Mission Slimpossible Team Chat - APRIL 2024



  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,720 Member
    WEIGH INS DUE NOW: @littlebabekitty @vegan4lyfe2012 @Ayathetyga @AmbersWay @AustinRuadhain
    Tomorrow Weigh in reminder for the following @FushiaKat @TeresaW2024
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,720 Member
    @sleepygirl79 LOL good idea my scale is wonky like that too.

    @Veta2018 Thank you! I'm glad you're doing well with logging too, I actually hadn't been good at logging everything in awhile so it was the perfect time for a challenge doing it. Focusing on strength training sounds great! I'm glad you're able to help your Mom with MFP and logging. It IS intimidating, I remember being very frustrated at the start.

    @laurelfit57 Oh that's wonderful news your meds seem to be working better! I'm so glad to hear you're at spin class that's way better, go you!

    Hi team! First day of work went well, the boss didn't come in so I spent the day reading books and talking to other clients. My neighbor came by with some hard kombucha to celebrate my first day plus I hit the garden center. I'm super worn out and headed to the tub, have a great Tuesday friends.
  • littlebabekitty
    littlebabekitty Posts: 390 Member
    Weigh in Day: Sunday
    PW: 191.8
    CW: 193.8
    + 2

    Gained as expected. Back to work this week.
  • AustinRuadhain
    AustinRuadhain Posts: 2,591 Member
    Katmary71 wrote: »
    WEIGH INS DUE NOW: @AustinRuadhain
    I apologize for keeping you waiting! It has been a crazy day, and I was determined to get this to you today!

    Monday Weigh-in

    SW 223.1
    PW: 209.2
    CW: 208.3

  • megnolia82
    megnolia82 Posts: 827 Member
    Good morning!

    Finally, some movement! I have started tracking again in earnest. It’s so crazy that I fall off the wagon so often because I know when I stick to the plan - it works!
    I have a gala event on May 31st. I have a couple dresses that I could wear. I look bad in both of them at the moment so I’m determined to drop a couple pounds to smooth out the muffin top etc.

    Something else crazy I have noticed - when i cut my food way back my body feels so much better. It’s like I can feel the inflammation melting away. Has anyone else noticed that?

    Anyway, here’s to a good week!
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,085 Member

    DISCUSSION QUESTION: What activities or images come to mind when you think about self-care?
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,085 Member
    @laurelfit57 @Digger61 @AyaTheTyga way to get on the leaderboard! Congrats!

    @TeresaW2024 I'm glad you had a nice time at the movies and that the ribs were good. Did the rain stop?

    @Veta2018 @Sleepygirl79 @reshii_devi @AustinRuadhain Congrats on the losses!

    @Katmary71 Thanks! That's good you got your veggies in the garden. I hope you enjoy seeing your ex's brother tomorrow. I am doing well with tracking DURING THE WEEK but suck at it on the weekends lol. I forget what job you are doing, can you remind me? Is it at the wellness clinic? I'm glad your first day went well.

    @Veta2018 Not much longer then, I bet you are excited! I hope you can figure out the hall lights. I did enjoy the musical and had a great day! I'm glad you got to visit with your mom and that was a good suggestion to just write things down and set small goals. I bet you are a good example for her!

    @laurelfit57 I'm glad you might have the right combo! That's awesome that you are sleeping at night and have energy. Yay!

    DISCUSSION QUESTION: What activities or images come to mind when you think about self-care? Well, self-care can mean different things to different people. For me, it means taking my medications/vitamins every day, tracking my food, having good body and oral hygiene, being gentle with myself when I am having a tough day, meditating, and exercising regularly. Do I do all of this stuff? NO. I should, but I have to pick and choose what I do as I don't have time for it all.

    Hi all. I slept in a bit yesterday as I was up late on Sunday night. Yesterday, I made an appointment with a chiropractor. I did it for a couple of reasons: I feel like my mobility is going downhill: there is a twinge in my hip that is causing me to kind of walk with a limp/walk funny and I don't want to lose my mobility. I have neck and back pain. And finally, because of my plantar fasciitis (this chiropractor offers shockwave treatment for plantar fasciitis that is really supposed to help). My insurance covers it for a small copay so I thought I would give it a shot. Yesterday at work was a bit overwhelming, it was busy and I had people coming to me for various things all day. That's the way Mondays are, usually, so I tend not to like Mondays lol. Today should be better.

    No Zero Days: Tracked everything.

    Want to keep track of your steps with the team? Add a tab to the Google Sheet! https://tinyurl.com/Slimpossibles

    Get the Kik app and chat with us in real-time! Just download the app, create a profile, and message me (username: trooworld) and I'll add you to the private group chat! https://kik.com/

    My phrase for the year: "New year, new me!"
  • TeresaW2024
    TeresaW2024 Posts: 157 Member

    @Veta2018 Joe is 23 years older than me, so we have always gotten some weird looks, but now that he is almost 81, frail, and has dementia, it’s progressed. I’m used to it, and it’s fun to see people's faces when I correct them. Oh, Joe and I were married in Savannah! It was just the two of us, and it was perfection! We got to go back on our 10th anniversary in October, and then Joe got cancer in December, and everything in our lives changed.😕 How funny is that rhyme your mom had in that book! I can’t say I disagree with it! I agree that if MFP is too much for her, have her start by writing down everything she eats. That is what I do now. I hate counting calories. :)

    @Katmary71 I’m glad you had a good first day of work. Hard Kombucha sounds like something I need in my life! :D

    @megnolia82 It’s true that if you cut your food back, you will feel less inflammation. Our bodies spend much of their time digesting our food, so if we cut back or do intermittent fasting, we give our bodies time to work on other areas, like inflammation. :)

    @trooworld Yes, the rain stopped, but then it got chilly again. This time of year, we are always up and down. I’m OK with it because summer is coming, and I don’t like the heat! I :# hope the chiropractor can help you with your hip and will be able to help with your plantar fasciitis. That would be so awesome for you! I also hope you have a better Tuesday than you did Monday. <3

    Good morning! Well, I’m not surprised that I gained after Joe and my day eating Peanut M&M’s at the movies and then a huge BBQ meal. I will get it off and more this week! :) I have finally decided I can’t deal with this painful tendon issue in my right hand, so I called an orthopedic doctor and have an appointment for Wednesday. Because I don’t have regular insurance, it will cost me $250 for the visit, and who knows how much more to fix it. We have the money, but I’m still so offended that I must spend it on something medical. But I also want to be pain-free and get back to my weightlifting, so I will do what needs to be done. 🫤

    DISCUSSION QUESTION: What activities or images come to mind when you think about self-care?

    Self-care is going into my workout room and getting my heart rate up. There is something very therapeutic to rebounding that I enjoy, and I plan to keep it up even when I can return to weight lifting. I’m also very much into good skincare, and taking care of this aging face of mine. :)
  • AmbersWay
    AmbersWay Posts: 284 Member
    WI Monday
    PW 210
    CW 213.8

    Well ugh. Moving on. Im on calorie and finally getting back to cycling and my steps hopefully back up. I’ll be praying next week is my week.
  • FushiaKat
    FushiaKat Posts: 524 Member
    Username: FushiaKat
    Weigh-In Tuesday
    SW: 245
    Maintenance Goal 135 - 140
    Weeks in maintenance 17 of 52

    PW: 137.8
    CW: 137.8

    Happy Tuesday. I just took my computer apart and had all the dust sprayed out of it. OMG it was so bad. One of my fans is making a noise sometimes and my computer has 9 of them so I have no idea which one it is and since I don't hear all that well it will be impossible for me to figure it out. Next time it happens I will take the cover off and touch each fan. I'm making potato pancakes for my husband again today so I'm off to cook up some bacon. He loves them and is eating them 4 days a week now. The kitties are doing well, no issues at the moment. But Leo does not like to take his thyroid medication and has started hiding from me when its time. I'm having baked potato with queso cheese sauce, shrimp, cauliflower and spices today for lunch. It's one of my favorite meals.

    Never let a day go by that you don't say something nice to yourself. You are your best friend, treat yourself that way.
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,720 Member
    : @AyaTheTyga
    Reminder to Weigh in Tomorrow for the following: @Divya365
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,720 Member
    @littlebabekitty You got this!

    @AustinRuadhain That's ok that weigh-in was worth the wait, woohoo!

    @megnolia82 I know what you mean about cutting back, I Googled it to see as I remember reading that's common, I feel the same way. Here's an article about it: https://www.sciencealert.com/eating-less-improves-mood-sleep-and-sex-drive-in-healthy-people-study-finds It didn't really say WHY just that it's good for us in many areas.

    Discussion Question: What activities or images come to mind when you think about self-care? For me pretty much the beauty stuff like deep condition hair, mask on face. I know it's more than that, the 4 hours I'm at the holistic clinic I'm in charge of their “self-care” program so it's wellness that nourishes us in some way and gets us to slow down a bit. I think of my baths at night as self-care.

    @trooworld Thank you for posting the question! I'm glad you're doing awesome during the week! That's tough I know it's harder with another person around and both you and your husband enjoy cooking. I'm doing two different things, claims for my brother which I've been doing for awhile. The new job is at the holistic clinic, I'm in charge of their “self-care” program where people can come in and use machines plus help with administrative work. I spent today making summaries of the different machines to put in a binder for people for quick reference. I love your self-care description and including things like vitamins and meds, I hadn't thought of that. Good call with the chiro, I think that's a great idea to do something now before it gets worse. I'm curious in the shockwave treatment helps, I hope so! I can see why you aren't fond of Mondays, hope tomorrow is less stressful.

    @TeresaW2024 Between us I'm not feeling hard kombucha is worth the extra 100 calories more than regular kombucha. I hope the orthopedist can help you and you get in soon. That's true exercise is self-care too, didn't think of that! It's one of the best things I do for my mental health.

    @AmbersWay I'm glad to hear you're getting back to exercising now, I'm sure next week will be better.

    @micaroo4 Love your definition of self care too! A cup of tea, purring cat, and book is my favorite way to end the night.

    @Divya365 Ouch I hope you're feeling better soon that sounds painful. I hear ya on sitting, I'm flared up from not being able to elevate my legs all day which sounds silly.

    @FushiaKat All that potato talk has me craving one especially with queso! LOL do you know all of Leo's hiding places? I worry about that with my cat that's skittish if he ever needs medication as he's hard to catch. You say something nice about you too, I did to myself because you reminded me.

    @vegan4lyfe2012 Oh my goodness you and Hunter and food sounds stressful! I'm glad you stood up for yourself even if it made her cry, I think you did the right thing. My Dad is similar but not living together makes it easier. I came real close to throwing a bag of gingersnaps at him a few years ago when I wasn't eating sugar and said no and he came and put it by me on the couch. Makes ya want to stress eat gingersnaps or throw the bag across the room! I got up and put it back in the pantry. I can't even imagine how exhausted you are! Happy birthday to Mom! I love that picture how awesome she gets to meet her great-grandkids.

    Hi friends! I'm wiped out tonight! I can't even imagine a concert after work tomorrow, I'm so tired right now. I'm going to take a long bath and go to bed early again. Not sure of tomorrow's schedule, one of the practitioners is teaching a class when I get off work and I'd have to leave early so not sure what I'm doing yet. I'm making a binder on the self-care equipment people can do there that's about a page on each item so it's not so overwhelming. I wish I'd done this research when I had the free membership so I could've understood it more but glad I'm learning it now. I dropped off about 15 tomato plants at a plant stand and took about that to the charity president. Have a great Wednesday and maybe Thursday if I don't make it on tomorrow!
  • megnolia82
    megnolia82 Posts: 827 Member
    Morning check in April 24

    Good morning! Ok so I know this is silly because it’s only been a few days, but I’ve been off the wagon for… years. But I’ve been tracking religiously for the last 3 days. And I find that momentum is the most important thing so I’m going to celebrate those 3 days because what I do today is the best indicator for what I will do tomorrow.

    Here’s to an amazing day 4. And to each of you, wherever you may be on this journey - have a fantastic day! You’re amazing 😍
This discussion has been closed.