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  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,994 Member
    I totally agree! It's amazing to me, when they talk to the Harris followers and ask them about her policy all you get are crickets - they have no idea what her policies are, all they can say is, "She'll make things better." Then why hasn't she??? She could have been president already if she had been honest about Joe's mental state - why didn't she do that? I think her handlers didn't want that, which doesn't make sense to me. I'm glad it didn't work out that way, but then again, we would have seen exactly what she would have done. I've never seen any election like this one or even the previous one. God told us what would happen in these days and it's so interesting to see it play out before our eyes.
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 2,077 Member
    Yesterday was one of those days that absolutely NOTHING went right. I needed to get some banking papers signed by my mom and sent to the bank in Missouri. They didn't get here as soon as I needed to get to her place before lunch. Then when I went to download, they went to a program in my computer that is not on all devices and I couldn't get it to dropbox or to google documents. It wouldn't have been an issue, but my printer got a message that the wifi board went out. I then had to get my printer cable and try to print that way. I couldn't get my Macbook to connect by cable (think I eventually figured that out, but too late). Then I had to figure a workaround to get it to another computer. I got my old laptop and it took forever to come up and then I had to get to the documents, and figure out how to get the laptop connected to the printer. Eventually I got that done. I had an extended warranty on the printer and had problems doing that online, so I called and had to start hopping through hoops, so I went on to mom's (2pm by then), got them signed, made Mom mad (don't ask), and made it home in time to give Bill his 3pm meds. I finally got a person that knew what was going on, she gave me an idea on how to get the printer working again, and her fix worked! AND, she sent me an email with her contact info to get direct contact if it goes out again. By then, I was beyond exhausted and it was 15 minutes till dinner, so I just ordered delivery from Wendy's. They are 2 miles away, but I needed to get stuff ready for church, so opted for delivery. They delayed his order 3 times, and it was going to be and hour and a half after the order was placed, so I cancelled the order and we had to have hotdogs...only thing quick enough in the house. So about the time to go to church, a tornado watch and severe thunderstorm warning and I couldn't get Bill out in that, so didn't get to go to church. I took Bill to the bathroom and he had a BM that clogged the toilet, so eventually I had to get out the air pump type clog remover and use it. It always works the first time - this time it took 3 tries. When you use it, sometimes it sloshes water out with the 60lbs pressure involved. Of course, I was covered in nasty toilet water by the time I was done. While I was trying to clean the mess, my hand slipped down the wall and knocked the toilet paper holder off the wall (yes, the set screw was just loose, so I did get it back together). That was my limit! After a few tears, I finally finished cleaning the bathroom - and me, and sat down for about an hour before bedtime. PLEASE NO MORE DAYS LIKE THAT!!!!!!
  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 19,473 Member
    Oh Connie, praying for no more days like that!
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,994 Member
    Oh, Connie. I'm so sorry you had such a hard day, praying that you won't have any more of those.

    Have you ever thought about keeping some disposable gloves beside the commode to break those up so they will flush or plunge more easily! It works most of the time!

    Still haven't heard about my MRI. I called Wed afternoon and the girl said she would check with the imaging center and get them to send it over. I called this morning and it still wasn't there so I left a message with my doctor's assistant, but never heard back before they closed at noon - so I have no idea what is going on. This is rather frustrating.

    Well, I hope y'all have a good and restful day! Love you
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 2,077 Member
    edited November 2024
    I have a "poop knife" that was recommended to us by a plumber. It works well, usually. This time, I didn't see anything large enough to break up. I guess it was short and fat and was hiding...it's funny now, and at least I have the right tools to use to take care of the problem (even if it gets a little messy).

    Yesterday, I really pretty much just took the day off. I ran to the post office to get mom's forms sent to the bank, and ran in to Dollar Tree, so very little accomplished.

    Today, I needed to check on mom and forgot she has a beauty shop appointment on Friday mornings. So that was a really quick trip, then came home and started putting new weather stripping on the garage door. I got both sides done, but my hands were getting sore, so decided I would have to get the top another day. I have to play the piano for church on Sunday, so need to make sure my fingers will move. 😀
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,994 Member
    Oh my, do not mess up the fingers before playing the piano! Sounds like you have an enjoyably busy day!

    Other than the normal pain in the right hip area I'm doing pretty good. Still no MRI news. I called twice this week and twice they said they would check on it, but it wasn't in my file as of Friday afternoon! So we will continue to wait and hope that there's nothing to be concerned about. Mammogram came out normal as well. I'm not sure what is going to be done about the second CT scan they wanted on my lungs within 1-3 months of the last one, so that is wait and see as well. I see my NP in December, maybe she will have an idea. I am really hoping that she will ask for an MRI on my back and hips so I can know exactly what is going on in there. Not sure what can be done - maybe I can do some shots again since it's been so long since I last had them done. I'd just do that right side, it hurts all the time. I may have them refer me to Carolina East hospital for the MRI since I'm not very pleased with the last one I went to and everything anyone has had done at Carolina East has been really good. That's the hospital that took great care of Mom.

    Well, not much else going on with me, so I will wish you a blessed Lord's Day. Love you

  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 2,077 Member
    Yesterday was our 34th anniversary. They last few years have been different, but still we have a good life. God truly sent Bill to me! I ordered take out from our favorite Mexican restaurant. We haven't been able to go out to eat for a long time, but we enjoyed the take-out.
  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 19,473 Member
    edited November 2024
    Happy Anniversary, Connie! Dave and I celebrated 35 years in February.

    I am in Miami this week. That's where I'll be when our new president is elected. I'm hoping there's no rioting in the streets here if we get the outcome I'm hoping for. Also, most of the people I'm working with here are quite liberal. I had to get up and leave the table twice during lunch because it's just not worth getting into it with them (and I'm very much in the minority here).
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 2,077 Member
    My heart keeps reminding me to pray today! Mom and I were talking about the election while I was there yesterday, and I told her that I was afraid that a lot of Christians wouldn't be voting - just because they don't like either candidate. She agreed. She REALLY hates Trump, but hates they policies and platform of the democrats even more. I can't get her to vote for Trump and she would never vote for what Harris stands for....how many more are like her? I will just keep praying.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,994 Member
    I appreciate that Nicki Halley said that she doesn't like Trump much, but she hates Harris' platform and will vote for Trump to keep Harris out. That is what I'm hoping quite a few people are saying. Can't say I care much for the man Trump, but his policies and promises are not a compromise to my Christian faith, but rather they are things I can agree with - there isn't a thing that Harris will do that I can agree with. She is saying some right things but I have no doubt that isn't what she is going to end up doing, except her stand on abortion! Today is definitely a day to be in prayer. I simply am asking God that His will be done because He does have a plan. I want Trump to win so we can have a reprieve, but Harris may fit God's plan in Revelation to make us a non-entity for His return.

    Still nothing on my MRI. I am going to call the place that did it this afternoon if I don't hear from my doctor's office before then. I've left messages, talked to nurses, and I haven't heard anything back - probably because the results aren't there. Sigh. I'll let you know when I know. Thank you for your prayers.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,994 Member
    Phew and Praise the Lord. Unless the Burros do something heinous before he is sworn in, it looks like Trump will be our next president!

    I called the imaging center and they had already sent the results to my doctor's office. They had been read on the day it was taken, but she didn't say when they sent it, but it was before yesterday. She resent them over there this afternoon, so I now know they have it. We'll see if they get in touch with me.

    Thanks for your prayers. Kim
  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 19,473 Member
    Praying for good news, Kim.

    I stayed up watching it all unfold and finally went to sleep after Trump's acceptance speech. It is amazing to me how shocked the mainstream media was with the outcome. Speaking as a "Stupid Woman Garbage" voter, I'm surprised how out of touch they are.

    Praying he'll uphold the promises he made and give us the reprieve you spoke about.
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 2,077 Member
    Praying, Kim

    I went to bed last night praying that what I was seeing then would hold out. I woke up this morning and about the first thing I did was check the election results and was so relieved! We mainstream Christians showed up in the polls! Now, I feel like I can breathe easy for a while.

    Keep Bill in prayer....nothing big, but a sore on his behind. It isn't a pressure sore, but is caused by irritation and his skin just breaks down. There is a small area of his diaper that is a bit rough. I have started putting a large bandage across that area of the underwear, but it doesn't do a great job alone. If I put a bandage on his behind, it pulls skin off. The last time I felt like I needed a bandage on it, he wound up with major sores because of the skin coming off with the bandage. Now, I am having a hard time getting them to heal. I've tried several recommended medications, but without covering it, I can't see a lot of help. Today, I started cutting up a pad (almost like a menstral pad) and placing that over the bandaid on the underwear. Hopefully that protects his poor bottom. Just want it to heal and to find the secret of protecting his skin. I also didn't use any medicated creams, just cleansed really well with peroxide. Maybe it needs dried out a bit.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,994 Member
    I gave up before the acceptance speech, but felt pretty good about our chances and was so relieved when I got up the next morning and they'd called it for "T" for sure! Now, let's see if he can stay alive to be sworn in - I just can't see the Burro's giving up trying to keep him out. Do you know what happens if they do take him out? Does T's VP then become the next president? I'm waiting to see if they take out the "B" and that would make "H" pres for a short time and what she would do to keep "T" out of that seat. [I'm trying to keep trigger words out of my post, who knows who's monitoring?!] This isn't even a consp theory, that's sad!

    I've heard the results of my MRI but am waiting for the report in my patient portal to see exactly what is going on. There are several cysts and lesions on my pancreas. What kind they didn't say, but they are in the small range, although one of them is on the edge of medium range size-wise. Only 1% of pancreatic cysts become cancerous, so that isn't really a concern. My Dr wants to do another MRI in six months to monitor the cysts and make sure there is no change. According to my own research more people probably have them than they know because they are often found accidentally when an abdominal scan for something else is taken - like mine! If they are in the small range you rarely have symptoms, so you don't know that they are there! Praise the Lord it's likely just something that happens to an old person and doesn't really have that much effect.

    Ugh, I found out that my drug plan won't do more than one week at a time for my pain meds. It's a controlled substance now (it wasn't when it was prescribed to me 15 years ago). I would like to find out if I can take it off of my drug list and just pay for it myself (which I've been doing for a couple of years). It is very manageable when I use my GoodRx gold card. I can't take arthritis pain meds because of severe stomach pain so this is my only option. Acetaminophen doesn't touch it! Wade isn't too bothered about having to go to town once a week to pick it up, so it may not be worth the trouble, and I get one extra pill a day incase my pain is bad during the day - so I actually am getting more than a week's worth since I don't often need that pill. One pill doesn't really do anything for the pain.

    Wow, lots of stuff there! Praying for Bill and that your newest effort will work well. Love y'all.
  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 19,473 Member
    It took me forever to figure out what you meant by 'burros'. 🤣
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,994 Member
    Our pastor has a blog and he calls them burros and burrokratz! I guess we would be elephants or oliphants as some people call them!

    I got the report and it looks like at least one of the cysts has the odd chance to become cancerous, but generally they are benign - thus the multiple MRI's over the next few years. Not sure if my doctor will take the radiologists recommendations, but he recommended every six months for four years, then once a year for two years, if still no changes then once every two years for two years. We'll see how it ends up!
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 2,077 Member
    Praying that all stays benign!

    Bill's sores look like they are drying up a little, but still a bit of blood from one of the little places where the bandage pulled off some skin. Hopefully this will work, and it is much easier to medicate, often.

  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 19,473 Member
    edited November 2024
    I'm also praying for benign results everywhere.

    Flying home from Miami today. I'm glad it's a few days past the election.

    Connie. I was wondering if coconut oil would be helpful and ran across this article that includes a list of other things I hadn't thought of. Passing it along in case you might find any benefit in it.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,994 Member
    I'm continuing to pray for you and Bill, Connie! You are doing an amazing job taking care of him!

    Thanks y'all for your prayers!

    We have hit another heat wave! Well, it's in the 70's right now and we've put up most of the fans. The one I have in the living room is still there and is definitely getting use right now. Those days when it was in the 60's were perfect - now I know my thermostat is off - I would have been in my sweatshirts and pants at those temps before, but still living in short sleeves! Ahhh!
  • pianolady831
    pianolady831 Posts: 323 Member
    Trying to catch up with everyone again! Sorry, I've been involved in a couple of projects and have a close friend whose husband is dying, all of which have taken up my time and I haven't even been able to read much. I'm still greatly enjoying life here in Tennessee. Fall has been beautiful, but milder than normal.

    The election!! It is an answer to prayer that I totally did not expect. I hadn't watched the news in several weeks and simply prayed, trying to have a peace about whatever the outcome was. The night of the election, I occasionally glanced at live updates on my tablet and only started watching the news when Trump was running consistently ahead in the popular vote, around 11 pm. It would all come down to the swing states, as predicted. Shortly NC was called, then GA. Now I was on the edge of my seat, hardly daring to hope. Then PA was called and it was all over! I stayed up and watched as his family and friends walked out on stage and just cried. I'm so excited and hopeful for the first time in 4 years, hoping that God will use him in a mighty way.

    Our church does a Thanksgiving day meal for all who want to come. Our pastor's wife is usually in charge of making it all happen, but he retired last year so Beth and Daniel are in charge. She will buy 5-7 turkeys for volunteers to cook, then we all bring side dishes or dessert. It's a fun time, with many people hanging out into the evening, taking walks and playing table games. Not sure how much time I'll spend there, but I always enjoy it.

    I need to start preparing music for a memorial service later this week. More on that later. Love you all.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,994 Member
    Oh, I'm so sorry for your friend. I'm sure you are a blessing during this time!

    We also do a Church family meal! The last Wednesday of the month is our meal together but we are moving it to Thursday and having Thanksgiving together. We do the same with the turkey and we have ham as well, then everyone brings sides. I'm going to try to make a pumpkin casserole instead of the sweet potato. The young men really like pumpkin but not so much sweet potato, so we'll give it a good try! We also hang around and talk and play games! We are having a Friday night get together this week. It's our first one and will be around the fire pit behind our fellowship building and inside as well. Well roast hotdogs and have chips and desserts too. It's a bring a friend kind of get-together so others can "come and see" who we are. I have my bone density test that afternoon but I get to lie on my back the whole time so it shouldn't be strenuous! LOL!

    Praying for y'all and the difficult things you face. Jesus is close and cares more than we can imagine. Love you
  • pianolady831
    pianolady831 Posts: 323 Member
    Kim, your Thanksgiving celebration sounds very similar to ours. Some do family get-togethers, so not everyone comes to the church. But others bring friends who would otherwise be by themselves, so we have a good fellowship. Dwight was never able to go, so I've tried to do both church and home in the past. I'm glad you mentioned ham, because I'm not sure that's ever been brought. I might cook a small ham half, like Hormel Cure81 that's always been my favorite, and take part of it to the church.

    In honor of Veteran's Day, I wanted to share thoughts that a Bible college friend of mine posted on Facebook. It's so very timely...

    "My husband was born on Veterans Day. Tomorrow he would have been 75. In the past some businesses would ask if we had ever served in the armed forces. Tongue in cheek I would reply, no but we serve in the Lord’s army. Thinking about that today and please, I’m not making less of those men and women who have given their lives for our country, but there is not a day to honor those who gave their lives and sacrificed serving in the Lord’s army. It definitely is a calling and those who choose to follow God’s calling will have their time of honor. But, I do think about our missionaries, pastors, many who serve in the Lord’s army. Say prayers for them and give them due honor. Just thoughts from a sentimental widow tonight."
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 2,077 Member
    Thanks for sharing about the Lord's Army. That is very appropriate and true.

    Cindy - I read through the article. I was told that the sore was absolutely not a bedsore, but I'm just not so sure anymore. I have been using a topical cream for bedsores, a zinc cream, and hydrogen peroxide to clean it. I haven't used bandages on it, because the last time I put a bandage on it, it took the skin off, too, when I removed it. The sore went from a little spot that was almost healed to a large sore. The one thing that I have in the house that was recommended in the article (besides egg whites or vinegar) is frankincense and Witch Hazel. I even have a roll on bottle that I can use. I think I will order some Aloe Vera, I used to keep it around all of the time, and just haven't replaced. I am keeping the article handy.

    When Bill gets off of the UTI meds again, and gets over the diarrhea they cause, I will use one of the huge foam bandages that covers pretty much his whole bottom. It just covers a bit too much with diarrhea. The bandages are expensive and I don't want to keep having to change them....because of price, adhesion, and if not changed, the excrement could get into the bandage since you can't seal the very end for obvious reasons.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,994 Member
    I am so glad I never had to face that issue with Mom. Praying for you every day, Connie!

    Carole, what a great thought. In reading so many missionary biographies I totally get what she was saying. Another thought is that many of the early missionaries lost their children on the mission field, sometimes three or four of them, usually to diseases. Wives have been lost or couldn't handle it and had to go home while the husband stayed because of his call. There are many pastors throughout history who have been killed for preaching the Word, especially in other countries that despise Christianity. I think we all know Richard Wurmbrand. He and his wife both spent years in prison or work camps because of their faith in Christ. There are pastor's going to jail today because they are praying near an abortion clinic. I think it's Scotland that recently made a law that you can't pray within 600' of an abortion clinic - even if your home is next door and you are inside praying - if you are found out you can go to jail. We are on the front lines now. We are that army. "Onward Christian Soldiers, Marching as to war, with the cross of Jesus, going on before..." We are his army when we go out and share the truth with others and bringing them into the Church family, fighting back the darkness in individual lives.

    Slightly cooler today. We will be in the mid 60's to low 70's this week. I hope that it will be warm for Thanksgiving, we like to do stuff outside too. Wade made a Corn Hole game and the guys and some of the younger gals like to play that after a fellowship meal. I guess they want to make extra room for dessert! LOL!

    Well, I hope y'all have a great day. Praying for your friend and yourself, Carole!
  • pianolady831
    pianolady831 Posts: 323 Member
    Connie, you are in my prayers as you care for Bill. If Dwight had lived longer after coming home from rehab, we would have been in similar situations, so I know how difficult this all is, both physically and emotionally.

    Kim, your prayers are greatly appreciated. My friend's name is Marilyn. We bonded quickly after I moved here because she was from Ohio and also relocated to be near her son. Her husband's situation reminds me of Dwight's last few months. And how appropriate is the hymn Onward Christian Soldiers! Lots of historical examples like you mentioned, and then with so many missionaries today bravely going to countries that would gladly execute them.

    I'm playing for a memorial service next week that is sad, but a celebration at the same time. It's for a 55-year-old young man with Down's Syndrome who has been active in and beloved by our church family all his life. He even came to my Sunday School class every Sunday, with an offering clutched in his hand. I was told that before we moved here, he used to have a crush on Beth and wasn't happy when Daniel came on the scene! Anyway, James was really a saint. I normally play a long prelude of hymns as soon as people start to come in, and I will do that for James also. But the Vince Gill song, Go Rest High on That Mountain popped into my mind and I can't think of a more meaningful way to celebrate his life. I'm thinking about ending my hymn medley with it just before the family walks in - if I can pick it out on the piano, that is. Hopefully no one will think it inappropriate.

    Go rest high on that mountain
    Son your work on earth is done
    Go to heaven a-shoutin'
    Love for the Father and the Son
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,994 Member
    Oh man, that song makes me cry! It reminds me of Mom's last days and how I think of her now - in heaven a-shoutin' and singing and praising Jesus all day long - a big smile on her face! I just finished re-listening to John William's story. He wasn't as careful at the end, he just wanted to get to these people and share Jesus with them and as soon as he stepped on the island they killed him and then proceeded to eat him and another man who came onto the island with him. Just before he returned to the islands after leaving one of his children behind to go to school in England, he shared this verse with his wife: Lk 14:26  "If anyone comes to Me and does not hate his father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters, yes, and his own life also, he cannot be My disciple." Our love for others should appear as hate compared to our great love for God. I see that so often in these missionary bios, they have such a fire for the lost burning in their souls. Remember that Don Francisco song "Gotta Tell Somebody"? That's how I want to feel about Jesus!

    Oh boy, we finally got rather chilly. It was 53 when I got up this morning - brrr! It's only going to reach 62 - I changed out of my long sleeve t-shirt and put on a sweat shirt!

    Y'all have a great day! and a blessed fellowship tonight with your Church families (if you are able).

  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 2,077 Member
    Thanks for your prayers. Bill is now off of the antibiotics and hasn't had an intestinal issue since yesterday. Thank goodness! I put a silicone bandage on his bottom yesterday and it has slid a bit since I adhered it. I'm hoping that it means that it isn't going to pull off skin. I was told before to leave them up to 7 days if they don't peel off themselves, so I am going to try that again.

    I had a garage door company come out today and look at a problem I had with the door opener catching. I knew that the opener was almost new, but the door needed replaced. I was going to do it next spring, but he made me a good quote and said he could do it on Saturday, so I went ahead and ordered the new one. I can't see spending almost a thousand dollars on a temporary fix.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,994 Member
    I'm with you on the temporary stuff - maybe they charge so much so that you'll just go ahead and get the new thing! We were doing that at our old house, getting the copper piping fixed one tiny hole at a time. Finally we realized this could go on forever so we had all the pipes replaced with the new hoses. There were enough holes in the ceiling in the downstairs apartment that they wouldn't have to make any new ones! LOL!

    Had a whopper of a headache this morning, the one that makes me sick. Wow, it's been months since I had one of those. I used to have a couple a week so I am praising the Lord they are far apart now.

    Sweatshirt on, fleece leggings and my compression wraps and the little heater going - yep, Fall is here!
  • pianolady831
    pianolady831 Posts: 323 Member
    Hope you're feeling better today, Kim. And Connie, I think you made the right decision on the garage door. Once you start making smaller repairs, they seem to keep coming. Our heating & air system is pretty old, but last winter was the first time it needed repaired since we bought the house - some type of switch. And our older system is much better than the types they make now, so we were advised to make it last as long as possible.

    We had a lovely gentle rain most of yesterday, with more seasonal temps today. Fall has been later this year, but the mountains still have some color. I hope to catch up on some paperwork today, make a quick grocery store run, and maybe watch a Christmas movie tonight. I do enjoy seasonal movies - some new, but mainly older ones.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,994 Member
    Wade has been putting up our outside lights and we put up our lighted Christmas tree last night, just need to get the ornaments on it. I do not like having to open up all those artificial branches to make it look full! I keep suggesting we just cover it and put it in a corner for next year, but so far that's gone over like a lead balloon - oh, I read somewhere someone was trying to make a lead balloon! Our neighbor across the street turned on his white Christmas tree lights and Wade was off to the races! Another house down the street is getting theirs up too! Almost all the houses in our little section of Hwy put lights on their houses. You come around the dark corner and boom - there we are! It's really pretty though.

    Getting ready to go and get my bone density test. Last time I had one I as at osteopenia level, hopefully I've had enough calcium to keep me from going into osteoporosis.

    Love y'all. Oh, and I am feeling better. Had to take some more Tylenol this morning but it wasn't nearly as bad as yesterday. We have a front going through and I think that's the culprit.