2nd Trimester



  • kelley_m
    kelley_m Posts: 191 Member
    Is anyone else having weird dreams lately? =P

    I have weird dreams a few nights each week. Sometime they freak me out because they seem so real othertimes they are just dreams that could only be equated to living in the twilight zone...apparently it comes with the territory.
  • amberwebb79
    amberwebb79 Posts: 113 Member
    About the dreams, I've always had strange ones. Being pregnant actually seems to temper mine a bit. I haven't had more than one dream about being killed since I got pregnant. I'm very thankful for that.

    So for the most part, the cramping has stopped. But I've been sick as a dog for a whole week now. My daughter seems to be mostly better, but I've still got it for some reason. I guess I've been spoiled. I haven't gotten a real virus, cold, flu or anything since January 2009 when I had pneumonia for 6 weeks. Hoping this goes away soon, I have an easter dinner to cook tomorrow for my parents.

    Going in on Friday the 13th this week to find out the gender. If I were superstitious, I'd be a bit worried about the date. It still makes me giggle that they moved it from Good Friday to Friday the 13th. This date seems more fitting for how rough this pregnancy has been on me.

    +10 pounds
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member

    Saw this on one of my fb pregnancy groups, enjoy the laughs :)
  • JLatham325
    JLatham325 Posts: 105 Member

    I love that blog!! She cracks me up!

    I find out my gender tomorrow morningggg!!! I'm so anxious I can barely contain myself lol
  • speedyme
    speedyme Posts: 86 Member
    Well it's been a trying week! The weekend before last, I took advantage of the beautiful weather and took my dog for a walk. Was half way through the walk when i tripped over the dog, falling, bracing myself with my right arm, fracturing it along with spraining my wrist & hand. Meds have been limited to extra strength tylenol so pain management sucked. At nights i had to sleep on the couch propped up as our bed offered no support to arm and affraid hubby would try to cuddle while sleeping. He did this the first night and I thought I was going to pass out in pain.

    This week has been much better, no meds but movement is still limited. I can tie both shoes, though not very good, and hair has been all natural as i can't touch my head or face yet with my right. I can also put on my own bra again! Never thought i would be so excited but with how big my boobs are getting, it was a relief to have the girls back where they should be. I can cut most of my food but still need help with can opener. I'm back at work today which helps with the boredom but the one hand typing is frustrating, not to mention having to explain over and over again what happened.

    Well expecting thing only to get better as i get to see our little one on Friday, one last time before it's born!

    I hope everyone else is doing great!
  • JLatham325
    JLatham325 Posts: 105 Member
    Well it's been a trying week! The weekend before last, I took advantage of the beautiful weather and took my dog for a walk. Was half way through the walk when i tripped over the dog, falling, bracing myself with my right arm, fracturing it along with spraining my wrist & hand. Meds have been limited to extra strength tylenol so pain management sucked. At nights i had to sleep on the couch propped up as our bed offered no support to arm and affraid hubby would try to cuddle while sleeping. He did this the first night and I thought I was going to pass out in pain.

    This week has been much better, no meds but movement is still limited. I can tie both shoes, though not very good, and hair has been all natural as i can't touch my head or face yet with my right. I can also put on my own bra again! Never thought i would be so excited but with how big my boobs are getting, it was a relief to have the girls back where they should be. I can cut most of my food but still need help with can opener. I'm back at work today which helps with the boredom but the one hand typing is frustrating, not to mention having to explain over and over again what happened.

    Well expecting thing only to get better as i get to see our little one on Friday, one last time before it's born!

    I hope everyone else is doing great!

    Oh my gosh! You HAVE had a trying week! I hope everything is healing ok. I can't imagine the pain you must have had.
  • yahyamommy
    yahyamommy Posts: 69 Member
    Don't know about dreams but I can sleep now I was a bit insomniac while TTC. Everybody seems busy. Happy Easter!

    Speedyme- hope u get well soon.

    AFM. Yesterday my 27th week. Gained 13.2lbs so far and it's almost a kg more than my goal weight. My glucose level was high so trying to control even more. Have a repeat test after 10 days.
  • mpederson
    mpederson Posts: 123 Member
    I should've asked this eons ago but what is DH and TTC stand for? I'm assuming LO is little one...and MIL is mother in law......I'm totally clueless on the abbreviations.
  • Brandy715
    Brandy715 Posts: 74 Member
    Destiny- Thank you! We are very excited about little Mason! My hubby is doing good with the non-smoking- he is using the Chantix to help him. I am the same way when I walk- bottom of my belly gets crampy- nothing to bad right now. I have a belly band- maybe that is why it isn’t so bad. I got my at Target- I would just go to that website to get one. Good Luck!

    Melissa- My parents complain at me all the time about not registering yet or moving the office stuff out of the nursery! But I feel the same way- I haven’t found anything I am in love with yet. I have to do my glucose tolerance test next month. Not looking forward to that!

    Amber- Can’t wait to find out what baby is!!!

    BrunetteWife- I love the pregnant chicken website! She is soo funny! Another one I have found is http://www.269days.posterous.com/
    That is pretty funny too!

    Speedyme- Oh goodness- I am so sorry- I hope it gets to feeling better soon! I can’t imagine going without using my right arm! Not sure what I would do!

    Yahya- I am the same way- I cannot sleep! It is horrible- but when I do sleep- I have weird dreams as well.

    AFM- Had a good weekend- was able to tell the whole family about our little boy! They were really excited. Had a fantastic meal on Easter!  I have not looked at the scale lately b/c I am sure it has gone up! Will try to get myself back in line this week and log my food- I do better that way when I realize how much I am eating!  Hope everyone has a great week!!!!
  • Brandy715
    Brandy715 Posts: 74 Member
    Oh- I forgot to post the most important thing! I have felt baby move a few times!!!! :) It is really exciting!!!!
  • amberwebb79
    amberwebb79 Posts: 113 Member
    I should've asked this eons ago but what is DH and TTC stand for? I'm assuming LO is little one...and MIL is mother in law......I'm totally clueless on the abbreviations.

    DH=Dear Husband
    TTC=Trying To Concieve
  • eejieweejie
    eejieweejie Posts: 49 Member
    Melissa – Those ultrasound pics of your little man are adorable!!! He’s so cute! I know exactly what you mean about waiting longer in case you find something better, I do it all the time! How did your glucose test go? I have mine next Monday. I was pleasantly surprised at my last appointment though when they asked me what flavor I wanted?! With DS all they had was a syrupy orange drink which wasn’t all that yummy, and I’m not a fan of orange either! This time I got to choose between orange, fruit punch, or lemon lime, and it looks like Gatorade! I’m interested to see how it tastes though! You’ll be glad to know my weight gain is finally coming along! Lol! 2.5lbs in a WEEK!!!!! I’m now up 10lbs :l

    Ice – no weird dreams here yet! I rarely remember my dreams at all though, so maybe I have? Lol!

    Bru – Glad to hear the cerclage went well and you’ve been cleared for work. Hope you had a nice weekend resting up.

    Amber – Happy to hear the cramping has stopped, but I’m sorry to hear you’ve been sick. I hope that you are feeling better.

    Sugarbabie – Oh how exciting! Let us know if it’s blue or pink!

    Speedy – Yikes lady! I’m so sorry to hear about your fractured arm, and having to deal with the pain just with Tylenol?! Ouch! I hope that everything heals soon :)

    Yaya – Glad to hear you’re sleeping! Hope you had a nice Easter. Let us know how your repeat glucose test goes

    MPederson – I saw Amber already answered your question, but here’s a list of abbreviations I found on Babycenter if you need it! http://www.babycenter.com/community-help-abbreviations I always thought the ‘D’ stood for ‘Darling’, close enough I suppose!

    Brandy – Glad you had a nice Easter and were able to share the news of your baby boy with your family. Great job to your hubby on the not smoking!

    AFM – Exercise isn’t going too badly! Last week we had a couple of walks at the park, and I did a few days on the elliptical. On Friday I also did a workout on the Kinect, which was mainly lower body, i.e squats and lunges! I don’t mind squats, but I detest lunges!!! Needless to say, my legs were rather sore on Saturday and Sunday! Easter we had a relaxed day at home which was lovely! Thursday is mine and my fiancé’s 10 year anniversary! We’ve been engaged for over 8 of those years, maybe we’ll actually make it official on paper one of these days! Well, I’m 27 weeks today so will be off to the third trimester next week!

    Hope you all have a great week!

    27weeks +10lbs :(
  • JLatham325
    JLatham325 Posts: 105 Member
    Hey everyone! Well the Anatomy Scan went great, the baby looks very healthy and she was a Squirmer. Thats right, ITS A GIRL :) I knew it, I kept having dreams that it was a girl, and it was correct!

    So I'm 18weeks 3 days, and up about 15 pounds :( lord help me
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    Hey everyone! Well the Anatomy Scan went great, the baby looks very healthy and she was a Squirmer. Thats right, ITS A GIRL :) I knew it, I kept having dreams that it was a girl, and it was correct!

    So I'm 18weeks 3 days, and up about 15 pounds :( lord help me

    YAY!! Congrats on Team Pink!
  • Brandy715
    Brandy715 Posts: 74 Member
    Hi ladies- I wanted to let you know of this website I found- I am a first time mom (a step mom to 11 year old) so I do not have all of the stuff you need for baby. I found this website that has ALL kinds of stuff and great prices and I wanted to share!


    this is the link to the sale items for new mom gear- but they have all kinds of stuff!

    Hope you enjoy! :)
  • jalyner
    jalyner Posts: 172 Member
    Brandy -thanks for the link!

    xosugarbaby- congrats on the girl!!

    Emily- Great job on the exercise

    AFM: I wanted to drop in and tell everyone that I'm moving to the 3rd trimester board. I've enjoyed all of you and hope to see you all soon in the next forum. I was on spring break last week so I was away from a computer all week. My exercise was not so good, nor was my water intake. I actually ended up in the ER whilst on vacation because I was contracting and spotting blood. Doctor said it was due to dehydration. :-/ Baby is doing well, however, and contractions stopped. I got to see him again, which was nice, but not under very good circumstances. I think he might have my nose, but it's hard to tell from an US picture.
    Anyhow, best wishes to you all. See you soon!

    Jalyn (28 weeks) +20 lbs
  • thedestar
    thedestar Posts: 1,275 Member
    Melissa- Such cute pics of your little guy! We get our 3D in a couple weeks and although I'm looking forward to it I'm not sure how I can wrangle a toddler while I'm getting scanned. DH has to work. How did your glucose test go?

    MyIce- Not having weird dreams lately. But shortly after we found out I was pregnant I was having crazy dreams 4-5x a week. And I'm one of those who dreamed about baby's gender and I was right (both pregnancies!)

    Amber- Hope you're feeling better! Good luck with the US later this week!

    Speedy- WOW sounds like a tough week! Hope you're feeling ok now.

    Brandy- Glad you had a good Easter. Yay for feeling baby move! So exciting!

    Sugarbabie- Congrats on a little girl!

    Jayln- Sounds like a rough spring break! Glad you and baby are doing ok now. Enjoy your 3rd tri, see you there soon!

    AFM- Had a dr appt yesterday. Since my last appt his office changed from the old school scales to fancy new digital ones. It was not fun seeing that big ugly number flashing in my face. I try to tell myself not to worry too much about that number since its not first thing in the a.m. on an empty stomach, but it was still not nice to see! I asked him about the cramping I've been feeling during walks and he thinks its contractions. He said "If its walking that's doing it we'd probably tell you not to go walking." But then we started talking about the benefits of being active and since I feel like I'll have gestational diabetes again and I'll need some exercise to help regulate my blood sugar he said just to take it easy when walking. He also said a support band might help so I'll be making a trip to the closest mall (2 hrs away) to try and get one. I need some summer maternity clothes anyway :smile: Today I've felt pretty productive, got things rolling for Olivia's birthday party (less than a month away!), and scheduled other misc. appts I've been putting off. My 13yr old brother in law is in trouble and has been in juvenille detention for the past couple months but apparently his behavior is getting better and he has earned a family dinner so we're making a trip to the detention center tonight to have pizza with him and the rest of the family.

    Hope you all had a great weekend and are having a good week so far!

    25w tomorrow
  • misslouisiana
    misslouisiana Posts: 37 Member
    I am checking in a little late. I had my doc appt and ultrasound about a week ago. We are having a BOY! I am 20 weeks now and have gained 20 lbs so far. However I can still wear my prepregnancy pants along with a band so I gues it's not too bad. I have been watching my portions and sugar more lately to slow down the weight gain.

    I hope yall are doing well. I don't post much but I do get on a lot and read all the other posts. I enjoy watching everyone on this exciting journey.
  • helenmelon29
    helenmelon29 Posts: 787 Member
    Hi girls

    Had a good easter weekend - always nice to be off work on a Friday and Monday to make it a long weekend! Do you have Good Fri and Easter Monday as bank holidays (in US)?

    I havent really been up to much, we went to a party on Sat night and had friends round on Monday afternoon.

    My belly is popping out more now but dont think anyone would ask me/think I was pregnant unless they know. Im sure this will change soon.

    I will have a good catch up later.

    Have a good day

    Helen 22 weeks