
  • nussbaums
    nussbaums Posts: 8 Member
    SW: 182
  • ltparker
    ltparker Posts: 32
    SW: 200
    GW: 190 by April 1st
  • SW: 184
    CW: 178.5
    GW: 168.5

    Disappointed I only lost 5.5 last month, but with being sick for almost 2 weeks I'm happy to have lost any at all. Here's to a new month and the scale moving in the right direction :happy:
  • SweetDee12
    SweetDee12 Posts: 7 Member
    Totally surprised myself at the gym this morning, which is where I do my weekly weigh-in. Lost 3 lbs this week! Could be water weight, but I haven't changed much in my diet or exercise routine. Got a good start to this challenge!

    CW: 151
    GW: 144
  • _AshLynn
    _AshLynn Posts: 134 Member
    Friday weigh in...
    120.5 this morning! Down from 125 (SW) Only a few left to go! 111 (GW)
  • forevereuphoric
    forevereuphoric Posts: 13 Member
    SW: 140.2
    GW: 131.6

    Good luck everyone!
  • SW-316

    Good luck everybody!
  • twilightobession
    twilightobession Posts: 101 Member
    I am late today, but I am here.

    GW-149-for March
    Finaly GW-135

    I am soooo hoping I can do this. I am just not having any luck staying under my calories.
  • VeganPanda
    VeganPanda Posts: 582 Member
    It's that TOM, so I hope this number isn't skewed too much. I am a bit bloated but oh well.

    Today: 158.6
    GW for 4/1: 152

    I am not going for 10 lbs lost because I think that is too much and unhealthy for me. I'll be happy with 6.6. :)
  • ehilgenberg10
    ehilgenberg10 Posts: 79 Member
    SW: 165
    GW: 155

    This is going to be tough but I am going to try to work my butt off (hopefully literally)!
  • SW (1st March) 157.3
    GW 147.3

    Really going to go for this!
  • trott27
    trott27 Posts: 34
    SW: 151
    GW: 141

    This is going to be such a great month! I set my goal to a 10pound loss because the group is a 10lb challenge...but I'd be happy with 4 or 5 pounds. =)
  • diagyrl
    diagyrl Posts: 30 Member
    I am really gonna try and make this work!!!!!!

    Today's weight: 328
    Goal weightloss for March: 318
  • Donna_Houghton
    Donna_Houghton Posts: 62 Member
    10lbs, one month... Bring it!

    1 March weight is 220.5lbs so by 31 March I'm aiming for 210.5lbs

    Good luck everyone, we can do this!
  • HAK612
    HAK612 Posts: 2 Member
    SW : 194
    GW: 184

    I'm ready for the challenge ... I know we all can do it!
  • dida_57
    dida_57 Posts: 45 Member
    SW (March 1st): 125 lbs
    GW: 115 lbs

    Let's do this!
  • dbow99
    dbow99 Posts: 5
  • carolcharcoal
    carolcharcoal Posts: 7 Member
    March 3rd CW: 139 lbs
    GW by March 31st: 129 lbs
  • clarelouise33
    clarelouise33 Posts: 3 Member
    SW 181
    GW 171
  • salsa81
    salsa81 Posts: 68 Member
    Start weight = 201 pounds

    Goal weight = 191 pounds