Senior Golden Sneakers



  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,089 Member
    Happy Thursday! :) It was not a good night's sleep on my son's couch. I already took a little nap and might take another. I will be home tonight and be glad to sleep in my own bed. Love being with the puppies all day.

    Jackie, another wet week, how terrible. It is 56 degrees here now, but looks windy. I am sure the kids will love it but I prefer 80.

    Anne, sorry you are still under the weather but it sounds more like RSV than it does pneumonia, in my opinion only.
    One more day and hopefully you will feel much better.

    Lin, I am not totally convinced I am doing the trial only because it is an hour away. Even though they will pick my up and drive me that is a lot of hours for a monthly appointment. I am still looking at other options like perhaps someone closer to home. It's just that my eye doctor recommended this doctor for my AMD and he is a specialist.

    I think I will take my shower now while both dogs are sleeping. Have a good day.

    One Day at a Time.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,136 Member
    edited February 9
    Good evening. Another busy day. I went to the library and to Whole Foods to pick up a few things. When I got home I found the computer did not register my Prime membership so I didn’t get the extra discounts on a few things I purchased. I don’t know if it is worth a trip back to the store.

    I tried another card idea for Easter. It seems more promising but I am mulling it over. Tomorrow is another day. Did my Zoom classes and watched a YouTube Live at Lunchtime.

    A friend called me twice today. That was a surprise.

    My cousin’s condition worsened today. His wife said he had a severe reaction to a drug he was receiving, is very weak and they cannot get the fluid to dissipate in his lungs with the Lasix. She sounded extremely concerned. I feel bad for her. Since he’s in ICU, they keep making her leave when she would prefer to stay.

    And a friend got in touch, her great granddaughter has developed a severe problem with her pregnancy. Cannot provide details other than the baby is getting very little nourishment and ranks in the 10th percentile of development at 6 months. The family is quite upset. My friend and her husband will take her to appointments an hour from her home as they are scheduled.

    Life is complex!

    Anne, I hope you are indeed getting better. 🤞🏻🤞🏻

    Sandy, yippee, home again!

    Jackie, you have some pretty hectic days! I hope things calm down and the weather lets up and gives you some good days.

    Be safe everyone.


  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    Hi, it’s past midnight and I’m sat here looking up RSVs SANDY. I started this thing I’ve got a month ago and it didn’t start with a cough etc. it started with severe back pain that made me think it was my bra. But no, the doc was right, infection and inflamation of the lungs, in other words pneumonia. I have had pneumonia in the past so know what it feels like. Always had problems with the lungs, starting with suspected TB at 18. But you could be right, I just wish the darn thing would buzz off. I can’t imagine where it came from, everyone here seems fine and the doctor says I’m not contagious.

    And talking of “here”, much hilarity at dinner time as I tried to teach the Canucks Yorkshire dialect. They had been commenting on my guttural sounding vowels. I guess I don’t speak the kings English.

    Well it appears to be a new page, so I can’t go back! I remember Jackie and the toilet plumbing, and Lin with her wondrous cards and of course Sandy sleeping on sofas and the dreaded eye solution.
    I’m sort of avoiding sleep with a cuppa and a Jacobs cream cracker because I’m terrified of waking up gasping for breath.

    So, Sleepless in Ontario, Anne.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,089 Member
    Happy Friday! :) Stayed later than I thought last night so got home around 9pm. Felt good to sleep in my own bed and in my own home. Laundry has been started and the sun is shining with temp to reach the middle 50's. Trying to decide if I want to go for a no chip manicure today or tomorrow. Staying in and staying home sounds really good to me, but I will see.

    Anne, you know your body better than anyone else so don't listen to me. I just hope the meds kick in and you start feeling better so you can get a good night's sleep. I am glad to hear you are not contagious and can have meals with your new friends. Loved the movie Sleepless in Seattle which you reminded me with you closing.

    Lin, sorry you are hearing of such bad news from family and friends. All you can do it pray for them.
    I am glad to be home even though later than expected. Very unusual tea pot, I think it is pretty.

    Jackie, hope all is well and the plumber fixed your plumbing issues. More rain?

    Have a good day everyone and stay healthy.
    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,136 Member
    Hello, another crazy day. More card failures. Lots of text messages with a friend. Some bad news from my power utility. I have a gas leak on my outside meter. They cannot come until next Thursday to fix it. Not supposed to be dangerous. I need to clear out some things as they will also be in the house. Had to call my generator service company to find out if I had to do something before they shut off the gas. Yes, I do actually. Have to find the keys to unlock the cover, then locate a switch to set to off during the repair. I have a call in to my heating/cooling people to see if my furnace set up requires any special action. Chances are they will not call me.

    Anne, still hoping for that darn illness to just run away from you! How many pills do you have left to take? One?

    Sandy, I didn’t get around to my laundry today. Maybe tomorrow. Did you get your manicure?

    Hi Jackie and Barbie. Did I miss any posts?

    Hello to Diane, Jeri, and Joy.

    Back to work. Best wishes everyone.

    Lin 🙋🏼‍♀️


  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,723 Member
    edited February 10
    Oops, running late again and well past midnight so just checked in to see my other three green bottles are still hanging on the wall!! The plumber has removed the toilet and its macerator but goodness, what a convoluted mess the whole set up was. Adrian did use the word cowboy at one point but I think it was more a case of a builder taking on too much when he installed it. The good news is everything is out of the house but at the moment a pipe that is some sort of emergency outlet should the electric water heater overheat, is currently hanging into a bucket at the back of the cupboard. I’m advised to switch off the heater when I go to bed just to be safe! I’ll show you a picture tomorrow. I got to hear part two of Adrian’s life and was shown photos on his phone of his cars! A lovely man but goodness, can he talk!

    Torrential rain again today so a plan to meet David in the morning, as he has bought a large bag of kindling for me, has been put off because he was on the moors this morning and tells me there was running water everywhere. As ever, the pooches and I got soaked during our morning walk round the block!

    Positive news, Rachael has, with help from a solicitor friend, composed a letter of complaint to the local council about being attacked and will follow that with another to our county governing body. Interestingly, Sarah her solicitor friend is from New Zealand and moved to England after meeting her now husband online but continues to run her practice in New Zealand by working from home! It’s another world these days!

    Whoa, nearly lost the post so I’m off!
    Jackie 🥰
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,089 Member
    Happy Saturday! :) Back to being chilly. Zoom call with family, nails, errands and church will be my day.
    I am being picked up at 8:30am tomorrow morning to drive two hours to celebrate my cousin's 80th birthday. It is an early celebration after mass in her church hall. I have a relative who lives not to far from me so I asked if I could drive with them and she was going to ask me the same thing so it all works out.
    I am sure we won't be staying late as it is the Super Bowl later and I am sure most people want to be home to watch the game. I am in two pools so I watch it for that reason. lol

    Jackie, happy to hear Rachael has a solicitor/lawyer to help here with this bully. I do hope she gets some justice and he is removed from that office.

    Lin, that sounds scary to have a gas leak. It must not be dangerous if they are not coming until Thursday but be careful, I presume the leak is outside and not in your house correct?

    Anne, hope today brings better health and better sleep.

    Have a good day everyone.
    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,136 Member
    Good evening. I don’t think it got out of the 30’s today but we did get some sunshine.

    I worked on putting a few things away, sorting through more card supplies to try to think of a different type of design. Did my online Zoom classes. Cooked some quinoa in my InstaPot.

    Sandy, Enjoy the birthday party tomorrow and enjoy watching the Super Bowl.

    Guess I should check my dryer.

    Making supper.

    You know, the regular things.

    Be safe everyone.

    Lin 🙋🏼‍♀️


  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,723 Member
    edited February 11
    Rain clouds continue to follow me wherever I go. Yesterday was particularly bad and although I held off until midday when the sky cleared, we had barely been out 10 minutes when storm clouds appeared and we got soaked, more than I think so far this Winter, and last summer! Our 6 Nations rugby tournament is taking place this month so yesterday afternoon was a relaxed time, well as much as I could watching England play Wales. We won but only by a couple of points!

    This morning I met up with David to exchange kindling for me and newspapers for him to light our respective stoves. Of course it rained but now I’m sitting at home enjoying coffee and an early Easter biscuit, the sun is shining, hopefully long enough to allow me to muck out the hen house. There has been an outbreak of something called Alabama rot that kills dogs at an alarming rate so I’m washing the dogs’ paws after each walk, especially if they have mud on them and, at the moment, it’s impossible to avoid with so much rain.
    I have decided to use the toilet that Adrian removed as a planter and can break up the cistern and small hand bowl for crocks. I’m going to place it next to the hedge between myself and the nasty neighbour as that will make me smile each time I look in that direction! 😁

    Something annoying seems to have embedded itself into my iPhone that keeps playing music so I’m going to see if I can delve deep and remove it, not that I know what I’m doing!

    Happy Sunday everyone. Stay safe and warm.
    Jackie 🥰
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,089 Member
    Happy Sunday! :) Up bright and early to get ready to be picked up by 8:30am to go to Indiana.
    Have a great Sunday.

    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,136 Member
    edited February 11
    Hello, I hope everyone is having a pleasant day. I just watched Puppy Bowl XX. Love those fluffy pups!

    Later there is a new episode of All Creatures Great and Small.

    Super Bowl? Maybe/maybe not.

    Jackie, ugh, rain, rain, and more rain. I hope you got the hen house cleaned out. And I am bewildered by the disease you mentioned. I will have to look that up. That makes for lots of foot washing!! Do George and Betty object strongly? And so many more towels to wash.

    Sandy, hope the party was fun. Hope the drive was uneventful.

    Hello to everyone else.


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,089 Member
    Happy Monday! :) Party was great and wonderful to see my cousin. She looks so frail and is fighting so hard to get her strength back but continues with chemo so it is very hard for her. Her kids would really like her to go into an independent living place similar to Anne's but she doesn't want to leave her house which is on several acres. We only stayed a couple of hours as everyone could see she was tired but it was worth the drive and seeing some of my relatives that I haven't seen for years.

    Today I am going for my RSV and shingles vaccine and will finally be done until next fall. I planned it so I could have a couple of days incase of a reaction but Cheryl won a gift card to one our favorite restaurants that has to be used today so we are going for dinner at 6. Hopefully, all I get is a sore arm.

    Quiet here lately, I hope all are well and continue to enjoy life.
    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,136 Member
    edited February 12
    Hello. It was a bit cold this morning. At least colder than it has been of late. The sun just came out and it is in the mid-40’s now. By Thursday, the forecast is for rain, freezing rain and/or snow. Yes, that is the morning that the power company is coming out to work on my meter. Hoping it doesn’t take long and that my furnace works fine afterwards.

    Jackie, I read a bit about the disease you mentioned. Oh man, that is a scare. You need a walk through dog shower with a tray in the bottom for the feet. I still haven’t called a plumber. I think I want to get through the gas meter first. Ha, good idea, irritate the neighbor. 😄😁😄

    I have done my cardio and stretching classes, am working on gathering up trash to put in my cart for tomorrow morning’s collection. Also cleaning the kitchen floor and sorting things trying to decide what I want to move upstairs for now. Also have the dust cloths out and ready to spread the dust around. ☺️

    Sandy, it sounds like a lovely trip. So glad you were able to visit your cousin. Happy vaccine day my friend!

    Hope everyone is a-okay!!


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,089 Member
    Walgreens didn't accept my insurance so had to reschedule at CVS tomorrow. Ugh!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,136 Member
    Sandy, darn!!
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,723 Member
    edited February 13
    Finally, a beautiful sunny day with only a hint of cool breeze. I even managed a load of laundry to wash all the muddy towels and hang out to dry! Our morning walk was on the moors but I stayed lower down where there isn’t too much mud because few cattle and ponies graze that area. Both dogs were so happy, I’m sure it was the sunshine, and after an hour I drove home and cleaned them off ready for the groomer’s visit. George’s thick winter coat has been shortened but not too much in case we have another cold snap. My weather app tells me it will be raining again tomorrow until next Monday!

    I’m continuing to get as much information to Rachael so that she can move her complaint to the next level and meanwhile Linda and I have decided to tell as many people as possible, especially women, how dangerous Mr Nasty is. It’s all time consuming but I think important to stand up to a badly run Council, especially since I pay a hefty local tax!

    Linda, that Alabama rot arrived on our shores a few years ago but recently we didn’t hear much about it so a sudden warning must mean more dogs than usual dying after contracting it. Woodland walks seem to be more of a problem so I’m guessing spores breed in the damp leaves and soil. I tend to take George and Betty to open spaces so hopefully less risk. Now my plumbing job is done for now I need my friendly electrician Josh back to install a couple of new wall heaters. The one in my spare bedroom was there when I moved in 35 years ago so definitely not particularly efficient, then the German one I can’t get on with seems to be faulty so I’ll have to write off that cost and move on.

    Sandy, you are having a social whirl aren’t you! Sorry you didn’t get your vaccination. Not sure what RSV is!

    Another late night! 🥱
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,089 Member
    RSV (respiratory syncytial virus) is a potentially dangerous, highly contagious virus that can cause respiratory disease. Symptoms can appear like the common cold.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,136 Member
    Hello. I am between classes right now. I did some errands this morning and finally was able to get my mail that was delivered about 8pm last night. At least the two packages I was expecting arrived but the envelopes that were supposed to arrive are missing. Odd! Today’s mail hasn’t arrived. This is getting to be a routine.

    I need to go out and grab my trash cart. The sun is out this afternoon. I would like to go out before it gets dark.

    The library had a book on hold for me that I would like to just take time out to read. Maybe later this week.

    A friend just posted parade photos. I didn’t know they were in New Orleans. Colorful!!

    I need to make some more hot tea. Brrrrr

    Not much interesting I guess.



  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,723 Member
    edited February 13
    That teapot made me smile Lin. 😁

    Rain and low clouds returned so I didn’t rush to walk with George and Betty and then it was just to the next village and back. A lazy day and I didn’t even bother to make pancakes for Shrove Tuesday but did sort through paperwork. It must be the mid February blues! That’s enough of doing nothing though so tomorrow I will vacuum and wash paintwork. Exciting times!! 😆
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,723 Member
    Still grey and drizzly so we had another short walk and I’m now getting organised for housework. Also have to arrange my annual eye test and order pet prescriptions for worm and flee treatment. Soup and crackers for lunch because I’m doing my best to avoid comfort food.

    Happy Wednesday. I hope you are all under blue skies rather than murky mist!
    Jackie 🥰