Introduce yourself



  • hello everyone im not 300 + any more but my heaviest was 315lbs! im 285 right now and my long term goal is around 185. im just taking it 1 pound at a time! feel free to send me a request im always looking for like minded friends :flowerforyou:
  • Hi everyone!! I am very new still learning the ropes but I am 24 and over 300 I am wanting to loose weight for medical reasons and after reading your post I feel encouraged to continue my journey. I look foward to meeting new pople and hearing more sucess stories!
  • Hi, my name is Patricia. I feel very fortunate to have found this group. I just recently started my weight loss journey and could really use the motivation and encouragement of individuals going through the same thing. I hope to learn from your stories, successes, and insights. In return, I hope to be able to contribute some encouragement and tips of my own.

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • Bysshe
    Bysshe Posts: 428 Member
    Hello, My name is Amy.
    Seems like I'm eternally single.
    I've been in the 300's for about 10 years.
    I stayed between 325-340 for YEARS....
    But since I was diagnosed with Hidradenitis Suppurativa (A skin condition) I've gained ALOT of weight.
    Some of it due to the pain... and some of it due to me comfort eating because I was depressed.
    I'm only 2 pounds from 400! It is time to do something!

    I just joined here 24 hours ago and I've found this site to be better than ANYTHING! I LOVE IT.

    My goal is to be healthy.. not skinny. GW: 225
    I'm afraid to lose more than that... do not want lots of extra skin... I know I'll have quite a bit even at that weight.
    But, I suppose extra skin is better than dying at 35 of a heart attack, which is what I'm afraid of... Sorry, I'm rambling.
  • findingfit23
    findingfit23 Posts: 845 Member
    Welcome all new peeps!!
    Feel free to jump in to our weekly challenges!
  • Sarw27
    Sarw27 Posts: 68 Member
    Apparently my introduction did not post, well that's annoying!

    I'm Sarah, I'm single, 26, and I have an office job working in the energy industry. About four years ago I weighed in at 304, my heaviest. I started the Dr. Bernstein diet, which dropped me down to 250 in just a couple of months... but it wasn't maintainable. I stopped the diet as it was very expensive, and even though I tried to keep it to healthy foods, my body rejected everything and was completely out of whack. I gained back that weight and then some, to put me at 342... which is where I started on MFP this year. I'm currently hovering around 336 or so. I had lost 17lbs but gained it back after my Dad passed away in November. Trying to get back on the wagon now and stick to a better lifestyle. Wish me luck, and nice to meet you!
  • shirayne
    shirayne Posts: 263 Member
    Hi there! I"m a 39-year old mom of 1. I started here on Thursday at 342 pounds and I am at a place in my life where I need to lose the weight once and for all. No more fad diets, just healthy eating and exercising. I've lost 12 pounds so far but that's normal for me when I start a diet. It's a good kick start and motivates me for a while until I fall back into the 1-2 pounds weekly. That's when I need the motivation. My goal weight just seems so far away during those weeks! LOL
    I know I can do it but I would love to motivate and be motivated so please feel free to add me and good luck to all of you!
  • brideofsuperman
    brideofsuperman Posts: 31 Member
    Hello :) My name is Rebecca. I am a full time nursing student and mom to two amazing little boys (18 months and 4 years). I started 8 days ago on my weight loss journey. I have to say that I LOVE this site.

    I am getting remarried September and for once I want to be happy to go shopping for something to wear. After two pregnancies I have just let myself get to an all time high, so now its time for change.

    Here's to 2012 and all the great things it holds.

    SW : 326
    CW : 318
    GW : 250 (for now). I would like to get to about 200 when I am finally done
  • Hey all!

    I'm Katie. 22. Recent college grad and now work at a magazine as an editorial assistant! I have a lot of time now that I've graduated, and it's about time I get my *kitten* into shape. My mom and dad and I are all going to lose weight this year. Our reward is a family vacation to Australia in the summer of 2013, hence the username and the ticker!

    Height: 6'0
    HW: 364
    SW: 361
    CW: 352
    GW: 160

    Glad that this group exists! Everybody seems so awesome!
  • cassiejo84
    cassiejo84 Posts: 49 Member
    So glad we have more people joining! You all are more than welcome to add me as a friend on here, we need ALL the support and motivation we can get!
  • NaytM84
    NaytM84 Posts: 38
    Hey ya'll! Names Nayt Glad I found this group so there are more people in my range! I started about 10 days ago my SW is 395 and I want to get to 200 at least! for years and years I have been 400 and over and just recently found out I am under 400 now after so long! After a 3 year long relationship I thought ya know what?! this time its about me! This weight will be gone for good and I will do what I want! I had this little thing I wanna do, once I hit my goal weight set up a party to go to the local amusement park and spend the day with friends going on every single ride besides the kids ones, and not worry about being embarassed that the bars or whatever used doesnt fit and have to walk away while everyone watches! I wanna be able to lose this weight and also help others in the same boat I was and motivate them to do the same thing! Even if it is just one person I leave an impact on then I will be happy
  • TammyLynne71
    TammyLynne71 Posts: 184 Member
    Hello! My name is Tammy. I am mom of 4. Married to a trucker who is gone 4 days a week. Starting on the weightloss path again. My weight problem started when I was 19 years old and in a car accident. At the time of the accident I was 7 months pregnant. My daughter was stillborn as a result and I was in a wheelchair for 6 months cause of a broken pelvis that was repaired with steel hardware. All of my children were born by c-section.. I can't really use those as an excuse anymore as my last one was almost 11 years ago. I have gained back the 50 pounds that I lost last year in 6 months as my dad was killed and I am an emotional eater. Maybe I ccan change that to an emotional exerciser. LOL. I want to be fit and healthy for my kids as well as their kids. Sick of sitting on the sidelines. I want my 40s to be the new healthy me. Well that is a small bit about me.
  • Welcome everybody! Glad to have you with us. We can do this. Add me as a friend if you'd like!
  • StacySkinny
    StacySkinny Posts: 984 Member
    Wow! Awesome! I'm so happy to see more people posting (not happy that so many of us are over 300 lbs, but glad to see there are people joining the group). Does that make sense? lol

    Welcome to all the newbies. Feel free to jump in with the weekly challenge and/or start your own new threads. I'd love to see this group a little more lively - as I know there are quite a few of us in the 300 range and would like to see this group become a great place of support, motivation, and encouragement! :)
  • starchile
    starchile Posts: 248 Member
    Howdy all!!

    My name is Tesia and I'm a 42 yo woman in the San Francisco Bay area. I am 5'10 and currently 350lbs. However, despite my size I have been pretty active in my tennis, swim, bellydance, etc. My goal is just to be HEALTHY. I know the weight will come off as I do this, but I really want to be healthy so that I can be FREE!!! I want to learn to kayak, I want to be a roller derby girl, I want to Run (or at least jog) that last leg of the triathlon (instead of walking and having people's grannies pass me up!!! LOL). I feel like even though *I* have tried to still be a part of this world...this world has constantly made it hard for me to participate...does anyone know what I mean? Not to get on a rant...but society is always telling fat people that they need to get off of their butts and exercise (which is so annoying in the first place b/c they have no idea whether someone is active or not by just looking at them)...but when we try to...NOTHING is built for us!!

    Anyway, I'm glad to have found this group and I look forward to sharing this journey with you all!!!


  • Hi I am in this category..Been at this 1 week and weighed today and have lost 15 pounds..I have a long way to go but then I did not put this weight on overnight. I have a lot of health issues and right now I am unable to go to gym and exercise..I did do some walking when I went to store and pushed the buggy and did not use the electric cart for the first time in a LONG time..I take a lot of meds and I am a diabetic on insulin and have atrial flutter and take coumadon..I have RA(rheumatoid arthritis) and that causes a lot of pain and joint issues..I am at home a lot and disabled because of the RA and diabetes. Hubby works and on the road but home every other night..I am 59 years old and my daughter that lives in another state told me about this site and I joined up. Thinking about also joining WW but not sure yet..Would like some support and would love if there was someone close by also to where I live near Cleveland,Tn. Anyway would love to hear from others..Debbie
  • Hi My name is Claire.
    I am 38 years old and live in the UK. I started dieting when I reached 360 pounds some months ago I am now 337 pounds. Its taken me a while to find you all but I am so glad that I will be nice to talk to someone in the same boat as me sometimes.
  • Hello,

    I'm Kim and I started MFP at 352 pounds and am currently 317. My heaviest ever was 351.
    Weight has always been a touchy subject for me, so I love that I am now confident enough to talk about it.

    Feel free to add me ....... all support is welcome, and I'm super supportive too !!!

  • Hi, Im Yolanda. I currently weigh 316 pounds and I am trying to get down to at least 160 pounds. Feel free to add me I can always use support and encouragement from people who have as much to lose as I do. My workout buddy is under 200 lol.
  • Hi all! I'm 26 years old and I'm 358.5. I'm glad to be part of this group with like minded people!!