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2 week challenge



  • ninjapixie87
    ninjapixie87 Posts: 124 Member
    I finally stuck to my calorie goal yesterday, and I could see the difference on the scale this morning. It felt great to finally reach that (little) goal, and it's motivation to keep doing it! :-)
  • fitjunk
    fitjunk Posts: 160 Member
    Christ I'm all over the board with my cals! On Sat I was OVER 998 cals due to a huge bag of dill pickle doritos that jumped into my mouth late at night. So I go to the wave pool on Sunday and do my 30DS and Im UNDER by 1179 cals by the 11:30pm. I guess it just evens the 2 days out but wow, I need to get crack'n on being consistant. Water intake hasn't been to great either, about 8 cups a day, looking to drink about 12 a day.
    Today is a new day and a new week, just say'n!:happy:
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    I have to do 30DS everyday this week but I just feel like I am getting sick. My throat hurts, kinda achy and I just want to lay in bed!
    The scale was way up this morning, I don't know why, exactly, I think it is water weight though, bloated from TOM and drinking too much on Saturday.
  • thereseofdoom
    thereseofdoom Posts: 66 Member
    I need to stop eating Halloween candy! It's killing me!!!!

    I'm doing ripped in 30 right now. The first 2 levels were pretty easy, but I started level 3 yesterday and wow. It's intense. Really good workout, just need to get rid of the candy! And my neighbor keeps bringing over slices of cheesecake and other treats in the evening, and I have no willpower.

    Anyway, my 2 week challenge will be to stop pigging out.

    And to the runners, I'm doing a half in may. What training programs are you using? I think I'm going to do Hal Higdons plan. It's free and seems like a good 12 week progression.
  • RisOnTheRun
    RisOnTheRun Posts: 624 Member
    tereseofdoom--Hal Higdon's plans are pretty good. I tend to make my own up because it can be hard to stick with a cookie cutter plan when I'm traveling etc., but I use Hal Higdon's plans or something similar as a guide to build up the length of my long runs.

    amy--I hope you feel better! Getting sick is the worst. Sometimes sweating it out helps, but don't push yourself too hard....

    luvnsun--I used to take calories from one day and put them into the next day's calorie count when I had inconsistent days like that. Just being consistent is a much better plan, but it's tough!

    ninjapixie--congrats on staying within your calorie goal and the weight loss! That's great motivation.

    shander--sounds like you have a good plan for getting in the exercise, good luck!

    So far I've been pretty good about taking the stairs at work, and it's definitely getting easier. I need to get moving on the strength training part of my challenge. I usually lift weights at the gym on weekends but we were out of town this weekend, so I'm going to get up early tomorrow fit in a weight lifting workout.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,089 Member
    Today was Day 1 of my 12-week "body-for-life" exercise challenge. I succeeded!! It was upper-body weights, today - and my arms are all tingly everywhere. LOVE THAT! Now, if they ache like h*ll tomorrow, well, I'm sure I'll try not to be a baby about it.

    It isn't gonna be about the scale during these weeks...it's gotta be about how well the jeans fit, I'm thinking.

    Good luck to everyone on your 2-week challenge!
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Beeps, tell me more about the 12-week Body for Life exercise challenge. Is that online? principles and premise?
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,089 Member
    I'm sure it is online, asjerven....the book was written by Bill Phillips in 1999!

    The basic premise is to do 3 days of weight-training, alternating with 3-days of aerobics. The aerobics is ONLY 20 minutes. Period. And incorporates HIIT. The weight-training you would do upper-body one day, lower-body the next time you are scheduled for weight-training and then back to upper-body on your 3rd day. Second week, you reverse this (2 days of lower-body and one day of upper-body).

    One rest day per week. No exercise and eat what you like.

    My husband has followed this program from time-to-time, with great success. The weight work-outs are done within 30 minutes. And, for me, because I had to give up a cardio-day to fit in 3 weight-training days, I'm going to do 45 mins of cardio twice per week. (which is against the rules!! Only 20 minutes is permitted!!)
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    thanks, Beeps, I did look it up online, not sure if this is the same:
    because it has a meal plan and some recipes that seem a lot like the Eason plan so I think that will make a good resource for me. But I think you have to sign up to get the fitness/exercises.
  • ebaymommy
    ebaymommy Posts: 1,067 Member
    I need to stop eating Halloween candy! It's killing me!!!!

    I'm doing ripped in 30 right now. The first 2 levels were pretty easy, but I started level 3 yesterday and wow. It's intense. Really good workout, just need to get rid of the candy! And my neighbor keeps bringing over slices of cheesecake and other treats in the evening, and I have no willpower.

    Anyway, my 2 week challenge will be to stop pigging out.

    And to the runners, I'm doing a half in may. What training programs are you using? I think I'm going to do Hal Higdons plan. It's free and seems like a good 12 week progression.

    I have always followed Hal Higdons plans when training....everything from 10K to full marathon. I actually got to meet him in 2010 at Grandma's Marathon in Duluth, MN. He signed my race bib! :)
  • ebaymommy
    ebaymommy Posts: 1,067 Member
    I'm just focused on tracking my food and keeping to my calories goals ever day 'till Thanksgiving. :) This is our first time traveling for the holidays. I have lived in Iowa my whole life but this August we moved to Wisconsin. Heading home for Thanksgiving and I'm sure there will be too much food as well as the traveling back and forth and eating out stuff.

    I work from home and this is my absolute busiest time of the year. Once Thanksgiving is over I will barely surface until the week before Christmas, so my food and exercise goals will just be to try to eat decent and probably count my 8 million trips a day up the stairs and hauling packages around as exercise. LOL!
  • keiraev
    keiraev Posts: 695 Member
    I need to stop eating Halloween candy! It's killing me!!!!

    I'm doing ripped in 30 right now. The first 2 levels were pretty easy, but I started level 3 yesterday and wow. It's intense. Really good workout, just need to get rid of the candy! And my neighbor keeps bringing over slices of cheesecake and other treats in the evening, and I have no willpower.

    Anyway, my 2 week challenge will be to stop pigging out.

    And to the runners, I'm doing a half in may. What training programs are you using? I think I'm going to do Hal Higdons plan. It's free and seems like a good 12 week progression.

    To be honest I kind of do my own plan as I do other exercise & am in a gym as well so I can't commit to 4/5 days running a week.

    At the moment it goes something like this.

    Mon - Rest or Swim
    Tues - Intervals (treadmill)
    Wed - Strength
    Thurs - Rest
    Fri- Short run
    Sat - Cardio & Strength
    Sun - Long Run (trying to up it 0.5 to 1 mile a week)

    Keeps it varies so I don't get bored I guess.

    Sat - S
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    I did 30Ds level 3 last night but I am not doing a really great job keeping up. Those jumping lunges are killer.
    Going to dinner after work so I don't know if I will get in the workout or not.
    Still don't feel great, but not like I feel so terrible, either.
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    I've been all over the place with my eating and not regularly working out. WTH!? See a little loss and decide I have no motivation!? LoL. So it may be Tuesday but my goals the next two weeks are:

    Get back to my calorie cycling schedule. I was going to just go low all week to try and undo some of the damage but that doesn't work because then I just eat late at night anyways. So calorie cycling it is.

    I also need to get my butt moving so I need to get in 4 workouts minimum by Sunday.

    This is where I always start to lose steam with the holidays. It gets all crazy and I throw caution to the wind. Not this year. Can't do it!!!
  • shander7
    shander7 Posts: 613 Member
    Hi everyone! So far I've done my work out 2 times this week, so that's right on schedule! Tonight I have class, so that means no time to work out.. I'm trying to get more protein though, so I'm going to get my usual salad from the deli (huge and delicious!) and then I'm going to go to the grocery store across the street and pick up a package of tuna! I could get tuna from the deli but it's either loaded with mayo or in an oil, so I figured the pouch would be smartest :) I've stayed under my carb goal so far, but it still makes up between 50-60% of my diet! So I really need to get more protein in! I'm thinking of looking into the tasteless powder Zuzanna uses.. I saw in one post that she even sprinkles it on her salad!! I'll have to look up more info on it though.. today, if everything goes as planned, I should have 48g protein, which is almost 20g more than normal (yes, I am a terrible vegetarian, I know!!) But something is better than nothing :)

    Reese - those sound like good goals :) everyone gets a little crazy around the holidays, so don't stress yourself out too much!!! Just keep reminding yourself that you don't want to have to be one of those people who has to fight off the lbs again after New Years :)

    Amy - I hope you feel better soon!! Jumping lunges sound killer, I'm sure you get fantastic legs though!!

    ebay - It sounds like you have your next few weeks planned out! Good luck, you can do it :)

    I hope everyone has a great Wednesday!!
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    I took last night off. You know, I just heard that Jillian said she never meant for 30DS to be done 30 days straight, but 3-4 times per week with other cardio! Maybe she should have mentioned that on the video. I think it's ok to take a day off, but I really was trying to do it for 10 days before Thanksgiving.
    I will probably splurge at Thanksgiving, all that food on one day isn't going to make a huge difference. Will try to focus on the turkey breast, veggies, and light on stuffing, potatos and punkin pie!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,089 Member
    asjerven, you weren't even feeling well at the beginning of the week, so cut yourself some slack and just focus on nutrition (if the exercise is overly demanding).

    I did Day 2 of my weight-training at lunch, today. Lower body. Could hardly climb the stairs to get back to my office, so I guess I did better than I thought (because I don't SWEAT when I weight-train, and therefore just get psychologically worried that it isn't as "effective" as cardio - even though I know it is BETTER !)

    Anyway, I am doing a cardio step-class after work, so will get my cardio in at that.

    So, I'm right on track for this week!
  • chuisle
    chuisle Posts: 1,052 Member
    I have been sick all week...AGAIN.

    I was going to start KISS this week but will have to wait until next week. But I can get a work out in tomorrow, Friday and hopefully Saturday!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,089 Member
    chuisle, sometimes the body just wants to R-E-S-T - and you have to give it that. I'm sure you'll be back at it soon enough, so just take care of YOU!
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    I did 30DS level 3 last night and I am just getting really discouraged when I look at my midsection, I know I am carrying more weight around the middle than I was last year. I am hoping the strictness of the Eason plan will help, but I worry about my discipline when it comes to eating.