Mission Slimpossible Team Chat - October 2024



  • bobboyardee
    bobboyardee Posts: 6 Member
    Starting Weight: 212.3
    Previous Weight: 208.3
    Current Weight: 209.4

    Not worried about the 1lb increase because I am just so overjoyed to be away from 213!

    Going to try to focus on no food after 10pm, and get at least 3 days of meditation and exercise this week.

  • micaroo4
    micaroo4 Posts: 3,961 Member
    @Katmary71 - I met baodell17724 here; he found the Mission Slimpossibles team in the parallel universe of the 5% Challenge. I've been with the 5% Challenge since they formed, on SparkPeople. Every season, they create new groups that you have to join. First the Community group, and then you are assigned to a team and you have to join that group as well. They do make it complicated, and there's very little instruction for newbies to figure out what to do to get assigned to a team. Though once you are on a team, the team leaders give a detailed set of instructions, so it gets a bit easier. One of the things I don't like is that each team is set up as private, so you can't interact with the members of another team. I've found other challenges here - like Fat 2 Fit, which are much better run, more organized, and more social. But I stick with the 5% Challenge probably mostly out of habit, and also because I have friends there.
  • Cornanda
    Cornanda Posts: 1,111 Member
    @micaroo4 - how often do they do the 5% challenge? Is it quarterly?

    @TeresaW2024 - Hugs to you my friend. Dementia is a heartbreaking disease to deal with.

  • baodell17724
    baodell17724 Posts: 125 Member
    edited October 8
    micaroo4 wrote: »
    @Katmary71 - I met baodell17724 here; he found the Mission Slimpossibles team in the parallel universe of the 5% Challenge. I've been with the 5% Challenge since they formed, on SparkPeople. Every season, they create new groups that you have to join. First the Community group, and then you are assigned to a team and you have to join that group as well. They do make it complicated, and there's very little instruction for newbies...

    As a complete newby, I just assumed the "Slimpossibles" was the same group, with all/some of the same people as this group deciding to participate! LOL I agree the process is confusing... especially if you don't like to read many messages to enroll, and/or you have an "MS brain fog" like I do. Hehehe. I'm looking forward to this challenge and 'upping my game" with protein tracking and fitness more.

    @micaroo4 Yes, I believe it's quarterly (four-8week challenges, with 5weeks between them to rest and/or train!) LOL

  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,587 Member
    @txcritter69 Happy belated birthday, I hope it was great!
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,587 Member
    How does what you eat today shape who you'll be tomorrow?
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,587 Member
    @TeresaW2024 Yes! I got the Spicy Deluxe chicken sandwich (I think that's what it is called) and waffle fries. It was delicious! I dipped them in the sauce and I also got honey bbq sauce that I also dipped them in, which was delicious as well. Yum! What do you usually get? I'm sorry about the reminder, that must have been hard to read how your life has changed due to Joe's health.

    @Katmary71 Yes, I was so happy about it! See above for what I got...it was really good! What do you usually get? I will show you guys the decorations after I get them all up, which should be next weekend. Ugh. I am so disappointed that they are still not up! LOL about the gnomes. I believe they are adoptable, but I didn't get to interact with them, just looked at them through the glass. I could have if I paid $30 for an hour but we didn't plan to do that so we just had our drinks. Ah okay, how is your blood sugar now? Yes, it was super disappointing to get all dressed for water aerobics and not be able to go! I wanted the exercise, too. I read the Phoenix Crown and liked it. Not as much as the Diamond Eye but I liked it. Oh gosh about the concert. I hope you don't run into him and his new girlfriend. I'm glad you are enjoying your bible study.

    DISCUSSION QUESTION: How does what you eat today shape who you'll be tomorrow?
    For me, eating healthy helps in several ways. It makes me feel better about myself, it helps me physically feel better and have less inflammation, and it helps my weight.

    Hi all. Not much going on here, it's a work day lol. My husband made enchiladas using leftover barbacoa (a Mexican beef dish). I made the barbacoa on Saturday night and it was really good in the enchiladas. I had to stop taking my Celebrex (the meds for my arthritis) until after my endoscopy (which is Friday). I am supposed to take Tylenol instead for now. I hope my knee doesn't hurt too badly.

    Want to keep track of your steps with the team? Add a tab to the Google Sheet! https://tinyurl.com/Slimpossibles

    My phrase for the year: "New year, new me!"
  • TeresaW2024
    TeresaW2024 Posts: 261 Member
    @trooworld You got the exact meal that I usually get! I love their spicy chicken sandwich. You can also get a spicy cool wrap, which is delicious! And I wish they bottle their honey BBQ sauce like their other sauces. It’s soooo good!! :) What is your recipe for barbacoa? My favorite Mexican restaurant has this chimichanga that has barbacoa beef in it which I love. It would be fun to try to recreate that dish at home.

    @baodell17724 That is a good article on weight loss and cancer and a very good reminder that weight loss is so much more vital than us looking good in clothes. :)

    Good morning! I can’t believe another hurricane is about to hit Florida tomorrow. My sister is very concerned about her two sons, who are in Orlando. We are all just praying it won’t be as bad as predicted. :# I’ve been listening to Jason Seib's (my guru) podcasts, and in his recent podcasts, he has been talking about the importance of celebrating all our wins daily. We are so outcome-focused that we usually want to wait until we hit a “milestone” before celebrating what we did right. He says that celebrating every win propels us to want more wins to celebrate. It’s like a drug! :D So, to help me remember, I started a new online journal yesterday, and the goal is to write down everything I do each day, which helps my self-care and gives me a big wahoo! So yesterday, I wrote down that I had worked out, didn’t snack, and stopped eating at 5 pm. I also gave myself a wahoo for sweeping and mopping my floors because that was exercise. :)

    How does what you eat today shape who you'll be tomorrow?

    We are what we eat, right? When I eat healthy, I feel healthy, and my weight drops and gets me closer to my goal. When I eat like crap, it’s like stopping the clock, and nothing good happens for my body until I get back to eating the foods that make me feel good.
  • 19shmoo69
    19shmoo69 Posts: 1,306 Member
    @Katmary71 im not sure I joined. I know I tapped the join button but I’m all reality I have no idea how to tell if I’ve joined or not. With that said I’ve done a little bit of reading and couldn’t figure out what the challenge actually is.

    @trooworld to answer the Tuesday question. It shapes everything. Since my diet is so specific I can instantly feel if I have a reaction or not. I can take a bite and feel dizzy or foggy. If I eat something with gluten it makes my brain feel like it’s burning. Also I’ve noticed my mood and thought process of self has changed.
  • morenin
    morenin Posts: 137 Member
    I have acquired the ultimate weight loss thing (unfortunately)! I picked up the stomach flu somewhere, so it's more a problem to eat ENOUGH calories right now. But it's also messing with my nutrition, since I'm living on chicken noodle soup and toast right now. This too shall pass! But it's interfering with getting more active.
  • vegan4lyfe2012
    vegan4lyfe2012 Posts: 1,229 Member
    edited October 8
    @TeresaW2024 – Those itty bitties are adorable! I’m so sorry about the feelings you’re feeling looking back on the journal. Hugs.
    @trooworld – I just love your style! That hair! Those glasses! So fun! How sweet of the person in line ahead of you at Chik-fil-a! You definitely deserve it :) I love their waffle fries. Not trying to rain on @TeresaW2024 ’s parade, but be sure to look at the nutritional info on their sauces before you choose. My son loves the Polynesian one but can go through several little packs. (face scrunch)

    @19shmoo69 – Happy Happy Anniversary!
    @laurelfit57 – Kids. Ugh. Yeah, Oliver’s mother, Sydney, is the only child of mine I can live with stress-free. That’s scary about the Tylenol. Glad Vannie didn’t seem to have eaten one. I love that Gibson and pals practiced falling! Hahahaha! Holy fluffy doggie is TY ever freaking adorable in those videos!
    @megnolia82 – Hugs.
    @Katmary71 – Fingers crossed you don’t run into the old BF at the concert. Who are you going to see?

    I had a good session with my therapist yesterday. He talked about my all-or-nothing attitude and encouraged me to think of how every time I lose 5 pounds, instead of saying how little it is, focus on the fact that I’m only 5 pounds away from being 10 pounds down. Does that make sense?

    I’m trying not to stress eat as we got odd news from Oliver’s EEG yesterday. Everything is pointing to something being wrong in his brain – either a tumor or bleed or some such thing. But the MRI shows absolutely no abnormalities. It’s very disconcerting. Please continue to keep him in your thoughts and prayers as we wait for more tests and (hopefully) answers.

    Let’s stick with it for just today. We can worry about tomorrow when it’s tomorrow.
  • vegan4lyfe2012
    vegan4lyfe2012 Posts: 1,229 Member
    Monday 10/7
    SW: 215.0
    PW: 208.2
    CW: 209.6
  • micaroo4
    micaroo4 Posts: 3,961 Member
    @19shmoo69 - you are definitely joined! Ceriusly has assigned you to a team, so please find the message she posted to you, and then click the link to get to your assigned team, and then join that team as well. Then you should find instruction from the team leader, and people who will be happy to help you 😊
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,997 Member
    : @AmbersWay @Jactop @FushiaKat (I know it's early just don't know if I'll get on later)
    Reminder To Weigh In Tomorrow to the Following: @DrewsAnna @LisaLisa123
  • laurelfit57
    laurelfit57 Posts: 594 Member
    edited October 8
    @trooworld right now, I think I'm having problems with my medication and my energy is lagging. When my energy legs I eat😓. But this has been going on for over a year I am only 10 pounds away from maintenance and I have been gaining and losing the same tent 2 pounds for well over a year. I take my granddaughter to a cat café every year on her birthday. She absolutely loves cats but her parents areallergic.

    @TeresaW2024 I think some of it is lack of energy and poor planning. Sometimes it's so hard to look back when you are at a different stage of life. You are so strong, always remember to take care of yourself.

    @txcritter69 I believe it happy birthday to you! Birthday weeks can be so much fun, but with all the eating that goes with it🫣

    @micaroo4 thanks for mentioning that 5% challenge. I did sign up and I am on a team, I just hope I did things properly lol

    @katmary71 having a dog that is actually bred for sports is so much different than having a pet dog. I always thought that Vannie was high energy and drive, Ty is on a different level Lol. I still can't believe your gardening at this time of year!

    I am trying to change things up a bit, see if that helps to not only get me back on track but keep me on track. I have joined the 5% challenge, I have preplanned in my head what I am eating for the day, I have to transfer that into actually tracking, I have to find some time in the afternoon to just take a break. I have never been good at taking a break and I think that may also be part of the problem. Saying that, I did not take a break today, unless you count catching up here and being in the dentist chair🤣.
    Heading out to the dogs Agility class, my goal is to try to figure out what is going on over at that 5% challenge. I am on a team with @19shmoo69:).
    Hope everybody had a great day
  • 19shmoo69
    19shmoo69 Posts: 1,306 Member
    @laurelfit57 im glad we’re 5% team members because I’ll be asking you questions. I’ve read everything and I’m so confused. I’ll start with the first question. Where is our team’s chat board? All I’ve found are a few posting boards.
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,997 Member
    @bobboyardee Woohoo you're doing awesome you got this! Good plan on your goals, I had something late last night and even though it shouldn't have raised my blood sugar because it was late my blood sugar was higher so you may be onto something!

    @micaroo4 Haha I love you going on this parallel universe world with me! It does sound like I was in that group before I love challenges so I went through all the challenge stuff early on. I do like us having this group then the challenge area with everyone too. Thank you for explaining it all to me.

    @baodell17724 LOL thought we had a secret 5% club did ya?! I actually had thought that too that maybe some previous members came up with it. I'm sure one got it from the other. I know chronic health challenges and brain fog stink. I hope this gets everyone motivated! I'm tempted to join but am stretched a little thin (I wish that made me thin) right now so I have to sit this one out. I'm sure I'll be inspired by all of you!

    HOW DOES WHAT YOU EAT TODAY SHAPE WHO YOU'LL BE TOMORROW? It will reflect my health and pain levels as not eating clean does make my pain worse and being overweight affects all my chronic issues like my CRPS, diabetes and liver problems. I'm a lot happier a little thinner eating healthy and hope to get back there (three nights of going out this week are going to make this challenging).

    @trooworld I think I just got the spicy chicken sandwich don't recall it being a deluxe but I haven't been there in about 5 years, it definitely sounds yummy and I love those fries! I look forward to checking out your decorations. Blood sugar's bouncing around a bit it's high for me but not high where I need medication (just is a warning sign to shape up). I agree with you Phoenix Crown was good but Diamond Eye was better. Have you read the one about the Borgias? My friend didn't care for that one so now I'm not sure if I want to read it. Thanks! I hope your knee doesn't hurt too badly as well.

    @TeresaW2024 Prayers sent up for your nephews. Those are great achievements yesterday! Do you recall doing a challenge with Austin Ruadhain (tiny habits I think) where we reward ourselves with a cheer or fist pump after each thing we do? Sounds very familiar to Jason Seib's podcast, I recall cheering after I'd do each machine at the gym under my breath so people couldn't hear me.

    @19shmoo69 Hm I hope you figure out the challenge especially if you joined it! Fascinating how well this diet is working for you, I have a pretty big reaction with sugar and alcohol but yours sounds a lot worse.

    @morenin Oh no I hope you're feeling better soon!

    @vegan4lyfe2012 Thank you! I'm going to a Godsmack concert in Reno. I love how your therapist is trying to change how you view something like losing 5lbs sounds worth giving a shot! Continuing prayers for Oliver that is very frightening, Thinking of you too!

    @laurelfit57 I love all the things you're trying right now I hope they help! The dentist chair isn't a break but when I have time to make tea and sit here visiting with everyone it's a nice break for me. Hopefully all of you can figure out the 5% challenge together.

    Hi team! I think I deleted it because my post was big but I'm going out tonight with some friends from the charity, one is having skin cancer removed from her upper lip next week followed by reconstructive surgery so we're trying to get her mind off of it tonight. Her doctor told her not to worry about it a year ago so she hadn't returned for months and when she did and insisted on testing she'd had this growth on her upper lip long enough for it to be advanced cancer. I'm getting ready to leave on Thursday, have my cat sitter/plant waterer set up. I did my grocery shopping for the trip, laundry, and tied up some plant sale loose ends so tomorrow won't be too stressful. We have our charity board meeting tomorrow night and I won't be doing the minutes until I'm back from Reno so I'm not thrilled about the loose end but that's ok. Have a great Wednesday!
  • baodell17724
    baodell17724 Posts: 125 Member
    trooworld wrote: »
    How does what you eat today shape who you'll be tomorrow?

    Despite having MS, dealing with a lousy hip repair which left me unbalanced standing and walking, therefore using a rollator all the time, I feel very fortunate at age 67. I think that once we pass the "big 5-0" and lose our parents, and maybe start losing friends, we appreciate every day we are allowed to walk this earth. I think that being able to lose 50ish lbs since June 1st has been a blessing, in that I feel so much better physically, and mentally-spiritually I feel more happy and hopeful (even more than when I started Zoloft back in 2017)! For some ungodly reason I enjoy doing cardio and sweating now in my "old age" (probably because no one is looking at me... least of all my very critical cat)!

    Of course, not eating ANY fast food, junk food, and processed food has been a huge change in my diet. It's been easier for me to eat more fresh vegetables than ever before. Eating fresh fruit is OK, but it does make me long for more sugary desserts, like fresh-baked cookies, cakes and pies. It's still a learning process to eat more good protein, that can support weightlifting that'll help tone what's ever left after the fat disappears. I'll be pleased to one day have a slightly-overweight "Dad bod" finally!!! LOL
  • FushiaKat
    FushiaKat Posts: 541 Member
    Username: FushiaKat
    Weigh-In Tuesday
    SW: 245
    Maintenance Goal 135 - 140
    Weeks in maintenance 40 of 52

    PW: 138.4
    CW: 137.8

    Woot another week in the green! I'm feeling pretty good and I'm working on my Contest Room, I'm not very inspired but still doing something each day.

    Happy Belated Birthday's, sorry I missed them.

    My husband is going to buy me a Trike with Fat Tires for my Anniversary and Christmas Gift. It's a really expensive gift and I hope I use it a lot. I'm going to use it to take the trash out. Drive down the upper driveway to the lower driveway where the trash cans are. And move bags of leaves I've raked up from the backyard to the Green Waste Can. It can hold up to 350lbs and go 20mph with an 80-mile limit. I'm excited about it.

    He said for my Birthday I get something special, an extra cord to plug it in. I thought that was really funny.
  • laurelfit57
    laurelfit57 Posts: 594 Member
    @19shmoo69 i'm glad I'm not the only one who's confused! I think she said we are supposed to get an invitation from our captain, I did ask where we should look for that but have not received a reply. I'm glad that I have somebody else in there with me! I will try it tomorrow when my brain is more lively
  • AmbersWay
    AmbersWay Posts: 318 Member
    WI Monday
    CW 214.8

    I am trying to hang in here while I am trying to get back to routine. Sorry I am late.
  • micaroo4
    micaroo4 Posts: 3,961 Member
    How does what you eat today shape who you'll be tomorrow?
    How I eat today affects my sleep, so I'm always mindful of that. I also know that getting lots of freggies today impacts how I feel tomorrow. It's not just about weight management. There are foods that I eat for pleasure, but most of the time my food choices are about balanced nutrition to support this old body of mine.

    @19shmoo69 @laurelfit57 - if you followed the link to your Team, you don't need to look for the invitation. The problem is they send invitations using the MFP mail, and MFP only allows you to send messages to people who are already have you on their Friends list. So you may not ever get the invitation, but you don't need it. I suggest you look in the Announcement section of your team, and find something that says "Read First" or "Rules" or some such. Different team captains will differ in styles and terminology. Look on the opening page of the team for your team leaders names, add them as MFP friends. If all else fails, create a new Discussion post asking for help. I'm sure someone will come to your rescue!

  • Cornanda
    Cornanda Posts: 1,111 Member
    I joined the 5% challenge!

  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,587 Member
    @baodell17724 That's an interesting article, thanks for posting. That's good news that you can reduce your risk by losing weight. I agree about being after 50, you are appreciative. Good answer!

    @TeresaW2024 Ha! Yeah it was really good. Here's the recipe. I use the Instant Pot directions but there are also slow cooker directions, it's really good and doesn't use hard to get ingredients, you could totally recreate that chimichanga! https://www.gimmesomeoven.com/instant-pot-barbacoa-beef/ Yeah, that hurricane coming is supposed to be bad. I hope everyone will be okay. I agree with your guru! Great NSVs, way to go!

    @19shmoo69 That's very interesting how your body reacts to food outside your diet.

    @morenin Oh bummer! I hope you feel better soon.

    @vegan4lyfe2012 Thank you! Thank you! Oh gosh, those sauces, I had the Chick-fil-A sauce and the Honey Roasted BBQ sauce, the Honey Roasted BBQ sauce isn't too bad but the Chick-fil-A one, wow! Thanks for posting. I'm glad you had a good session. Yes, that makes sense and is a good way to look at it! I'm sorry for Oliver's results. Big HUGS and I'll be thinking of you all. <3

    @laurelfit57 Ah, I see. That must be frustrating! I bet your granddaughter loves her yearly visit with the cats, that's a great idea and very thoughtful of you! You are so busy all the time, I can see why taking a break is a problem, but would be good!

    @Katmary71 Yeah that sandwich was super yummy! I'm glad your blood sugar isn't to where you need medication, good to take it as a sign to straighten up lol. I have not read the one about the Borgias. Hmmmm. Let me know if you do read it what you think. Thank you! Your poor friend, I hope it goes okay. Where are you going on Thursday??? Oh you are going to Reno. I forget why?

    @FushiaKat Congrats on another week in the green! That's a cool gift, how thoughtful!

    @Cornanda Are you in the path of the hurricane? I'm thinking about you.

    Hi all. So far so good with the Tylenol but it takes a few days for the Celebrex to get out of my system so we'll see. My insurance approved another sleep study (I got one about 4 years ago and they said I had mild sleep apnea). My primary care doctor is concerned that the sleep apnea may have progressed and she wants me to find out before my surgery, she says it will be important for the anesthesiologist to know.

    Want to keep track of your steps with the team? Add a tab to the Google Sheet! https://tinyurl.com/Slimpossibles

    My phrase for the year: "New year, new me!"
  • morenin
    morenin Posts: 137 Member
    @Katmary71 @trooworld It's just a little tummy bug, I should be fully recovered pretty fast! But I'm not up to being very active until it passes. I'm hoping to eat solid food today, though I always have good old chicken noodle soup on tap if needed.

    In ironic news, I tried to use the treadmill at home before I got sick, and discovered the key missing from its usual place! Best guess is the cats discovered the long cord attached to it. I'm hoping we can buy a new key from the treadmill company.
  • DrewsAnna
    DrewsAnna Posts: 416 Member
    Weigh in Wednesday
    PW 165.3
    CW 164.9

    I'm didgently trying to figure out how to navigate the 5% challenge. It's very confusing, any help will be greatly appreciated.
  • 19shmoo69
    19shmoo69 Posts: 1,306 Member
    @DrewsAnna if you contact @Ceriusly1 you might find some help.
  • Ceriusly1
    Ceriusly1 Posts: 6,235 Member
    Ahhh! A light has entered the darkness! Another team with the same name as one of the 5% Seasonal Challenge teams. No wonder people are confused.

    @micaroo4 Hi Mica, Thanks for the explanation above. Do Diane and Dee know about this twin-named team? The 5% invitations are not sent via mfp mail they are sent through the option for leaders to send invitations.

    @DrewsAnna and anyone else who may have joined the 5%, if you've requested a team you have been invited. If I sent you the link to your team clicking the link will take you there and you can join.

    @19shmoo69 Thank you for responding.