Introduce yourself!



  • JDavid007
    JDavid007 Posts: 331 Member
    So far I am liking this site. Finally a productive use of social sites.
  • ken1994
    ken1994 Posts: 495 Member
    So far I am liking this site. Finally a productive use of social sites.

    Mostly good, wait until you ask the wrong question some will be on you quicker than you can say "that is not what I meant" Glad you are sticking with it, keep it up.
  • 139pilotwife
    139pilotwife Posts: 235 Member
    Hi My name is Donna. Born and raised most of my life in Youngstown until I graduated from YSU and entered the Army. Finally making it back to Ohio (Medina) for about 10 years only to relocate about 2 years ago to Saudi Arabia. My husband's job has brought our family (2 boys and 2 shelties) to Saudi Arabia.

    I joined MFP almost 2 weeks ago to help me track & motivate me to finally lose the weight that I put on after having 2 boys and the stress eating weight from a full-time management position. Living here has provide me with great weather, beautiful scenery (living on the Persian Gulf) and free access to state of the art fitness equipment-plus time!

    I was happy to see a group of I do miss Ohio from time to time.
  • HI. I live in Cincinnati, the East part.. I'm 34 with a teenage daughter and a husband who thinks he's a teenager. I'm enjoying this site alot and have seen progress. I'm excited to see so many Ohioan's on here, especially from Cincinnati! I would love to talk to others from around the area (or anyone if your looking for a friend :)) Feel free to add me.
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    I miss Kroger too!!!

    I don't know what I would do if there were not a Kroger close to me. Love shopping there.
  • Hows doin y'all, I'm in centerville, born an raised in the heart of Dayton, lol i think i've suffered enough lol.. My girlfriend an I are
    working on, both trying to lose and if fortunes smile find similarly goal drivin folks to work out with and for support.
  • RFrick
    RFrick Posts: 408 Member
    Hi! My name is Regina. I live about nine miles straight west of downtown Dayton. I am 27 and have two young children. I have always struggled with my weight. I lost a lot doing WW in my early twenties, then I married this really skinny guy that can eat whatever he wants and had two kids and gained everything plus some back. I'm trying very hard to lose again, but I'm breastfeeding my youngest and tend to store fat like a squirrel stores nuts when I'm doing that. Still gotta try though 'cause if I don't watch it I gain instead of maintaining at least. :noway: Nice to 'meet' you all!
  • Hey my name is Richard and Im from Northwest, OH. I am trying to become a fitness model and right now am working on my personal trainer certification.
  • lyssamichelle
    lyssamichelle Posts: 1,307 Member
    Hi all, I'm 19. I haven't seen anyone else around my age on here actually.
    I've lived in Ohio my whole life, I have a southern accent.. I'm from Dayton.. Go figure. Lol.
    I live south of there now though, near Cincinnati. . Kind of strange. Not falling asleep to gun shots & sirens.
    You ever hear those jokes about people from Ohio?
    Well.. in my family there all pretty much true. Ha.
    I thought it'd be nice to have people closer to home for motivation.
  • badbull69
    badbull69 Posts: 157 Member
    Hello all, my name is David, I live west of Cleveland with my girlfriend, who is also a friend of mine on here. She turned me on to this. At my heaviest weight I was 203. Today, Im 181.5 and dieting for a competition (mock) right now, to see how my body reacts to this diet. I have been lifting seriously for 5 years now and dieting. Im fasinated at how the food you eat or don't affects your body, pertaining to bulking or cutting.

    I have found out that this site, is bro science (to me, bashing bodybuilding) in some forums. Its ok. I know what I know, I have seen my body change for the better. And I know what works for me. For the most part, Im self motivated, as I am also a second degree black belt (retired).

    I dont mine, helping people out and thinking about going back to school to be a personal fitness trainer. I love watching people achieve their goals. and I hate watching people workout and not get the most from their exercises...

    I wish everyone, good luck on their goals. Make this year the year you achieve them.
  • hlweb32
    hlweb32 Posts: 3 Member
    Hello OHIO! Im Heather.. but pretty much everyone knows me as Web. I was born and raised all over Ohio (Coldwater, Archbold, Mansfield, Urbana, Springfield, and Dayton).. and now living in NC. Im so happy that there is an Ohio group! I love to connect with people from home.

    Good luck to all of you :)
  • christinal83
    christinal83 Posts: 84 Member
    Hi, Im Chrissy. I live in Fairborn, outside of Dayton. Looks like a few of you are close to me, we should try and meet up to work out. I have been the same man for 12 years now & our son turned 4 in December. I have never been a small girl but I was always comfortable with my weight until after I had my son & then got laid off 2 years ago. I am sick of the extra weight and my mini goal is to get into the clothes I bought before I got pregnant with my son!
  • ChelSleeve
    ChelSleeve Posts: 144 Member
    Hi everyone!! I'm Chelsea I was born in Cincy, and have lived in Hamilton, Danbury, Port Clinton, and I currently reside in Sandusky!
  • kellz330
    kellz330 Posts: 19 Member
    Hello there Ohio group... my name is Kellie. I live on the north side of Columbus and I grew up in Kent. So yea, been pretty much stuck here all my life :)

    Any one else scared for February snow? I can't believe how nice its been all of January... def not like Ohio
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    Hello there Ohio group... my name is Kellie. I live on the north side of Columbus and I grew up in Kent. So yea, been pretty much stuck here all my life :)

    Any one else scared for February snow? I can't believe how nice its been all of January... def not like Ohio

    We just may get the snow in February. We certainly haven't had much up til now. I am missing it.
  • Hi, I'm Wendy. I'm 52 and moved to Columbus from Southern California 6 years ago. My husband and I moved here to be part of a certain church. We heard the minister speak and just wanted to be part of this congregation, but didn't know anyone here--that was tough at first! My lifelong friends and family are on the other side of the country. BUT I love Ohio--what a mixture!--and don't miss California itself, except for the people. I have a furry companion, a Westie named Jack. I sing and play a couple instruments and write music. My hubby still makes trips to California on business (he's in renewable energy sales), so I'd love to connect with more folks here in Columbus. I've just started MFP and am learning how to work the site. Thanks to Nikki_too who introduced me to this group!
  • christinal83
    christinal83 Posts: 84 Member
    I hope we do not get a lot of snow! I think its going to be really cold at some point because its just been to nice! A friend of ours said this month were suppose to get 64 inches-yikes!
  • kwest_4_fitness
    kwest_4_fitness Posts: 819 Member
    I've been a member of this group since November and realized I haven't introduced myself, lol. My name is Kellie, I'm 38-ish and from Conneaut...the northeastern part of the state. I started to change my life around back in April of last year after having quit smoking in March. To fill the void of having a cigarette during breaks at work, I started walking. From there, I started jogging, doing aerobics, cycling. etc. etc. This year, I'm hoping to do some kayaking and hiking, as well as running my first 5k.

    I'm married and a mother of a grown son. I have three dogs, who are as much my children as my two-legged baby. Two of my furry babies are St. Bernards and the third is an American Bulldog. I work full time and go to school part time, and I'm thankful to have a house husband who worries about all things domestic (which I abhor, by the way). I'd love to find out some fun things to do in Ohio, especially the northeast and central areas. I went ziplining last year at Tree Frog Canopy Tours in Mohican and it was AWESOME!!
  • christatree
    christatree Posts: 31 Member

    Hi I'm Christa and have lived in Ohio all of my 35 years.
    I grew up in Lakewood and have settled in Cuyahoga Falls with my husband and kids (near Akron). Prior to 2009 I didn't do much working out maybe a workout video here and there but nothing consistent and my eating habits were terrible.
    In 2009, I expressed to a friend of mine that I was ready to make a lifestyle change to get fit and healthy she had a treadmill she wasn't using, gave it to me and voila that was the start of my journey to good health and happiness.
    I've had a few set backs here and there but since finding MFP I've really been able to balance the food with workouts to make it a regular part of my life.
    I actually like Ohio and can now appreciate that the Cuyahoga Valley National Park is right in my backyard. Lots of great walking,hiking and running trails.
  • Hi im Tiffanie and I was born in ohio, moved away for about 12 yrs while my father was in the military and have been back for the past 16 yrs. I am a mother of 5 children and 1 grand child even tho i am 39.
    As a child i never had to worry bout my weight or what i ate and now that I am about 15 lbs over weight i am having blood pressure problems. BC (before children) i was always walking somewhere, underweight, and didnt care what i ate as long as it wasnt seafood or meat other than a
    i have made it a point to start eating healthier and exercising on a regular basis again. I have a few family members on MFP for support but I think that I am needing a lil extra help, especially with recipies and such.
    i have been a member for a few weeks now and I am ready to really shed some lbs.