Group Challenge #1 - The Calorie Burner (January 2012)



  • rbvaudrizle
    rbvaudrizle Posts: 69 Member
    Thanks, sezz. I've tried to fill my plate w more salads than other choices (watching the toppings!). Because the schedule is so far off, I find I'm eating more in general (as I'm starving by the time we fit get food). Having the snacks i bought muself today available tomorrow should help.

    You're welcome! Bringing your own snacks is really a good idea. I'm going to remember that tip. :smile:

    Packing food has been the only thing that can stop me from going to town on office goodies or going to any of the many fast food places around my work. Also having that little snack to give you a boost instead of giving in to cravings has helped me. Mine is almonds. I get that crunch sensation instead of going and buying chips. You would be surprised how full u get 10 mins after eating 4-5 almonds
  • candykay0605
    candykay0605 Posts: 1,019 Member
    completed day 5 of 30day shred level one this morning at 5am, I will be doing it for the 2nd time this afternoon before heading to my 2nd job

    Holy Cow! Where do you get the energy???

    Absolutely keep it moving~


    I didnt complete the 30ds for the 2nd time after work last night :/ I was soooooo tired but I am doing it at work with coworkers then going to do it again around 6 tonight :)
  • faw1001
    faw1001 Posts: 131 Member
    Involuntary rest day today. Woke up barely able to move this morning which I am attributing to the new toy I played with at physio on Tues night (a skate/snowboard deck attached to an industrial spring on a stand for strengthening stabiliser muscles i.e. balance). I can barely walk, let alone run. I even have sore muscles in my feet! :huh:
  • Bekzness
    Bekzness Posts: 122
    Day 3

    *8 glasses of water
    *eating my last meal at 8pm
    *Just Dance Sweat Mode (= to 30 minute run) and 34 minutes Wii Fit Advanced

    Legs felt like jelly tonight so glad I did indoor exercise instead of another run.
  • TheCloverFreak
    TheCloverFreak Posts: 49 Member
    So the other day i didn't work out at all. But today i moved up to 30ds level two and I feel really really good!
  • katiebythebay
    katiebythebay Posts: 611 Member
    This challenge has been harder than I thought it would be this week. I am traveling and at a conference. So, I wanted to make sure to maintain my recent commitments (eat 4 times a day, withIn an hour of waking up, and get three solid workouts in. I think the workouts are do-able but am having a hard time with the food. There just aren't good food choices available. No oatmeal or healthy cereal at breakfast, no AM snack, and plenty of calories for lunch and dinner, not counting the adult beverages. I'm trying to temper some of it by limiting my food carbs but I haven't been super strict. Now that I'm paying attention to what I'm eating, I understand why dieting and travel is a tough combo. I brought some healthy snacks and picked up a few others, so that will help. I'm also hoping all the walking is helping. I'll count this week as a win if I don't gain and keep my workout commitments. There's a group 5k in the morning (NOT on my original plan) - here's hoping I don't embarrass myself! Thanks for helping me write that all down. It will make my food choices for the next two days easier. :)

    I think eating healthy takes a lot of preparation, so when you're out of town, it makes it triple hard to keep up.

    I still think you're doing a super job, while trying to take care of your other (work) responsibilities...that's what we are - DEWARS, no excuses (I know, c-o-r-n-y, but it's true - you are doing a good job).

  • katiebythebay
    katiebythebay Posts: 611 Member
    This challenge has been harder than I thought it would be this week. I am traveling and at a conference. So, I wanted to make sure to maintain my recent commitments (eat 4 times a day, withIn an hour of waking up, and get three solid workouts in. I think the workouts are do-able but am having a hard time with the food. There just aren't good food choices available. No oatmeal or healthy cereal at breakfast, no AM snack, and plenty of calories for lunch and dinner, not counting the adult beverages. I'm trying to temper some of it by limiting my food carbs but I haven't been super strict. Now that I'm paying attention to what I'm eating, I understand why dieting and travel is a tough combo. I brought some healthy snacks and picked up a few others, so that will help. I'm also hoping all the walking is helping. I'll count this week as a win if I don't gain and keep my workout commitments. There's a group 5k in the morning (NOT on my original plan) - here's hoping I don't embarrass myself! Thanks for helping me write that all down. It will make my food choices for the next two days easier. :)

    Hey Mellie

    I travel quite a bit with work, so I have a Tupperware box I keep in my car through the day which contains my 'healthy crap' :D I'll tell you what's in it today to maybe give some suggestions for some portable healthy snacks :)

    * 2 small banana's
    * 1 red apple
    * baby carrots - sometimes this is sliced cucumber or celery or a mix of all.
    * vanilla mixed seeds
    * peanuts (they have been in the box a week or so now, not my fave but awesome if I'm flagging and need a high cal boost)
    * belvita breakfast bar - thinking of switching these out as they really aren't much better than cake :P, but they taste yummy (I fell for their marketing ploy!!)
    * low calorie cup a soups - I ask for hot water in service stations/hotels so I can make my own
    * wheat crackers - great with the cup a soup or handy when desperate enough to eat them dry
    * fruit sugar sachets
    * decaff tea bags - amazing how many places don't have decaff drinks

    I usually just top up the fresh bits each morning and the longer life stuff can stay in there for a few days. I don't eat all of this lot in one day (I do nom down all the fresh fruit and veggies through the day), they are like my emergency rations for when I'm on the move or stuck at work and there is nothing healthy in sight.

    Also by snacking on the healthier things I carry around I find that at meal times I don't feel the need to eat a big lunch or dinner and am happier to slap on lots more salad.

    This is also a work in progress for me though too as I in the past have been tempted away from my magic box and into a drive through.... putting my foot down now though ha ha! :)

    The single most thing that has helped me though is to try plan when I will eat in my day before hand, either the morning or on the night before. I used to just eat, then log what I had to find I had gone over my limit, then beat myself up about it. I'm very un-organised in myself some times so just making this change helped me keep on track.

    Let us all know how you get on today :)

    "Luck favors the prepared" or something like that... I love your stash!

    I may have to borrower some of your choices to put in my own vehicle.

    Excellent! :flowerforyou:

  • faw1001
    faw1001 Posts: 131 Member
    I managed to do a 15 minute walk once I loosened up a bit this morning. And I think I will come in under my calorie goal today :-)
  • sezz_25
    sezz_25 Posts: 60 Member
    I walked for 30 minutes early this morning and did Level 1 of 30DS, plank for 1 minute and 2 seconds.
  • sezz_25
    sezz_25 Posts: 60 Member
    So the other day i didn't work out at all. But today i moved up to 30ds level two and I feel really really good!

    Congrats on moving up to Level 2! I really love 30DS, even though I have been doing it off and on since the end of November, after every workout I still feel so accomplished. Keep it up!
  • rbvaudrizle
    rbvaudrizle Posts: 69 Member
    did the 100 push-ups and 200 sit-ups program. was under calories and built a snow fort for the kids. (how many calories does it burn to build a snow fort haha?!)
  • faw1001
    faw1001 Posts: 131 Member
    I walked for 30 minutes early this morning and did Level 1 of 30DS, plank for 1 minute and 2 seconds.

    Youch. I start to shake and can't hold good posture in a plank @ 30 seconds. You are a machine!
  • candykay0605
    candykay0605 Posts: 1,019 Member
    since i did 30ds twice yesterday im only doing it once today but I have completed 10 mins worth of jumping jacks :)
  • rbvaudrizle
    rbvaudrizle Posts: 69 Member
    I walked for 30 minutes early this morning and did Level 1 of 30DS, plank for 1 minute and 2 seconds.

    Youch. I start to shake and can't hold good posture in a plank @ 30 seconds. You are a machine!

    Wow good work...We could use u as an end table! HAHA!
  • TheCloverFreak
    TheCloverFreak Posts: 49 Member
    So my mom says that my bum is looking smaller! Yay I'm super excited! It's little things like that really make you want to keep going. I did level two of the 30ds, and it hurts and kills me! But it's so worth it!
  • sezz_25
    sezz_25 Posts: 60 Member
    I walked for 30 minutes early this morning and did Level 1 of 30DS, plank for 1 minute and 2 seconds.

    Youch. I start to shake and can't hold good posture in a plank @ 30 seconds. You are a machine!

    Thanks! I just started doing the plank about a week ago. When I started I could only hold it for 30 seconds. I do it everyday with the goal of breaking the minute mark, which I did! You should try it as well.
  • sezz_25
    sezz_25 Posts: 60 Member
    I walked for 30 minutes early this morning and did Level 1 of 30DS, plank for 1 minute and 2 seconds.

    Youch. I start to shake and can't hold good posture in a plank @ 30 seconds. You are a machine!

    Wow good work...We could use u as an end table! HAHA!

    Hahaha, thanks! I'd be an end table that would crumble after a minute.
  • candykay0605
    candykay0605 Posts: 1,019 Member
    completed 30 ds day 7 tonight.... then decided to do level 2 just for fun lol managed to get 8 mins of it done lol back to level 1 for 3 more days
  • sezz_25
    sezz_25 Posts: 60 Member
    I jogged at a slow pace a distance of 3.2 kilometers in 30 minutes early this morning. Just finished a few minutes ago, Level 2 of 30DS and plank for 1 minute and 11 seconds.

    I'm feeling quite accomplished today!
  • faw1001
    faw1001 Posts: 131 Member
    Did my goal interval run/walk this morn and it was a little easier despite lacking energy and having has a late night the night before. Have gone a little over my zigzag cal goal today (date night), but I am losing weight fairly steadily this week, so I can afford it. Can wait for my weekly recorded weigh in on Monday :).
    To all the other challengers - you are all doing so awesome. Keep up the great work! :flowerforyou: