Hufflepuff Common Room



  • alaska11
    alaska11 Posts: 151
    Just wanted to say WOW - Alaska and Molly are doing really well on the OWLs this week :happy:

    Thanks! Suzie kicks our butt at boot camp! If only I hadn't eaten everything in site over the weekend I would have lost weight!!!
  • alaska11
    alaska11 Posts: 151
    Hi all!

    Jenn - Your mom (Grandma) is probably having the time of her life with the kid! I had my grandson all weekend and we had a blast. It would have been nicer if the weather had cooperated but I didn't want to take him out in the rainy nasty weather so we just played inside and watched movies. I love getting him and giving my daughter a break. BTW - what are Irish Oats?

    Carolina - Here in South Texas we would LOVE a snow day! People would panic but for good reason. People get stupid when it rains!!

    Molly - 200 minutes of exercise while you are at work is great!! I am in an office all day mostly by myself. I should add in a few push ups or something while I'm here.

    Keeping the same challenges is good for me as well. I'm just beginning to figure it all out. Have a great Monday everybody!!
  • I like the idea of keeping the challenges the same. Perhaps we could keep them the same for a month? Maybe change the challenge slightly in the final week of the month as an incentive to push ourselves that little bit more? Don't mind me, I'm just throwing out some suggestions :wink:

    I've updated the spreadsheet with my current stats, I'm hoping to 'beat' what I got last week but I'm not too sure if I can. Time will tell! :laugh:

    I'm finally beginning to get on top of my school work, thankfully! I need to manage my time a lot better, that's for sure.

    Today I found out that my pen friend is coming to England and she and I are going to meet! She lives in Italy and we've 'known' each other for 5 years and she's coming to visit in the summer, so I am finally going to get to meet her. We talk on Skype all the time, and I genuinely feel as if I really know her, so I am looking forward to finally getting to see her, even if it's not for several months.

    Lent starts on Wednesday, is anyone giving up anything? I'm not religious but I'm saying bye bye to diet pepsi/diet coke for 40 days and 40 nights! Who's with me?!
  • alaska11
    alaska11 Posts: 151
    Molly - I like the idea of changing the challenge slightly in the last week of the month as an incentive to push! Time management can sometimes be tough to conquer and something that is always worth working on. Meeting your 5 year pen pal sounds like a lot of fun! something up for Lent - need to think about that one. Good for you for giving up Diet sodas. I don't think I could do that - I have tried to cut down to 1 a day and succeed most of the time. Good luck and enjoy them for another couple of days.

    Have a great evening.
  • bumflapassassin
    bumflapassassin Posts: 316 Member
    Indeed, slight changes are good. good idea Molly :wink:

    Here are some of the costumes from my party. There were lots of really good ones but here's me and 2 of my friends:

    By the way I am back on the exercise now. Hooray!
  • amber10101
    amber10101 Posts: 100 Member
    Hi All.

    Sorry I've been quite for a while! Busy busy!

    Bum - LOVE the photos! Very creative, looks like a lot of fun was had.

    This past Friday, I started a temporary part time job in addition to my other part time job (looking for FULL time work). The job is ok, nothing too special, but it's been rough getting everything in. Tomorrow, for the temp job, I'll be driving around to polling places and doing accessibility audits to see if people with disabilities are able to get into the voting places comfortably. Wisconsin just made some changes to voting regulations that have nothing to do with access for folks with disabilities, so I imagine the people in charge at the voting locations will be stressed anyway. On the up side, the area I'm going tomorrow is the general area where I went to college and near one of my favorite Thai restaurants. I hope I'm able to stop there for the lunch buffet. Although, there is also a great Indian buffet just down the road... Torn!

    Then this weekend, I helped throw a baby shower for a friend and had company in town. I did get my long run in though, so that was nice.

    PLUS I had a gain this week! Yay! I'm not sure if it's a "real" gain though, but time will tell.

    I did not do so great with logging this past week, but intend to remedy that this week. :)

    Starting on Wednesday, I should have more time to get in here and get things set up on our spreadsheet.

    Miss you all and wish I had more time to respond to individuals.

    Keep up the good work!
  • alaska11
    alaska11 Posts: 151
    Bum - thanks for the photos. Great costumes - definitely looks like fun!!! Glad you are exercising again.

    Amber - 2 part time jobs is really tough especially when you have to travel. Tough decision between Thai and Indian food! IT's hard staying on track when you have company. Just start again right where you are and work through it. Have a great week and good luck on that tough decision!!
  • danizaga
    danizaga Posts: 293 Member
    Happy Fat Tuesday everyone from sunny and warm southern California! I’m seriously thinking of kick starting my Lent with giving up eating out. It’s going to be hard but I eat out WAY TOO much and Amber’s recipe links on quinoa have inspired me to portion out my meals and plan out my meals.

    Carolina- I haven’t been logging my pedometer readings on here but I think I should. I’d give me a better idea of all the activity I’m doing. Do you watch hoarders? Matt Paxton has a podcast that I’ve been listening to called 5 decisions basically he states everyone is 5 decisions away from becoming a hoarder. It totally scared me into spring cleaning action but if only I can motivate others in the house to get in board.

    This weekend was actually jammed packed with activity. I was at the mall, torrid to be exact, on Saturday and I was totally falling out of the 20s but the 18s are still a bit too small. I went out to celebrate a friend’s 30th birthday, going to have a lot of those this year. Went to this amazing little Spanish place- viva Madrid then went to a piano bar and got a HUGE drink to share. Then yesterday went to the movies and saw “this means war” and “the vow.” Both movies were so much better than I thought. This means war is more of a bromance and I cried during the vow, and didn’t think I would.

    Haven’t seen many musicals other than Mama Mia in Vegas but I’m watching SMASH, Marilyn the Musical anyone?

    Molly- LOVE LOVE To Kill a Mocking Bird. Anyone else have any favorite books? Authors? I can’t tell you all how many times I’ve picked up a Jane Austin book and just finished the first chapter. I know she’s everyone’s favorite but I just can’t do it!

    Bum- the robot turned out so good! What did you use for the pants and sleeves? Good to hear you are back at working out.

    Amber- I feel your pain on looking for work. I was unemployed for a little over 2 years just having picked up random contracts. Looking for a work is a full time job. Good luck and congrats on your gain.

    I checked out New Rules of Lifting for Women. I’ve been reading it all weekend but have yet to put it into practice. I feel like I'm going on too long but it's great to be back posting after a long weekend.
  • alaska11
    alaska11 Posts: 151
    Hey Dani - I hate being in between sizes! Hopefully the 18's will fit soon. I used to hate trying on clothes sometimes I enjoy just picking up different sizes to see what fits now. It's actually kinda fun. Can't wait I'm at my goal weight! I'm watching SMASH as well!! I think the first two weeks were better than last night. I LOVE LOVE LOVE The Voice!
  • danizaga
    danizaga Posts: 293 Member
    hey alaska- i love trying on clothes! especially clothes that i can't afford. I didn't see last night's SMASH but the first 2 episodes were AMAZING!! i can't stand that IVY LYNN she is so hate-able.
  • I stepped on the scales this morning, just to see what my weight mid week was and was very disappointed to read a 4lb gain. I was so angry with myself. There's no way I'm going to be able to lose the 4lb gain plus the 1lb I'm supposed to lose a week by Sunday. Arghh.

    Lent starts tomorrow so I'm giving up diet coke/pepsi. I really hope this helps with my diet as I drink at least 1 cup of it every day, which I know isnt good, but I know I'm now addicted to it. The first few days will be the worst though - I remember the first 3 or so days after starting MFP and drastically cutting my food intake, I thought I was dying :laugh:

    Today I went out for lunch with some girl friends. I made the best choices possible, logged it and I will deal with the repercussions when I weigh in on Sunday! We then saw The Vow which we enjoyed. However, none of us cried and while it was good, we had expected it to be better than it was due to the 'hype' we'd seen online, but it was good nonetheless. Rachel McAdams is such an amazing actress, though I still find it hard to believe she's Regina George in Mean Girls :laugh:

    Dani - I adore classic books but I've never been too keen on Jane Austin. She's a great author, I've just never been able to really 'get into' her books if that makes sense. Jodi Picoult is one of my favourite authors, she wrote My Sister's Keeper, which was made into a movie not too long ago. If you haven't read the book but have seen the film, go and read the book. It's different to the film and if possible, it's actually better! Lindsey Kelk is another author I like. I've recently discovered her and her "I Heart.." series, so I am currently working my way through that when I have the chance to sit down and read.

    What does everyone think of E-readers? I work in the electrical department at my job and I sell them, so I feel obliged to like them but I'm not sure. I bought my step dad a Kindle for Christmas, and he barely uses it, but he says he likes it. I think it's a great idea and I love how convenient it is and easy to use, I think I'll always prefer physical books though!
  • Jenn_W
    Jenn_W Posts: 229 Member
    I am a Jane Austen Fan.... P&P and Mansifield Park are my favorites!! I am currently listening to Emma on CD, I forgot how much she annoys me... Not my favorite.

    I am currently reading Jane Eyre for the first time... I had never made it past the Red Room before, over half way done 'finally'.

    I love the classic's... Other Favorites anything from C.S. Lewis and Lois Lowry. <3 Not as much modern stuff. I love period pieces... I should've lived in the 1800s in England... Oye!!

    I have a Kindle (4th Gen) and a Kindle Fire... I love my regular kindle, because of it is super easy to travel with (or when I take public transit It is easy to turn pages/carry/etc) , lightweight, and so many free classics... The fire is more laptop than anything... Good for mags or kids books but not regular reading. I like it, but Love real books too... LOL!
  • alaska11
    alaska11 Posts: 151
    I'm not sure who does the weekly totals on the spread sheet but please check them. I think my info was recorded in the wrong place.:ohwell:

    I bought a Kindle for my husband and he made me take it back. Don't think he really understood all that it would do. My daughter (a school teacher) has one and loves it. I would love to have one for the convenience. I don't know if I would ever be able to switch completely, I love the feel of a real book!! Nothing exciting about curling up on the couch on a cold rainy afternoon with a good "nook"! :laugh: well since I put it like that....
  • danizaga
    danizaga Posts: 293 Member
    i love real books too. there is something to be said of a worn in book but no dog tailing the pages please. and it's not like you can loan your kindle to someone else to read a book on
  • I had to google what a Kindle Fire was after Jenn mentioned it as we don't have that here (yet) in the UK. It looks so cool! I like how it's more than an e-reader (I sound like I'm trying to sell it, you know like on the TV adverts? :laugh:) so I'd definitely consider getting one of those if it was released here. I'm moving in a few months and much to my disappointment, I can't take all of my books with me (limited space in uni) so I may invest in a kindle closer to the time.

    Speaking of going to Uni, it's now less than 7 months until I move! I'm so excited but extremely daunted by the whole thought of training to become a nurse, but I have 6.5 months to go!!
  • Oh I forgot to ask, I know it's a silly question but it's something that's always bugged me and given that most of you are American I'm hoping you can answer my question. How far is a block?! As in "Oh, it's a block away" I've always wanted to know! :laugh:
  • danizaga
    danizaga Posts: 293 Member
    "a block away" depends on the city and it can vary widely depending on the city. where i live everyone likes to say places/cities are only 15-20 mins away but in traffic it will take longer. molly, it's so sad that you have to leave books behind to go to uni but you'll start collecting other great and not so great random pieces of furniture and left over household items from roommates.

    are we still doing 1OWL for every 10 mins cardio?
  • Jenn_W
    Jenn_W Posts: 229 Member
    A block... Haha... My mom gets so made at me when I say 'it's just a few blocks away', because to me a mile is just a few blocks.
  • I'm currently battling a kidney infection which I discovered earlier, so I'm sorry if my efforts for the last few days are not as they should be. I've felt bad all week, but a doctor's appointment this afternoon discovered a horrible kidney infection. Just what I need!!

    I've changed my weight loss settings to lose 0.5lb a week. I know I will not lose this week and I've been struggling weight loss wise for the past few weeks, so I'm hoping the change will help things and send me in the right direction.
  • danizaga
    danizaga Posts: 293 Member
    I'm currently battling a kidney infection which I discovered earlier, so I'm sorry if my efforts for the last few days are not as they should be. I've felt bad all week, but a doctor's appointment this afternoon discovered a horrible kidney infection. Just what I need!!

    I've changed my weight loss settings to lose 0.5lb a week. I know I will not lose this week and I've been struggling weight loss wise for the past few weeks, so I'm hoping the change will help things and send me in the right direction.

    molly just focus on getting well. kidney infections are horrible.
  • alaska11
    alaska11 Posts: 151
    Feel better soon Molly!!!
  • lhurtubise
    lhurtubise Posts: 693 Member
    Hello Hufflepuffs!

    I am still alive. I am sorry I have been so absent lately, but the time change coupled with living in a new country and teaching at a new school have totally time consuming. All of my lessons from the US have to be redone to fit the curriculum here and it is an extensive process. I love you all and I am doing great with maintaining my weight! I am hoping to get caught up on the board today because it is officially my weekend. I have no idea what time it is all over the world, but I am on Friday night 24 Feb and it's almost 10pm! It is absolutely beautiful here and I love it already. I have a few pictures up if you have facebook here is the link to my album ...

    Love you all

  • danizaga
    danizaga Posts: 293 Member
    QUEEDA!! GREAT TO HEAR FROM YOU! omg the beach and your son are so beautiful!

    hey everyone i've been looking at the week results tabs in the google document and my numbers don't make since like they don't add up at all. i think some how Nikki (bum) and my cells got mixed up in creating the functions for the spreadsheet. can someone check this to make sure i'm not missing something, please?

  • Jenn_W
    Jenn_W Posts: 229 Member
    Queeda - Again, those babies are so dang pretty! (Of course, they get it from their momma!!)

    Hoping life is starting to settle down, enough... Xoxo!!
  • alaska11
    alaska11 Posts: 151
    hey everyone i've been looking at the week results tabs in the google document and my numbers don't make since like they don't add up at all. i think some how Nikki (bum) and my cells got mixed up in creating the functions for the spreadsheet. can someone check this to make sure i'm not missing something, please?


    I was looking at mine and they don't match either.

    Queeda - that beach does look lovely. Looks like ya'll are very happy and having a great time! Glad you are finding time to catch up on a few things.

    Have a great weekend everyone!!
  • I think my stats are correct - they seem it based on what I have logged but I am not sure. Though on the summary bit at the bottom, my weight is 129.8 which is way off. This is creating an incorrect percentage for my own weight loss and it's unlikely that my 'summary' is the only one affected. I am not sure how to change this though, perhaps we need to create a new spreadsheet as it seems there are problems with the current one? Again, I don't know how to do all the formula's etc, but I can (try to) help where needed.

    I'm still fighting my kidney infection, so I will blame my weight gain (I know I've gained) and lack of exercise on that. I have to do a 10 hour shift at work tomorrow and I will log some of this as I spend most of my day running around trying to make sure customers are okay and hope they don't bite my head off.

    Other than that, a quiet weekend before more birthday celebrations on Monday evening for a close friend's 18th birthday.

    What is everyone up to this weekend?
  • alaska11
    alaska11 Posts: 151
    Molly - take care of that kidney infection. You don't want to end up in the hospital. Hope you feel better very very soon.

    My daughter and I are going out of town to a company regional event on Saturday. Sunday she will spend the day with her boyfriend and I'm hoping to get some grass cut around this place.

    Hope everyone else has a good weekend planned.
  • bumflapassassin
    bumflapassassin Posts: 316 Member
    Hey guys, I have had a look at the spread sheet and I do not understand it so I'm afraid I'll have to leave it to you guys to figure out (numbers are not my strong point - sorry) But I have been putting numbers into my own squares so it's definately not me messing things up :happy:

    I am upset with the scales today but I know it should be myself I'm upset with. WIll update my weight when I'm ready though. I hope everyone is having a good weekend and that everyone who is sick gets well soon
  • carolinagirl7
    carolinagirl7 Posts: 435 Member
    Very busy this week! I maintained at 192. A victory given it is TOM. I was bummed to find my cholesterol was actually WORSE than last year. My NP seems to not be too worried, but it has been steadily increasing ever sense I beginning my journey to health 4 years ago. Beginning to wonder if genes are at play. It is bad (or good), when her only diet suggestion was to give up the one ounce of cheese I eat most days and to "try" to add more fruits and veggies though I already get 4-6 servings in most days already.

    As far as the spreadsheet is concerned, I have only been filling out the first tab, and have not touched the other tabs. I am not on good terms with spreadsheets, have the other tabs been populated by the info on the first tab? If so it is likely there is a calculation is off. Hopefully Amber makes it back soon to help us straighten it out :) If anyone else in the group is savvy with spreadsheets, have at it to straighten it out!

    Queeda--that is an awesome picture. Glad to hear things are going well. I had to look it up on the internet, you are 9 hours ahead of me here in the land of EST :)
    Amber--Shower sounds like fun, and good luck finding full time work. It is difficult in this era. My hubby still can only find part time work. He is going to start back to school this summer in a paralegal program. We are lucky they are in demand in my area
    Molly--take care of yourself and I hope you feel better soon. glad you caught it early, I have known many women who let those infections go, and they get so bad they wind up in the hospital.
    Kathy-sounds like a fun weekend planned even with the grass cutting (exercise right??) :)
    bumflap- don't let the scale get you down. So close to goal, it does get harder to lose weight as you are close to goal. hang in there :)
    Jenn and Dani--I have a Nook, and like it, but I wish I had a Kindle. it is just lighter, and screen is easier to read. I do not like the fact I can not loan out books to a friend unless they have a Nook. I used to love reading, but since graduate school, it is harder for me to read. I am currently reading You are an Ironman, about 6 normal people and their road to an Ironman triathlon in Arizona. Very inspiring...makes me feel so lazy :)
    A great weekend to all Hufflepuffs!
  • 3lb gain this week :( I am blaming it on my kidney infection. I was disappointed to see the gain, but not surprised as I had seen a similar figure when I weighed in earlier in the week. Weight is back up to 150, so I am hoping to be down to 148 by next Sunday. Fingers crossed.

    A poor effort from me this week as far as OWLs and NEWTs are concerned, I did manage to rack up 518 h.p's though so I am happy at that. I also managed to earn 30 NEWTs this week, an improvement from 17 last week and 13 the week before. I am hoping to get 600 h.p's this week, along with 60 OWLs and 40 NEWTs. We'll see. I am meant to be at a party tomorrow night for my friend's birthday, but I will see how I feel. Hopefully I can get in a good amount of H.P's dancing, if I do end up going.

    Now onto day 5 of my lent - no diet coke/pepsi. I'm not struggling at all, which was a surprise. I am having a cheat day tomorrow, as I will drink diet coke at the party, if I do end up going. Tuesday is back to normal though and a diet coke/pepsi free few weeks continues. Did anyone give up anything? If so, how are you doing?
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