Daily Check In: Are You On Track Today?



  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 1,007 Member
    I had a very productive day yesterday and was quite pleased. The day ended on a sad note as Rick passed away in the evening. We went to the hospice centre and sat with Terry for an hour. We prayed and then gave her space to say her final goodbye to Rick. She was at peace last night and we know that has much to do with the prayer support. We continue to pray for her as she goes through grieves and finds a way to move forward without him.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 1,165 Member
    So sorry about Rick. My heart goes out to Terry as well as to you and Jim, losing a friend. I will include Rick on my newly departed list and will pray for him for the 40 days.

    My Sunday started off as I woke up to no heat in our house. It was quite cold out and in the house. Apparently the gas boiler stopped working late last night. I call the HVAC company I have been using for 30 years. It started out as a small local company but a few years ago was sold to a much larger company. We have a service contract with this company which includes 24 hour emergency service and priority service to customers holding such a contract. So when I called the company around 8 am the woman who answered the call told me they would send some here sometime between noon and 4 pm on MONDAY!!! I was dismayed and annoyed at the same time. I told her that I knew this wasn't her fault but that 24 hour emergency services would mean at least service the same day as the call. So I called another HVAC company I had never used before and the tech was here in less than an hour. While the tech was here from the small company, I got a message that the other company's tech was on his way. I called them and cancelled the service request. They have lost a longtime customer in me. The problem was minimal with the boiler, a matter of a switch not functioning properly. The tech didn't even have to replace the part, just adjust it! I will find out on Monday how much the service will cost me, but I think it won't be as much as the other company would have charged.

    I rested in the afternoon but didn't get to read for Tuesday so I will do that tomorrow. I had a few phone calls that tied me up, as often happens after church on Sundays. The veggie chili is even better on the 2nd day so I stayed on track and ate only one cookie!

  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 1,007 Member
    Thank you for praying for Rick for the next 40 days Paula.

    I so glad that you got your heat fixed, but that is super frustrating that you didn't get the support you needed with the initial company. And chili is so often better on subsequent days.

    I had a full day, not my typical day of rest. I will have 7 days of rest while in Mexico so I thought I better get some things done around the house. I need to get things ready to host my son over Christmas and I plan to serve a meal on Christmas Eve. I managed to get all of my steps in just by doing chores. Back to work for two days and then I am so excited for a break. I really enjoy Mexico. I just hope I don't bring back any extra pounds!
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 1,165 Member
    Shari, I am excited for you for your upcoming trip! Such good timing to escape to a warm climate at this time of year. I was in Mexico only once. In 1972 we went to Acapulco and Mexico City. I was about 15 or 16 at the time and went with my parents and one of my cousins, a college student at the time, with a minor in Spanish. It was a great trip that I will always remember.

    I had a fairly easy day today and appreciated having some time to do what I wanted. My to do list was light and still has a few items remaining for tomorrow. I feel good about my eating as we finished the veggie chili today. I should make it again soon as it definitely helps keep me on track and within my target point range. I ordered a few more Christmas gifts today. Slowly my small list is getting smaller.

  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 1,007 Member
    Today is like my Friday! Woohoo. One more day of work and then off we go. I will have a lot to do when I get back, but I have my Christmas to do-list and I have kept up with it quite well. Every day has a reasonable amount of tasks to accomplish so we can celebrate Christmas well. I wish I had a few more gifts bought than I do. Glad your list is getting smaller Paula!
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 1,165 Member
    Shari, Prayers for your safe travel and enjoyable vacation. Looking forward to hearing about your trip when you return.

    A fairly average day here for both accomplishments and food, though I was quite hungry mid afternoon. I distracted myself and finally enjoyed some fruit to hold me over til supper.
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 1,007 Member
    I am up and going to enjoy a bit of the morning before getting the final things ready to head out. We were building a cabana all day yesterday. I am so tired and I managed to hurt my thumb. I am hoping it heals quickly. Of course it is on my right hand, so I am using my left hand a bit more to rest the right.

    We leave the house in 2 hours. I am so excited.

    My goal is to not put on any weight, but so far, every trip that I take, I managed to gain and find it near impossible to lose. I am hoping for a decent gym so I can keep lifting weights. I know I will get steps in.

    Not sure if I will remember to check in here, but we shall see. Take care!!!
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 1,165 Member
    Today was haircut day for John and me. As always I am amazed at what an artist our hairstylist is. I just love the way she cuts our hair. It was very rainy here today, much needed rain. But driving home from the appointment was rough for me because of the rainy wet roads and it was already dark on the way home. It was the first time I have driven since our last haircuts 5 weeks ago. I will be so happy when the daylight increases as we get closer to spring.

    I had more sweets today than I should have and wasn't conscientious enough to log everything but I am sure my points were off way above my daily range. I will be more careful tomorrow and stick to my one cookie rule!
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 1,165 Member
    It was an amazing and wonderful day for me today. For the first time in over a year, John and I changed the sheets on both beds, all by ourselves, with no home health aide or anyone else doing it. I was having difficulty scheduling the home health aide because of other things on my schedule. And for the past week or two I have been feeling a bit stronger with much less pain in my legs at certain times. So John and I decided to tackle changing the sheets. It all went very well. I couldn't do it without John, but with his help we did great. I also did well with my food today and am not overly tired. I am expecting visitors on Sunday so tomorrow will be tied up with prep for them, but I won't make myself too stressed over this (I hope).
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 1,165 Member
    The strength I reported above has slipped a bit, and my fatigue has returned over the past few days. But I am not discouraged because I am still doing somewhat better. I am making sure I can rest as much as possible when I need it, and that seems to help. There have been a few demands lately and some stress as a dear friend was in a car accident on Sunday (not his fault). My eating has been off and on good and not-so-good these past few days. Hard to believe Christmas is just a week away. I am just about all caught up with gifts, with just a little wrapping to do for the 5 and 7 year old boys.
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 1,007 Member
    I made it home from our trip. It was so nice to spend a week in the sunshine just as I had hoped. And surprisingly, when I stepped on the scale this morning, I am the same weight that I was when I left. I was bracing myself to have gained 5 pounds.

    Christmas is so close, and I feel so not prepared. I will be focusing on getting ready for Christmas everyday until it arrives. I just have to get past a cold I picked up while away. Thankfully DH didn't get it. I think a lot of people got it as I heard a lot of coughing and noses being blown on the flight home. That part it too bad. Next time, I will be more cautious and wear a mask when we fly. And I will carry hand sanitizer with me too.

    Good to be back and jumping into routines.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 1,165 Member
    Welcome back Shari! Congrats on enjoying the sunshine and managing your food so well as to not see a gain. Hope your cold goes away so you can enjoy the Christmas holiday. Very often I hear of folks picking up various illness bugs when traveling, especially by plane.

    I finished (I think) writing my Christmas cards today. I always plan to get them out early, but it seems every year I finish them at the last moment. I don't have a lot more to do except prepare Christmas eve Holy Supper and our Christmas day meal. I am taking short cuts whenever I can with these meals. Since it is just for John and me, I am ok with that. I will have guests visiting after Christmas day, but I am not too concerned about preparing for those visits.
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 1,007 Member
    I only worked two hours yesterday doing things that I HAD to get done. I had my annual physical too. So glad to get that done. I really like my new doctor. I have only seen her twice, but I am so fortunate to have a family doctor. It's not that easy to find one these days.

    I work today and then I hope that I can get ready for Christmas. I have soooo much to do. I have a list, so as long as I can stick to it, that should be the ticket to success. Hoping this cold eases up by tomorrow. That would be fantastic.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 1,165 Member
    Glad you like your new doctor Shari. Having a good family doc is crucial in my opinion. I have been with my doctor since 1999 when she was starting out in her practice. She is such a sweetheart. I feel like I watched her grow up! I hope you can work in some rest to help get rid of your cold!

    I had a busy and successful day. I had a long phone call from a couple from my church who brought me up to date on a number of issues. It was so good to catch up with them and learn a little more about some things that are happening at church. Sometimes it is tough to keep up with what is going on because I am not there physically. Now I have a better understanding about some news. I did fine with my food today and didn't experience any cravings so staying on track was easy. I am expecting some visitors tomorrow but not sure what time they will arrive, if they even do arrive...the plans are still kind of up in the air. So I made my usual attempt at house prep for when visitors are expected.
  • DW2022
    DW2022 Posts: 352 Member
    Hello! I'm back again...Shari, I can't believe that you've been to Mexico and back since I last checked in here! I am so sorry for the passing of your friend Rick.
    Paula, it sounds like you are doing well with your eating and are busy with friends and chores. It sounds like we are all on overload with Christmas preparations!
    DD is in AK with her brother and his family, which includes our DIL and their two boys ages 8 and 10. From the photos I've seen, DD is having a great time and is smiling like she used to, which we don't see much around here. The 26th will be the 2 yr anniversary of her husband passing. She will return on 12/29. Her 2 dogs are here with us and I visit her 2 cats daily.
    It seems as if everyday this week has brought it's own Christmas deadline. I thought I was ahead getting the packages mailed to AK in early December and then having Christmas with DD early but not...I've spent every evening this week preparing for meeting my sister tomorrow for lunch half way between our homes to exchange boxes of gifts for each other's families. While my gifts to her grandchildren are minimal, there are 11 of them and that involves a lot of wrapping. I keep falling asleep with my face on the cardtable and wake up with my glasses digging into my face. Tonight I must wrap my sister's gifts and that will be the last of it for this week. I will next focus on DH's gifts as well as all the animals. Christmas Day is the only day I have off next week, but that is OK. I'm looking forward to a quiet Christmas after the Christmas Eve service on Tuesday evening. Today I took Kringles and gluten-free coffee cake to work as a Merry Christmas to my coworkers. They are a wonderful, caring group of people, most younger than my children, and they are so kind and patient with me-especially with technology stuff!. I hope that you both have a great weekend and make much progress toward Christmas!!
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 1,007 Member
    DW- It is good to know that your DD has capacity within herself to smile and laugh. I am sure it has a lot to do with new scenery. It was such a tragic loss for her and I am sure it is difficult for her to open up and risk being vulnerable. There is so much to do DW- I can just picture you falling asleep on the table. Hopefully no drool on the gifts lol! (I say that because I am sure that would happen to me)

    Paula- Good to be all caught up with the church stuff. I hope the knowledge will help you move the projects that you work on with more ease.

    So I tried the viral Candied Cranberries last night and I really like them. I ventured to test the recipe out as DH is having some kidney issues and cranberries promote kidney health. I really like them, I will be making a second batch for sure!

    I have more energy and I hope to get some things accomplished before heading out for our first Turkey dinner at our friends place. I am taking carrots, but I will need to see what I can take for a Christmas gift. Ideas are always the hard part for me.
  • DW2022
    DW2022 Posts: 352 Member
    Hello! Shari, what are the candied cranberries? I've been drinking cranberry juice diluted with seltzer water lately for health but candied cranberries sound so much better!!
    I fell asleep at the table again last night and didn't complete the wrapping until this morning...by morning all drool had dried-LOL!! I had a nice lunch with my sister and then we passed family gifts to each other and headed home. She is having her local kids and grandkids for their family gathering tomorrow-a brunch after church.
    Today all of my family who are currently in AK were flying to Fairbanks and planning to visit North Pole, AK. They will spend 2 nights there. I am so happy that DD is having these adventures! I keep telling her that she should move to AK to be near her brother and his family but I think that she thinks that she needs to keep an eye on us. I hope that this long visit will get her thinking in that direction but maybe it will have the opposite impact...I guess I really need to stay out of it and turn it over to God! I am looking forward to church tomorrow-I just love Advent and, of course, the Christmas Eve service, which DH will attend with me. I hope that you both have a wonderful Sunday!
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 1,165 Member
    DW, So good for your DD to be with her brother and family this Christmas. Losses aren't ever easy but loses around the holidays seem to carry additional pain and struggle. Sounds like her trip to AK was a brilliant idea....and likely good for your DS and his family too.

    Shari, I had to look up the viral cranberries recipe after reading your post. I had not heard of it before. It looks really good and might be something I try in the future.

    I have sort of solved my nails issue since I haven't had a nail appointment since April when the gal doing my nails in my home got a full time job and couldn't do my nails anymore. An animal rescue group that I support recently had a fundraiser for press on nails. I decided it was a good way to check out this option and support the animals too. I am very pleased with how they are working out. I have learned how to apply them, and they look great. It is an affordable solution to something that has concerned me since April. I was fairly tired today and rested quite a bit after a friend's short in the afternoon. I wasn't hungry and had no cravings so staying on track was not too tough today.
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 1,007 Member
    DW- The candied cranberries are so easy to make. You rinse them, add about a TBSP of lemon juice and a dash of vanilla. Mix. Then add icing sugar to coat. Most people put them in a bowl with a lid. Once all coated, you put them in the oven at 200 degrees for 7 minutes. Let them cool and eat. I quite like them.

    I looked up the North Pole since I didn't know much about the actual place. Looks like a great place to be any time of the year and enjoy a lot of Christmas spirit. I hope the family trip goes really well.

    Paula- that will be great if the press on nails work for you. I tried some years back but they didn't fit me well and I had sore nails. Sore enough I had to take them off for relief. That was a long time ago, I wonder if they are better now.

    Today is not going to be a day of rest. I have a house that really needs cleaning before Christmas, so today it the day to get it company ready!
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 1,165 Member
    Shari, is the 200 degrees for the cranberries C or F degrees? I placed a grocery order for Craig to pick up for me for Monday and ordered some fresh cranberries. I will plan to make your recipe this week.

    It was a fairly uneventful and restful day here....watching football and a few phone calls. I rested quite a bit as I was tired again. I made the most of this essentially no-demand day. I had some leftovers on hand and think I will have enough even for Monday so that gives me cooking break.
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 1,007 Member
    It's 200 degrees F. The only other thing I would make sure of, it that isn't too much liquid, and if the berries still look damp, add more sugar. It still turns out even if they look fairly wet. It uses a lot of sugar. I finished my first batch and will make a second. Lot of recipes say to soak them in orange juice overnight, but you don't need to. The video I watched said Cranberries are already saturated in water and won't take more liquid in. I was glad not to waste the time.

    Today I will do some food prep for our Christmas meal. I have found that helpful in past years and takes the pressure off on the Turkey cooking day. I will be on my feet a lot today so I am enjoying a cup of coffee before I get started.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 1,165 Member
    edited December 2024
    Craig picked up my grocery order, but the store was out of cranberries! Drat! I will likely have a smaller order delivered sometime after Christmas so I will try to get the cranberries with that order. My nails are still holding up well. I am glad to have this option as my natural nails are very soft and tend to tear a lot, but the fake nails take care of this problem somewhat.

    I love my coffee time, especially when it is before John is up and about (of course he doesn't really know this). Shari, I hope you got to rest a bit with all the prep you have to do for the holiday. Being well rested can help to enjoy the holiday itself a little better. But even for me that is easier said than done. My day went by quickly again. I was happy to reheat leftovers again and not have to cook much. I enjoyed a relaxing evening and will be busy tomorrow cooking for our Holy Supper for Christmas eve.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 1,165 Member
    edited December 2024
    A blessed Christmas to all!

  • DW2022
    DW2022 Posts: 352 Member
    Merry Christmas! I hope you have both had a wonderful day!! Our day was quiet and very nice. I spoke with a friend, exchanged a text with another, spoke with my sister, and skyped with everyone in AK. I visited DD's cats and took a Christmas treat to them. Her dogs also received gifts as did ours. We ate our breakfast foods most of the day (Kringle and bacon) until I put them away so we could get an appetite for supper, which was equally as healthy -LOL!! I will get back on track tomorrow and am looking forward to that! It turns out that too much sweet, highly processed food doesn't sit well with me anymore and I should try to use that to my advantage in the ongoing quest for health.
    Christmas blessings to you both and your families!
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 1,007 Member
    Merry Christmas Ladies!

    I had a couple of busy-ish days but enjoyed them very much. Lots of cooking and visiting and now it is time to tidy up. I took more time to relax than worry about the state of the house. That can't last forever lol! I haven't put on any weight over the last two weeks which is a Christmas miracle (in my opinion) and today I am getting back to my healthy eating habits. Hoping to see some sort of loss soon. It's been a long time since I have lost weight. Far too long.

    We have a lot of snow this year, we might be able to cross country ski. I am excited for that since we bought equipment last year and didn't get it to use it properly because we didn't have enough snow last winter.

    Planning to make turkey soup today.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 1,165 Member
    edited December 2024
    Congrats Shari for staying at your weight after a vacation and a major holiday. That is fabulous! It is good motivation to keep up your good work.

    DW, Glad you had a quiet family and friend-filled Christmas! Like you, I am looking forward to getting back on track. I am ready to do so. I have had far too many sweets.

    I haven't been very careful the past two days. I need to get back to my tracking and better choices. We have plenty of turkey left over and that will be my focus as a zero point food. Also cooked carrots are leftover and will be a good choice for me while John enjoys the leftover stuffing and potatoes along with his turkey. John and I watched the 2016 movie Hidden Figures about the Black women who were geniuses and ever-so-vital to the success of the space program. I had always wanted to see this movie and finally got to see it and enjoyed it every so much. Both John and I give it our highest rating!
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 1,007 Member
    Hard to believe that Christmas has come and gone and we are days away from 2025. I plan to take some time to make some new goals for myself. I will pick out some books that I want to read. I will plan to have some dinners at our place with friends and take a good look at retirement plans. That will mean that I need to take time to look at finances. I love the monthly budgeting type of finance, but I am not keen to focus on investments and long term planning. Thankfully DH does that part. But I need to know where we are at so I can figure out when I will retire. I still feel like my salary, low as it is, it still helpful.
    This will be good for me!

    I watched Hidden Figures and loved the movie too. So well done from script to acting.

    Have a great day!
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 1,165 Member
    Shari, I like your idea of making new goals for the new year. I am not much of a goal maker but I think I might give some serious thought to doing so at this time. Heaven knows I sure could use some goals! I can assure you that retirement planning is important. That is something I thought about fairly early on in my career but didn't really get serious about it till much later.

    I did much better today getting back into healthy eating mode, but still not as completely as I would have liked. My sweet cravings have ceased so that is good, but I was still hungry for larger portions than I should enjoy. Little by little I hope to get back to my more serious approach.
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 1,007 Member
    I am a bit slow to get back into my routines too Paula. But I am getting there. Having our son here visiting is my excuse, but it isn't a very good one! He has been coming to the gym with me and we went cross country skiing too. A good work out as we had to break trails. Once they are established, it should be a lot more fun.

    We bought one of those inverter tables for DH. It was second hand. He has wanted one for a long time. He is hoping it will help his back and neck by stretching him out. I said we could get it, but he has to use it at least once a week. I gave it a short try, but I am still congested so it plugged me up so I wasn't on it long at all. Guess I am still a bit sick.

    Not sure what is up for today! ButI hope to enjoy it.
  • DW2022
    DW2022 Posts: 352 Member
    Hello! Just a quick note since we will be up and out very early to pick up DD from the airport. I think it will be challenging for her to be back to her life here after such a happy time in AK. Shari, congrats on not gaining weight over the holiday! Paula, congrats on your excellent start back to healthier eating! I have gained over the holiday and have regained my sweet tooth. I will have to make a big effort to get away from sweets again. Have a blessed Sunday!