


  • Also new here! I am trying to lose baby weight and then some. I'm 5'9, and was at 216 post baby #3. (I was at 179 before baby #3 - which was a little high for me). I lost down to 185 on my own, and began MFP at the beginning of this month to help me with the rest. I'd like to get down to 160.
  • brandyosu
    brandyosu Posts: 257 Member
    Hi all! Yet another newbie - mom of 2 (4 yo and a 2 yo). I want to look better, feel better and set a good example for both my husband and kids. Currently 219 and looking to make my way to 135. I am looking for support and motivation and I return the favor - I make a great cheerleader!
  • blooomers
    blooomers Posts: 61 Member
    Hi hi all! I'm Marnie (age 33) and i weighed 202, 3 weeks ago when i started my life change. I now weigh 190. I stopped all soda and monster energy drinks. I started eating healthier and working out. I am a stay at home momma and an artist. Since i started my life change i have 10x's more energy and am happier as well. Imagine that!!! I have more energy now drinking water, then when i was drinking energy drinks! Bah!!

    Looking for friends to keep my happy *kitten* motivated! =D
  • Hello Im Amanda I am a wife and mother to 3 kids Alexis 11, Joseph 5, and Jolie 4! I am 27 5foot 1inch and at 173lbs I would love to get down to 120 but im taking it 1lbs at a time!! We live in south Louisiana I am a stay at home mom! I also homeschool my middle child this year and will homeschool the youngest as well next year!!
  • kitkat40
    kitkat40 Posts: 49 Member
    Hi Guys! I've been here since Sept 2010 ~ I'm a mom of 6 busy children!
    A few things that help me stop drinking soda, choc., chips and drink more WATER ( which you really need to lose that weight)!!
    You really need to eat every 21/2 -3 hours healthy eating ~ your body needs it or it thinks your starving it again!
    If your not drinking 8-10 glasses of water, you better get on that now. Add MIO to flavor it ( it really taste yummy or lemon) I can drink up to 12/14 glasses now!
    If you think of soda as battery acid because it can eat it~ you will stop drinking it I did.
    If you can switch one treat a day ~ just one your on the right path. Then each week add anther one until you get up to 3! You will never be hungry! Here is some of my favorite ~ Almonds 8 (it really will fill you/ and its full of protein), oranges, bananas, smoothies (homemade), celery peanut/butter,apples peanut butter, 5 crackers w/laughing cow chees

    CW 157
    GW 135
    SW 208
  • LovingCruz
    LovingCruz Posts: 634 Member
    Hello I have been on and off of MFP for about a year, but I came back for good In October of 2011. I have 2 kids in college 21, and 20, a 6 year old at home, and 2 stepsons 13, and 11 who live in NY. The last time I checked I was 190 which was in December, I am on a No Scale Challenge till Valentines Day. I would love to get down to 145-150 for my height which is 5'6.
  • AWyatt88
    AWyatt88 Posts: 18 Member
    Hi everyone! I am new to this website and am looking for supportive friends :) I am a 23 year old mother of 1, a full time student, and an Army wife. I am looking to lose weight because I want to set a good example for my son and my husband and I want to expand our family. I've got about 75lbs to go!
  • ashley0314
    ashley0314 Posts: 26 Member
    Hi, I'm new to the community but not new to MFP. I'm a SAHM of 2, my husband and I have a 3 year old daughter and a 19 month old son. We are from south Mississippi and I am trying to lose weight for several reasons, I definitely want to set a good example for my kids to help them lead a healthy life, I also want to do it for myself because I hate the way I look and I definitely don't feel good about myself, of course I also want to do it to make my husband proud, but the most important reason is because I want to be healthy & where I'm at now is not healthy. I'm 5' 5" and weighed 162 when I got started based on my doctor's scale and am now at 155.4 in 2 weeks. My sister-in-law is getting married in April and I really want to feel good in my bridesmaid dress.

    My overall goal is to get to 125 or 130 which is what my doctor says is healthy.
  • Hi. Im Krissy. I just figured out that they had groups on here. LOL I just joined MFP last week. I love it. Im a mom of 2 awesome kids. My son is 8 and my daughter is 7. Im a busy women. Feel free to add me.
  • lyddie6
    lyddie6 Posts: 997 Member
    hi im lyddie, ive been using mpf on ipod for 8 months and i only just figured out that they had groups on here a fortnight ago! im a single mum of 2 (both girls 1&3 yrs) i work so finding the time to do anything is hard, nevermind trying to loose weight and exercise! Ive already lost 38lbs so far but the last 6 just wont budge!
  • tmfpartyof4
    tmfpartyof4 Posts: 124 Member
    im new to MFP.. HIYA!

    Im a mom to a preschooler and a teenager ( almost 15 and almost 5)... I work and go to school.

    Im looking for others who want to get back into shape, too, and it looks like an awesome place. I have been doing this for a week, and I LOVE it! I have never been able to keep a food diary to save my life and I have!

    I also just joined the YMCA, and have gone 3 days already this week.

    Looking forward to getting to know everyone.
  • hi I'm new and mother of many children. I'm ready to work on my goals now and really find out what it is that I need to do to lose weight and feel better. Welcome all new members!
  • Hi I'm new to the group. I don't usually do the group/blog thing but here I am. I am a sahm of 4 ages 7, 5, 3, 1. I find it hard to stay on track with a diet and exercise program. I don't feel good in my skin and I want to get to that place. I want to be a good example to my kids and my husband. I want to feel healthy and confident. Not fat and lazy. I love food and diet coke, and I love cooking. I need to find a balance and make better food choices. I'm excited to get back on track and stop making excuses. I hope I stay motivated, good luck to all!
  • Hi all! I am a 26 year old single mother of one beautiful baby boy! I am currently fluxuating between 160 and 165 and my goal is to be at a solid, toned 135! Please feel free to add me to your support circle :)
  • arkansascountrygirl
    arkansascountrygirl Posts: 234 Member
    Hi! I just joined in. my name is Katie. I'm 36 almost 37 years old. I am a single mom of a 9 year old daughter Rylee. I am 5"4 inches tall and weigh 200 pounds. my goal weight for someone of a very short 5"4 is supposed to be between 122-135 pounds.
  • Satyrakk
    Satyrakk Posts: 290 Member
    Hi! 41 year old Mom of five great kids, ages 15, 13, 11, 7, and terrible two! I gained about ten pounds after each of my pregnancies, so those 50 are my goal. Mostly, I want to be under 164 by the end of the summer and have a healthy BMI. I would say I am a stay at home mom, but I have five kids and am never home (piano lessons, boy scouts, church activities....)

    Always up to additional friends, support!
  • Hi there my name is Isabel I am new to mfp. I am a stay at home mom to my almost 12 month old. Before my pregnancy I was 120 lbs at the end of it I was 200 lbs. I have found baby weight the hardest to lose since I don't always have the time for healthy meals. I joined a bootcamp 6 months ago and now weigh 154.6 lbs. Just looking for other mamas to help keep me motivated. :bigsmile:
  • eileensyd
    eileensyd Posts: 1 Member
    Hi All, my name is Sonya and I am a Mom on a Mission. I am a single mom of 2 beautiful daughters ages 17 and 9. I am 5' 4 1/2" tall. I currently weigh 155.8 lbs and my goal weight according the medical industry should be at around 125lbs to 130lbs. I have my goal set at 130lbs as of now. I started using the app myfitnesspal on my iPhone about 2 weeks ago. I absolutely love this app.

    I look forward to working toward our common goal with you all.

    Thank you!
  • Stacivogue
    Stacivogue Posts: 325 Member
    I am staci and I'm 39. My son is almost 2 years old. Gained 85 lbs when I was pregnant....lost 30 on maternity leave and then stagnated. I started slowly gaining weight back after I got overwhelmed with my job and new mom responsibility. I joined this app and recommitted last July. I lost another 30 lbs, and now I am fluctuating up and down...just started working out again and am looking for motivation to lose the last 20-30 lbs.
  • tpittsley77
    tpittsley77 Posts: 607 Member
    Hi. I am a hard working mom of a three year old and four month old. Been using mfp for a month now. Also started eating clean three weeks ago. Feeling better than ever. I am currently down 16 pounds from my prepregnancy weight. Have about 40 more to lose. Looking for people that will encourage along the way!