Mission Slimpossible Team Chat - JUNE 2024



  • txcritter69
    txcritter69 Posts: 276 Member
    Good morning,

    @19shmoo69 We are chillin' like a villain here in Goliad State Park (really we are sweatin' our butts off thank God for a RV with AC)🤣. Under a heat advisory😅 It will be 95 today but will feel like 109 and humid. But all is good.

    @AmbersWay No worries, take care of yourself.

    @Veta2018 Thank you, What a busy day. I like the walking pad. I have a treadmill in my workout room collecting dust at the moment. I will be getting some use this summer when Tx visits hell🥵

    @Katmary71 I am sorry you are having a hard time with your roommate. Maybe having a sit down talk at home would be a thought to see where to go from this point.

    @laurelfit57 Take advantage of that time with your grandchildren, cause you are right about not being so cool when they get older. I fell off the wagon Sunday going out for Chinese. But I have a sensible meal plan for our trip so I hope to be good this week.

    @DrewsAnna It is really nice to see you back. I have a few walk at home DVDs that I use off and on. I like her. Starting the ab challenge when I get back.

    @TeresaW2024 Love the pic of Joe and Maggie.

    @trooworld Hang in there. My DIL had the surgery and is doing really well with it. She is happy to have done it. You Have my support. YOU GOT THIS!

    @Jactop I was 42 when I had my stent put in. I was told it was either hereditary or my smoking that caused my heart attack. So I quit smoking and the weight piled on. Your dinner story is too funny🤣

    How does your weight affect your health?
    For me it is more mental than physical. Mentally I am depressed, I do not like what I see in the mirror. I wear baggie shirts to cover my stomach cause I feel like I am several months pregnant. I don't wear tank tops because of my bye-bye arms. Physically my knees hurt from time to time, my feet have times where they want to let me know they are tired of carrying me around, my back hurts all the time and my body gets stiff if I sit too long, so I am getting up and moving alot.

    This month I am making this happen. Have a great day folks🤠

  • Veta2018
    Veta2018 Posts: 646 Member
    edited June 4
    @Katmary71 - No kidding, even week 3 looks like a challenge. (120 crunches) Sorry to hear your struggles with your roommate. Its sometimes difficult living with someone. Hopefully everything will workout.
    @laurelfit57 - I planted cherry and celebrity tomatoes. I have volunteer tomato plants coming up all over my garden. I transplanted them into small pots to give away. I'm just waiting for them to have some flowers on them first. I had to do the same with my strawberries for they flooded over the 9x9 raised bed I have them in.
    @DrewsAnna - I do walk at home with Leslie Sansone too.
    @TeresaW2024 - Thank you. Great picture of Joe and Maggie. I like the way both their heads are tilled while they look at you.
    @trooworld - I just got it, so I only used it a couple time. I'm a little nervous of falling since there is no handle and It feels funny when I step off of it. I think I'll get used to it though. I use Tajin on my fruit too. I hope your visit with the dietician goes well.
    @Jactop - The Bbq steak with Mac and cheese sounded good til you mentioned the toilet...lol.
    @txcritter69 - I believe in you. You can make it happen!

    DISCUSSION QUESTION: How does your weight affect your health?
    At my current weight I feel an improvement in my strength and energy. I can breath easier when I do cardio and run. It's easier to move around because I'm more flexible, have better balance, coordination, reflexes, strength, and endurance. Which makes me feel more motivated and active. I'm more driven to accomplish new things. It took a lot of mental strength and discipline to get here. I still have all this knowledge and discipline and I want to keep using it. I want to challenge myself to keep improving. I'm more confident. Sometimes, I still can't believe I actually did it.

    💪Mission Slimpossibles - June Strong!💪
  • micaroo4
    micaroo4 Posts: 3,584 Member
    @TeresaW2024 - Love the picture of Joe and Maggie!
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,916 Member
    : @megnolia82 @littlebabekitty @vegan4lyfe2012 @AyaTheTyga @rjv230 @reshii_devi @FushiaKat
    Reminder for tomorrow's weigh-in: @DrewsAnna
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,916 Member
    @Laurelfit57 I think you'll always be cool! Of course you can make modifications, I'm doing the same as I can't plank and do full sit-ups. Haha I told a practitioner today I worry about everyone because no one's happy and worried and I want everyone to get along. It IS a lot plus my roommate's at work and the farm so I'm tense all day which sucks. I just had a treatment and am headed to the tub soon, I'll definitely do deep breathing then thanks! Which tomatoes did you go with? I think going to people's houses getting them is more fun than going to a nursery (it's easier for me too since no standing in line ). Chinese food is real hard to moderate! You'll love the burgers! Haha looks like Ty wants to harvest tomatoes for you!

    @DrewsAnna it IS hard to read, the person who found it posted it and I couldn't see the photo I'd taken of it either. Haha good reason to go with the photo where you can't see half of it for challenges! I have modified the full sit-ups and planks. You sound like you're doing great being back on track!

    @TeresaW2024 It's frustrating how much one day can throw us off. I think you can beat Shaun T don't let him push you around! I love the photo of Joe and Maggie Mae, it's a beautiful picture.

    @trooworld Haha it's hard to live with people even when you love them. Hugs I know that weigh-in must've hurt I'm sorry. I hope the dietitian isn't a jerk. Thank you for posting the question I completely forgot again geez! How can we support you? I hope you realize you're an incredibly outwardly and inwardly beautiful woman though I understand wanting to feel that way about yourself too.

    HOW DOES YOUR WEIGHT AFFECT YOUR HEALTH? It doesn't in a major way but my blood sugar isn't as low as I'd like and I'm self-conscious.

    @Jactop Oh no I didn't realize all the health issues you're dealing with right now I'm so sorry. LOL that colander story is priceless!

    @txcritter69 What you wrote about your weight is similar to how I feel too you described it perfectly. Love your month saying!

    @Veta2018 Thanks! I love reading your positive weight post that's wonderful!

    @micaroo4 That exhaustion at my highest was the worst I agree.

    @19shmoo69 That's true life can take a turn pretty fast.

    Hi team, just got home from having a treatment and am supposed to be watching a Zoom but can't get in. What's new right? Not much else going on, roommate and I haven't talked. Planning on watering then a bath. Have a great night and awesome Wednesday! Week is FLYING!
  • 19shmoo69
    19shmoo69 Posts: 1,229 Member
    @Jactop I shared the story with my wife. She said umm no thanks no mac-n- cheese for me. Lol
  • gemwolf110
    gemwolf110 Posts: 1,466 Member
    Daily Post ~ Wednesday

    Track ~ Yes- Day 28
    Calories ~ over
    Exercise ~ 60 minutes of Zumba and 10 minutes sauna
  • AustinRuadhain
    AustinRuadhain Posts: 2,595 Member
    Quick check-in on my day
    • I kept food to my losing weight calorie goal.
    • I made good food choices. No salad for dinner, but I grabbed a smoothie at a place that has one that is veggies and protein powder, no bananas or sugar.
    • I got in two movement sessions: 1 long morning walk and a midday bike ride. The bike weas a big jolt of fun. I'll do that again tomorrow. And a morning walk, too!
    I did not get in Abs today, but I guess restart tomorrow. I must take a shower and head to bed, as I have been shifting my body clock to get up earlier.

    Feeling better about goals and life today!
  • Cornanda
    Cornanda Posts: 1,059 Member
    @TeresaW2024 - love your pic- both your dear ones are looking good!

    @laurelfit57 - I LOVE the pictures you take of your dogs. Your two are quite the characters.

    @Jactop - you win the prize for the date story! Ugh!

  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,417 Member
    @Jactop That's a lot to deal with and a lot of reasons to get as healthy as possible by achieving a healthy weight. OMG!!! That's hilarious and I don't blame you for doing the cooking!!! :D

    @txcritter69 Wow, that's hot! Thank you, I appreciate your support and it's good to hear a good story about WLS, most people that have commented in my real life only say anything when they can say someone had surgery and had complications or gained weight back. I feel you on the baggy shirts front. I've been having probs lately with shirts riding up in the front and my stomach showing, I absolutely hate it. You got this, too!

    @Veta2018 Ah yes, I got one with a collapsable handle because I am so clumbsy, I would probably fall off lol. I hope you don't! Tajin is yummy, huh? Walmart accidentally gave me an extra Tajin that is the "Sweet and Spicy" version. I don't know how it differs from the regular version as I haven't opened it yet but it may be good on something. Thanks.

    @laurelfit57 Right? Well, it takes 6 weeks for the insurance to approve and then another 4-5 months wait for surgery. So...I'm looking at either November or December. Either way, I'm going to have to skip either Thanksgiving and Christmas dinner or just Christmas dinner. Not the worst thing but an adjustment! Ty! Let your mommy plant her tomatoes! LOL That's hilarious. Probably not at the time though lol.

    @19shmoo69 How insightful. Thank you for that!

    @Katmary71 True! Yes, it did hurt...a lot. The dietician was actually very kind and supportive and I really needed it. No problem! I think you guys are already doing a great job of supporting me but thanks for asking. Awww, thank you. The week is flying by!

    @AustinRuadhain I have not seen the Martian! But that's cool the Fonz gets a nod, he deserves it! LOL Sounds like you had a great day yesterday, woo hoo!

    @reshii_devi That's great you've been logging. No zero days!

    @TeresaW2024 Thank you! After yesterday's visit, they have to send paperwork to insurance for them to approve, which takes about 6 weeks. And then, there is a 4-5 month wait for surgery, which should take place sometime around the holidays! Thank you. <3 Dinner sounds yummy. How nice to see your sister's granddaughter! I'm so sorry you are going through this but you are on your way back to goal. You got this! Hang in there!

    Hi all. The dietician visit went well. I should have surgery around the holidays, this year! I can't believe it will be this year. I was thinking it would be next summer. My husband gave me "a talk" about how I need to make changes before surgery or I won't keep the weight off. Like, duh? Why didn't I think of that? :P I was mad but tried to keep it to myself. He acts like I don't think things through. I told him I am making small, sustainable changes like going to the cafe at work less and walking more and drinking more water.

    No Zero Days: Tracked.

    Want to keep track of your steps with the team? Add a tab to the Google Sheet! https://tinyurl.com/Slimpossibles

    Get the Kik app and chat with us in real-time! Just download the app, create a profile, and message me (username: trooworld) and I'll add you to the private group chat! https://kik.com/

    My phrase for the year: "New year, new me!"
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