Introduction for New Members



  • lillebanon
    lillebanon Posts: 214 Member
    Thanks! I will do that. Do you have any suggestions on what to eat? I am having a hard time getting my calories up. Yesterday I managed to eat around 1450 but that included a really good but not good for you cookie. :) I do protein shakes and I like to juice. When I'm making healthy choices and I'm eating right I have a hard time eating 1200 and my BMR is around 1644. Thanks. :)

    Calorie dense foods - olive oils, avocados, nuts, etc. All those yummy things that you couldn't eat on a low cal diet!
  • candicejn
    candicejn Posts: 458 Member
    Hi :)

    My name is Candice. I'm a 32 year old mom of 2 boys ages 6 and 4. I am a SAHM who works from home part time. I have lost about 35lbs since last June, the first 8lbs using Weight Watchers and then the rest after I joined MFP in October. I was diagnosed hypothyroid a couple years back and my meds are finally at the right place so I'm actually able to lose weight now. I started exercising 5 days per week back in January, and swapped out 2 days of cardio for strength training/toning about a month ago. I am considering switching to 2 days cardio and 3 days strength soon. I am almost done the C25K program (week 7), and I think once I finish that I'll make the switch and start lifting heavier. Right now I only do 5lb weights with a toning DVD I have, just to get myself started. I increased my calories from 1290 - 1600 net about 3 weeks ago, then this week I bumped up again to 2000 calories (Making sure to net at least my BMR of 1850 on exercise days). I am finding myself satisfied, energized, and happy at this calorie intake :)

    I joined EMTWL because I want to have energy, maintain/increase muscle tone, and be able to sustain any weight loss I am fortunate enough to experience. I have about 85lbs left to go, so I may be one of the bigger gals in the group, but I figure if I can get this right now, maybe I will actually succeed :-) I am trying to get out of the "get there NOW" mindset and rather set myself up for a lifetime of health and fitness :)

    So far I haven't gained since increasing, I'm actually down a couple pounds, but I am prepared for the next 4-6 weeks to be a bit nerve wracking while my body adjusts.

    I think the key is try not to stress, trust in the system, come back to the boards and read other encouraging stories of people further along...and RELAX...I think some of the EM2WLer's stress a bit which may impede prgress because of cortisol release. So, you take a nice deep breath when you step on the scale and just remind yourself this is a wonderful journey that will get you to goal...:-)

    Thank you :)
  • loulouBean
    loulouBean Posts: 47 Member
    Thanks! I will do that. Do you have any suggestions on what to eat? I am having a hard time getting my calories up. Yesterday I managed to eat around 1450 but that included a really good but not good for you cookie. :) I do protein shakes and I like to juice. When I'm making healthy choices and I'm eating right I have a hard time eating 1200 and my BMR is around 1644. Thanks. :)

    Calorie dense foods - olive oils, avocados, nuts, etc. All those yummy things that you couldn't eat on a low cal diet!

    Thanks! I love avocados and nuts!! Do you have a hard time not going over your fat? I have my settings at 40% carbs, 30% fat and 30% protein. Should I change anything?
  • Shyloh1
    Shyloh1 Posts: 422 Member
    I've been reading here on this group for quite awhile and have been eating around 1900 cals per day. I workout 6 days a week. I lift 3x a week (NROLFW) followed by a 15 min HIIT,then I do about 30-45 minutes cardio on non lifting days.

    My stats: Age 44
    Height: 5 ft 4in
    Weight: 125 lbs
    BMR: 1286
    TDEE: 2219 (Cut?= ___)-Fitness Frog

    I have few a question to ask..

    Do you girls all eat your 15% cut everyday? Even when you're not working out?

    Thanks in advance!
  • Cclancaster
    Cclancaster Posts: 368
    Thanks! I will do that. Do you have any suggestions on what to eat? I am having a hard time getting my calories up. Yesterday I managed to eat around 1450 but that included a really good but not good for you cookie. :) I do protein shakes and I like to juice. When I'm making healthy choices and I'm eating right I have a hard time eating 1200 and my BMR is around 1644. Thanks. :)

    Calorie dense foods - olive oils, avocados, nuts, etc. All those yummy things that you couldn't eat on a low cal diet!

    Thanks! I love avocados and nuts!! Do you have a hard time not going over your fat? I have my settings at 40% carbs, 30% fat and 30% protein. Should I change anything?

    I usually don't have an issue going over on my fat or carbs and am usually a good 40gr below my protein which I am ok with since all I need to eat is about 120gr. The place I have an issue with is staying under my sodium because for so long I didn't look at labels and so I am having to learn the hard way to stop relying on pre processed foods for breakfast.
  • Cclancaster
    Cclancaster Posts: 368
    I've been reading here on this group for quite awhile and have been eating around 1900 cals per day. I workout 6 days a week. I lift 3x a week (NROLFW) followed by a 15 min HIIT,then I do about 30-45 minutes cardio on non lifting days.

    My stats: Age 44
    Height: 5 ft 4in
    Weight: 125 lbs
    BMR: 1286
    TDEE: 2219 (Cut?= ___)-Fitness Frog

    I have few a question to ask..

    Do you girls all eat your 15% cut everyday? Even when you're not working out?

    Thanks in advance!

    Yes you eat your 2218 - 15% cut every single day this way your body begins to trust you and rely on you to give it a constant amount of nutrition.
  • deirdre049
    deirdre049 Posts: 6 Member
    Hi! New member here. Years of dieting and competing in figure have taken it's toll on my metabolism, so now I'm trying to reset. Looking forward to reading about and supporting everyone here in their journeys!
  • Vickied84
    Vickied84 Posts: 327 Member
    Hi all, I'm new to the group and just started to slowly up my calories. When I first started on MFP (Jan) I kept my calories at 1400 up until today. I did a lot of reading about TDEE and BMR and realized I wasn't even eating my BMR! After doing some calculations, I came up with my BMR:1843 and my TDEE: 2925. I'm nervous to raise my calories so quickly so I bumping them up to 1590 today and will be moving them up by 100 each week. When I finally reach my calorie goal it will be 2485 (15% deficit of TDEE)
    I've been bouncing back and fourth between the same 2-3 pounds for a few weeks now and I've read that this has really helped a lot of people. Hopefully, it will with me too :D
  • 10k4me
    10k4me Posts: 9 Member
    Hi everyone!

    I am new as well. I was a low cal and low carb eater for ages, with a tendency to binge big once or twice a week after starving myself the other days. I also put so much stock in cardio, running in [articular which caused so many knee and other injuries. I am hoping this is the light I need to show me the way through the last 10kg of weight loss.

    I had my son in April 2011 and have lost 15kg since then but have 10kg more to lose and desperately want to firm up.

    I have been trying lifting heavy 3 -4 times a week for about 20 mins based on a plan I found on the net. I have been adding 10-15mins of HIIT to two of those workouts.

    Based on this I put my activity level at moderate and got TDEE of 1527 and TDEE of 2359. TDEE-15% is 2000 calories.

    I have set my goal at 1800 and generally eat between 1850 and 2000. I have finished my first week and I have gained a kilo (from 73.8 to 74.8).

    This is where I need mental strength to hang in there and be assured I am doing the right thing.

    I am, right?
  • bevpb
    bevpb Posts: 12 Member
    Hello All

    I'm new too! I joined just under 2 weeks ago. I was following the low cal diet as per MFP until I found this group. My weight had come to the dreaded plateau before I started at MFP so I knew I had to do something. Recording what I ate was the first step and then I discovered BMR and TDEE and hey I wasn't even eating my BMR! This group has been great.

    I've jumped right in and upped my calories to where they should be. I'm not eating all of my calorie allowance but I am eating more than I did previously.

    I am reducing weight again, but I think the progress may be slow as my body adjusts to eating food again so I'm not going to stress about my weight on the scales for now.

    However, what I have noticed is that the resistance training I'm recording doesn't alter my calorie burned total. I do lunges and squats. Does anyone have any ideas how to get around that?

    Anyway, we're all here and we want to reduce or shed some weight. Let's do it!
  • 10k4me
    10k4me Posts: 9 Member
    down to 74.4 today (-0.4) yay! perhaps finally the sign I need I am doing the right thing - let's see if it keeps tracking...
  • 10k4me
    10k4me Posts: 9 Member
    and bevpb I love your positivity, you're right - let's do it!
  • WhittRak
    WhittRak Posts: 572 Member
    Hi all! I am a 29 year old morbidly obese woman. I am 5'3 and weight 291 lbs. I weighed 305 when I began on this site 2 months ago. I have been eating very little, and not eating back my calories. I would consume around 1200 calories per day. The other day I was body just shut down. I have not been so kind to my body, and I am upping my calories significantly so it can get the fuel it needs when I work out. I am scared. I have had such weight loss success doing it the other way. I have been fat most of my life, and now people say to me " really are loosing weight" With that said....I am just scared of gaining the weight back. I will still eat healthy, with no processed foods as usual, but......more calories to me equals weight gain. If someone on here would like to add me to help me with this adjustment..I would be so so grateful.
  • Cyanid3
    Cyanid3 Posts: 112 Member
    Just thought I'd take a second to introduce myself since I've been popping up on various topics around here since I joined end of last week. I just switched over to MFP from another food journal for the community support, and thus far I'm loving it. The wealth of information and support here is amazing. I'm a pescetarian and try to eat a healthy diet; desserts are my weakness. Right now im dealing with a deployment, so I'm turning to a healthy weight loss and fitness to deal with my depression.
    As for my stats:
    I'm 5'4" at 154lbs (well, 155 now that I've been upping my cals)
    Waist: 32in
    Hip: 41 in
    Body fat: 36.6%
    My sw: 185
    Cw: 155
    Gw: 140
    Ugw: 130
    I really want my body fat to go down.
    Now that I've been trying to eat above my BMR of 1332, aiming for 1500cals, I've got to say I have way more energy, my depression is better, and my binges are less. Granted, I find it hard eating so many cals since I was restricting below 700 for a while, but I'm determined to do this the right way this time and lose more inches, even if the scale is going up for a while. I just hope that this really works, im so anxious to see results. I've been working out with the 30 Day Shred and im determined to finish all 30 days. My goal with that is to actually be able to do a pushup :tongue:

    I'm new, I'm determined, and support and friends are welcome!
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    Hey - just joined the group and have been reading through the pinned topics. Great information and much thanks to all that put in that hard work. It's been great getting read up on it all.

    As for me, I'm a 29 year old, wife and mother of 2 young boys. Just started (4-21) NROL for women. Have been on MFP for quite some time doing the lower calorie, sometimes lower carb thing. Nothing drastic but I've lost down to my 'last 10lbs' or so I thought...until I realized I'm not a big fan of the scale anyways and started concentrating on measurements, how my clothes feel, and how good of a workout I can complete. So to go along with NROL, I've upped my calories and looking to join up with those with similar goals.

    I'll be popping in and trying to catch up to learn more. Great to be here.
  • Marge321
    Marge321 Posts: 131 Member
    I don't recall posting I'll commit !

    I'm a 23 years old law student from Quebec (french speaking, excuse my bad english sometimes!) that had a hard time quitting dance and all those exciting physical activities before entering law school. Add a boyfriend on the top of that (you know, the slim boyfriend who can eats all he wants without taking a pound) and in 2-3 years, I added 30 pounds on my body.

    I've tried low calories diet...watching what I eat religiously, no this, no that...Dropped 5 pounds, gained it back the next month. Then got on MFP and discovered this group recently. I liked what I read !

    So I'm starting eating more, better and my boyfriend just bought me NROLFW. I want go lose at least 10 pounds, get a firmer body and just have an healthier way of life. I don't want to be that fat girl anymore :)

    My starting weight is 197. Right now I'm around 196 +/-

    Add me as a friend if you want, I like to have people to talk to and I come online many times a day !
  • guava6982
    guava6982 Posts: 26 Member
    Hi! I just joined this group. My name is Shannon. I've been on MFP for about 6 months with no weight loss. In 2008, I lost 20 lbs on WW in 4 months, exercising frequently and eating at a significant deficit. I am only 5'1", so 20 lbs looks like a lot on me. After my wedding that fall, I began steadily gaining back all 20 lbs. In March of 2011, I started doing NROLFW and lost about 10 lbs in the first 3 months. I maintained the loss for most of the year, but recently started gaining again, despite lifting heavy and watching my diet. I am currently eating 1450 cals, lifting 3-4x/week and getting in several cardio workouts per week, include my bike commute to work, occasional HIIT after lifting, and a weekly Zumba class. My current lifting program is Maximum Strength by Eric Cressey.

    Age: 29
    Height: 5'1"
    Current weight: 154
    Clothing size: 8, sometimes 6
    Goal weight: 135
    Goal clothing size: 4-6
    BF%: Not totally sure. Somewhere between 26 and 31%, depending on how it's measured.

    Diet: I am aiming for 40c/30p/30f, but I am a vegetarian, so this is definitely a challenge, especially because I get bored with food quickly! Another challenge that's on my mind when it comes to determining daily calories is that my weekends tend to be social. That is when I am most likely to have meals out or treats. Sometimes I get in enough exercise that day to offset the splurge, or sometimes I go over my calories, which is offset by the deficits throughout the week. I'm not sure how to make my lifestyle fit with the calorie advice given here. I would love to hear some thoughts.
  • 10k4me
    10k4me Posts: 9 Member
    down to 73.8 today but I'm sure it must all be water weight, I feel like I'm constantly on the loo!!!
  • AmyLRed
    AmyLRed Posts: 894 Member
    Hi All!! I have been a member for a few weeks, but i am currently on day 11 of eating more!!!
    My name is Amy, i live in Maine. I have had fair to great success so far, but started out as a 1200 cal girl in November, increased to 1400 in February or so, and just increased to 1600--1800 11 days back. I dropped weight quickly in the beginning, then still at a great pace for awhile, and now its sort of a trickle. I am ok with that, but really want to maximize my fat loss and maintain/increase muscle mass and strength while doing it.

    age: 32
    Height: 5'1"
    Current weight: 147.2 (for the last week and a half, then up today to 148.6. SW was 193.6 in November))
    Clothing size: 8, sometimes 6 for jeans, tops usually a L (started at a tight 14 and XL to XXL tops)
    Goal weight: 125ish
    Goal clothing size: 4 or so
    BF%: currently 32% (according to the hand held "thingy" my fitness instructor uses, and down fro 38% in December)

    I still eat some processed foods but no where near the amount that i used to, and i aim for over 100g protein per day. Currently i work out regularly T, TH, and Sat, fitness classes that include cardio kickboxing, strength training, bootcamp, etc. I have just begun to incorporate some running on days in between, but i am brand new to running so it is minimal and not yet a consistent part of my routine. (goal is to run 3x week) I do not have a gym membership and its difficult for me to get to one consistently, so that is why i do the classes that take place with an independent trainer at a former karate facility. I live in a very rural area.

    I have read the articles linked as helpful info, etc and i am planning to hang in there, but to be honest, i am a little anxious that the scale was UP this am. staying the same was one thing, but i dont know if i can watch the scale go up. I did read that this CAN happen though, so trying to hang in there. My diary is open to friends, and i dont mind requests from others here at all, and if you want me to open my diary i certainly can do that as well.

    I just wanted to introduce myself and put it out there that i am trying, would love some tips or advice if my cal intake needs to be higher, lower, etc.


    Edited: i forgot i am not 31 anymore. i turned 32 almost 2 months ago! lol
  • divediva2
    divediva2 Posts: 297 Member
    Evening all,

    I have been back on MFP for about a week now and joined this group a few days ago. At first I was a little worried. I still am to be honest. I have watched the videos on You Tube, thank you 31Prvbs for the time and energy you put into them, they answer many questions I have. I have them subscribed on my account so I can review them again! I also got the New Rules for Lifting book on my Kobo (it's an ereader we have up here in Canada, not sure if you have the same brand down in the US!) I am working through it.

    My dieting history goes back to my teen years, yup, mum thought I was fat so she took me along to TOPS. Loved the ladies there, they all adopted me! I was the only kid there. And when I look back now, I was not really fat, curvy yes but not fat.

    In my 20s I gained weight after my pregnancies, not during! Nope, during I lost weight and tons of it. My metabolism revved up then, I had nice healthy weight babies but I lost weight with each pregnancy. After my third child I was home and I just seemed to let myself go. Not sure why. I was exhausted, I think I ate what was left over on the kids plates for my meals. I had no time to go and exercise, I was tired.

    My wake up was at my oldest daughters wedding, 2004. OMG when I saw the pictures I cried. Yes my daughter looked lovely but I looked horrendous, all 225lbs of me. You see when my daughter was born I weighed 125 lbs, so in 23 years I gained 100 lbs. That is when I joined Weight Watchers. I did really well with the plan, lost 44 lbs with them and life changed for me. I went back to school, I became active at a gym, I got my diving certification and I felt great.

    Then I stalled, that was 5 years ago, since then I have played with the same 10 lbs, losing them and gaining them back. I cannot seem to get down below 180 lbs. Which would be fine if I was tall but I am not! I am only 5' 1" (there is a half inch there but it is hard to type it!!!)

    So my new stats as of May 1 2012 are:

    Weight 191 lbs
    Height 5' 1 1/2"
    Age 54
    TDEE 2087 BMR 1517 I am aiming for a daily calorie consumption of 1774.

    I was one of those dieters that has been described so well in the videos, ate minimum calories, loses and gains the same couple of pounds over and over. Sticks to her diet really well for a few days or all week and then "blows" it on the week end or binges on a few cookies, chocolate bars or a bag of probably have been there too!

    I love strength training and I want to get back to it, I let it slide (what was I thinking???) and I am not fond of all out cardio but I do love to walk so that would be my cardio of choice, at least 3 times a week and outside so I can enjoy what nature has to offer.

    Any suggestions are welcome. I need to do my measurements but I cannot find my dang measuring tape!!! And if I was really brave I would do a picture.....