Mission Slimpossible Team Chat - FEBRUARY 2024



  • laurelfit57
    laurelfit57 Posts: 508 Member

    @katmary71 thanks so much! That is a great idea for me to be a member of the cheering squad. I am maintaining the same weight either over or under by a pound of the 150 mark. I just keep forgetting to weigh myself on Sunday mornings. My goal will be to be back on track and do the first way in in March :-). Thanks so much!

    @trooworld the breeder's company name is In-Sync her full name is "InSync's It's About Time". We call her either Time or Ty🥰. She is my dog, but she will have four litters for the breeder, the breeder takes care of all vet expenses for the first five years and all of her training is free :-). The breeder also owns the training facility so I can take as many classes with her as I want, I just need to get up to speed L O L. I love Violet in the dress! I think you should've won!

    @Cornanda I wish I could figure out how to put a video on here, these two usually play tug every morning🤣.

    @TeresaW2024 I am so glad to see you back! It was frustrating, but at least I know what the problem is now, just have to figure out the solution :-). It has been amazing to get consistent sleep for the first time in my adult life! It's a game changer !!
    Yes Time will be mine forever, she just has to have four litters for the breeder. Vannie does get annoyed from her with her from time to time, doing lots of work with these two to try to set them up for success :-). They do play together most of the time.

    @txcritter69 it took me a long long time to decide on getting another dog. I was hoping that as Vannie got older me being away from the house, would get easier on her, but it did not. If I was gone for more than four or five hours by the time I got home she was just beside herself. That didn't happen very often, but when it did it broke my heart. I think having another heartbeat in the house will be helpful for her, and this little puppy is definitely a bundle of joy. I feel the same about travelling🤣🤣🤣. I will see how it goes, Shauna the breeder said that if I ever don't want to take her with me on a trip she is more than happy to have her stay at her house
  • DebJB30
    DebJB30 Posts: 221 Member
    Weigh in day - Sunday (with Saturday's weight)
    PW 162.0
    CW 161.7

    I was so busy with what was going on this morning - I forgot to weigh myself until long after I'd had breakfast and had a whole 36oz bottle of water :( No point in that. Sundays are not usually like that in our house. So, that's Saturday morning's weight.

    This week I'm going to be traveling to be with my Mom and Dad to help them out. My mom's cancer has spread despite the immunotherapy treatments. We aren't too surprised by this, because immunotherapy is a last line of treament and was given to her because she isn't strong enough to handle chemotherapy or radiation. But my father isn't handling this well & he has signs of early dimentia. So, I'm going to go spend the week with them to help with financial arrangements and whatever else I can.

    Last time I went to see them I managed to do OK with food. I always end up walking a lot in when I'm there in the retirement center where they live. So, I'll probably keep up my steps just fine. My goal during this week is to maintain where I am. I'm bringing my resistence bands for my strength training progam that I can do in my hotel room as well as I can do it at home. But I did that last time, and didn't even take them out the whole week. We'll see..
  • minstrelofsarcasm
    minstrelofsarcasm Posts: 2,314 Member


    Team Results
    By Percentage

    By Pounds

    Individual Results
    By Percentage

    By Pounds

    Team Winners
  • Oldmfp
    Oldmfp Posts: 28 Member
    Weigh In Day: Sunday
    PW: 195.6
    CW: 193
    GW: 135
  • TeresaW2024
    TeresaW2024 Posts: 154 Member
    @Katarmy71, I’m glad that everything got smoothed over with the charity. Yeah, my Maggie doesn’t like it at all if I smell like another animal. :D

    @trooworld OMG!! First, I read the Cheese Tax song, and then I went and saw it on YouTube. Hilarious!! 😂And you can believe I also pay the cheese tax in my house. Your husband sounds as stubborn as I do about seeing a doctor. I hope he starts feeling better or does end up going to Urgent Care. Violet is adorable!! What a little lady. >3 Wow, learning Spanish is ambitious and good for you for wanting to learn. I would just get an app on my phone and look and sound like a crazy American. :D

    @Cornanda I love carrot cake and would have difficulty putting it away. Good for you. Nachos is a great Super Bowl dinner, and I’m sure it will be just as tasty as a big salad. :)

    @txcritter69 I don’t think 1200 calories is a lot of food, either. How tall are you? I need to stop all snacking and plan to work on that this week myself. :)

    Hello everyone! The birthday party for my former pastor (and still very good friend) was great! There were many people there that I hadn’t seen in several years. So, lots of hugging and catching up went on. Today, Mom bought Joe and me lunch at Jason’s Deli. It’s mom’s favorite place and we have heard they are closing. Bummer! Joe and I plan to watch the Super Bowl. I am rooting for the 49ers because Joe is going for the Chiefs. I have no other reason. :D I plan to drink a few beers, and then tomorrow, I’ll return to my workouts and healthy eating.
    2024 Word: Strive
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,711 Member
    @865jessica It’s a lot easier to be motivated in the beginning when losing a lot and seeing big changes and getting feedback than after you’ve been with it for awhile and things are slower. You’re stronger and a lot healthier now I’m sure! What pain are you having and does it come after exercise? If we’ve talked about it I’m sorry for drawing a blank, I don’t have the best memory unfortunately. I’m sorry you’re continuing to have pain that’s real frustrating when you’ve come so far with your health.

    @trooworld Haha I read that song with Pomeranian energy! I rescued one and brought it home when I was about 20. Thank you! I’m so glad you still went to the pug party and had a blast. Violet looks so beautiful! Good luck with your Spanish lesson, how fun! I’m scared to ask if you made it to urgent care. I’d like to go to a pug party to watch all these pups have a blast!

    @Cornanda So glad to see you post! I DO remember you’re another organ player, isn’t there a third too in this group? Polkas would be fun to play! I had a strict older teacher at the store my parents bought the organ from that I didn’t care for then after 4-5 years switched to one who was 18 and one of a dozen kids in a family who all played instruments together. She’d let me add other notes and try new things and I LOVED her but when she went on tour with her family I refused to go back to the older teacher. @trooworld came up with most of Darren’s questions, I’m really enjoying getting to know people better through them. High 5 on a tiny piece of carrot cake only, you’re incredible! Have a great week!

    @AustinRuadhain Thank you! 2Cellos is fun have a good time checking them out. That’s right now I’m remembering you’re my twin in loving checking things off lists! The 15 for fitness is perfect timing to get you moving, it’s not too long that you’ll quit but long enough to make a difference. Loved the article you go with those pushups!

    @txcritter69 Thank you! Have you thought of adding back a little calories so you’re less likely to overeat or snack? For example if you added 100 calories that’s enough for some extra protein to help with feeling full. If you let yourself have 1300 calories a day instead and get some more filling food in it would make you less likely to eat the wrong things or end up snacking a lot. Just an idea I’m not fond of being starving all the time either.

    @morenin Hugs just get back to it! Are you feeling better today?

    @laurelfit57 In that case @jugar said she can excuse you for a week or two so let’s do that and plan on logging again in March, does that sound good? The cheerleading squad is usually if you’re done losing and maintaining or taking a long diet break for a month or more. I think the two pups being together will be great, I’m happy they’re getting along so well!

    DebJB30 Hi! Yikes that IS a lot of water to drink before a weigh-in! Did you have your weigh-in switched to Sunday? It currently says that on the spreadsheet so if you’d prefer Saturdays let me know and I can change it. Oh no I’m so sorry to hear your mom’s cancer has been spreading, I wish the treatments were more effective for her. I’m glad you’re able to be with your parents. Walking and resistance bands are great planning even if you mostly end up walking, do what you can just to get through this right now. Huge hug and prayers to you, thinking of you.

    @txcritter69 @Digger61 @morenin Congratulations team winners on leading the pack this last week!

    @Teresa2024 I’m so glad it was a great birthday party, it sounds like just what you needed. That’s sad about the deli closing, I’m sorry to hear that I hate losing favorite spots. You have a great plan for the game and tomorrow, I’m going with that plan too!

    Hi friends! I woke up at 4AM and was just going to stay up but I had no desire to go talk The Power of Now and chose to go back to bed. When I got up it was after that had started but my neighbors had invited me to breakfast at The Grange so I went and met them (FFA serves eggs, pancakes, sausage, and coffee/juice for tips). There’s a place not far that has compost, sand, and mulch and you bring your own containers so we went and got a bunch and came back and I worked on mixing all my potting mix with compost in a big pile. Went to my brother’s for the superbowl then stopped at the store and here I am! I have PT in the morning and need to get to bed. Have a great Monday!

    @megnolia82 @sleepygirl79 @vegan5lyfe2012

    Tomorrow Weigh-in Reminder: @AmbersWay @Jactop @GrinningPossumLifts @AustinRuadhain
  • davors19
    davors19 Posts: 293 Member
    Weigh in day: Friday
    PW: 259
    CW: 260

    sorry for late
  • 865jessica
    865jessica Posts: 101 Member
    @Katmary71- The pain in my neck and shoulder started about two years ago. At physical therapy I was told it was from muscle weakness but I've gain strength on my bad side and still have pain that comes an goes. I can go months and it doesn't hurt. But as of late the pain has been happening for two weeks. It starts in the mornings and I do my things I've been taught to fix it but it comes back in the afternoon. It's not as severe as before but still painful. I have a doctor appointment and going to ask for an x-ray to see if there is something more happening.
  • AustinRuadhain
    AustinRuadhain Posts: 2,591 Member
    edited February 12
    Checking in on yesterday:
    🟢 Food on plan with a focus in veggies, starting with a green smoothie this morning.
    🟢 Plan for today's party: salad, fruit & smidge of guac. DONE! I did add a couple of Olipops. Back to water, coffee and tea today.
    🟢 Fifteen for Fitness Challenge: I signed up for this, so at least 15 minutes of focused movement!
    🟢 GtG Pushups: Goal for today is 3 sets (12+)
    🟡 Movement: No 45 min walk (though I did do more than 45 min housecleaning). I was 70o steps short of my goal.

    Today's plans
    ⚪ Food on plan with a focus in veggies, starting with a green smoothie this morning.
    ⚪ Fifteen for Fitness Challenge
    ⚪ GtG Pushups: Goal for today is 4 sets (12+)
    ⚪ Movement: 45 min walk
    ⚪ Steps: 6,000

    @Teresa2024 I am so sorry about the deli closing. It's sweet that you got to go visit beforehand. I hope the party was fun! It was so great that you had beer in the Sunday plan, and back to workouts and healthy eating today!

    @txcritter69 @Digger61 @morenin Wow! Congratulations on being on the leaderboard for the week! Inspiring!

    @txcritter69 As far as being hungry -- have you experimented with changing what the calories are? Some calories are not as satiating as others, at least for me. More fiber works well for me. I used to keep plain baked chicken breast in the fridge, and would parcel out a 4-ounce chunk if ravenous.

    @Katmary71 Yes, I do love checking things off daily lists! That is crazy helpful for me. I hope PT goes well!
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,076 Member
    Congrats to our team winners, @txcritter69 @Digger 61 and @morenin! Way to go!

    @19shmoo69 Congrats on the loss!

    @Cornanda I find groups on Spotify, as I listen, Spotify sometimes throws new groups my way. Or, from friends. Thanks, my hand is much better now...the bruise is in the "yellowing" phase, so almost healed! Husband is better, low energy a bit but better, thanks! Violet says thanks lol. Gus is such a character lol. I will look on YouTube and see how she does. HAHAHA about the Charmin bears! I love that song, too. :D I love steak. Wow, good job with the Superbowl food.

    @AustinRuadhain Yes, I liked all of it! The Cheese Tax song is so funny. Thank you! Great job Saturday, amazing! I love the Greasing the Groove blog post, you have always posted the best things and I've missed that. Congrats on the loss! Great job yesterday. I'd count that housecleaning as movement.

    @Veta2018 Way to go, Veta!

    @txcritter69 Thank you! He's a lot better. :) I would say 1200 is not a lot, either. To me, that's on the low side. Can you slowly increase it? Say, by 100 cals each week until you are up to maybe 1400-1500? Have you figured out how many calories your body burns without exercise? If not, this is a good site: https://tdeecalculator.net/ Good luck!

    @865jessica Thank you. This is helpful!

    @laurelfit57 Awww, that's cute! That's a great deal! Thank you, I think Violet should have won, too! LOL

    @DebJB30 Congrats on the loss! I'm sorry about your parent's health. I'm glad you are able to be there for them. Maintaining sounds like a good goal for a tough week. Hugs.

    @TeresaW2024 Yes! I love that song lol. I do pay the tax, too. And recently, my husband has started giving them bits of his dinner and what has that created? BEGGARS! But only with him lol. It's what he gets for starting it. He is feeling better, thanks. Violet is sooooo not a little lady: she's more of a tomboy, so it's really funny that she ran around in a dress and pearls! I'll probably sound like a crazy American lol. I'm glad you had fun at the former pastor's birthday party. That's too bad about the deli. I hope you have another deli around for good sandwiches. I watched the Puppy Bowl XX. We've been watching it from the beginning! :D I hope you had fun.

    @Katmary71 Perfect! LOL Thank you, Violet was so funny. Didn't make it to urgent care but he was better so it's all good. The pug party was so uplifting! Did you like The Power of Now? I hope PT goes well.

    @Sleepygirl79 Congrats on the loss!

    Husband was feeling a lot better so we didn't need to go to urgent care. I did have a fun day: watched the Puppy Bowl XX and saw a very inspirational puppy, Mr. Bean, who is a two-legged dog that walks on his hind legs. He was amazing! Here's his story and a pic: https://ca.sports.yahoo.com/news/two-legged-puppy-bowl-star-160007500.html I cried when I heard his story. I made food for the Puppy Bowl: hot dogs on the grill + beer cheese dip with soft pretzel bites. It was good. Spanish lesson went well. I did pretty good: was able to speak almost entirely in Spanish with the tutor for the 30 minutes. He said my Spanish is good, I just need practice and minor corrections.

    No Zero Days: Tracked everything, stuck with what I planned.

    Want to keep track of your steps with the team? Add a tab to the Google Sheet! https://tinyurl.com/Slimpossibles

    Get the Kik app and chat with us in real-time! Just download the app, create a profile, and message me (username: trooworld) and I'll add you to the private group chat! https://kik.com/

    My phrase for the year: "New year, new me!"
  • morenin
    morenin Posts: 93 Member
    edited February 12
    Katmary71 wrote: »
    @morenin Hugs just get back to it! Are you feeling better today?

    I am feeling better than I was, but still kind of tired all the time. I'm also impulse eating, and all the wrong stuff. I seem to be hungry constantly lately. I even got up in the middle of the night because I wanted candy so badly! My current theory is I'm not getting enough vitamins with all the junk and processed foods I'm eating, so I need to work on that.

    I've been slacking on moving, due to being tired/dizzy. I even did meditation instead of chair yoga yesterday! I'm going to do better today, if only because it's garbage day ;) .
  • Veta2018
    Veta2018 Posts: 627 Member
    @txcritter69 - I'm also on a 1200 calorie diet. I tell myself it's ok to feel hungry once in a while. I drink more water and I try to eat lots of protein (boiled eggs, yogurt, beef jerky) to satisfy my hunger. It also helps me to eat something small more often, sometimes before I get hungry.
    @morenin - I hope you feel better.
    @865jessica - I was like you, I rarely drank water. I drank coffee and tea all day. Now I drink a large water first thing in the morning before my coffee and then water the rest of the day with an occasional unsweetened tea.
    @DebJB30 - You are in my thoughts. Hugs and prayers for you and your family.
    Congratulations @txcritter69 @Digger61 @morenin !
    @Sleepygirl79 - Nice loss!
    @AustinRuadhain - Great loss this week!
    @Bethanie0825 - Good work on the loss!
    @vegan4lyfe2012 - Congratulations! Grandma again! Give baby Oliver lots of kisses. 😊
    @trooworld - I agree, Violet should've won! Violet's dress is beautiful. I tryed to learn Spanish in college then took ASL instead. I have a hard enough time pronouncing English words...lol.

    I'm just starting to feel impatient. These last few pounds have come off and on and off again. Ten years ago, I lost 45 pounds in 12 weeks. I've been at this for almost 6 months and only lost 36 pounds. I know, this is a good loss and last time I was younger. But this time I have better habbits. I only have 15 more pounds I want to lose. I just want to get there already.

    💪 Mission Slimpossible Strong! 💪
  • TeresaW2024
    TeresaW2024 Posts: 154 Member
    edited February 12
    Hello everyone! I need to be quick so forgive me for not responding individually today. It’s a gloomy, rainy day here. Which is good because I’m tired and didn’t feel like going out and doing the weekly grocery shopping. Work is busy right now as the new pastor has me making all kinds of graphics for Easter banners and print materials. I love making graphics but it takes me forever because I always think of something better. I need him to pick something so I can move forward on my work. He is supposed to call me in a little bit so I need to go research prices for the print materials that he wants. Have a good day!
    2024 Word: Strive
This discussion has been closed.