2nd Trimester



  • MrsJax11
    MrsJax11 Posts: 354 Member
    Hello, and HAPPY FRIDAYYY!!!

    Kelly and Jaylyn- good luck in 3rd tri :)

    Melissa -- I hear you on the struggling through the work out...and registering is overwhelming at first. I did it, then went back and refined. Girlfriends Guide to baby gear and Baby Bargains helped a lot.

    Helen-- I wouod DIE of impatience not knowing the sex! Good for you holding strong!

    Brunettewife -- I hope the surgery works out well for you!!

    Speedy -- I wasn't sure if I was feeling the baby earlier, but around 19 weeks I was definately feeling her. That put the other feelings in perspective, and I realized I had been noticing movement, it was just gentler. Now she is a kung fu fighter at times ;)

    Destiny -- so exciting to feel the baby! I am jealous that you are close to a name. We are eons away. Quenby and Quintessa are my fave Q names.

    Sas - have a great and safe trip!

    eejie--I hate my scale right now. maybe changing the batteries will make it behave better!

    Ice - congrats on the boy, and I hope your placenta moves!!

    AFM: I did great and worked out every day this week, am going to play tennis tomorrow and kayak Sunday. I hate the scale. I want to throw it out. I feel like it does whatever it wants even though 6 days out of 7 I have extra cals and I work out a lot...I just keep measuring, and my butt and legs aren't getting bigger, just my belly...but it is still hard watching that number climb!

    This is horrible, but I am SO looking forward to this school year being over and summer vacation! The pool opens on Sunday, and I will be floating/swimming every day after work out from now on!

    My goals for the weekend are : Have a great time at prom tomorrow ;)
    kayak, tennis, yard work, and finish the nursery....(we need to put up the closet doors, new shades, and decor)

    I need to be sure I log all weekend...sometimes I let myself get off track with that.

    ~ Becca
    24w, 5d
    +18 lb
  • thedestar
    thedestar Posts: 1,275 Member
    Becca- You are doing so awesome on working out! I have no energy this week and I hate it. I really liked Quintessa too but hubby did not. I hear ya on watching the number on the scale get bigger. Not fun. Enjoy your weekend! Sounds like a great time.

    Helen- I would guess that's the baby. I was right around 19, 20 wks when I started feeling this one. You're right though, I'm sure in a week you'll have no questions there's a little person bouncing around in there.

    MyIce- So excited for you on having another boy! Keeping my fingers crossed your placenta moves!

    Misslouisiana- I set my calories here on mfp to gain 0.5-1 lb per week and it made my goal 2200. I think it depends on the person. You could always ask your OB.

    Brandy- For my 2 yr old we got her a convertible crib just because we thought it would save money in the long run if we didn't have to buy a toddler bed, then a full size bed. I would not not NOT recommend the brand Baby Mod. That's what we have and she has destroyed it! We got a matching dresser the same brand and it has not held up the way we had hoped either.

    Kelley and jaylyn- Good luck in your last tri! See you in a few weeks!

    Melissa- I know the week is all but over, but great goals! Lol

    AFM- Is anyone else becoming an emotional wreck? With my first pregnancy I remember getting upset (like crying) easily, but this time I am just MAD. I hate it. I have no patience which is something I really need staying home with an active toddler all day. My husband is irritating me like no other. And then I get frustrated with myself because I know I'm being ridiculous. And because of all the stress I'm falling back into being an emotional eater. I don't know what to do! In my head I'll think "Its friday, you'll get a break this weekend" But then I remember that I won't because the hubby is working. I think I'm just in need of some "mommy time" but I'll have to wait another week to get any. Blah. Ignore my whiney attitude. Hope you all have a great weekend!

    +12 lbs
  • cutmd
    cutmd Posts: 1,168 Member
    Helen - thanks I love this shirt! Hope you feel better.  So happy your scan went well! Those little taps are so exciting, congrats!

    Speedyme - my DH keeps me up at night too! And now baby kicks wake me up in the am. I'm sure you will feel yours soon as well. Good job with the walking!

    Xosugarbabie - I'm sorry you felt bad at the doctor's office, I'm sure you're weight will balance out. My appetite lessened a lot as I settled into second trimester. 

    Destiny - sorry to hear about Olivia's little face and the hot water fiasco. Congrats on the fetal movement, it's my favorite too! I like Quinn and Qiana the best for names fwiw. I get frustrated n cry easily and it's rough cause I'm not usually emotional. But you'll get through it!

    Sas - hope you're enjoying America!

    Emily - never had nausea with the movement although the flips feel gut churning
    Great job getting back on the elliptical, shouldn't be a problem with your placenta unless you get previa

    Kelley - great job with the walking, will see you on the 3rd trimester thread

    Brunettewife - how exciting you are feeling the baby! For me it felt like popcorn or a butterfly/winged grasshopper in my pelvis. I'm so glad to hear your baby is growing well, sorry to hear you need a cerclage (that is what you're getting right?), I'm sure it will be smooth though

    Jalyn - yeah, it's so weird having to scale back workouts. I am so used to pushing it, but now when I do I worry! It's definitely scary thinking of the responsibility of holding a tiny little life literally in your hands, right ? 
    Congrats on the Rodan & Fields job, what a great company! Oh, and most people put 3rd trimester starting at 27weeks, I even got an email saying it started my 26th week.  But most of us tend to switch over at 28weeks to the 3rd trimester thread? Eh, whatever...

    Myiceisonfire - congrats on your little boy, hope your placenta moves up for you and your LO

    Becca - sounds like you are doing a great job staying active, I feel you on the scale creeping up regardless of what you do. I keep thinking that if I'm eating right and exercising the weight gain will be the kind that falls off easily. 

    AFM - still trying to find a happy balance between pushing myself and not overdoing it on my workouts. My dad just got here for the weekend and got to feel the baby kick, DH is on his way back from a 2 day business trip tonight and I can't wait to see him, I'm so attached to him these days and I blame the baby for that, lol. I weighed myself today and I'm up a pound over the month, which isn't bad, so I'm pleased things are slowing down. Going to go concentrate on having a great weekend and I hope you ladies do the same!

    26 weeks
  • yahyamommy
    yahyamommy Posts: 69 Member
    I think it was quite a busy Sunday nobody has posted yet.

    I love to read the posts before sleeping and today I have no stuff to read :)

    AFM trying very hard not to go above 5kgs before leaping into 3rd trimester I was already obese pre-pregnancy so that is a lot for me. But I'm constipated and I'm retaining water. Have to lose this 1 kg somehow :)
  • helenmelon29
    helenmelon29 Posts: 787 Member

    Becca - lol - I normally am quite impatient but suprisingly I'm just not bothered about finding out until baby is born! I think it will restrict me buying too much stuff beforehand as well. Your weigh gain look good to me and all on your bump. My Gran told me yest that I was doing well and gaining weight all over! Im not sure if I am but wont prefer it just in my belly!

    Destiny - Yep - think it is the baby, still very faint but defo some movement.

    Melissa - I feel much better today thanks, plan on swimming tonight. Your weight gain looks good too. Esp 1lb over a month! I hope mine slows down for a month too.

    I havent been up to much this weekend. Wanted to exercise but decided to wait until today when thought I might be more or less over this cold. I got most of the housework done and cut the grass and swept up outside. Me and the dogs got on a nice walk to the pond so they could swim.

    Cant really afford much babystuff this month as just bought car tax, a new fridge freezer and also need a new electric wingmirror for car and new glasses! (eyes). Im just pleased all this has come about while I still earn full pay!

    We have had great weather this last 2 weeks (well for the UK - between 12-17 C) but tomorrow is forecast sleet and snow! WTH! Its just cloudy today so we will wait and see.

    My boyfriend still very busy at work - he has lambed about 400 sheep out of the 1100 so nearly halfway! I get compared to a sheep with regard to injections, vitamins, and giving birth! Could be worse it could be a cow! lol. At least I know he shouldnt be squeemish!

    Best get to the opticians and look for some glasses

    Sorry for typos - going quick!

  • amberwebb79
    amberwebb79 Posts: 113 Member
    @destiny-I hade very few eomtional problems with my first. But with this one I'm just plain crazy. My husband is completely baffled, since he was spoiled with how well my first went. I'm crying, I'm angry (I'm angry a lot actually). I just can't help it, and I feel completely insane. My little girl is sick (AGAIN?!), so I've not been sleeping much either. Hope you can find your me time.

    AFM- Just been really busy trying to keep up with my family, who has been sick and injured, leaving a tired pregnant mommy to care for everyone, and nobody around to care for the mommy. LOL.

    I haven't been working out much due to cramping and pain. The doc tells me to take it easy. I guess she doesn't have a 16 month old at home. My daughter doesn't hold still for two seconds during the entire day. At least the weather is nice, we can go outside a lot.

    19 +5

    Up 9-10 pounds
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    Getting ready for bed as I get up at 4am and I'm so exhuasted after my lack of sleep in a hot house last night. Tomorrow's the day of my cerclage procedure... I'm a ball of a emotions. Hoping things go quick and smooth and I get to come home asap. I'll update you all when I have internet again.
  • kelley_m
    kelley_m Posts: 191 Member
    Getting ready for bed as I get up at 4am and I'm so exhuasted after my lack of sleep in a hot house last night. Tomorrow's the day of my cerclage procedure... I'm a ball of a emotions. Hoping things go quick and smooth and I get to come home asap. I'll update you all when I have internet again.

    Praying all goes well for you and the baby.
  • kelley_m
    kelley_m Posts: 191 Member
    @Destiny...you are not alone...I was so happy go lucky my first pregnancy...but this one i have been an emotional wreck..I too was very angry or mad at my hubby for everything he kept feeling like he couldn't do anything right...I am happy to say that in 3rd tri those emotions have subsided for the most part...I still have some high and lows but don't feel as angry. Hang in there and try as much as possible to be positive and that all the ups and downs are just the crazy hormones. Trust me I completely understand, what I tell myself is I need to stay as happy/positive as possible so my little one is born with a good demeanor...Definitely do as much as possible to find time for you maybe after your LO goes to bed just taking a warm bath or read a book that you want to read...it's important to take a little time out for yourself.

    Hope you feel better time.

  • eejieweejie
    eejieweejie Posts: 49 Member
    Argh! I had almost finished my message and I managed to hit something and lost it all, so here we go again!

    Hi ladies! I hope that you are all well.

    Kelley - I’m happy to hear that hubby is coming along with the nursery! We had a small get together with family on Sunday to celebrate the little one’s birthday. I still can’t believe that I now have a four year old! Yikes!!! How’s the walking going?

    Helen - How are you feeling? I hope that you are better. I’m happy to hear that your scan went well. Hope you had a lovely meal with your Granda! Have you had any signs of sleet or snow yet?

    Jayln – Glad you’re managing to stay busy with hubby gone and congrats on your second job! I’ll see you in 3rd trimester in a couple of weeks!

    Bru - I hope that your cerclage went well :)

    Ice – Congrats on the baby boy! We’re also having baby boy number 2, although I’m pretty sure this will be our last! I have a low lying placenta also, and they typically move up by themselves. I’ll find out in a couple of weeks if mine has moved, fingers crossed!

    Becca – Go you on your exercise! If you’re not gaining weight anywhere other than your belly, I wouldn’t worry about it! Maybe you should throw that scale away! Lol! I got my chicken tikka masala this weekend, and it was pretty yummy! How was prom?

    Destiny – I have definitely been more emotional and impatient this time round and I’m really trying to work on it! I hope you’re feeling a little better this week :)

    Melissa – How was your weekend with your dad? I feel so guilty when I see your workouts pop up on my news feed! Lol! It’s definitely a motivator for me though, so thank you!

    Yaya – I get another ultrasound at 28 weeks to check my placenta, I hope yours moves too!

    Amber – I hope that your cramping and pain has subsided some, that doesn’t sound like fun at all.

    AFM – I got on the elliptical Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday last week, but I’ve been so busy since that I haven’t had chance to do much. I will definitely be jumping back on tomorrow though! Today was my little one’s birthday! We had a party for him with family at the weekend which was lovely, so we didn’t get up to too much today. I took him to an indoor play center with bouncy castles etc., and he had a blast! When we were done I treated him to a milkshake which he was excited about! When they gave it to me he said “Mommy, don’t you drink it!” lol! The kid cracks me up!

    I hope that you all have a great week!

    26 weeks +7.5lbs
  • helenmelon29
    helenmelon29 Posts: 787 Member

    All good here, feel much better and the sun is back out (mind its cold!), Emily it snowed yesterday late afternoon/night! Its crazy! It was quite wet so just washed away.

    The bottom of my stomach is a bit sore today - feels like stretching or growing. Does that seem normal?

    Bru - how are you? all go ok?

    I am really stuggling to get up of a morning 30 mins earlier to work out - thinking of switching it round and doing it in the evening - I will have a go and see if I can manage that.

    21 weeks
    Up 14lb
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    Hey everyone, I am home. I came home about 6p last night. I was at the hospital at 10a, and they pre-registered me wrong, so after about a 45min wait, I finally got in my room and hooked up to an iv and such. Listening to Miranda's heartbeat really helped me sill calm. Doc was running late from another surgery, so instead of noon, I didn't go back til a little after 1p. Surgery itself only took 22min, prepping me in surgery took the longest. As much as I wanted to sleep afterwards, I just couldn't fall asleep. They let me finally eat (mind you, I had't eaten anything since 630p on Monday) around 4p. My MIL and mom were there the whole time til hubby got off work at showed up at 430p when they left. Nurse came in and had me sit up and walk to the bathroom. The only way I was going to be allowed to leave is if I could pee on my own. Took me another 1hr and 30min to regain control of those muscles but I finally did and out the door I went :) I didn't feel any pain as I had a spinal. I'm not sore down there today, just a stiff/sore back from the spinal and my hand is a little sore from the iv, but otherwise I'm fine. Depending how I feel Fri, I can go back to work then. Otherwise I'm on a temp bedrest, not allowed to be standing up for more than about 30min at a time. Thanks all for the t&p's, hope everyone is well!
  • mpederson
    mpederson Posts: 123 Member
    Helen - I feel like that too sometimes. I think it's normal. My hips usually ache a bit at the end of the day as well.

    Bru- glad to hear you and baby are ok, wishing you a speedy recovery!
  • Brandy715
    Brandy715 Posts: 74 Member
    HI Everyone!

    Work has been crazy this past week for me. Had a great weekend- my step son turned 11 years old so we had the birthday party etc. Plus the in-laws were in town. So that made for a pretty long and tiring weekend. Everyone keep my husband in your thoughts- he has stopped smoking (YAY!!!!!!!!!!) But it is very hard on him. He has been doing fantastic with it!

    Went to the doctor today and had an ultra sounds. We are having a baby boy- Mason Kane will be his name. It was so amazing to see him. Our last ultra sound he was the size of a grain of rice! Now he is 11 inches! It is so amazing...I just can't believe it!

    Other than that- we are doing great. My iron is a little low so I just need to add more iron to my diet. Any suggestions on that?!

    Hope everyone is having a great day!!!!

    19 weeks
  • thedestar
    thedestar Posts: 1,275 Member
    Brandy- Glad you had a good weekend, and that's awesome your hubby quit smoking! My hubby used the patches to quit when I was pregnant with our daughter, but he still smokes on occasion at work when he's stressed out. Congrats on a boy! Love the name!

    Bru- I had to google what a cerclage was after reading your post. So glad it went smoothly! Keeping my fingers crossed for a quick recovery!

    Emily- Good job for getting on the elliptical! Hope your LO had a great birthday.

    Kelley- Thanks so much for your response. I'm glad I'm not alone in these feelings. I do need to do as you said remind myself to try and relax and stay as calm and happy as possible so this LO in my belly gets those good feelings. I hope that these crazy emotions ease up a bit by the time I'm in my 3rd tri.

    Amber- I definitely hear you on your LO not staying still. My daughter is almost 2 and she's the same way. If she doesn't have my undivided attention she's getting into trouble. Its exhausting :laugh:

    Melissa- You're dedication to working out is awesome! Hope you had a great weekend with your hubby and family.

    AFM- Not working out and emotionally eating caught up with me this week. I'm up 15 lbs! Since the weather is getting nicer here we've been going for walks but after about 15 minutes the bottom of my belly gets so crampy and achy its almost unbearable. I think I'm going to look for a belly support band to see if that helps, the only problem is I live in the sticks so if I'm lucky enough to find one close by it will probably be pricey. Or else I'll have to order one online. This weekend we had 3 birthday parties in a row. Lots of sugar and bad food! Need to find some self control for Easter this weekend. I feel like such a slacker, I haven't even got DD's Easter basket ready. Hope everyone is having a great week!

    24w +15lbs
  • eejieweejie
    eejieweejie Posts: 49 Member
    Hey ladies,

    Just a quick check in today!

    Helen - Glad the snow didn't stick around for long! Crazy English weather!!! Do you have much planned for the long weekend?

    Bru - Glad your cerclage went well, hope you are recovering and feeling ok :)

    Brandy - Congrats on the baby boy! Love the name Mason, and my nephew's middle name is Kane! Good luck to your hubby on the quitting smoking. My other half is having a difficult time quitting, he's cut down which is a start, but it's time for him to give it up completely!

    Destiny - LO had a great birthday thanks! He got to play with his cousins and had a blast! I need to finish his Easter basket too, yikes! I'm so last minute this year. Sorry about the achy belly, I haven't had any issues (yet!) but I've heard a belly band can really help. Sounds like you have a busy weekend! I hope you have a great time!

    I hope that everyone has a wonderful Easter weekend!
  • cutmd
    cutmd Posts: 1,168 Member
    yahyamommy – I’m sure a lot of us have an extra kg of poop/water we don’t need, just stay hydrated and eat lots of fiber

    helenmelon – yeah, I feel much better, my rapid weight gain was frightening me! With your boyfriend’s experience he could probably deliver your little one, huh? Sorry to hear about all the expenses that have come up, hopefully they will taper off as well. The stomach soreness sounds normal to me

    Amber – so sorry to hear about the struggles at home! I hope you find time to take care of you. So you are having painful cramps in your uterus or the pain is somewhere else?

    BrunetteWife – glad your procedure went well, looking forward to it helping your LO stay put!

    Emily – so glad your little one had a good time. Sounds like you are doing great on your workouts so I don’t know why mine would make you feel guilty, lol. In any case, I feel bad when I see how little you’ve gained compared to me, lol

    Brandy – yay on your DH quitting smoking, it’s such a loving thing to do for himself and his family, so definitely rooting for him! Congratulations on your little boy!

    Destiny – 15lbs is good, right on track. What’s the problem? Let me know how the support band goes. My stomach hasn’t been achy but I’m sure I will want to know one day!

    AFM - Been having a busy week at work, only reason I have a little break today after getting off at 1am is I have to work overnight at 11. I had a great time with my dad, although afterwards he sent me a long text complaining that I need to get started on my nursery. I want to but everytime I find something I wonder if I waited longer if I would find something better. Know what I mean? Plus there was the question of moving.
    am doing well on my weight, despite a week of eating what I wanted and half-heartedly logging. Still no change in weight as my belly grows! Oh and a friend did some 3D ultrasound for us, it was amazing to see my little guy's face and what he's doing in there! I just love him so much already! :love:


    I need to do my glucose tolerance test soon but keep procrastinating. It's 200+ calories of sugar and I have Jamaican Easter food to consider, might put it off till next week

    27 weeks! +19lbs
  • myiceisonfire
    myiceisonfire Posts: 782 Member
    Is anyone else having weird dreams lately? =P
  • yahyamommy
    yahyamommy Posts: 69 Member
    BrunetteWife-I hope u get back to routine soon

    Melissa - the yawning baby is looking so cute already!
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    Hey all! Thanks for the well wishes, I'm feeling ok. I was released per doc to go back to work today but DH refused to let me go in, so I called off.

    Luckily, I don' t have any big plans this weekend, so it's mostly resting up. Going to my moms across town early Sunday morning then across the street from my house to my in laws for dinner. Have a great weekend all!