Mission Slimpossible Team Chat - September 2024



  • 19shmoo69
    19shmoo69 Posts: 1,306 Member
    @trooworld my goal weight is 210. I was at that weight decades ago. I actually had received compliments about my appearance.
  • DrewsAnna
    DrewsAnna Posts: 425 Member
    Weigh in Wednesday
    PW 165.3
    CW 164.7

  • laurelfit57
    laurelfit57 Posts: 598 Member
    @Teresaw2023 I used to be really good at adding protein to my diet, I have to get back to being more thoughtful. That rebounder looks very fancy😊

    @Fushiakat I am sorry you are sick. You are doing so well in maintenance!!

    @vegan4lyfe2012 many years ago, my mother was constantly complaining because all of her brothers and sisters had grandchildren and she didn't have any. So we complied and gave her 13 grandkids in four years🤣. That really is too bad about the yoga instructor. I know a lot of people just don't want to do evenings or weekends. I am so sorry to hear about Oliver, my thoughts are definitely with Oliver and the rest of your family♥️

    @Drewsanna sounds like you had a great time at the pink concert!

    @Katmary71 vannie tries to keep up with Ty, so on training days, she gets worn out🤣. Are you able to garden at this time of year? I can identify with your practitioner, I used to always think I could get one more thing done before getting to an appointment, I was so often late. I have changed my ways :-).

    @Trooworld it sounds like the party is going to be a lot of fun, and a lot of work! You have a very lucky sister-in-law :-).

    Yesterday was an insane day. We had three classes, the way it should have worked out was that I would be able to get home between classes so the dogs and I could take a break for at least an hour. It usually takes me 15 minutes to get there, they had a lot of construction going on so it was taking me more than half an hour. By the time we got home, I would have time to get the dogs out to potty grab a snack and we had to head back. Typically we will only have two classes on Wednesday, but one of Ty's classes is overlapping with our regular ones for another week. Poor Ty was exhausted, she got groomed in the morning and then had two classes in the afternoon, that's a lot for a little girl.
    I went to the gym this morning for a spin class and did upper body weights after, We have one agility class this afternoon and we will be done for the day, I think we are all still pooped from yesterday😅

  • bethanie0825
    bethanie0825 Posts: 1,491 Member
    I'm checking in a day early as we're headed to beach first thing in the morning.

    Day - Friday
    PW - 259
    CW - 257
  • laurelfit57
    laurelfit57 Posts: 598 Member
    edited September 5
    Is anyone else's app messing up? I know I had a hard workout this morning but not this hard. My exercise points are outstanding😂. This transfers over straight from my Fitbit. I usually get about 500 points
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 7,008 Member
    : @littlebabekitty
    Reminder To Weigh In Tomorrow To The Following: @Cornanda @davors19 @lisalisa123 @maryirisfroehlich

    @bethanie0825 Thank you for weighing in early, I appreciate you!
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 7,008 Member
    @DrewsAnna I would love to go to a Pink show sometime and I just like a few songs, her concerts look amazing! I'm glad you had fun.

    @askewcr Yay for a negative test and feeling better!

    @trooworld Thanks! Oh I need to try that recipe sometime! I'm not supposed to be eating gluten but I'm finding I crave it just because it's off-limits so maybe I need to find a different way to go about it. Stuff DOES come out super hot from the air fryer I've burnt the roof of my mouth a bunch of times! I'm glad you're not fighting using your cane. I fought a walker for so long then when I used it I found it even more helpful than expected so I'm good with it now. Rock that bad boy! The surprise birthday sounds fun have a blast planning it!

    Question: I did have a goal weight when I first lost, I wanted to be 100lbs down and weigh less than I did in high school. I found it was too low and when my CRPS relapsed I liked having some curves back but went above what I liked and haven't gotten back down to 145, I have about 10-15lbs to lose.

    @TeresaW2024 I'm definitely enjoying the peace in my home! The practitioner I'm hoping we'll get to a better place, I went to her class earlier and helped her out (I don't count it as work though since I'm taking the class too and helping video and pass out papers is not a big deal). I hope things improve I'm waiting to see. Funny I was thinking “what do I do for people to treat me this way” and analyzing that earlier. Awsome job at the potluck! I love hearing how awesome your new rebounder is, that's awesome and it IS beautiful!

    @laurelfit57 I AM able to garden now but am having to pull a lot of summer stuff because of aphids. For sure the deer coming back over and over had the best of my veggies but my herbs are doing great. I'm getting in winter stuff now. That's a lot of classes yesterday, wow! I'm glad you got yours in too. I haven't been logging here (just come for this group) that's a serious burn!

    @bethanie0825 Have a wonderful time at the beach, wiggle your toes in the sand for me!

    Hi friends! I got a bunch of stuff to the greenhouse this morning and another volunteer and I started a bunch of seeds then I went and helped pull weeds at the farm. I had class at Noon and helped her pass out stuff and videotape her class, her phone was full 5 minutes into class which was pretty fast! I didn't sleep last night and dozed off during my telehealth appointment so I had to reschedule. There was a woman who talked a bit about herbs and when I told her some of the things I do with them she asked me to teach a class which I definitely don't feel qualified for! I WILL take her some fun stuff for our next class, we talked of going to the herb farm an hour away together. Next few days are real busy, my Dad's birthday celebration is Sunday and I have no clue what to get him. Have a great Friday friends! I have my yogurt with vanilla paste, fruit, and cinnamon in the freezer trying to break these ice cream cravings!
  • megnolia82
    megnolia82 Posts: 859 Member
    Good morning!

    6:00 hit hard this morning and I couldn’t face the treadmill…. So I cycled instead. It’s not as intense, for sure, but I figure it’s still better than laying in bed another hour.

    Have a fantastic day today!
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,594 Member
    @TeresaW2024 I do like the 2-ingredient dough. It's not 100% like dough but it's pretty darned close. Yes, the party should be nice but my DH's cousins aren't really very nice to me, I don't think they like his choice in a wife. So, I'm kind of dreading the party. My knee was actually better yesterday, I didn't have to use my cane! Yay! Great job at the potluck! That's great you like your new rebounder. It's really a nice looking one. It looks like a lot of fun. Do you worry about hitting your head on the ceiling?

    @865jessica That sounds like a great class. Great job! Have fun!

    @19shmoo69 That's great you have a goal weight that you are comfortable with.

    @DrewsAnna @bethanie0825 Congrats on the losses!

    @laurelfit57 Yes, it should be both lol! Oh gosh, what a busy day you all had. I think you need a rest day. :) Awww, Ty, she's such a beauty! And yes those ears!!! <3 Hmmm...I don't know about the app. I hope it works itself out.

    @Katmary71 I've always heard that when you make stuff off-limits rather than have it in moderation, you crave it more. I am kind of fighting using my cane: I didn't use it yesterday BUT my knee wasn't hurting (until I got home). I should just use it. But you know how it is. I want to have some curves, too. Why didn't you sleep? We had a student at our library who fell asleep studying at the counter yesterday. I had to wake him up, the poor guy. I really wanted to let him sleep but he was bending one of our books so I had to. That's cool that the woman asked you to teach a class! Are you going to do it? That yogurt sounds amazing.

    @megnolia82 Great for you that you pivoted instead of giving up when you didn't want to do the treadmill.

    Hi all. We are having a heatwave right now, when I got home from work at 5:00 pm, it was 100F in our neighborhood! Ridiculous. I hate September for the weather. I hate when people say, "San Diego has such nice weather. It's in the 70s all year long." WRONG! Come in September and you'll see differently lol. I am working from home today, I may have to park myself in the bedroom in the AC. We'll see.

    Want to keep track of your steps with the team? Add a tab to the Google Sheet! https://tinyurl.com/Slimpossibles

    My phrase for the year: "New year, new me!"
  • micaroo4
    micaroo4 Posts: 3,975 Member
    Do you have a goal weight in mind? If you are at goal, do you have a goal weight range and how did you come to that range?
    I first chose a goal weight based on my height and projected BMI. As I approached my goal, I kept adjusting it. I went too low (118) and didn't feel right; kind of hollow and weak. I decided to gain back to my high school graduation weight of 130, plus or minus 3 pounds. That's been a good weight range for me. It's sustainable, and I feel strong.
  • TeresaW2024
    TeresaW2024 Posts: 263 Member
    @laurelfit57 Those ears! Ty is such a cutie, and you can just see that she is full of personality. You all need to slow down and have a rest day. :)

    @Katmary71 You could totally do a class on herbs! You are super knowledgeable about all that stuff. Happy birthday to your dad. It can be so hard to find good gifts for men that they want and that you can afford. :D That yogurt dessert sounds delicious!

    @megnolia82 Good for you for exercising even if you didn’t feel like walking on the treadmill. :)

    @trooworld Well, that sucks that your DH’s cousins aren’t nice to you and that you are dreading the party. What is wrong with them! My feet don’t lift more than a few inches off the mat of the rebounder. The only way I could touch anything is when I do moves like full jumping jacks, which is why I have it away from the ceiling fan. :) Ugh to the heatwave! I would totally stay right next to the AC. You need one of those fans that hang around your neck. :D

    Good morning! I woke up at 5 am but stayed in bed until 6. I still have plenty of church work, so I don’t mind having extra time at the computer before I get Joe up. The pastor is doing a sermon series on the Ten Commandments and told me to create a graphic. Of course, he doesn't know what he wants, so I will need to send him options. Like, I can pull these awesome graphics out of my butt. Pastors!! :s Yesterday, I finished the 8-week weight lifting program LIIFT 4, and looking over my weight tracker, I’m very pleased with my progress. The evidence of how sore ALL my muscles have been tells me that I’ve been working hard. I plan to take the rest of the week off from lifting, and then, on Monday, I will start LIIFT More, which is still with Joel Freeman. It’s the same format but will utilize the weight bench, which I love using. And I might have been on Amazon last night looking up the cost of 22.5 lb. dumbbells. :D
  • lislisa123
    lislisa123 Posts: 919 Member
    PW: 304.6lbs
    CW: 303.8lbs
  • lislisa123
    lislisa123 Posts: 919 Member
    edited September 6
    Do you have a goal weight in mind? If you are at goal, do you have a goal weight range and how did you come to that range?

    I do. According to BMI calculators I'm supposed to be 169 or lower to be a healthy weight, but I beg to differ. The first time I got really big was in my teen years. I got up to 285lbs which now of course I would love to be again, isn't it ironic? Anyway, I lost 85lbs and got down to 205lbs but gained some weight back and found I looked decent at 220lbs and even though I was still considered obese based on my BMI, I looked decent at that size. I did not look obese, maybe overweight but not obese. Even though it would be nice to not be classified as a beast, that's exactly what I think of when I hear the word obese. Right now, I have a small goal to reach 300/299lbs again, but 220lbs is my overall big goal.
  • maryirisfroehlich
    maryirisfroehlich Posts: 26 Member
    September 6, 2024
    Friday Weigh-in
    PW: 202
    CW: 203.5
  • baodell17724
    baodell17724 Posts: 132 Member
    trooworld wrote: »

    Do you have a goal weight in mind? If you are at goal, do you have a goal weight range and how did you come to that range?

    According to several different weight charts for my gender, age and height, I should weigh between 118 lbs at the lowest, and 160 at my heaviest. (I remember in high school I was a very chunky 180 lbs at 5'10"... and since then I've shrunk 3" which hasn't made me happy!) In reality, it's not really my weight that matters, as much as how I look and feel... but initially I'd say my weight goal is 180 lbs subject to change.

  • Cornanda
    Cornanda Posts: 1,115 Member
    @trooworld @TeresaW2024 - I saw an instagram post stating that instead of keeping only things you love, you should ask yourself "If this got poop on it, would I wash it off or throw it away?" :)

    @trooworld - Hope your knee is feeling better. Good luck with all that cooking. I know you can do it.

    @TeresaW2024 - Yay for the rebounder! She shore is purty!

    @FushiaKat - Hope you feel better soon. Your Seahorse Resort is amazing!

    @vegan4lyfe2012 - Oh no! I sure hope they can get those seizures under control fast. How scary!

    @865jessica - That is great that you made it to exercise!

    @Katmary71 - goodness, that practitioner does sound challenging. :( How did your "ice cream" turn out? I would go to any plant class you teach.

    @megnolia- biking beats time in bed hands down.

    @laurelfit57 - you sure do keep busy. Ty is so so sooooo cute!

    My dream goal weight at this time is 150. It is a weight I was able to maintain for a long time. At the very least, I need to be under 160. I will have to see how things go WHEN (not if) I get closer to that.

    Today is DH's birthday and I took the day off. We spend most of our vacation time and $$ visiting our aging parents, so some days off together are our mini vacations for now. We have had a relaxing day with a long walk, a float in the pool and a delicious brunch. Later the kids will join us for margaritas and Mexican. Next weekend is my DD's bday, so it's desserts and dinners back to back and I am going to have to be careful. Last night we went to a comedy show- John Reep and had a great time laughing.


  • Cornanda
    Cornanda Posts: 1,115 Member
    Friday weigh in
    PW: 177.4
    CW: 177.4

    I guess my body likes this weight right now. :(
  • laurelfit57
    laurelfit57 Posts: 598 Member
    @katmary71 I can't even imagine being able to have a winter garden! Those exercise points weren't real, something is malfunctioning between my Fitbit and MyFitnessPal app. It sounds like you have a very fun weekend coming up!

    @Trooworld yikes! That sounds like a real heatwave in September, crazy!

    @TeresaW2024 isn't it nice to be appreciated, your pastor thinks you can do anything🤣. Good for you, for getting all the way through that Lyft program. Probably best to have some time off before you start up again.

    @cornanda Having a staycation where you actually relax, is never a bad thing. Sounds like you have really been enjoying yourself both right now and the time coming up. Comedy shows are the best when they're good! Sometimes they are just awkward🫣

    The second class we went to last night, Ty got bit by a dog 😭. It was 100% my fault. When I put her in the crate after our turn I thought it was locked but it wasn't fully engaged and Ty will always try at a crate door. When I turned my attention to the agility ring, that's when she tried the door and popped it open. She is a firm believer that every living creature absolutely loves her and wants to play with her. She went running full tilt at a dog, unfortunately the dog was all amped up as they get in the ring and when Ty went to take the toy the dog went after Ty. She got her in the back and hind end a few times, luckily there were no puncture wounds. I stayed after the class when the dogs were gone and we ran a few tunnels which is her greatest joy in life. We went back this morning and did all of her favourite things in the arena, I want it to still be a great place for her. Ty always recovers more quickly than I do, I came home and stressed at a big bowl of popcorn.
  • laurelfit57
    laurelfit57 Posts: 598 Member
    Apparently I must work up a real sweat when I'm puttering around the house and making breakfast. I burned over 700 cal, taking 1700 steps🤣
    I was hoping my app would have fixed itself overnight, apparently not
  • micaroo4
    micaroo4 Posts: 3,975 Member
    @laurelfit57 - OMG 😲 I'm so sorry about what happened to Ty! I hope it doesn't affect her sweet nature. I'm sure you checked carefully for puncture wounds; I'm glad she's OK.
  • 19shmoo69
    19shmoo69 Posts: 1,306 Member
    edited September 6
    Thursday Ice Breaker Question on Friday

    If you had a chance to do the Thursday Ice Breaker Question what question would you ask?
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 7,008 Member
    PLEASE WEIGH IN NOW: @littlebabekitty @davors19
    Reminder To Weigh In Tomorrow:
    @865jessica @Digger61 @gemwolf110 @annachangesagain

    Hi team! I got off work late and just finished watering, brought home a ton of basil from the farm I'm trying to use up. I have a carload of seed starting stuff for the garden club and need to get to bed, have a great Saturday!
  • micaroo4
    micaroo4 Posts: 3,975 Member
    Username: micaroo4
    Weigh In Day: Saturday
    PW: 129.6
    CW: 130.6

    Went well: Walking went well, as always. Started doing intermittent fasting overnights (16 hours) beginning Wednesday night (in response to a gain), and that is going well.
    Needs improvement: I haven't been stretching. I also was eating too much over the Labor Day weekend, and it showed up on the scale (but I took control of that as of Wednesday night). Sleep is terrible.
    Next week: Start doing yoga again! Continue intermittent fasting, except for Saturday night/Sunday morning - the weekends are not the time for fasting! Decluttering 15 minutes/day. Keep trying to sleep.
  • Cornanda
    Cornanda Posts: 1,115 Member
    @laurelfit57 - I'm so sorry that happened to Ty. I would be stressed out too.
  • micaroo4
    micaroo4 Posts: 3,975 Member
    If you had a chance to do the Thursday Ice Breaker Question what question would you ask?
    What habits and strategies have helped you be successful in your weight loss journey? Aside from the obvious one of finding this support group!

  • gemwolf110
    gemwolf110 Posts: 1,491 Member
    Username: gemwolf110
    Weigh in day: Sat
    Previous Week's weight: 206.7
    Today’s Weight: 207.4
  • 865jessica
    865jessica Posts: 125 Member
    Weigh in day- Saturday
    PW- 251.8
    CW- 251.8
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,594 Member
    @TeresaW2024 Yeah it's because we are from different ethnic backgrounds, honestly that's it. They have no reason to dislike me other than that..I've barely spoken to them. I just ignore them right back! :D Oh that's good you don't have to worry about hitting the ceiling. LOL I actually bought one of those neck fans for Comic Con but it wasn't very effective, just blew warm air on me, so I got a handheld fan that can also sit on a flat surface. I like that much better! I hate when people want something but then can't tell you what it is they want! I hope the pastor likes what you create. Good job finishing your program! Enjoy the rest. HAHAHA get those dumbbells, girl, you earned them!

    @lislisa123 Congrats on the loss!

    @baodell17724 I agree with you, it is about how you look and feel. That's why I haven't really set a number yet.

    @Cornanda LOL that's hilarious! I think I will use that in deciding what to keep. :) My knee is feeling better, thanks. Happy birthday to your DH! That sounds like an excellent way to spend his birthday. I'm glad you found time to laugh. :)

    @laurelfit57 Yes! Oh no, I'm sorry Ty got bit! I'm glad you were able to stay after class and let her have some fun. Poor little girl. Big hugs to you both. That sucks about the app.

    Thursday Ice Breaker Question on Friday. If you had a chance to do the Thursday Ice Breaker Question what question would you ask? Oh gosh, um, What’s something you’ve always wanted to learn or try but haven’t had the chance yet? I would like to learn and try so many things. I think I would like, most of all, to get better/learn how to sew. I have a sewing machine and can do basic things but struggle a lot.

    @micaroo4 Sorry about the gain and the sleep issues. Do you think the stretching and yoga might help with the sleep issues?

    Hi all. I made something good for dinner last night: Gochujang Chicken Burgers with Kimchi Bacon Jam with fries. I had *wanted* to pick up a pizza because we had a lot of cooking to do for the surprise party today, but no, husband didn't want to do that. I think he just wanted me to cook because HE had to cook on his days. :( I ended up having to go to Walmart at 10 pm to get some things for the cooking we had to do. Got back, and we put the ribs in the smoker at 11 pm. They got done at 1 am, we had to let them cool and put the stuff away and it was 2 am before my head hit the pillow. I slept in a little bit: I woke up at 5:30. I am not good at functioning like this but we have to make the other 2 racks of ribs and some mac and cheese for the party this morning. It was pretty hot yesterday but less hot than the day before: it got up to the mid-80s but somehow, it felt just as hot inside the house.

    Want to keep track of your steps with the team? Add a tab to the Google Sheet! https://tinyurl.com/Slimpossibles

    My phrase for the year: "New year, new me!"
  • micaroo4
    micaroo4 Posts: 3,975 Member
    @trooworld - you asked if stretching and yoga might help my sleep issues. I don't know. I've had sleep issues for years, but I'm having a really bad stretch lately. I've tried all the sleep hygiene routines recommended. I've tried supplements and otc sleep medications, and even a prescription drug. My doctor just shrugs. I think winter will help. Longer periods of darkness and cold temperatures. I don't like much about winter, but I think I sleep better. Still not great, but better.
  • jessicakrall8
    jessicakrall8 Posts: 5,479 Member
    The September Week 2 Group Challenge is open and ready to begin tomorrow, Sunday, Sep 8th. Please join us for The Rainbow Challenge as we work on our nutrition for the week! Here's your link:


    See you in the chat thread!
    Jessica :blush:
This discussion has been closed.