Slytherin Common Room



  • fefetwimom
    fefetwimom Posts: 28 Member
    i am wanting to join slytherin however i dont know who to send a message to?? this is kinda new to me

    Slytherin doesn't have an official Head of House at the moment, but we're working on it! Just hang tight, and keep your eye on the group. We're reorganizing a bunch and things will become clear before next week :)

    okay no problem.thanks for the heads up
  • Kirsty_UK
    Kirsty_UK Posts: 964 Member
    Would also like to join Slytherin :) or whichever house needs members to even things up really.
  • nerdyandilikeit
    nerdyandilikeit Posts: 2,185 Member
    Would also like to join Slytherin :) or whichever house needs members to even things up really.

    You're in the right House for evening things up, and if you PREFER to be here, all the better!
  • sheepysaccount
    sheepysaccount Posts: 608 Member
    I am new to Slytherin as well. And I'll be patient even though it's not one of Slytherin's biggest things to do ;)
  • severnc
    severnc Posts: 16 Member
    I want to be in slytherin!
    but i am confused about how to complete challenges, earn points etc.
  • Kirsty_UK
    Kirsty_UK Posts: 964 Member
    could we have a new thread? seems like there was a lot of confusion etc gone on before I joined, so would be nice to "wipe the slate clean"
  • nerdyandilikeit
    nerdyandilikeit Posts: 2,185 Member
    You're about to roll to a new thread, so I'm not going to fuss with a new one. :)
  • nerdyandilikeit
    nerdyandilikeit Posts: 2,185 Member
    This is what I think will work best until we get a steady Head of House for Slyherin:

    Sometime today, I'm going to post the Gryffindor Weekly Challenges for all 4 weeks of April in a blog. I will also post them here, and you guys can share our challenges for now.

    Poorcopies? Since you offered to at least help out with HoH duties, can I ask you to just take over sending me results each week (unless/until a more permanent HoH steps up)? We can see what happens with this set up for April and move on from there.

    Note: I gave you guys a template of my spreadsheet, but really Ravenclaw's spreadsheet is a lot lower maintenance, so we might switch everyone to that format to start April on. Stay on your toes, please!

    The more active you are in your Common Room, the more fun this will be. Please don't expect your HoH to start all the discussions, feel free to talk about whatever you'd like to. Ask for support or advice on the weekly challenges, chit chat or vent, or share whatever you like!

    Just a reminder for all new students to check out the Inter-House Challenge Rules thread and make sure to read all the info so you don't miss anything! Welcome!
  • poorcopies
    poorcopies Posts: 477 Member
    Hello all new Slytherins!

    As you are all new, here is now the challenge works. It might sound a bit confusing at first, but once you get the hang of it, it's pretty easy to go with!

    Each month, we compete for the House Points (linked to every minute of exercise we complete, 1 min = 1 house point). The house with the most house points wins the House Cup. This is calculated on an average so houses with lower numbers don't lose out.

    We also try to win the Quidditch Match each month also. The Quidditch Match is linked to our percentage of weigh loss, so the better we do collectively, the more chance we have of winning! Despite being one of the smaller houses in terms of members, historically we've done really well in the past.

    You can pick whatever day you want to weigh in that works for you, generally most people do it here between Friday - Monday. We need you to post by Tuesday, preferably by the end of Monday, to be counted to the week's figures. If you miss a week, that's ok, but you won't be counted again until 2 weeks later, to keep the averages fair.

    These results are posted in the great hall each week.

    To keep us on track each week, we have challenges where we can gain OWL's (exercise related) or NEWT's (food related). We encourage you to join in, but don't beat yourself up if a particular week doesn't suit you or is too hard / doesn't relate to your goal. The person with the most OWLs / NEWTs each week becomes a prefect. You know you want to be the house Draco / Pansy, so make sure you get involved!

    This was a very brief breakdown, but I urge you to read the details about inter house challenges in detail below:

    So in short, each week you need to log:

    Your weight
    Your minutes of exercise
    OWLs / NEWTs gained.

    And please feel free to friend me if you want to ask anything else, I think I've got it all down? (Bron, please correct me if I've got anything wrong!)

    I will get challenges up for the next few weeks shortly!
  • poorcopies
    poorcopies Posts: 477 Member
    Here is a link to the challenges I am proposing for April, which will start on Sunday 1st!

    If anyone has any questions, or suggestions for replacements to anything I have picked, feel free to let me know and we can adjust it.

    As soon as the spreadsheet is sorted, I will post that.

    Hope this is all good with you all!
  • Evallusion
    Evallusion Posts: 165 Member
    Hi. New here. I wanted to join Slytherin as well. I'm not sure about what to do or what is going on--I'm completely lost but will stay tuned.
  • poorcopies
    poorcopies Posts: 477 Member
    Everyone that wants to join Slytherin, you're in! Welcome! The next week begins on Sunday so I will be posting a spreadsheet for you to all enter your starting weights in the next day or so.
  • nerdyandilikeit
    nerdyandilikeit Posts: 2,185 Member
    Poorcopies- those challenges look great!

    I have the spreadsheets NEARLY ready, but I'm going to have to finish them up first thing in the morning. If you check in on Fridays, post your numbers in the temporary spreadsheet that's already up and I'll let you guys know when it's finished.

    If you already copied your March Week 4 weight over to April, please replace it with your weigh in from this weekend! Use the green column in April and we'll transfer your weights to the new spreadsheet! We're starting fresh this month!

    This week will be our starting weight for April. There won't be any results posted this week. You should not have any OWLs or NEWTs counting towards April from last week posted this week. After weigh in NEXT week, we'll have our Week 1 Results!

    Good luck to you all going in to April!
  • poorcopies
    poorcopies Posts: 477 Member
    Sounds good!
  • racingthewinchesters
    Hey, I'm new to Slytherin. I've been reading through the inter-house rules, but I'm still kind of confused. Do we post our stats on Sunday? And if so, is the link to the spreadsheet (from still valid? I had a look at the OWL and NEWT challenges for April, and I agree that they look great! I've bookmarked the page so I can look back on it.
    Basically, are we posting our weight change (percentage loss or pounds...?), total OWLs and NEWTs as a total for seven-days worth of diet and exercise before Tuesday each week? In this forum thread? Also, I noticed that there is a column for SPEWs??
  • nerdyandilikeit
    nerdyandilikeit Posts: 2,185 Member

    THIS is your new spreadsheet!


    Please review the guidelines to keeping the spreadsheet accurate here, if you have questions:

    You can also find your link in that thread if you ever lose track of it.

    The weights that were already posted in the temporary spreadsheet have been transferred, so that spreadsheet is NOW INVALID! Please disregard it!

    Poorcopies- there is a place on the right of the first tab where you can re enter your challenges for each week if you wish, it's optional. There are places to keep track of prefects and things on the very last Summary tab.

    PLEASE DO NOT touch anything on any tab besides the first tab! The formulas will corrupt.

    @racingthewinchesters (and anyone else with this question) - You may post your progress and anything you'd like in the thread, but you MUST still post your numbers on the spreadsheet for them to count.

    You should be posting your current weight in each column. DO NOT try to calculate your weight loss percentage, that's what the spreadsheet formulas are for.

    You should also post any OWLs or NEWTs you've earned.

    The SPEW category is something the Gryffindors use, and the temporary spreadsheet was borrowed from them. If your HoH decided to use it in future, that's up to you guys as a House, but it's not part of your challenges as of now.

    Sorry for the confusion, guys! We're getting things straightened out quickly!
  • fefetwimom
    fefetwimom Posts: 28 Member
    ok i think i get most of it but i just have one question.

    ok it has to do with the week 1 exercises. it lists 5 exercises and doing 20 of each of them. so if i do all 5 exercises i receive 2 points for each? for a total of 10 points or is it 2 points for doing all 5. sorry i just wanted to make sure. thank you in advance
  • zzzzia
    zzzzia Posts: 295 Member
    Hi! I would like to join. Any house will do. This house seems like it needs new members. Here I am.
    However, I am completely lost. House points ???

    Where are we supposed to report all our exercise points, etc?
  • racingthewinchesters
    Okay, I've input my weight in the spreadsheet in the tab that was specified. I'm going to post my daily OWLs, NEWTs and House Points totals on this forum, since only the HoH is allowed to add these to the table?
    Also, since we don't have so many people I volunteer to help out with the HoH duties if that's still an issue. Perhaps we could alternate weeks or something?
  • poorcopies
    poorcopies Posts: 477 Member
    ok i think i get most of it but i just have one question.

    ok it has to do with the week 1 exercises. it lists 5 exercises and doing 20 of each of them. so if i do all 5 exercises i receive 2 points for each? for a total of 10 points or is it 2 points for doing all 5. sorry i just wanted to make sure. thank you in advance

    It's 2 points for doing all five, with 1 point if you only manage to do 10 instead of 20 of each set. Hope that makes sense!

    Bron, thanks for the spreadsheet! I will try and get the challenges transferred for ease.

    If you can all post your weight, mins (in house points) & your OWLS / NEWTS on the spreadsheet. But feel free to also post here, I can then see if I can feel in some blanks and it is also nice to see what people have done / congratulate / support from that as needed!

    zzzzia, welcome! If you are confused with anything at all, please message me! And everyone friend me if you want as well, incase you have any questions.