
  • chloe65
    chloe65 Posts: 5
    March 1 weigh in = 173
    March 31 goal weight = 163
  • fluguma
    fluguma Posts: 8 Member
    I weighed on Friday and was 180 so my goal weight is 170. I didn't get on the computer to post until today...sorry! :happy:
  • senoj242
    senoj242 Posts: 10 Member
    weighed in on friday but was busy shooting all weekend

    March 1 weigh in = 241
    March 31 goal weight = 231
  • Hit a colonic clinic on Saturday which helped shift 1.5lbs ...

    ..sounds a bit daunting but a good cleanser and also extra weight off

    Its hleped me break through that barrier of not losing anymore weight and i feel good too
  • chelexx
    chelexx Posts: 9
    GW...156 by 31 March
    FG W ...125
  • solarpower4
    solarpower4 Posts: 250 Member
    I only have 13 pounds to lose and I'm fairly small (and lose weight VERY slowly) so I'm aiming for 5 pounds during March. I'll post each Friday any weight I've lost. I mean, how MUCH weight I've dropped. Got to keep the positive thoughts flowing...
  • shaybethxo
    shaybethxo Posts: 153 Member
    1st march: 241
    31st march: 231

    let's go!
  • SlimStacey74
    SlimStacey74 Posts: 74 Member
    SW : 201 (March 1st)
    GW: 191

    Doing good so far, hopefully this will inspire me to keep it up this month! I am always up for a good challenge :)
  • lucky46
    lucky46 Posts: 7
    Although I don't have a scale, I am going to the doctor next week and will have them weigh me there and at the end of the month I will buy a scale so I can check at least once a week on my progress. I am already starting to feel better, happier and healthier than I did before I joined this site.

    Good luck to those who are able to do regular weigh ins. To those who can't do not give up hope that you will lose the weight, because it takes time to do it.

  • Well had a rough weekend, Marine Drill time and out in the field where chow sucked. Got back and went to an all you can eat Chinese buffet with my team. This was not good for my goal. LOL Now back on track and down to 208 this morning.
  • lrdavenport23
    lrdavenport23 Posts: 58 Member
    Although I don't have a scale, I am going to the doctor next week and will have them weigh me there and at the end of the month I will buy a scale so I can check at least once a week on my progress. I am already starting to feel better, happier and healthier than I did before I joined this site.

    Good luck to those who are able to do regular weigh ins. To those who can't do not give up hope that you will lose the weight, because it takes time to do it.

  • lrdavenport23
    lrdavenport23 Posts: 58 Member
    Good Job! Glad you're feeling better, happier, and healthier. Keep up the good work!! You can do it!!
  • summergirl73
    summergirl73 Posts: 70 Member
    Excited to start
    sw 129.6
    gw 119.6

    Good luck to everyone this should be fun :smile:
    129.0 stomach bug this week so no work outs but looking forward to next week.
  • trott27
    trott27 Posts: 34
    SW: 151
    GW: 141
    Week 1: 149.4
    Total: -1.6

    Hoping for a bigger loss this week. TOM is coming so I'm up a little!
  • catbrand
    catbrand Posts: 227 Member
    Start weight: 184.8
    Week 1: 185.2 :sad:
    Goal Weight: 174.8

    I kind of knew this weigh in wasn't going to be good, but it's still disappointing. TOM started today though so hopefully some water weight should shift soon and I've just increased my calories so fingers crossed I can get out of this stall I've been stuck in for the last 4 weeks.

    I had a new years resolution to get to 180 by my birthday and as of today I have 10 days to lose 5.2lbs. It's not looking likely.
  • MarianneDarroch
    MarianneDarroch Posts: 71 Member
    Start Weight 144.6Ibs
    1st week weight 141.4Ibs
    Total Weight loss so far 3.2Ibs
  • Schnuddelbuddel
    Schnuddelbuddel Posts: 402 Member
    SW: 174lbs
    1st week: 171lbs

    total loss: 3lbs so far!! Delighted with it! :bigsmile:
  • SW: 127.2
    W1: 126.2

    One measly pound. However, I did mess up twice this week, one of which was Wed night and huuuuge. And it's been my TOM this week. I'm fully sure I can stay to my calories goals this week and do loads better next week. Plus I only started eleven days ago so it's almost four pounds since I started. Gonna try keep positive.

    I said going into this that I was really looking for stability in my eating habits and any scale movement that isn't upwards is something to be proud of so I'm happy... ish. I think I'm finally breaking my emotional eating cycles.

    Cannot wait to be back in the realm of eight stone... WEEK 2... BRING IT!

    Good luck to everyone, if you had a bad week the whole month is not lost, there are still three weeks left, you can still do this
  • fimary
    fimary Posts: 274 Member
    Hi everyone

    start weight 1st March 162
    weight 9th march 160

    -2lbs yipeee, 8 to go
  • Harry56
    Harry56 Posts: 28 Member
    Starting 271.6
    Week 1 269.1
    March 9 266.2
    Have been working hard and it is paying off. lightest I have been in years !!! :happy: