Mission Slimpossible Team Chat - September 2024



  • 19shmoo69
    19shmoo69 Posts: 1,306 Member
    @Cornanda this time was eventful. My daughter and her bestie dressed up for the festival as did several other people. There were several vendors selling all kinds of items that were viking(ish). Last time we went they had Live Action Roll Playing. But not this time. There was a forge and blacksmiths. My only complaint was a food vendor. A Viking food requirement is Turkey Legs. We got there an hour after it all started and I was told I would have to wait an hour. We are planning on going next year. Maybe y’all could go too.
  • laurelfit57
    laurelfit57 Posts: 594 Member
    @micaroo you have inspired me! My front hall closet is always a disaster starting about two days after a major declutter and clean. I'm going to figure that out.
    @micaroo I am overwhelmed and paralyzed with boxes and boxes of photos downstairs in my basement. I have ended up with everybody's photos from generations, some of these people I have no idea who they are. The boxes keep growing in my basement. I am paralyzed with indecision. Any advice would be most welcome and appreciated
    I had never heard of Ashwagandha I am intrigued for sure.

    @trooworld I remember you talking about comic con last year, I hope you can get tickets, it sounded like a lot of fun! I know so many people who have sleep apnoea and when they started using a CPAP their lives literally changed. My son and son-in-law are two of those people. I'm so glad you like the water aerobics. My mother did that for 35 years and a girlfriend has done it for the last 10 years and would never give it up.

    @katmary71 where do you get your energy from?? I am tired just hearing about your day🤣

    @TeresaW2023 I skipped a line when I read your post. What I read was "I will do hamstrings and glutes I think I will serve it with mashed potatoes and peas"😝

    @Cornanda I too would like a way to organize photos. I remember you having to have some tough conversations with your parents already. This stage of life is hard, I will be thinking of you♥️

    It was a beautiful weekend and I spent the time with my grandkids and expanding my perennial garden. It does not look that impressive right now, but once it grows and fills in I'm hoping that it will look as good as it does in my head lol. glkj6zy83er3.jpeg

  • vegan4lyfe2012
    vegan4lyfe2012 Posts: 1,229 Member
    Sunday 9/23
    SW: 215.0
    PW: 210.4
    CW: 208.4
  • Cornanda
    Cornanda Posts: 1,111 Member
    @19shmoo69 - making someone wait an hour for turkey legs should be a criminal offense! That sounds like fun, other than that.

    @laurelfit57 - I think your garden will be beautiful!

    @micaroo4 - I have printed photos and digital. Digital are all in the cloud, not on my phone. I would like to organize those to a "best of Year xxxx" and then back up the bests on a hard drive. The printed ones- some are in albums, most are not. I am trying to organize those for the kids, but I'm not even sure they want them. Everything is digital to them. As @laurelfit57 says, I am paralyzed with indecision- when I start working on them, I get emotional after 20 min and have to quit. I am flying out tomorrow, so I will respond when I return and thank you.


  • micaroo4
    micaroo4 Posts: 3,961 Member
    Mission Declutter
    Tuesday's Mission: photos

    Photographs evoke strong emotions, and are not easy to organize, and almost impossible to declutter. My own photographs are organized by year, in photo albums, with the negatives. I also have boxes of slides, but printed the favorites and put them in the albums.

    When I got the photo albums from my parents, I took them out of the albums and sorted them based on who is in the photos. I made a new book for each of my brothers, and one for me. Everything else was mostly their vacation photos or pictures from when they were out with friends, and most of those got the heave-ho. My brothers' kids and grands got a chance to pick out any photos they wanted before the big purge.

    I had some photos from my aunt and my grandmother. I kept photos if I recognized the people, otherwise I tossed them out.

    So basically, organizing photos is a very personal project. Just realize that MOST of your photos, your children will NOT want.

    As for digital photos, it's SOoo much easier. Create multiple albums, by year, by person, by occasion. The same photos can be in multiple digital albums. Keep downloads of your favorites, just in case. I also like those digital frames, where you can save your pictures and it will cycle through the images every few seconds.

    And your very MOST favorite photos should be hanging on a wall where you see it every day.

  • lauren_989
    lauren_989 Posts: 1,250 Member
    Hi Team Mission Slimpossibles. You have a new member joining. Please welcome @bobboyardee :)
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,587 Member
    @TeresaW2024 Yes! Same here, I get up every 2 hours. Thank you! I tried calling the rebounder class but I think the line is disconnected, it was a fast busy signal. :( I'm glad the decluttering challenge is working out for you. I realized I only have time to work on it on the weekends, so I am saving my attempts for that. Dinner sounds amazing!

    @19shmoo69 There was a Viking festival here in the San Diego area and a coworker went to it and said it was fun. I'm glad you had a nice weekend! I had a great weekend.

    @Cornanda Big hugs, my friend. I will be thinking of you. I hope it goes okay and you get done what you need to.

    @morenin That sucks. I hope next week is better.

    @laurelfit57 Yeah I go every year that I can get tickets, I love it! I am not sure I would get a machine as I am going to be losing a lot of weight after surgery and often times, sleep apnea goes away at that point. We'll see! 35 years, wow! Yeah I did love it. I wasn't crazy about the music but the exercise part was good. Your front area (that's the front, right?) looks really good and neat. I like it! And I like the look of your house. Is that brick or siding? And look at the pups helping out lol.

    @vegan4lyfe2012 Congrats on the loss! How are you feeling?

    @bobboyardee Welcome to the team! <3

    Hi all. I had to go to the cardiologist yesterday as part of my clearance for bariatric surgery. The cardiologist wants to do 3 more tests on my heart, she's concerned because I sound a bit out of breath while walking and going up stairs. So, I have 3 appointments for tests over the next 2 weeks + a follow-up appointment for the results. I also have PT appointments + 2 other appointments for tests the surgeon ordered, so I have a lot going on lol. On top of that, my husband started coughing yesterday and now this morning, he sounds awful. I hope he doesn't pass that along to me!

    Want to keep track of your steps with the team? Add a tab to the Google Sheet! https://tinyurl.com/Slimpossibles

    My phrase for the year: "New year, new me!"
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,587 Member

    DISCUSSION QUESTION: What is one small change you can make to your diet or fitness routine this week to improve your overall health?

  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,587 Member
    DISCUSSION QUESTION: What is one small change you can make to your diet or fitness routine this week to improve your overall health?

    I need to watch the impulse items. You know, the stuff people offer you, the stuff when I'm out and about. I need to cut that out.

    Want to keep track of your steps with the team? Add a tab to the Google Sheet! https://tinyurl.com/Slimpossibles

    My phrase for the year: "New year, new me!"
  • TeresaW2024
    TeresaW2024 Posts: 261 Member
    @Cornanda, I’m so very sorry that you are having to have tough conversations with your dad. Hopefully, you will be able to help him navigate the next steps in your mom’s care that have to be done for both their sakes. ((hugs))

    @laurelfit57 HaHa that is hilarious! I do think my hard workouts entitle me to mashed potatoes and peas. :D What a nice little area to put in some pretty plants.

    @micaroo4 All my kitchen drawers are organized and cleaned. I even wiped down all my cabinets and shined up the backsplash. I already did my hard copy photos a while back but my digital photos are a hot mess. I will spend time working on them this week.

    @trooworld Wow, there sure are a lot of things you have to do before getting the surgery. The good news is that if there is something wrong with you, all these tests will certainly find it. I hope your DH gets well soon and that you don’t get it.

    Good morning! Today is a shoulder workout, and then I’m taking Mom to Aldi to show her how it works and how much cheaper meat there is. Afterward, I will run to the church office to do a few things. If it’s not raining, I might take Joe out later and go to Hobby Lobby for some fun fall stuff for the house and front porch. I want some fake pumpkins that look real but won't die or get eaten by deer on my front porch. I want a mum, but not until this weather breaks so it won’t die in the sun. Have a great day! :)

    DISCUSSION QUESTION: What is one small change you can make to your diet or fitness routine this week to improve your overall health?

    I had gotten a bit lazy these last couple of weeks with snacking. A little of this or that has been happening, and it’s unacceptable! I had already vowed on Sunday that this week would be NO snacking between my two meals, and this question reminds me to stick to the plan. :)
  • Jactop
    Jactop Posts: 718 Member
    Weigh in day: Monday
    PW: 196.8
    CW: 197.8
  • morenin
    morenin Posts: 137 Member
    Welcome, @bobboyardee !
  • micaroo4
    micaroo4 Posts: 3,961 Member
    DISCUSSION QUESTION: What is one small change you can make to your diet or fitness routine this week to improve your overall health?

    I will drink more tea (and less diet coke)

  • 19shmoo69
    19shmoo69 Posts: 1,306 Member
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,997 Member
    @littlebabekitty @AmbersWay
    Reminder To Weigh in Tomorrow To The Following: @DrewsAnna
  • FushiaKat
    FushiaKat Posts: 541 Member
    Username: FushiaKat
    Weigh-In Tuesday
    SW: 245
    Maintenance Goal 135 - 140
    Weeks in maintenance 38 of 52

    PW: 138.2
    CW: 138.6

    I've been fever free for 5 days now feeling so much better. Guess I will get flu shot and covid booster tomorrow. I don't know what RSV is, but they might recommend that too. It sucks being sick for so long, maybe I should have gone to urgent care sooner, but I had no idea what I had, it's difficult to tell when I'm having a flare or if I'm sick.
    Is everybody ready for Halloween? I'm not buying any candy we don't usually get trick or treaters anymore. Stay well everybody, and get your flu shot if you are able.
  • 19shmoo69
    19shmoo69 Posts: 1,306 Member
    @FushiaKat im glad your doing better, fever free. We don’t do Halloween or flu shots. RSV is a respiratory illness. It is very similar to a cold. I would read about it first.
  • micaroo4
    micaroo4 Posts: 3,961 Member
    edited September 25
    Mission Declutter
    Wednesday Mission: Identify the items you can quickly declutter!

    Photos are hard. But there are probably many things in your home that you could quickly declutter. Identify those things...then get a garbage bag, and fill it, or dispose of responsibly! Here are some starter ideas:
    1. Scraps of wrapping paper, squished bows & crinkled ribbon.
    2. Cards you’ve received for birthdays, etc. If they are seriously sentimental, put them in a frame and hang it on the wall or scan it and create a digital file. Otherwise, throw them out.
    3. Receipts not needed for tax or warranty purposes.
    4. Ticket stubs: bus, plane, cinema…
    5. Clothing with holes: socks, t-shirts, sweaters
    6. Decorative touches that have seen better days: dried flowers, doilies, knick-knacks.
    7. Anything that ought to be a pair but isn’t: earrings, socks, gloves.
    8. Old magazines
    9. Books you’re never going to read again (donate to your local library for their annual book sale)
    10. CDs you no longer enjoy, or don't need now that you can stream music (library may take these)
    11. DVDs you don’t watch, or won't watch now that you can stream video (library may take these)
    12. Shoes you don’t wear or that don’t fit
    13. Non-stick cookware that’s damaged
    14. Scarves & other accessories you never wear
    15. Clothes that don’t fit
    16. Gifts you can’t use or don’t like
    17. Old makeup & skincare
    18. Dried-up or ‘once-was-fashionable’ nail polish
    19. Old, unused or wire hangers
    20. Expired or sample-sized toiletries
    21. Expired medication (dispose of responsibly)
    22. Extra buttons and twists of thread that come with new clothes and you know you’ll never use
    23. Anything in your pantry that’s expired
    24. Anything in the refrigerator that's expired (have you checked the stuff in the fridge door?)
    25. Empty bottles of anything
    26. Send all your old towels & bath mats straight to the nearest animal shelter
    27. Pet toys that have been abandoned. The animal shelter can probably use them, too.
    28. Old bills and paperwork you don’t need to keep for taxes
    29. Old school anything: uniforms, text books, assignments, formal dresses…
    30. Clothing that’s beyond repair: damaged or stained
    31. Underwear or swimwear that’s losing its stretch
    32. Bras that are tired or don’t fit properly
    33. Rusty anything: cutlery, jewelry, tools
    34. Pens and markers that don’t work
    35. Outdated and/or non-working electronics (near me, Staples will take these)
    36. Cables for the printer you used to have. Same for power, computer and TV cords.
    37. Manuals to electronic or other gear you no longer own.
    38. Threadbare sheets and bedding
    39. Handbags, wallets and purses you never use
    40. Hair elastics that have lost their stretchiness
    41. Hair accessories that you don’t use
    42. Anything wedding related (other people’s): invitations, save the date, favours, memorabilia…
    43. Flat pack furniture instructions
    44. Tupperware you never use
    45. Junk mail
    46. Travel brochures, actually any brochures!
    47. Random containers and jars
    48. Old artwork or old children’s artwork: frame or scan the stuff that’s really good or you can’t bear to lose
    49. Used envelopes
    50. Dead batteries (dispose of responsibly, google your nearest battery recycle depot - near me, all batteries can go to Staples for disposal/recycling, even single-use batteries)
    51. Extra, unused or chipped coffee mugs, glassware or china
    52. Old herbs and spices
    53. Old shopping bags
    54. Out of date calendars
    55. Broken Christmas decorations & lights that don’t work
    56. CDs for old software programs
    57. Old cell phones & their accessories (near me, Staples will take these)
    58. Hand-me-downs you (or your kids) don’t like or wear
    59. Freebie or promotional t-shirts/mugs/coasters/etc you never wear or use
    60. Old bank statements
    61. Old diaries and planners
    62. Games with pieces missing.

    Once you do a Quick Declutter and get these things OUT of your house, you will be so "on a roll" with it that you'll want to start decluttering the difficult stuff.
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,587 Member
    @TeresaW2024 Yes! So many appointments. And yes, I don't want something to be wrong but if there is, they will find it out and fix it! Thank you. I hope you get to go to Hobby Lobby and get your decor. That sounds like it will look nice. Take a pic when you are done with it! :D

    @FushiaKat That's good you are fever-free. I am not ready for Halloween yet. I have started making crafts but am nowhere near ready lol. In my head, I am ready to decorate but haven't yet. I've been busy but hope to get to it soon. We don't get trick-or-treaters either so we don't buy candy, just decorate. Got both my flu shot and my COVID shot!

    @micaroo4 That's a great list of things to declutter, thanks!

    Hi all. DH is still sick. He took a COVID test and it was negative so it's probably the flu or a cold. Fingers crossed I don't catch it, so far so good. Before he got sick, he made this Mac & Cheese that has cottage cheese and a layer of spinach in it. We've had it many times and like it. So, we had that last night with some tri-tip. Here is the recipe for the Mac & Cheese: https://www.eatingwell.com/recipe/252079/baked-mac-cheese/

    Want to keep track of your steps with the team? Add a tab to the Google Sheet! https://tinyurl.com/Slimpossibles

    My phrase for the year: "New year, new me!"
  • laurelfit57
    laurelfit57 Posts: 594 Member
    Super quick check in today folks, I have three agility classes today. I am looking forward to the next round of classes when I'm not quite so doubled up.
    I am afraid I did not do well yesterday, I was so tired when I got home I definitely did not eat according to plan.
    I am trying to get some more calories in earlier today so I'm not absolutely famished when I get home tonight.
    Hope everybody's having a great day!
  • morenin
    morenin Posts: 137 Member
    I'm getting better at keeping my calories on track. I haven't been feeling well, so no exercise classes scheduled for this week. But helping move stuff into my mom's new place will probably burn calories!
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,997 Member
    : @littlebabekitty @AmbersWay @DrewsAnna
    Reminder To Weigh in Tomorrow To The Following: @askewcr

    Wanted to get this out, I'm going to take a bath then I'll be back to respond I miss you all!
  • DrewsAnna
    DrewsAnna Posts: 416 Member
    Weigh in Wednesday
    PW 165.5
    CW 166.6

    I really didn't want to post this, because I'm ashamed of myself. I really suck at making good choices more than not. I'm always yo-yoing. I'm really mad at myself for not trying at all this last week.

    I'm going to set 3 simple goals for everyday until my next Weigh in.

    1. Move more, 8,000 steps per day.
    2. Log food and eat 3 veggies a day.
    3. Drink all my water.

    This should be easy enough!

    I'm sorry for sounding like a jerk.
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,997 Member
    @morenin That's awesome you're doing better at managing calories, I guess not feeling good has a silver lining? Yes helping move definitely burns a lot!

    @19shmoo69 The Viking festival sounds awesome but that's a long wait for food! I like your poem.

    @laurelfit57 I love your perennial garden I hope the plants grow and fill everything in, looks like they will. Cool spinner! Great plan on getting calories in that's a lot of classes in a row you need some good fuel.

    @micaroo4 Wow you're really on the ball with your photos that's impressive! I have boxes all over of mine, you would not be impressed. Ha I'm happy to say I'm working on the herbs and spices as I'm saving so much from the garden I have nowhere to put them, I dumped out a spice rack I've ignored for years and am putting spices and herbs in those jars now. Today (Wed) list is awesome I need a couple weeks of just this list!

    @bobboyardee Welcome to Mission Slimpossibles, jump right in!

    @trooworld Yikes that's a lot of tests on top of your other appointments! It's good the cardiologist is being thorough but it's going to be challenging on top of how busy you are. The impulse items are hard I know when someone brings food to Bible study or a charity event I feel rude not trying it even though everyone knows I'm trying to eat healthy. I hope your husband is feeling better soon and you don't catch it, you definitely don't need to be sick right now!

    WHAT IS ONE SMALL CHANGE YOU CAN MAKE IN YOUR DIET OR FITNESS ROUTINE THIS WEEK TO IMPROVE YOUR OVERALL HEALTH? I'm torn as I stopped a medication and don't feel the best but to get my strength training going again when I'm able to.

    @TeresaW2024 I've always wanted to go to Aldi's I hope your mom enjoys it! How is her diet going?

    @FushiaKat I'm so glad the fever is finally gone! Good luck with all the shots, hope you're feeling okay tonight. It IS real hard to tell with flares what's going on, I know if I'm in a flare I'm way more likely to get sick or get something like a UTI. I'm ready for Halloween, I don't do anything but will get some horror movies in for sure!

    Hi friends! Think I missed a day in there but wanted to make sure I caught up tonight. I'm working on a grant for the charity's Valentine's for Seniors program, someone else was supposed to do it and I noticed it was almost due so I'm doing my best. I had an awful doctor yesterday and am quitting a medication because of him (he didn't want to talk to my pharmacist because it was his last day at the pain clinic and he was almost off work but that means I can't fill both my prescriptions because the pharmacist wants to know the treatment plan first), definitely wasn't worth the commute to see him and it frustrates me I can't tell them what I really think when they're jerks like this but I did cause a big stink that got the office involved. Didn't really do the rainbow today but did have a lot of herbs and a mango. Cleaning I just straightened my kitchen. Exercise was the farm, I've been having am impingement issue in my shoulder that I'm going to do some stretches for before bed, it's starting to feel better but I've stopped weight lifting this week so it can heal. Not having the second med now is definitely kicking in and my pain level's pretty high but I'll do what I can to stay off it for a bit. Have a great Thursday friends!

    Rainbow- basil, cinnamon, ginger, blueberry, epazote, mint, mango, walnuts, garlic, sungold tomatoes
  • micaroo4
    micaroo4 Posts: 3,961 Member
    Mission Declutter

    Thursdays Mission: What to do with the stuff you don't want!
    So you start decluttering, and pretty quickly you end up with bags and boxes of stuff you no longer need and don't want to keep.

    TRASH. Most of the time, the true TRASH is easy to identify. Stuff that's broken, rusted, stained, worn out - all goes in the trash. FYI, pillows are not generally accepted as donations, so they are probably trash (check around in your area to see if anyone takes them).

    SPECIAL TRASH. Some trash needs special handling, like electronics. My local Staples takes discarded electronics and expired batteries. Don't put stuff in the trash if it's hazardous to people or environment. FYI, those plastic hangers are not recyclable - donate them.

    SHRED. Some things are sensitive and you might want to shred; UPS has reasonably priced shredding services. My credit union has an annual shredding event for free. Or you can buy a shredder. But I can tell you from my own experience, shredding boxes of papers is a long process and the shredder will overheat after just a few minutes of constant shredding.

    CURBSIDE FREE. This may or may not work, depending on where you live. Stick it out at the curb with a "FREE" sign on it, and see if someone takes it. Don't leave it for more than one day.

    FAMILY. If you really think someone in your family might want it, offer it - but tell them they have to get it This Week, or it goes elsewhere!

    DONATE. If you can identify places that will take your offerings, and it's not too time consuming to take it there, pack it up, get it in the car, and GO. Bless someone else with your abundance. Goodwill, animal shelters, library are all possibilities for donating stuff. I have great luck bringing stuff to work. I leave it in the break room, and it disappears by lunchtime. If it's not gone by the end of the week, I take it back and find another place to get rid of it. There are also online sites like "Freecycle" where you can list your offerings, but sometimes people don't show up at the appointed time to pick it up, or they decide they don't want it once they see it. I don't like to invest too much time and energy getting rid of my declutters.

    SELL. Personally, I never try to sell stuff. It doesn't matter how much I paid for it, if I don't want it anymore, then I've gotten the value out of it and I'm ready to let it go. But there are places you can list your stuff for sale. It's a lot of work, and sometimes people don't show up to get it. For me, if I'm decluttering, I don't want to put any more time and energy into the stuff. You can also try having a yard sale, but again, it's a lot of work.
  • askewcr
    askewcr Posts: 396 Member
    Weigh in Thursday
    PW 253.5
    CW 256

    I got to get it back together. I was on a roll. :(
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,587 Member
    @laurelfit57 Wow, that's a lot! Good idea to eat some calories earlier in the day. Good luck!

    @morenin I hope you feel better soon.

    @DrewsAnna Don't be so hard on yourself. Everyone has weeks like this. I think your idea of 3 simple goals is a good one. Now, go get it!

    @Katmary71 Yes, the worst part is that it is eating up my vacation and sick time and I need that for my surgery. Yeah DH is still sick. :( It's a bummer but hopefully, I stay well. That sounds like an awful doctor visit and doctor. I hope your shoulder feels better today.

    Hi all. I started work early today because today's my birthday and I want to get done early so I can do something fun. Either I'm going to do Halloween crafts or my friend is going to take me out, I'm not sure, it depends on if her plans she already has fall through. My husband is still sick so he can't take me anywhere lol. There was a lot of junk in the break room yesterday for my birthday. I succumbed to some of it. And then my officemate brought me a Nothing But Bundt Cakes pumpkin spice cake and I had that. It was a bad eating day.

    Want to keep track of your steps with the team? Add a tab to the Google Sheet! https://tinyurl.com/Slimpossibles

    My phrase for the year: "New year, new me!"
  • TeresaW2024
    TeresaW2024 Posts: 261 Member
  • TeresaW2024
    TeresaW2024 Posts: 261 Member
    @Katmary71 My mom’s diet is going great. It’s so weird to see how she switched from only eating stuff she could toast or microwave to cooking meat twice a day. She is becoming an expert in running the air fryer. She hasn’t lost much weight, but she feels amazing. :) That sucks that the doctor was a jerk and you didn’t get the meds you needed. Will you go to another doctor? I’m so sorry you are in pain. <3

    @micaroo4 Those are great tips on what to do without our unwanted stuff. I have a poor niece and a Good Will box to which most of my stuff goes. :)

    @trooworld Happy birthday!! <3 I hope you have a great day! Those bundt cakes are so good. It’s your birthday, so cake is allowed, and guilt is NOT! :)

    Good morning! Well, it looks like Hurricane Helene is heading straight for us. :o We don’t know how hard it will hit us since we are in northern Georgia, but they say Atlanta will get wind strong enough to knock down trees and powerlines, and we are only 45 minutes northeast of them. My email this morning had a warning message from our power company. There is little we can do other than wait it out. I’m praying that we don’t lose power or that if we do, it won’t be long since I stupidly received a big Walmart order yesterday and have a bunch of frozen stuff. I will do my workout this morning, organize my freezer, find my candles and flashlights, and watch the rain and wind. If you don’t hear from me tomorrow, you will know that I have no power. Pray for me if that happens!! :# Y’all have a good day!
This discussion has been closed.