The New Water Cooler



  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,336 Member
    I rode my bike to town to visit Sarah but she was napping. I left and did 13 mile ride. It is about 85 here so a little hot on the ride. I had a hard time pedaling at first. I hadn't ridden in a while so my knee hadn't had that degree of bending even though I try to bend it other ways. It finally loosened up and felt good.

    Very frustrated with my weight. I've put weight back on and am trying to eat right and exercise. Why does it have to be so difficult for women to lose pounds later in life? Not fair!

    I talked to my sister Lynn. Her son-in-law (Abby's husband) was laid off from his online teaching job. It turns out the CEO of the company wasn't consistently paying the teachers what he owed them on a schedule. Abby does not work right now but is looking for a job now that both her kids go to Montessori. Amy's school costs are free because she is 5 and gets free school but Bernie's cost is spendy. I don't know how they pay for it. Either a grandparent will kick in the money or Bernie will be pulled out of school. I hope they both find work. Seems to be a thing doesn't it?

    I've been doing laundry and getting sheets and blankets washed so I can make guest room bed for my next visitor, Kris. She is the one that helped me wallpaper the bathroom last year and taught me to knit the Christmas stockings. I have an accent wall in the laundry room to get done and it takes two people. After it's done, Russ can put up the shelving for my basket storage. Always projects!

    I hope you are having a good weekend.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,792 Member
    You do so amazing at getting your projects done. I just think about stuff without getting much past it. Of course it hard when completing things is not a strength for Bernie. I’m still waiting for a silly transition piece between my room and bathroom.

    Work struggles are such a stress and pain. I hope they have success in finding something. If he was an online teacher, could he teach in a physical classroom?

    I hear/ feel you on all the emotions with weight. It’s just.. impossible
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,336 Member
    Russ never started or did not complete projects when he was still working. Drove me crazy. Now he has his long to-do list that he made and tackles the items. However, his priority on what gets done first is not always mine.

    I don't know the teaching regulations for NE. My niece's husband went to school for web design (online school), and has had two different jobs teaching web design online to those who sign up for the classes. One of his jobs was through a school in Utah or Idaho, and he taught from Traverse City. The most recent I'm not sure who he was working for. Now he is unemployed again and looking for another online teaching job. He does not have a degree in education or teaching, except his web design program which took less than a year. For Z to teach online or to do trainings for companies in tech or whatever he is teaching, probably varies with the company he is interviewing with.

    We tried to get our flu and Covid shots at the pharmacy this morning but there were several ahead of us so we left and will go another day. They are slow.

    Well it is time to take down the hummingbird feeder. I'm pretty sure Rosie was saying good-bye and thank you when she flew up to me last week and then flew away. Until next spring...

    Today I am taking the flower pots off the graves at the cemetery. Time to bring them home and water them here until I tire of them.

    I will volunteer at Power Book Bags this afternoon. Kara, Director, texted me that they have only pre-sold 8-9 movie tickets for the big fundraiser. This could be a bomb...

    Happy Monday!

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,792 Member
    Do you think the same birds come back? That would be cool.

    I don’t know what the requirements are anymore but I do know that they are different and maybe easier than they were when I went through school. I mean you had to be a certified teacher to even substitute. Now you can substitute after some four week program. I also keep hearing about people getting teaching positions even if they haven’t gone through an education program. Especially in the math, science and foreign languages.

    No word yet from the job for Zach. On Thursday I’m telling him to reach back out. Trying to manifest all the good

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,792 Member
    I expect I should be able to get my flu shot at the doctors office Friday when I have to go in. Hopefully I don’t get sick from the office. Or from work. There are so many sick people already. Seems early for so much crap to be going around
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,336 Member
    I read that the hummingbirds return to the same feeding places every year. I assume we get the same ones because they know where we are and that we feed them.

    Covid is going around up here. We are going to try to get shots again tomorrow morning. A lady in the pool today was coughing. She said she had just gotten over Covid. I tried to keep my distance from her.

    I brought the flower pots home from the cemetery today. I will water them here until we leave for AK. I am pretty much done with watering the garden and flower pots for this season.

    I need to get ready for my friend Kris' arrival on Sunday. I will begin tomorrow by making her bed. I also have pants to hem so I can wear them.

    I hope Z gets good news.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,792 Member
    Sitting at the doctors office waiting for my appointment. Trying to not let the forever wait make me extra anxious and that affect my blood pressure even more than
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,792 Member
    Hey wow a decent blood pressure in the office for a change. Back to waiting. Going to get my flu shot and first shingles shot. Also have to get a stupid pap and talk about the statin which looks like it is increasing one of my liver values test
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,792 Member
    Covid is racing around here too. I sure hope I don’t get it again.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,792 Member
    Omg that was the most painful pap. It’s like he was trying to pop my ovaries like a zit. And the shingles shot is making me feel like crap. My arm hurts so bad.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,792 Member
    I feel like dirt today. I guess it’s good that it’s the weekend but what a sucky way to spend the weekend.

    Bernie is acting like a jerk and I have no idea why.

    Hope you are having a good visit
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,336 Member
    Kris arrives tomorrow, Sunday. I am all ready for her visit. Russ did the plum line on the laundry room wall for our wall paper project.

    I have sourdough bread proofing and will bake in the morning. I visited Sarah at the nursing home today. She looked good and seemed really up beat. We had a few laughs which is always a blessing. The nursing home is having a prom on Wednesday. They bought dresses and white dress shirts at the thrift shop for the residents. Sarah picked out a dress to wear. It looks like a water color of flowers on a silk like fabric. It will look nice on her.

    I rode the trail before visiting Sarah and then rode my bike to her nursing home. 13 mile round trip ride was good for my knee.

    I've been knitting the ponchoes for the AK grand daughters. Halen's is ready for the cowl neck, a couple of buttons, and done. I will get busy on finishing Ellis'. Her's is easier but needles are smaller so more knitting.

    David called. He shot a moose for winter meat. Hmmm, not sure if I will like it but will try it. Their freezer is stocked with fish he has caught so I will love that. Our rental is on the road below theirs so they can hike downhill to our place. He said the moose are rutting and are active. He got chased through the trees by a bull moose after he shot the one he got. They have had bear, bobcat and coyote. I'm hoping we see wild life from our rental windows that are along 3 of 4 walls upstairs in the livingroom. I would prefer to be inside when we see them!

    Sounds like a rough pap! Did you turn 50? It seems like we get a lot of vaccines in our 50's and 60's. Russ and I got our flu and Covid shots this week. I'm relieved with the AK trip on the horizon. My arm is sore!

    Has Z heard anything? What's with Bernie? I hope he isn't dissatisfied with his job again.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,792 Member
    I feel like asking Bernie if he got fired again. But that would be a crappy thing to do. But I told him I had an unpleasant appointment and am feeling bad and he just gave zero response

    I did ask him what his problem was and he said he didn’t have a problem.

    Sure. Because I can barely move this morning and had to go to the store by myself
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,336 Member
    I hope Bernie did not get fired but your intuition of his behavior may be right on. My experience is that our intuition is always right.

    Has Z heard anything?

    Why are you sore today? Are you feeling sick?
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,336 Member
    Kris and I had a great time. She flew home tonight and is on the plane now.

    We finished the laundry room wallpaper, rock hunted on the beach, painted one rock each for my rock bed, knitted and I finished Halen's poncho, shopped and went to one winery. We visited two yarn shops too. Fun week!

    Tomorrow I take my sister Lynn to get her kidney stones blasted. Always interesting when she has been put under anesthesia.

    Jeff and Karah will get high winds and a few inches of rain in St. Augustine from this tropical storm. I hope FL doesn't get too much damage. I could never live there.

    I hope all is well with you and yours.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,792 Member
    I hope your Florida kids are safe. The reports look pretty dire.

    Zach hasn’t heard anything. It’s so crushing.

    I don’t know what’s going on with Bernie. As far as I can tell he’s still working. Probably just work drama, but you know sometimes you want your husband to make a big deal over you. But then I get slammed with remembering that he sucks as a husband.

    I felt terrible until Tuesday and then seemed to pop out of it.

    I’ve had to rely on Bernie for being my talking to person since Michele left. And even though I’m not a huge talker, I still need a bit of communication and having him being in this mood is really lonely

    Glad your visit went well

    Safe wishes to Jeff and Karah
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,792 Member
    I continue to be in awe of how many projects you get completed! So amazing.

    Finally Friday. There was a great IT job at BD posted late last Friday and Zach jumped on the posting, had someone to do a referral (this was the place that he had the great interview last year, was going to get an offer until they shut down a different branch) - so we both really thought that an interview would appear on that this week. They are historically slow, but dang - we all thought it would happen. It's just so hard.

    Caleb is coming for some reason tonight. I had a little pretend moment that he is doing it to tell me he is ready to go back to school. But I'm guessing he just needs a little coddling after being sick.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,792 Member
    Never mind. Standard Caleb fake out. After four texts about his schedule/timing to come home, he bailed. He was tired after work. I had started soup for him too