2 week challenge



  • AScheif
    AScheif Posts: 157 Member
    Ladies!!! So glad I found you!! I havent been able to sign in lately because I have been really busy at work, but I have TERRIFIC news!!!!!! I FINALLY broke the 145 lb barrier!! It has been many many many years since I have seen under 145 (as I have mentioned in posts before) but finally, for 4 days straight now, I have been under 145! This is very very exciting for me!! :happy:

    A week ago I decided to start the "Eat Clean Diet" which isn't really a diet at all more of a lifestyle change! and I think this is the trick!! So my 2 week challenge is going to be to stick with this new Eat Clean thing for the next 2 weeks and remain under 145!! :happy:
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    A Scheif- That's awesome!! I've heard that the Eat Clean Diet is awesome! So glad you found something that gives you a little push. I'm all for new reading, I may check it out!!

    Amy- I read that too about Jillian's DVDS, and she doesn't mention that in any of her DVDs. The only workout plan of hers that I've read that she listed not every day is Ripped in 30. Other than that, it's never mentioned. It is something important to note! At the same time though, it's tricky because if it's something you like and that motivates you....

    Kate- Feel better soon! So stinks to be under the weather!!

    Beeps- Good work! You are kickin' butt.

    I restarted Insanity for Round 2. I was hesitant to go at it again but I need a kick in the butt in the workout area and Insanity is it for me. So I was up at 515 and finished the Fit Test and then did Butt Bible Level 1 to complete my morning. On to the actual workouts tomorrow.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,996 Member
    asjerven - I worry about my "stick-to-it-ness" when it comes to "eating healthy all the time", too. But, I think you are doing AWESOME, actually!

    ASheif - congrats on being under 145! I'm trying to get to 148-150. I'm having ZERO luck just now. But, I also snacked like a pig last night and topped it off with a high-fat high-calorie lunch, today.


    mamareese - "Insanity" looks "Impossible" for me...good for your for restarting!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,996 Member
    I have no good news to report, today. Although I did complete a lower-body weight workout (yesterday) and a cardio workout (yesterday), we are in a blizzard today and I'm doing NOTHING. And eating POORLY.


    I'd like to rein this behaviour in so that I'm not up 3 lbs. by Monday (which is usually my "good intention" start day).

    My, my, my...
  • thereseofdoom
    thereseofdoom Posts: 66 Member
    Thanks for the training plan tips for running. I think I will do the Hal higdon plan, and continue to do my DVDs for 20-30 minutes of strength per day, with one day of rest.

    I decided to quit candy cold turkey since I last posted. I can't seem to muster up the self control needed to just eat it sparingly, so I'm cutting it out of my life completely. This seems to be working so far (though it's only been 2 days) and this is how I stopped eating fast food about 6 months ago. I guess I'm an "all or nothing" sort of girl. Anyway I think it's working since the scale is beginning to inch downward, and that's helping keep me motivated.

    Can someone please explain exactly what it means to "eat clean?" or point me in the direction of an informational website?
  • anacsitham5
    anacsitham5 Posts: 814 Member
    I'm late but would love to join. Have been looking for a group interested in losing body fat and gave up because I could never find one. I'm 5'6" and weigh 132 my body fat is 27%. I would love to get down to 21% by year end. Do you think this is doable? I'm just starting with some strength training and get some cardio in, but it just doesn't seem to want to budge. Any suggestions? I've been thinking of tweaking my carb/protein ratio's...
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Ladies!!! So glad I found you!! I havent been able to sign in lately because I have been really busy at work, but I have TERRIFIC news!!!!!! I FINALLY broke the 145 lb barrier!! It has been many many many years since I have seen under 145 (as I have mentioned in posts before) but finally, for 4 days straight now, I have been under 145! This is very very exciting for me!! :happy:

    A week ago I decided to start the "Eat Clean Diet" which isn't really a diet at all more of a lifestyle change! and I think this is the trick!! So my 2 week challenge is going to be to stick with this new Eat Clean thing for the next 2 weeks and remain under 145!! :happy:
    congrats! I'll have to check your food diary to see what all you've been consuming!
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    I'm late but would love to join. Have been looking for a group interested in losing body fat and gave up because I could never find one. I'm 5'6" and weigh 132 my body fat is 27%. I would love to get down to 21% by year end. Do you think this is doable? I'm just starting with some strength training and get some cardio in, but it just doesn't seem to want to budge. Any suggestions? I've been thinking of tweaking my carb/protein ratio's...
    I don't know what's reasonable with regard to percentage of body fat. We all seem to understand a pound per week, but I don't even know what is realistic with regard to BF%-maybe someone who is better at math can help! It sounds ambitious to lose 6% body fat in 6-7 weeks, but I am not saying it can't be done.
    the other problem would be measurement-what are you going to trust? Most of the methods of measure have a margin of error. Is it like a scale you have?
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Thanks for the training plan tips for running. I think I will do the Hal higdon plan, and continue to do my DVDs for 20-30 minutes of strength per day, with one day of rest.

    I decided to quit candy cold turkey since I last posted. I can't seem to muster up the self control needed to just eat it sparingly, so I'm cutting it out of my life completely. This seems to be working so far (though it's only been 2 days) and this is how I stopped eating fast food about 6 months ago. I guess I'm an "all or nothing" sort of girl. Anyway I think it's working since the scale is beginning to inch downward, and that's helping keep me motivated.

    Can someone please explain exactly what it means to "eat clean?" or point me in the direction of an informational website?
    Good for you on quitting candy! that is tough.
    I think Eating Clean means eating natural, whole foods. Basically if you couldn't grow it, don't eat it, check out this website:

    basically, You will eat lean protein, complex carbs, and healthy fats.
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    And, Reese, Insanity looks insane to me too!
  • keiraev
    keiraev Posts: 695 Member
    Halfway through my 2 week maintenance challenge and have failed already- gained 1.5lb in the first week:sad:
  • AScheif
    AScheif Posts: 157 Member
    congrats! I'll have to check your food diary to see what all you've been consuming!

    I haven't been updating my food diary - mostly because I find it a pain - and since eating clean isnt about calorie counting I havent really found a use for it.

    But yes that website is a really good place to start - I have one of the cookbooks off of there as well as the "Just the Rules" book, it's a super small paperback that I can take with me wherever I go to remind myself.

    It is basically what you said - its all about eating complex carbs (fruits, vegetables, whole grains) and lean protein (white fish, chicken, lean red meat (not often)) and healthy fats. The other trick is to eat smaller portions more often (ie. 1./2 cup of carbs, size of your palm portion of protein). it .

    It discourages eating a lot of dairy – with the exception of cottage cheese, yogurt, and goat cheese, as well as bread – unless you make your own whole grain bread at home, because of all the preservatives. And then it talks about giving yourself one reward meal per week. Also water intake is huge! At least 3 litres per day which I have definitely been struggling to do….

    Here is an example of a day worth of meals if you are interested…again please keep in mind that I am still just learning, so I am also not doing it 100% right, or consistent for that matter – but so far its working!

    6:30 am – ½ cup oatmeal (not the packaged stuff) topped with raspberries & coffee – then I drink water the rest of the day
    9:30 am – ½ cup non-fat, plain yogurt, and an apple
    12:30pm – Chicken salad – 2 cups leafy greens, palm sized portion of chicken, balsamic vinegar
    3:30 pm – ½ cup cottage cheese with tomato (you could do something else but I love this! Lol!)
    6:30 pm – ½ cup whole grain brown rice, ½ cup broccoli, palm sized portion of chicken or fish
    9:30 pm – ½ cup of yogurt, 1/8 c. of home-made granola

    This is obviously not what I eat every day – because I like variety, but it gives you an idea… if its something you are interested in I highly recommend buying one of Tosca Reno’s cookbooks – they are relatively inexpensive and have lots of great ideas.

    Checked this scale agqain this morning after having a not so clean dinner last night due to last minute appointments - still under 145!
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    sounds good, Ascheif, well, except the tomato and cottage cheese. That is funny that you love it cuz those are two things I can't eat.
    I did not work out last night, I was probably a little over on cals after the glass of wine.
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    I plan to do the 30DS tonight, have to earn my sushi! and tomorrow I will might jog, I am watching a friend's dog and it would be nice to get him some exercise, and me too, since I will be at party Saturday night.
    I hope you all have a nice weekend! I know the Thanksgiving holiday will probably sideline some of us, but after that I am starting the Jamie Eason live fit trainer and it will be on!
  • thereseofdoom
    thereseofdoom Posts: 66 Member
    Thanks for the link, I'll definitely check it out. I think I eat pretty clean on that definition, but I'm going to check into that website for more details. I'm vegetarian too, have you noticed any good vegetarian recipes in that cook book?
  • AScheif
    AScheif Posts: 157 Member
    Thanks for the link, I'll definitely check it out. I think I eat pretty clean on that definition, but I'm going to check into that website for more details. I'm vegetarian too, have you noticed any good vegetarian recipes in that cook book?

    Yes I have! There are actually tons of vegetarian ones...And lots of the other recipes they show vegitarian alternatives!
    So I have some very exciting news.....I bought my wedding dress yesterday!! I am so extactic! and to top it off it is a size smaller than my high school graduation dress was which makes it even better! they figure they will have to take it out a little in the bust, but I am hoping by sticking to this eat clean diet and exercise (now that i have some serious motivation) by the time the dress comes in in May they shouldn't need to! Will keep you posted!!!
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    that's exciting, AScheif, what kind of dress did you get?
    I am not sure what I am going to do this week, I feel like it's the week before the Jamie Eason and I am not sure what I will be doing in advance of that. Add Thanksgiving to the mix, well..
    I did 30DS on Friday and jogged for 30 mins on Saturday. I am tired and sore today so I rested.
    I think I will take workout clothes in case I want to do some cardio over the long weekend.
  • shander7
    shander7 Posts: 613 Member
    congrats ASchief on finding a dress!! What does it look like? I love looking at wedding dresses! (even though I'm not getting married anytime soon!)

    This weekend I ate horribly, but I am going to do better this week, I swear!! And I will try to eat well on Thanksgiving too...
  • jenomaha
    jenomaha Posts: 631 Member
    Amy - Thanks so much for setting us up in this group!! This awesome!

    Sorry I've been MIA, but I had my surgery on Thursday and I've been laying low since. Surgery was a success and I am not in any pain. I have had severe nausea since, but I'd rather deal with that than pain :tongue: I get my drain out on Wednesday and I CANNOT wait for that...it's just more of an annoyance than anything else. I can start walking on the treadmill Thursday, so guess what I will be doing before Thanksgiving lunch?!? :wink:

    I haven't been eating much more than soup and saltines and not a lot of it at that. I just don't have much of an appetite and nothing really sounds good.

    My goal for this week is to

    1. not overdo it on Thursday ( lunch AND a dinner)...have to celebrate with both sides of the family :drinker:
    2. walk on the treadmill everyday (starting Thursday), hopefully adding some incline after a few days.

    You all have such wonderful goals and have been working so hard. I can't wait to get back in the swing of things and kick butt like you all! Good luck with your goals!!!
  • ninjapixie87
    ninjapixie87 Posts: 124 Member
    So I'm a week and a half into my "2-week challenge" to stick to my calorie goal, and I haven't managed to stick to my goal every day. BUT...I'm now averaging right around my calorie goal, so I guess it kinda works out. And I feel like I'm finally starting to see results, so something's working! :smile: I'm not counting Thursday, but I'm going to try to be extra good the rest of the week to make up for it, and I'm going to try not to totally binge, either.

    AScheif - Congrats on finding a dress! I think that was the biggest hurdle for me when I was planning my wedding. And that's awesome that it's even smaller than your graduation dress! :happy: