Ravenclaw Common Room



  • _gwen
    _gwen Posts: 501 Member
    arrgh! - I just lost my post because the previous post locked.

    Starting over - I'm sure this is shorter than my previous post, but maybe that is to your benefit. :wink:

    Thanks to Kelly for sending me an email to post my weight. I needed that kick in the pants. I put the Ravenclaw house discussion back on my browser toolbar.

    I feel completely lost. I'm reposting the challenges for this week so *I* can find them.

    Food: Earn 1 OWL for each day you drink at least 8 glasses of water
    Exercise: Take 5 exercise breaks each day. Earn 1 OWL each day you take 5.
    Spirit: Earn 1 OWL each day you drop by the common room and leave a post.

    Inter-house challenge: Earn 1 House Point for each minute of exercise

    For the week of 1/8:
    Food: 1/2
    Exercise: 0/2
    Spirit: 0/2

    House Points: 200
  • WhatsEatingYou
    ahh, yes..my first week in the house and I'm afraid I didn't do so well. I also forgot to weigh myself this morning before I started eating! I will get numbers together and post in a little while.
  • kellyisloved
    kellyisloved Posts: 441 Member
  • WhatsEatingYou
    Food: Earn 1 OWL for each day you drink at least 8 glasses of water
    Exercise: Take 5 exercise breaks each day. Earn 1 OWL each day you take 5.
    Spirit: Earn 1 OWL each day you drop by the common room and leave a post.

    Inter-house challenge: Earn 1 House Point for each minute of exercise

    For the week of 1/8:
    Food: 0
    Exercise: 0 (I exercised, but not in breaks - how long does an 'exercise break' need to be?)
    Spirit: 3

    House Points: 65
  • lottee1000
    lottee1000 Posts: 447 Member
    Hey everyone, having a good week?

    So, I'm back in Bangkok, flew on Monday, arrived Tuesday night, back to school Wednesday morning. Man I need sleep! Have managed to exercise everyday though, although food was whatever the airline gave me so probably calories wrapped in fat. Oh well!
    Well done everyone who lost last week, especially blackhawkgirl91, cherubcrnp, craft 338 , mish3131 WhatsEatingYou and Matchamatcha!!!

    Anyway, as for the prefects, the two people with the highest number of OWLs last week is.... drumroll please... Aszuzi and mish3131!! Well done you guys, as your reward, if you'd like to message me with the challenges for next week please let me know, I think if Aszuzi sends me a food challenge (so you can motivate yourself out of your old eating habits) and mish3131 comes up with a fitness challenge?

    If either of you don't want to, just let me know and I'll come up with one. I need them by Thursday to post on Friday, please!

    Enjoy your Wednesday guys, Lottee x
  • mish3131
    mish3131 Posts: 276 Member
    Morning. I just realized that TOM is going to arrive next week. Meanwhile this week I was wondering why my back started to hurt and feeling a bit bloated! ICK! I hate weighing in when TOM is here. It really adds pounds (close to 5 or more) in bloated weight. Anywho, I am staying on track and it looks like everyone else is doing well.

    Have a great day all!

  • _gwen
    _gwen Posts: 501 Member
    Congrats new prefects!

    For the week of 1/8:
    Food: 2/3
    Exercise: 0/3
    Spirit: 1/3

    House Points: 230
  • nerdyandilikeit
    nerdyandilikeit Posts: 2,185 Member
    OK, DON'T REPLY HERE, FOLKS! You can reply (it seems) but it continues to another thread at the bottom, too. It's very weird, but ONLY reply to the sticky thread called Ravenclaw Common Room Part 2, not the unsticky one!
  • nerdyandilikeit
    nerdyandilikeit Posts: 2,185 Member
    Transferring comments from the weird in between thread to this thread (that seems to be the ultimate Part 2 thread after much testing of links):


    did we roll over again!!! WOW that was fast!! good morning to all. had a chinese food binge last night. i've been craving it so hopefully that's over and done with! i must say, it was really yummy :tongue: . hope you all have a happy "hump day". :bigsmile:

    I'm happy to have my info listed on the HoH link, so you can feel free to add me, and then of course Lottee and Emmie can speak for themselves, lol. So far, I think the current plan is for Lottee to handle most of the in-house stuff (challenges, prefects, etc.), and I'll be handling the weigh-ins and reporting numbers, reminders and all that (so most of the external reporting stuff). Emmie said she would be free in February to either help out or take over, whichever we all decide at the time, so for the most part, you'll probably hear from me most often with the house info.


    I think I'll list you (kellyisfat) in the Rules blog, so if new house members have questions, they'll come to you first instead of wondering who they should go to out of the three of you. I'm just going to name you the official HoH (to avoid confusion) and the other two will be Deputy HoH's. Does that sound ok to you three?

    Also, what's with your Common Room rolling over twice? It's driving me batty, so I'm gonna see what I can do to condense. :)
  • azsuzi
    azsuzi Posts: 1,169 Member
    I feel completely lost. I'm reposting the challenges for this week so *I* can find them.

    Food: Earn 1 OWL for each day you drink at least 8 glasses of water
    Exercise: Take 5 exercise breaks each day. Earn 1 OWL each day you take 5.
    Spirit: Earn 1 OWL each day you drop by the common room and leave a post.

    And I'm including the link to the weigh-in doc so *I* can find it at work!


    I got so busy yesterday that I didn't get a chance to say hello - and then I get here today and find that we're on a totally new thread!! Way to go Ravenclaw! I love that we have so much going on here - it's really motivating! :drinker:

    I'm still struggling with the extra snacks - especially the chocolate. Dementors must be hovering about again... But I am doing better with getting in some exercise each day, so I think things are slowly starting to get back to normal.

    Have a great Wednesday everyone!
  • lottee1000
    lottee1000 Posts: 447 Member
    Morning all!

    NSV: Today... I got up at 5am... to go for a run!! Would never, ever have done it without you guys and the support here, so thanks all!! Just got to try and eat healthily today so that I don't ruin it!! Happy Thursday folks! Lottee X
  • kellyisloved
    kellyisloved Posts: 441 Member
    Whoa...thanks for helping out with the thread change! I was totally lost, lol.

    WhatsEatingYou, the original version of the Exercise Challenge is below, so you can possibly use this to judge whether you know you've done enough to qualify:

    "Exercise: Take 5 exercise breaks each day. Work these in when you take a bathroom break, during commercials or whenever you can throughout the day. Do some squats, wall push-ups, sit-ups, jog in place - whatever you feel like doing. Earn 1 OWL each day you take 5."

    You could potentially do as much as you want, but since commercial breaks were used an example, you could figure in 2-5 minutes for a commercial break, so if you did around 20-25 minutes of exercise, you could count that as your 5. Otherwise, you could push yourself and use your 20 minutes as one break and challenge yourself to work in 4 other mini-breaks during the day

    I'd say it's your choice! :)
  • psb13
    psb13 Posts: 629
    WOW!! couldn't find us!!! good morning Ravenclaw. gwen-i feel lost also, and not because i couldn't find the thread. i just can't get back to my routine from before illness and holidays. worked late last night but didn't do too badly once i got home(mostly because i was too tired to eat more). i think i am in a winter slum. i can't ride my bike d/t darkness and the way i am feeling now i think it's the only exercise i could motivate myself to do. gotta get outta this slump!!!
  • WhatsEatingYou
    Thanks, Kelly. I think the point of that exercise break thing is probably just to get us thinking about being more active in regular activity, right? So I'm going to try to remember to actually do the breaks in addition to anything else..breaks are probably all I'll get in today, for instance, because it's gross outside!! Unless I somehow fit in a Curves session but I'm not confident about that..too many things to do while little one is in preschool that are in too many different parts of the county. Sigh!

    Lottee, you rock!!

    And thanks for the shoutout for wt loss last week (sorry now I forgot whose thread that was - will be easier when I have figured out who people are, I think, sorry!) -- I know it's that 'first week loss' but I will take it!! I was in the 260's last Spring, would like to get back to where I was as quick as possible so I can actually think of everything as weight loss -- right now I just think of it as catching up (down?) to where I was... Still, there have been two times in my life when weight just kind of 'came off' - one was when I was single and addicted to the gym, didn't track food but tracked how much I was lifting and how much time I was doing vairous thingsl...and the other times were when I was tracking food and exercise. So if I can just KEEP MYSELF TRACKING I should be all right.

    Oh, and as long as I don't let myself get derailed by my husband's problems..which has been my pattern the last few years. I have to kind of 'give up' on him now to help myself. Know how they say to hang out with healthy people if you want to be healthy? Well, I'm married to a man who gave up on himself a few years ago and just 'lets' things happen to him now - he has diabetes and doens't watch, he has heart disease and doesn't exercise or take care, he is getting bigger which is worse for both of those things...so I need some MAJOR POSITIVE healthy energy to counteract what I live with here at home. Just don't tell me that when he sees my results it will motivate him - we've been there before, he doesn't get motivated, he gets jealous :(

    Wow, that turned into a therapy post. Sorry! lol Long story short -- very glad to be here!! Don't have tons of time for all the message boards and such so you are my one conversational part of this experience for me, the only other thing I do here is track.

    I'd like to ask a detail about the water - is that ONLY water or can other bevs count? I had six glasses of water-water yesterday, and three cups of coffee (I did see the discussion of coffee here - but when I have enough coffee I don't need my ritalin so I tend to coffee-up). That still counts as just six waters for challenge purposes? Or are there any other drinks that 'count' for that?

  • mish3131
    mish3131 Posts: 276 Member
    Morning everyone. Ugh, feeling soooo bloated. I weighed myself this morning and I gained 2lbs. Not surprised. I know the bloating is not from what I am eating. Definitely from TOM which the ETA is Tuesday. I hate it. The week before and of I am miserable. On a positive note, I am not letting it get me down. I am sticking to my guns with my eating and logging in. The yoga I started is very enjoyable after a stressful day, although last night my son wouldn't go to sleep and kept interrupting me.

    Sorry about the vent.

  • WhatsEatingYou
    Such a weird body-day. I spent half the morning feeling like I was starving- and thirsting- to death (after eating a normal breakfast and having had two cups of water plus a juice already), now that I had lunch I feel like I NEED to take a nap. Huh.
  • azsuzi
    azsuzi Posts: 1,169 Member
    Oh, and as long as I don't let myself get derailed by my husband's problems..which has been my pattern the last few years. I have to kind of 'give up' on him now to help myself. Know how they say to hang out with healthy people if you want to be healthy? Well, I'm married to a man who gave up on himself a few years ago and just 'lets' things happen to him now - he has diabetes and doens't watch, he has heart disease and doesn't exercise or take care, he is getting bigger which is worse for both of those things...so I need some MAJOR POSITIVE healthy energy to counteract what I live with here at home. Just don't tell me that when he sees my results it will motivate him - we've been there before, he doesn't get motivated, he gets jealous :(
    I have a similar situation at home although my hubby's health issues are not weight-related and he is not overweight by much. But he absolutely hates "excercise" and will not join me for a walk or bike ride unless it has a purpose. As for strength training, he has always maintained his muscle through his work but now can't do any of that, but still refuses to lift or workout. And he tells me that he doesn't like muscle definition on women. I'm not talking body building - he doens't like muscle tone! So, as you said, I had to give up on him and focus on me. Good luck to you!
    I'd like to ask a detail about the water - is that ONLY water or can other bevs count? I had six glasses of water-water yesterday, and three cups of coffee (I did see the discussion of coffee here - but when I have enough coffee I don't need my ritalin so I tend to coffee-up). That still counts as just six waters for challenge purposes? Or are there any other drinks that 'count' for that?
    Yes, water is what counts. Water keeps you hydrated and can help flush fat from your body. Coffee does not count here because it dehydrates you. Most of us do not drink enough water because we're so busy drinking coffee, tea, sodas, juices - all of which are either loaded with sugars or are dehydrating. Another thing about coffee that I recently learned: caffeine has been shown to raise blood glucose levels - so one more thing to be aware of.
  • _gwen
    _gwen Posts: 501 Member
    For the week of 1/8:
    Food: 3/4
    Exercise: 0/4
    Spirit: 2/4

    House Points: 230
  • Samiwhereareyou
    Samiwhereareyou Posts: 281 Member
    .........................This is a rant...................... My feeling were hurt and I want to vent and I feel I dont get judged here.

    Today I was talking with my cousin who recently became a vegetarian her claim was if you are an animal lover how can you eat them. You meaning the meat eating population not me personally. When I said I am allergic to most plant based protein * I am allergic to soy peanuts beans lentils all the legumes and have a nut intolerance....* also I am allergic to grains and corn not including rice and eat meat because I want to be healthy and to live. I eat happy animals that were pastured raised grass fed wild caught or hunted by friends of mine. She told me that I am different because I don't really have a choice. It hurt my feelings I have many paleo lifestyle friends on MFP That eat animals and still love them. The argument that If I wouldn't kill it myself I shouldn't eat it. Would that make me a better person to gut my kill with my hands...would you except my food choice then Because I would. I would thank that powerful beast for making it possible for me to live and I do thank my food. I think about where it came from how it lived and what it took to bring it to my table into my belly. Im not good at debating but noteveryone can be a vegan.
    ..............end rant...........
  • lottee1000
    lottee1000 Posts: 447 Member
    Morning all!

    Turns out, if you run at 5am one day, your body is awake at 5am the next day wanting exercise! I refuse to run two consecutive days because I know my shin-splints will come back if I'm not sensible, but I've just done some yoga instead. Nto sure I can handle 5am exercise every day though!

    Mish3131- your post actually helped me, I was cursing because I'm up from Monday despite a fairly good week, however, it reminded me that TOM is due so hopefully that's why. Don't think this week's weigh in will be all that good though. THANKS! And well done for sticking with it!

    Aszuzi and WhatsEatingYou... Well done (and I'm sorry to hear about it) for those of who with husbands who aren't supporting your weightloss and exercise. Kudos to you for doing it anyways though, not caving in is really impressive! Well done!

    As for water, I agree water is the most important drink, and I try to get eight a day always. However, recently I've been seeing in the press a lot of stories about how you don't have to get all your water from, well, water. Mixed with squash (cordial), from food, in soda etc still counts, according to most of the stuff I've read. HOWEVER, relying on soda or squash will increase your sugar intake massively, and you can't judge from food, so I aim for eight a glasses of water a day to ensure that I definitely get enough. And you can't drink too much water!!! (unless you down like three litres in one go...

    And finally SamiWhereAreYou... vegetarians... Gah! And I mean that in the nicest possible way. I agree with vegetarianism as a life choice, I've done it myself in the past, and many of my family are vegetarians still. However, those who preach to others, who judge us meat eaters, do my head in! It is a choice, it's nothing to do with loving animals (and, honestly, what's to love about a chicken?!) and everything to do with wanting a varied, balanced, interesting diet. And, (as a geography teacher...) If everyone was vegetarian, some 16 million people would lose their entire livelihoods, many in the poorest parts of the world, and without animal protein many more millions of already struggling people and babies would die of malnutrition. Gah, gets my goat!

    Wow, bit of an essay, so to end on a reminder...