael organise a serious complaint about the bully as has Linda and in between the two of us have been travelling round the Parish pinning notices up encouraging residents to rise up and rebel! It has become apparent the awful man has been telling his false version of events to council members but I think he might have been interviewed by the police now and hopefully they will take it further. As for the allotment site being sold to a developer Anne, it is certainly possible they might be considering it because owners of the surrounding land is trying to get planning permission for a housing estate and I’m sure it will happen one day. It’s about a mile from my home but although I won’t see it unless I drive past, it will cause chaos on our narrow roads.

    Yesterday I drove Sheila to the moors for a walk then into town so she could purchase a paper shredder. Our refuse collection is changing soon to fortnightly pick ups and we are supposed to be given wheelie bins to keep it in, along with recycled items. Sheila won’t be physically able to pull hers to the pick up point but the council have offered to collect from her door and she doesn’t want personal papers being seen, hence the shredder. Great for my hens because I’ve asked her to save shredded paper for me to use as extra bedding!

    I did read there was some wild weather arriving on the west coast of America and it seems no one is immune from what’s going on as the planet becomes warmer. Dreadful fires in Chile too.

    Anne, my friend in your London, Ontario has been suffering a bad virus that has similar symptoms to my recent bug so it’s definitely in Canada! I was concerned when you said you were very aware of the freezing temperatures outside at night. I hope you are warm in your apartment and have control of the heating.

    Lin, there won’t be any sort of police schedule investigating Rachael’s attack because sadly our Justice system has fallen apart. Not enough police, prosecutors or available court time these days so many cases get dropped. If Rachael’s is, I will ensure everyone knows what a dangerous man he is because genuinely I don’t think any woman should find herself alone with him.

    Sandy, the phone number of another plumber is on my notepad but I’ve been too busy to call him. Tomorrow morning I will be taking George to his groomer’s home for a trim but after that I only have a pedicure booked for Thursday so my life should calm down.

    Hi Diane. It’s always a treat to see you dropping in. A gammon joint is a type of pork cut, very tender and lean that melts in your mouth. That’s if you like pork and I know not everyone does!

    Oops, one minute to midnight so I must let the dogs into the garden and then get to bed.
    Stay safe and warm.
    Jackie 🥰
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,135 Member
    edited February 6
    Hello, deep in paperwork here. Organizing things as I need to call my insurance agent tomorrow. I just renewed my auto insurance but today I received an envelope stuffed with different endorsements, exclusions and generally incomprehensible insurance language. They also changed my policy number. I have no idea what to make of all of this. Argh.

    Also have another bundle of paper saying I need to find out what the replacement cost of my house is. I have no source of information. I don’t know any contractors and the tax assessed value means nothing. Just a means to obtain money from me. So, time to call.

    Finally, dug out my property tax invoice for the 2nd half payment due in March. More checks to write.

    Jackie, it seems no country is stitched together these days. I am always amazed at the difference between life before Covid and life now. Not enough people to work in any occupation. Everyone has evaporated apparently. I am sorry to hear that apparently nothing will be done to protect people from this guy.

    Annie, so so glad to hear from you. Finally, some treatment that hopefully will help. You must be exhausted. Hope you see some improvement each day. Please keep in touch.

    Sandy, best wishes on your busy week including the eye treatment. ❤️

    Diane, thanks for your lovely update. You are such a master at addressing everyone and their concerns. I happened to order some bean burgers last week from a company in San Diego. They only ship to the Midwest one day a week. So I am wondering how did they ship to me today? All the rain, roads closed? Well, I hope they arrive with the same timing. They send them frozen solid but they do not include dry ice. 👀 Sorry to hear of your BIL’s illness. Life is always throwing curves at us. Best wishes in getting through this horrid weather.

    Wishing everyone well.

    Lin 🙋🏼‍♀️


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,089 Member
    Happy Tuesday! :) Today I go for my eye injections and I am not looking forward to it. Cheryl is driving me since after having my eyes dilated it is hard for me to drive.

    Wishing you all a good day.
    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,135 Member
    edited February 6
    Hello! Just stopping by to say hi. I made a trip to the post office and on to the grocery store this morning. Got groceries put away and made the call to my insurance agent. That took quite a while but I do hope that is over for a good long time. This afternoon I have signed up for a number of classes and this evening is the normal YouTube live session. I think I will be pooped!

    Sandy, again, I hope all goes well today. ❤️🤞🏻❤️

    Jackie, I hope today has been a good one for you. Hello to George and Betty. Watch out for those bunnies who may be hiding in the grass. 👀

    Anne, I heard from a friend today who has been ill with some sort of respiratory problem. She had a doctor’s appointment to get a prescription renewed and they did a number of pulmonary tests and told her she did not end up with discernible lung damage. She was so relieved.

    Diane, still avoiding the disasters we hear about each day? I definitely hope so.

    Jeri and Barbie, hello and best wishes. ❤️❤️

    Joy, still missing you.

    Bye for now.



  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,723 Member
    edited February 6
    Still grey, damp and mild. A short local walk, then a rub down for both George and Betty to get muddy rain off legs and tummies ready to go to the groomer but just as I was putting my coat on my phone rang and it was her to ask if we could postpone because her mum had a bad night with little sleep. She was worried because she noticed her mum seemed forgetful and a bit confused so I suggested it might be a UTI and she had already thought that so upped her amount of water to drink. She wants to speak to her GP but in the past has felt they aren’t interested in her mother because she is in her 90’s but I wonder if they are interested in most of us Spring Chickens too! Sheila was advised over a week by the hospital doctor checking her crumbling spine, to ask her GP for stronger painkillers and was appalled she hadn’t heard from him since her MRI scan last year. She duly called the practice and was told they’ve booked a telephone consultation for February 28th so a month to wait! It doesn’t pay to get sick these days!

    After lunch I popped over to see Linda and as I arrived so did Barney who helped me with hedge cutting last year and is booked to return in a couple of weeks. Linda’s family is close with his, so he stayed to have tea before collecting his son from school. In the end not much achieved at home so, because it was again raining by the time I came home, I lit the fire, prepared pasta and salad and relaxed.

    Anne, we posted at the same time yesterday so I missed your comment about King Charles. He seems very positive because wherever the cancer is, it has been caught early so there’s a very good chance his treatment will work. I feel for William having to take on so much while Catherine is recovering from her surgery but am sure the family will rally round to share the burden, except his brother! I’m so sorry you have a lung infection but it’s good you saw a GP and have a course of antibiotics.

    Sandy, I do hope your eye injection goes without a hitch. My friend Liz who lives in France has them but only in one eye because apparently her eye specialist says it won’t work in the other. Back to the wet or dry macular degeneration. She tells me the injection doesn’t concern her but I would hate even the idea because I’m squeamish about my eyes!

    I was determined to be in bed by 11pm but it’s already close to midnight! Shopping tomorrow, early then a day to myself so I’ll dig out the latest phone number for a plumber and cross everything.

    Nite, nite
    Jackie 🥱😴
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,089 Member
    No Injection today again. I am going to try to be part of a trial that if approved will get one injection in my bad eye that should be for good. In the other eye I will probably need injections but since it is a trial they will pick me up and drive me home so I opted for the trial if approved. I hope I am making the right decision. Will be back in the morning.

    One Day at a Time
  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    My goodness we all seem to be experiencing horrible medications these days. In my case I’ve taken the antibiotics for two days but I’m considering dropping them because of very adverse side effects which had me up all last night. Actually it’s around 3:50 am right now and I’m making porridge and a cuppa. Apart from the odd Advil I never take medication and that’s why I think I’ve had such a severe reaction to this drug the temporary doctor gave me. Looked it up and yes, I’ve got all the side effects.
    JACKIE, so sorry for your groomer and her poor old mom. Interested in your health care comments as we have similar problems here. Thanks for your positive report on King Charles. Rich or poor we all seem to be having health problems to cope with. You as well SANDY! My reaction to your eye problem the same as Jackies!

    Anyway better eat my cooling porridge and ponder on what to do.

  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    Decided to continue treatment for one more day at least. Day 3 of 5 days. Anne.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,089 Member
    Happy Wednesday! :) Got up at 6 to be at my son's by 7 so he could catch a train so he can work in office. I will spend the night as he has to do the same tomorrow. I brought the kids to school, one dog is in and one dog is out but the little one will be put in his crate for a nap soon. I will probably do the same but not in a crate. :D

    Anne, if you can please take the 5 days of medicine. It is probably a steroid which will help your lungs. I am sorry you didn't sleep and hope you can get a nap in sometime today. I think the older I get the harder it is to sleep. I am taking magnesium now to help with leg pain and it is also supposed to help you sleep. Will see.

    Jackie, I too, am squeamish about my eyes but my friend who is the biggest baby in the world gets them and assures me that they are painless. We will see.

    Lin, there is a lot of RSV going around and more flu predicted. I still haven't had my RSV vaccine or my shingles but will try to schedule soon. I would like a day or two of being home incase of any reaction.

    Time to eat some breakfast. Have a good day everyone.

    One Day at a Time
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,723 Member
    edited February 7
    I was out early to buy groceries then took George and Betty for a walk on the moors. It was mild but not particularly bright. On my way back home I put more posters up and we now think we have covered the whole of the parish. I called the number for the plumber and goodness, he answered and after I explained what was needed he said he would drop in after lunch. Adrian duly arrived and checked the toilet and how it was first installed, told me his life history and will be back Friday morning.

    It has turned a bit colder but we should miss snow predicted for parts of the country. Just as well George got to hang on to his Winter coat for now! I bought lots of fresh vegetables and plan to make a batch of soup tomorrow then later, I have an appointment for a pedicure.

    Anne, try to take that last pill otherwise the course won’t work properly.

    Sandy, you are busy as ever and I do so admire your stamina!

    Lin, yesterday’s teapot was stunning and something I would love to own. David that I sometimes walk with had asked if I would like ornaments he is wanting to get rid of that I’m guessing were once his mothers. I explained I’m also having a sort through of unwanted “clutter” to take to a charity shop and didn’t want to replace with more and thankfully he has done the same with his. I will never know if there were teapots in his collection but he did tell me he removed a porcelain horse from his and took it back home as it had sentimental value.

    Bedtime for me.
    Jackie 🥰
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,135 Member
    edited February 8
    Good evening.

    Sandy, an experimental treatment. You are brave! I hope the several days of looking after children and dogs goes smoothly. Glad you aren’t napping in a crate. 😁

    Jackie, yes, we are all trying to keep less stuff but it is difficult. A friend called me this afternoon. And we talked for quite a long time. She is working on getting rid of papers. An accumulation of articles, recipes, notes, cards and other stuff she has accumulated. She said she would have to get rid of some of the cards I have given her. I guess I was getting a warning. And by the way, I might have done the same thing with that porcelain horse!

    Anne, try to hang in there. If it is an infection it is very important have enough medication to knock that infection down. Hugs. Jilly needs to provide you with more comfort.

    I tried to start an Easter card again. Day 2, continued failure. Darn! Must come up with a new idea.

    Be safe everyone.

    Lin 🙋🏼‍♀️


  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    I’m on day four of the five day medications. Came back from breakfast and promptly fell asleep after a sleepless night. Dry as a bone. Fatima woke me up coming in to change towels. So, sipping water. I had pneumonia once before, but nothing like this! However, I think I am on the mend after telling my dining room companions I’d like daffodils for my funeral.
    Hope everyone is feeling healthy. I got the pneumonia despite being vaccinated.
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,723 Member
    Happy Thursday! It’s another wet one here with flooding roads but could be worse because heavy snow is falling in the Midlands. It meant another short walk when I noticed one of the signs I pinned up yesterday has been removed! It made me smile because it means people are reading them even if they disagree with the sentiment.
    The plumber asked me to move the spare bed so he can place his ladder a certain way, even though I told him other tradesmen get up from the side. Luckily it wasn’t too difficult to push it away from the wall but then I saw the collection of built up dust so vacuuming was my next job!
    I was putting my coat on to go to the centre where I get a pedicure when my phone rang and it was the receptionist asking where I was. I had misread my small writing on my calendar and thought the appointment was 2.30 but no, it was 2pm. 🫢. I was told if I could get there in 10 minutes I could keep the appointment but flooding and slow traffic got in my way so it too closer to 20 minutes. Another client had gone in my slot so I was told they would “squeeze me in” and that was a 10 pedicure at full price!
    Never mind, it was my fault although I do normally receive a reminder phone call the previous day.

    It is actually mild enough not to have to light fires so one less chore!

    I hope everyone has a less chaotic day than me!
    Jackie 🥰