Mission Slimpossible Team Chat - FEBRUARY 2024



  • morenin
    morenin Posts: 95 Member
    I'm super puffy today to the point that I'm up half a size in pants, despite eating under and drinking lots of water yesterday. A whole pound up overnight, and I'm not expecting good things from the weigh in tomorrow. It's really frustrating to lose weight in the middle of the week, then boom, pack it back on at the beginning of every week. My clothes say I'm slimming, but the scale seems stuck!
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,736 Member
  • jessicakrall8
    jessicakrall8 Posts: 5,227 Member
    edited February 17
    Here's your link for the February Week 3 Group Challenge. Please join us for the Add, Subtract and Multiply Challenge. It is open and ready to begin on Sunday, Feb 18th.

    Hope you have a wonderful week ahead!


  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,736 Member
    TEAM Business

    Is anyone interested in stepping forward to be motivator? Many of you are already doing what it entails which is cheering each other on and being active in group. If you're interested and would like to discuss it please contact @trooworld or myself. On MFP you have to be friends to exchange private messages so send a friend request and we'll add you (you can do this just to be feed friends too) and we can exchange messages. When I moved to co-captain and Darren started as motivator, Chris did the questionnaire and we had a Zoom to discuss the feedback and ideas for the group which was real fun. We'd love to work on challenges and ideas for group together so please contact us.
  • morenin
    morenin Posts: 95 Member
    Date night last night for the first time in months, so honestly, I decided to just enjoy. The ice cream was delicious, the extra 1 inch I puffed to overnight less so :lol: .

    Username: morenin
    SW: 255
    PW: 226.3
    CW: 225
  • bethanie0825
    bethanie0825 Posts: 1,475 Member
    PW - 263
    CW 263

    I had a slight dip midweek so I was hopeful that I'd show a loss Friday. Still working!
  • Veta2018
    Veta2018 Posts: 636 Member
    Username: Veta2018
    Weigh In Day: Sunday
    SW (Starting weight): 180 lbs
    PW (Previous Weight): 144 lbs.
    CW (Current Weight): 144 lbs.

    @trooworld -I love the hair cut.
    @morenin - I love the purple.
    @micaroo4 - You rock the all natural.
    @19shmoo69 - It's ok that your stepping down from motivator. I hope you can still stay with us though. Good work on maintaining this week.
    @Bethanie0825 - Nice job maintaining this week.
    @Cornanda - Interesting, I know some good Barry Manilow songs. That sounds like fun. I love going to concerts. I've never been to Vegas. It's on my bucket list.
    @megnolia82 - Great loss this week.

    💪 Mission Slimpossible Strong! 💪
  • minstrelofsarcasm
    minstrelofsarcasm Posts: 2,329 Member


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  • AustinRuadhain
    AustinRuadhain Posts: 2,592 Member
    @Cornanda - Sending a hug. I so get the frustration. To all the brilliant things @micaroo4 said, I can only add -- salt? That makes my weight jump. Anyway, keep an eye on the things you are doing and watch for the patterns, to see if you can find what adjustments you want to make. Keep on doing!

    @trooworld - Yes, I have eyed the Criterion Channel! I do pick up some of the Criterion films via the library! I hope the haircut went well!

    @TeresaW2024 - I am sending you a hug. I so get missing what used to be. I am glad you have that great sense of humor to help you deal.
    Sending a hug as regards the Tootsie Rolls. I can't have those in the house.

    @Veta2018 - Another person who loves math and Hitch movies -- woohoo! I just watched another I picked up at the library -- Torn Curtain. My husband and I loved it.

    @micaroo4 - Your comment about being a numbers geek made me smile. I still remember the phone number we had when I was 6. I surprised my dad the engineer with that one.

    @19shmoo69 - I am sending hugs and best wishes for you as you deal with the money challenge.

    @txcritter69 - You are so right about the need to watch what we eat and how it affects the scale.

    @morenin - I have trouble eating just a little bit of sweet things. It tends to snowball, for me. When I am on trouble, I have to take a clean break, and then work on what I can add back.
    Maybe parcel out daily helpings or one amount for the week at the start and when you are not hungry? Sort of like being on a budget, when you have just the cash for the week you have in your wallet?
    Hurray for the smaller double chin! That is excellent!
    Also -- I love the purple hair! Also, I had no idea that hidden object games involving cats were a thing. They sound fun!

    @KatMary71 - I hope picking up the cat went well. Is the cat coming to your place on vacation? Or are you acquiring another cat long-term?
    Side note: As soon as I started responding to your cat news, our cuddly new cat jumped up and sat between me and the keyboard to request some cuddles. So this comment took an extra 5 minutes to type, with an extra minute spent fixing the stray characters added when a cat jumped on the keyboard!
  • AustinRuadhain
    AustinRuadhain Posts: 2,592 Member
    Checking in on yesterday:
    🟢 Food on plan with a focus on vegetables
    🟢 Fifteen for Fitness Challenge
    🟢 GtG Pushups -- did a couple; more would be better, but I am happy I did some!
    🟢 Movement: about 45 min of focused movement -- 15 minutes of walking downtown and a 25-minute stair stepping session in the evening
    🟢 Steps: 6,000 - exceeded goal with over 8,300 steps!
    🟢 Floors: 4 up and 8 down (took the elevator up to avoid being late for an appointment, but took the stairs back down)

    Today's plans
    ⚪ Food on plan with a focus on vegetables
    🟡 GtG Pushups: Goal for today is 3 sets (12+)
    ⚪ Movement: 45 min including an outside walk
    ⚪ Steps: 8,000
    ⚪ Floors: 5
    ⚪ Stretching or yoga
    🟢 Precooking - prep a pot of beans I can eat this week

    One happy note: all this work on doing more pushups, even wall/counter ones, is paying off, as I am no longer so sore!
  • AustinRuadhain
    AustinRuadhain Posts: 2,592 Member
    edited February 18
    @Katmary71 nudged me to share thoughts about the idea of getting just a little bit better, day by day.

    James Clear (author of Atomic Habits) has my all-time favorite picture of why it works to focus on getting a little bit better. It's the same principle as why you want to start saving, even just a bit, when you are young -- because of the power of time. If you do just a bit better today, and do that day after day, it adds up!

    "So if you were able to improve by 1% each day for an entire year... you would end up 37 times better at the end of the year. And if you were to get 1% worse, you would whittle yourself down almost to zero."
    I just love that message -- that we don't need to change something huge to reach our goals. Start small. Keep making small changes. Persistence will get you there! Here's an inspiring video about how a cycling coach used this approach (spoiler: very successfully).

    If the topic of building better habits interests you, check out the work of B.J. Fogg. He's a professor at the Stanford Behavior Design Lab. Students in one of his classes used things they were studying to create Instagram, which is indeed hugely habit-forming.

    Fogg has a book I love called Tiny Habits: The Small Changes that Change Everything. This is a system I am using. It's a simple and practical and unexpectedly fun system. It does take attention. His idea is to build habits by (1) finding an anchor moment in your day, (2) creating a super-tiny action, and (3) following that action with a moment of celebration. Fogg's team has a weekly free Tiny Habits course to help you build new tiny habits to make your life better! https://tinyhabits.com/join/


    You can only do a couple of these at a time. Once one gets baked in, so that you are reliable to do it, you can then work on adding another.

    So the 2 tiny habits I am currently working on:
    - After I walk into the kitchen, I will do 1 counter pushup and then I celebrate (my current celebrations: smile and say "boom!" OR do a bicep flex OR do a quick dance move).
    - After I notice I need to use the bathroom (at home), I will run upstairs to go and then I celebrate (my current celebrations: smile and say "boom!" OR do a bicep flex OR do a quick dance move).

    I am not totally reliable for either of these, but I am improving. :-)

    If you try this, don't forget the celebrations. That moment where you do something to create a positive feeling is key to rewiring your brain!

    Also of note -- per Fogg, getting rid of bad habits is like untangling knots. The best thing seems to be to create good new ones that gradually crowd out negative ones.
  • txcritter69
    txcritter69 Posts: 237 Member
    Weigh In Sunday: Feb 18
    SW 175
    PW 174.3
    CW 173.3
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,736 Member
    WEIGH INS NEEDED: @sleepygirl79 @littlebabekitty @vegan4lyfe2012 @DebJB30

    Tomorrow Weigh-In reminder: @AmbersWay @Jactop @AustinRuadhain

    Hi gang I'm real worn out and am going to lay down, wanted to get the business at least taken care of in case I sleep through the night.

    @AustinRuadhain I'd forgotten with BJ Fogg I'd tied squats in with feeding the cats, going to the bathroom, and brushing my teeth one of the times we'd done it and there was A LOT of cussing along with that one after a couple days! I think I quit doing it with the bathroom because I was so sore lol!
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