WaistAways Team Chat - MAY 2024



  • tlcjen12
    tlcjen12 Posts: 18 Member
    @jugar can I change my weight in date to Fridays?
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,250 Member
    @tlcjen12 is returning to your team :)

    You were never gone from our team! Glad you're still here - you do not need to sign up again once you're here - you're stuck with us until you want to leave!
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,250 Member
    Ruth_2024 wrote: »
    Hi team! How's everyone doing?

    I'm Ruth, 65F retired IT manager. I've lost about 30 lbs since last fall but I still need to lose a lot more. I've started to drift back into bad habits, especially too much snacking. I remembered using MFP to log my food a long time ago, so I made a new account and here I am.

    My current goals are to limit snacking, pay attention to protein and sugar, and to stop slacking on my activity rings.

    I'm stuggling a bit with exercise atm. I started using a rowing machine last fall and was doing really well with it. Unfortunately (or stupidly) I ignored some mild pain in my left hamstring while I was rowing, and it's turned into tendonitis. I'm taking a break from the rower and doing some exercises to strengthen it, but not much else. I think I need to start doing some kind of full body strength training or maybe yoga.

    SW 231.4
    GW 130, but realistically I'd be thrilled with anything under 150
    Great to meet you, Ruth! Hopefully we can look over your shoulder and help with the snacking! As to the exercise and injuries, tough lesson! I love the rowing machine too, and wish I had one. My exercise nemesis moment was with kettlebells and ended up with an umbilical hernia that needed surgery. Ugh. Pilates can be a great strength training, and works well on flexibility too - or find a trainer with a good background in kinesiology. They can do wonders. In any case have a great time working on all this fun stuff with us on your side!
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,250 Member
    Who's up? Time to get started on this week's weigh-ins. Due through Monday:

  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,250 Member
    tlcjen12 wrote: »
    @jugar can I change my weight in date to Fridays?

    absolutely. Done.
  • ashleycarole86
    ashleycarole86 Posts: 6,256 Member
    Quick stop to send my greatest condolences to @jugar and @EvMakesChanges for the passing of your father. I'm sure there was great comfort for him in having you both near

    Back later for more!

    How did everyone do this weekend?
  • katzservant
    katzservant Posts: 36 Member
    edited April 29
    Send my condolences to @jugar and @EvMakesChanges for your father's passing. I think it's a blessing for both parent and children to be together at that time.

    May you find comfort in knowing you were there and in having each other to lean on. 💐

  • tlcjen12
    tlcjen12 Posts: 18 Member
    @jugar and @EvMakesChanges sorry for your loss. Blessing to you and your family
  • MaddawgMadsen
    MaddawgMadsen Posts: 298 Member
    @jugar & @EvMakesChanges - my condolences are with both of you and your family. I know your dad must have loved having you by his side during his last day. It's so great that you got to spend that time with him. <3

    My name is Jolene. I live in SW Colorado with my husband and two rambunctious dogs. I currently work an office job and have for years. It is part of the weight gain I saw over the last decade. The other part was due to an injury. I used to exercise a lot and eat okay. Then, with the injury I stopped exercising which meant that I needed to eat well to not gain weight. I didn't do that. My all-time high was last year just before I joined this group. I am happily down 20-25 lbs ... depending on the day ;). My goal weight will be reached in another 30ish pounds.

    Last night, I watched a documentary on Netflix called, "Hack Your Health: The Secrets of Your Gut". It discussed how our guts are like our second brain and how many issues that people end up developing can often be traced back to the gut. Issues as small as allergies and as big as Parkinson's. Without going into too much detail of the program, here are two things I took away from it:

    1. Fiber is important. I know this, and I think most people (especially in this group) know this. But, the extent of how important it is and how little we actually get is what hit home to me.
    2. ABC - Always Be Counting (not calories). Always be counting your fruit and veggies. One of the experts on the documentary kept stressing the ABC for fruits and veggies saying that we should be having at least 20-30 servings/week. That's three to four servings of fruits and veggies every day.

    After watching this, I want my goals this month to be counting my servings of fruits and veggies and tracking my fiber intake.

    Has anyone else watched or read something recently with good info to share with everyone? I know @micki48 was asking for suggestions and ideas that could help her with her weight loss and I bet she's not the only one who would like tips.
  • StayFITTer
    StayFITTer Posts: 836 Member
    Has anyone else watched or read something recently with good info to share with everyone?

    Funny you should ask @MaddawgMadsen i came to drop that link I heard from my Starbucks app.

    Super sorry for your loss, @jugar and @EvMakesChanges

    Will be praying for you glad and your family during this transitional time.
  • lauren_989
    lauren_989 Posts: 1,068 Member
    I had a great day today. Work was actually decent and I was able to catch up on a lot. I was really surprised as it could have been a terrible day with the amount of stuff in my inbasket. I ate well and got to my body pump class tonight. I was slightly disappointed that it was virtual, but oh well. I ate some dessert afterwards that I wasn't planning on from a friend at bodypump. It was left over from the international food festival and she had made some Indian Gulab Jamun (Indian Syrup Soaked Donuts) and Rava Ladoo with raisins and nuts which were pretty good. I am definitely not a brave person to try new foods so I was proud of myself lol.

    @Gidgitgoescrzy I can't wait to see pictures of your gardens! And pictures from your trip! You are going to have an amazing time! And I think that is smart to do the biking on the last day lol.

    @MaddawgMadsen I always take those documentaries with a grain of salt. But I agree, increasing fruits and veggies is always a good idea!
  • StayFITTer
    StayFITTer Posts: 836 Member
    Weigh In Day: MONDAY
    PW (Previous Weight):168.2
    CW (Current Weight): 168.4

    Sunday 4/21 13,441 (40 min Strength)
    Monday 4/22 18,955 (30 kickboxing)
    Tuesday 4/23 14,041
    Wednesday 4/24 9,853(20 Dance)
    Thursday 4/25 10,756 (20 HIIT, 10 CORE 10 strength )
    Friday 4/26 19,062 (20 min Dance, 30 min Kickboxing, 20 Core)
    Saturday 4/27 14,150 (60 min Dance, 20 Core)
  • micki48
    micki48 Posts: 2,311 Member
    Today was pretty good. Logged all my food. Under calories. Not too hungry. Had a nice Mediterranean food kind of day. Walked with hubby at a sculpture garden. Took the day off from work and it was great!

    I plan on growing flowers in a raised bed and veggies-too @Gidgitgoescrzy. Your trip is so close. How exciting!

    Back to work tomorrow.
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,250 Member
    Quick reminder time! Due through Tuesday:


  • conleywoods
    conleywoods Posts: 986 Member
    @micki48 I like to watch Miss Fit and Nerdy on YouTube https://www.youtube.com/@MissFitAndNerdy/videos
    I really like her message and feel she has a lot of great information. She focuses on sustainable weight loss and covers metabolic adaptation often.
  • wishfuljune
    wishfuljune Posts: 2,599 Member
    edited April 30
    @jugar and @EvMakesChanges - Thinking of you and your family during this time and your father’s passing.

    Hi everyone, I am Chelsey and I live in Rhode Island. My husband and I have a dog who we spoil every chance we can. I’ve been successful with weight loss in the past, going from my highest of over 220lbs to my lowest of 163lbs and I remind myself it’s about consistency.

    In April, I stayed roughly the same weight, which was decent because I had to travel for work to Texas, and then my husband and I went on vacation to Arizona. I got to see the Grand Canyon for the first time, and it was so beautiful. We also went hiking in Sedona, and the red rock formations are truly stunning. I’ve added a few pictures under the spoiler.

    My goals for the month of May are:
    1. Average 8,000 steps daily (weather permitting) in order to increase my NEAT.
    2. Average 11,900 calories weekly (this allows more flexibility)
    3. 150 minutes of intentional moderate exercise
  • ineego
    ineego Posts: 19 Member
    Good day everyone! Weigh in day:
    PW: 164 ish?

    I found a better location for my scales since moving them seems to give me different numbers.. not sure which ones were right but this will be my consistent starting point moving forward.

    Ineego / aka Sharon
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